2016-12-11 19:31:31 +01:00

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// Copyright 2015, 2016 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! LES buffer flow management.
//! Every request in the LES protocol leads to a reduction
//! of the requester's buffer value as a rate-limiting mechanism.
//! This buffer value will recharge at a set rate.
//! This module provides an interface for configuration of buffer
//! flow costs and recharge rates.
//! Current default costs are picked completely arbitrarily, not based
//! on any empirical timings or mathematical models.
use request;
use super::packet;
use super::error::Error;
use rlp::*;
use util::U256;
use time::{Duration, SteadyTime};
/// A request cost specification.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Cost(pub U256, pub U256);
/// Buffer value.
/// Produced and recharged using `FlowParams`.
/// Definitive updates can be made as well -- these will reset the recharge
/// point to the time of the update.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Buffer {
estimate: U256,
recharge_point: SteadyTime,
impl Buffer {
/// Get the current buffer value.
pub fn current(&self) -> U256 { self.estimate.clone() }
/// Make a definitive update.
/// This will be the value obtained after receiving
/// a response to a request.
pub fn update_to(&mut self, value: U256) {
self.estimate = value;
self.recharge_point = SteadyTime::now();
/// Attempt to apply the given cost to the buffer.
/// If successful, the cost will be deducted successfully.
/// If unsuccessful, the structure will be unaltered an an
/// error will be produced.
pub fn deduct_cost(&mut self, cost: U256) -> Result<(), Error> {
match cost > self.estimate {
true => Err(Error::BufferEmpty),
false => {
self.estimate = self.estimate - cost;
/// A cost table, mapping requests to base and per-request costs.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct CostTable {
headers: Cost,
bodies: Cost,
receipts: Cost,
state_proofs: Cost,
contract_codes: Cost,
header_proofs: Cost,
impl Default for CostTable {
fn default() -> Self {
// arbitrarily chosen constants.
CostTable {
headers: Cost(100000.into(), 10000.into()),
bodies: Cost(150000.into(), 15000.into()),
receipts: Cost(50000.into(), 5000.into()),
state_proofs: Cost(250000.into(), 25000.into()),
contract_codes: Cost(200000.into(), 20000.into()),
header_proofs: Cost(150000.into(), 15000.into()),
impl RlpEncodable for CostTable {
fn rlp_append(&self, s: &mut RlpStream) {
fn append_cost(s: &mut RlpStream, msg_id: u8, cost: &Cost) {
append_cost(s, packet::GET_BLOCK_HEADERS, &self.headers);
append_cost(s, packet::GET_BLOCK_BODIES, &self.bodies);
append_cost(s, packet::GET_RECEIPTS, &self.receipts);
append_cost(s, packet::GET_PROOFS, &self.state_proofs);
append_cost(s, packet::GET_CONTRACT_CODES, &self.contract_codes);
append_cost(s, packet::GET_HEADER_PROOFS, &self.header_proofs);
impl RlpDecodable for CostTable {
fn decode<D>(decoder: &D) -> Result<Self, DecoderError> where D: Decoder {
let rlp = decoder.as_rlp();
let mut headers = None;
let mut bodies = None;
let mut receipts = None;
let mut state_proofs = None;
let mut contract_codes = None;
let mut header_proofs = None;
for row in rlp.iter() {
let msg_id: u8 = try!(row.val_at(0));
let cost = {
let base = try!(row.val_at(1));
let per = try!(row.val_at(2));
Cost(base, per)
match msg_id {
packet::GET_BLOCK_HEADERS => headers = Some(cost),
packet::GET_BLOCK_BODIES => bodies = Some(cost),
packet::GET_RECEIPTS => receipts = Some(cost),
packet::GET_PROOFS => state_proofs = Some(cost),
packet::GET_CONTRACT_CODES => contract_codes = Some(cost),
packet::GET_HEADER_PROOFS => header_proofs = Some(cost),
_ => return Err(DecoderError::Custom("Unrecognized message in cost table")),
Ok(CostTable {
headers: try!(headers.ok_or(DecoderError::Custom("No headers cost specified"))),
bodies: try!(bodies.ok_or(DecoderError::Custom("No bodies cost specified"))),
receipts: try!(receipts.ok_or(DecoderError::Custom("No receipts cost specified"))),
state_proofs: try!(state_proofs.ok_or(DecoderError::Custom("No proofs cost specified"))),
contract_codes: try!(contract_codes.ok_or(DecoderError::Custom("No contract codes specified"))),
header_proofs: try!(header_proofs.ok_or(DecoderError::Custom("No header proofs cost specified"))),
/// A buffer-flow manager handles costs, recharge, limits
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct FlowParams {
costs: CostTable,
limit: U256,
recharge: U256,
impl FlowParams {
/// Create new flow parameters from a request cost table,
/// buffer limit, and (minimum) rate of recharge.
pub fn new(limit: U256, costs: CostTable, recharge: U256) -> Self {
FlowParams {
costs: costs,
limit: limit,
recharge: recharge,
/// Get a reference to the buffer limit.
pub fn limit(&self) -> &U256 { &self.limit }
/// Get a reference to the cost table.
pub fn cost_table(&self) -> &CostTable { &self.costs }
/// Get a reference to the recharge rate.
pub fn recharge_rate(&self) -> &U256 { &self.recharge }
/// Compute the actual cost of a request, given the kind of request
/// and number of requests made.
pub fn compute_cost(&self, kind: request::Kind, amount: usize) -> U256 {
let cost = match kind {
request::Kind::Headers => &self.costs.headers,
request::Kind::Bodies => &self.costs.bodies,
request::Kind::Receipts => &self.costs.receipts,
request::Kind::StateProofs => &self.costs.state_proofs,
request::Kind::Codes => &self.costs.contract_codes,
request::Kind::HeaderProofs => &self.costs.header_proofs,
let amount: U256 = amount.into();
cost.0 + (amount * cost.1)
/// Compute the maximum number of costs of a specific kind which can be made
/// with the given buffer.
/// Saturates at `usize::max()`. This is not a problem in practice because
/// this amount of requests is already prohibitively large.
pub fn max_amount(&self, buffer: &Buffer, kind: request::Kind) -> usize {
use util::Uint;
use std::usize;
let cost = match kind {
request::Kind::Headers => &self.costs.headers,
request::Kind::Bodies => &self.costs.bodies,
request::Kind::Receipts => &self.costs.receipts,
request::Kind::StateProofs => &self.costs.state_proofs,
request::Kind::Codes => &self.costs.contract_codes,
request::Kind::HeaderProofs => &self.costs.header_proofs,
let start = buffer.current();
if start <= cost.0 {
return 0;
} else if cost.1 == U256::zero() {
return usize::MAX;
let max = (start - cost.0) / cost.1;
if max >= usize::MAX.into() {
} else {
max.as_u64() as usize
/// Create initial buffer parameter.
pub fn create_buffer(&self) -> Buffer {
Buffer {
estimate: self.limit,
recharge_point: SteadyTime::now(),
/// Recharge the buffer based on time passed since last
/// update.
pub fn recharge(&self, buf: &mut Buffer) {
let now = SteadyTime::now();
// recompute and update only in terms of full seconds elapsed
// in order to keep the estimate as an underestimate.
let elapsed = (now - buf.recharge_point).num_seconds();
buf.recharge_point = buf.recharge_point + Duration::seconds(elapsed);
let elapsed: U256 = elapsed.into();
buf.estimate = ::std::cmp::min(self.limit, buf.estimate + (elapsed * self.recharge));
/// Refund some buffer which was previously deducted.
/// Does not update the recharge timestamp.
pub fn refund(&self, buf: &mut Buffer, refund_amount: U256) {
buf.estimate = buf.estimate + refund_amount;
if buf.estimate > self.limit {
buf.estimate = self.limit
impl Default for FlowParams {
fn default() -> Self {
FlowParams {
limit: 50_000_000.into(),
costs: CostTable::default(),
recharge: 100_000.into(),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn should_serialize_cost_table() {
let costs = CostTable::default();
let serialized = ::rlp::encode(&costs);
let new_costs: CostTable = ::rlp::decode(&*serialized);
assert_eq!(costs, new_costs);
fn buffer_mechanism() {
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
let flow_params = FlowParams::new(100.into(), Default::default(), 20.into());
let mut buffer = flow_params.create_buffer();
flow_params.recharge(&mut buffer);
assert_eq!(buffer.estimate, 100.into());