* ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration * ethcore/spec: add mordor testnet configuration * parity/cli: add mordor testnet configuration * parity/config: fix tests * ethcore/res: update mordor spec with agharta hardfork block 301243 * ethcore/res: update kotti with agharta block 1705549 * ethcore/res: update morden with agharta block 5000381 * ethcore/res: multiple prices and activations for mordor testnet * fix mordor spec json * fix mordor spec json
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// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use std::sync::Arc;
use dir::Directories;
use ethereum_types::Address;
use ethkey::Password;
use params::{SpecType, AccountsConfig};
#[cfg(not(feature = "accounts"))]
mod accounts {
use super::*;
/// Dummy AccountProvider
pub struct AccountProvider;
impl ::ethcore::miner::LocalAccounts for AccountProvider {
fn is_local(&self, _address: &Address) -> bool {
pub fn prepare_account_provider(_spec: &SpecType, _dirs: &Directories, _data_dir: &str, _cfg: AccountsConfig, _passwords: &[Password]) -> Result<AccountProvider, String> {
warn!("Note: Your instance of Parity Ethereum is running without account support. Some CLI options are ignored.");
pub fn miner_local_accounts(_: Arc<AccountProvider>) -> AccountProvider {
pub fn miner_author(_spec: &SpecType, _dirs: &Directories, _account_provider: &Arc<AccountProvider>, _engine_signer: Address, _passwords: &[Password]) -> Result<Option<::ethcore::miner::Author>, String> {
pub fn private_tx_signer(_account_provider: Arc<AccountProvider>, _passwords: &[Password]) -> Result<Arc<::ethcore_private_tx::Signer>, String> {
pub fn accounts_list(_account_provider: Arc<AccountProvider>) -> Arc<Fn() -> Vec<Address> + Send + Sync> {
Arc::new(|| vec![])
#[cfg(feature = "accounts")]
mod accounts {
use super::*;
use upgrade::upgrade_key_location;
use ethereum_types::H160;
use std::str::FromStr;
pub use accounts::AccountProvider;
/// Pops along with error messages when a password is missing or invalid.
const VERIFY_PASSWORD_HINT: &str = "Make sure valid password is present in files passed using `--password` or in the configuration file.";
/// Initialize account provider
pub fn prepare_account_provider(spec: &SpecType, dirs: &Directories, data_dir: &str, cfg: AccountsConfig, passwords: &[Password]) -> Result<AccountProvider, String> {
use ethstore::EthStore;
use ethstore::accounts_dir::RootDiskDirectory;
use accounts::AccountProviderSettings;
let path = dirs.keys_path(data_dir);
upgrade_key_location(&dirs.legacy_keys_path(cfg.testnet), &path);
let dir = Box::new(RootDiskDirectory::create(&path).map_err(|e| format!("Could not open keys directory: {}", e))?);
let account_settings = AccountProviderSettings {
unlock_keep_secret: cfg.enable_fast_unlock,
blacklisted_accounts: match *spec {
SpecType::Morden | SpecType::Mordor | SpecType::Ropsten | SpecType::Kovan | SpecType::Goerli | SpecType::Kotti | SpecType::Sokol | SpecType::Dev => vec![],
_ => vec![
H160::from_str("00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea72").expect("the string is valid hex; qed"),
let ethstore = EthStore::open_with_iterations(dir, cfg.iterations).map_err(|e| format!("Could not open keys directory: {}", e))?;
if cfg.refresh_time > 0 {
let account_provider = AccountProvider::new(
// Add development account if running dev chain:
if let SpecType::Dev = *spec {
for a in cfg.unlocked_accounts {
// Check if the account exists
if !account_provider.has_account(a) {
return Err(format!("Account {} not found for the current chain. {}", a, build_create_account_hint(spec, &dirs.keys)));
// Check if any passwords have been read from the password file(s)
if passwords.is_empty() {
return Err(format!("No password found to unlock account {}. {}", a, VERIFY_PASSWORD_HINT));
if !passwords.iter().any(|p| account_provider.unlock_account_permanently(a, (*p).clone()).is_ok()) {
return Err(format!("No valid password to unlock account {}. {}", a, VERIFY_PASSWORD_HINT));
pub struct LocalAccounts(Arc<AccountProvider>);
impl ::ethcore::miner::LocalAccounts for LocalAccounts {
fn is_local(&self, address: &Address) -> bool {
pub fn miner_local_accounts(account_provider: Arc<AccountProvider>) -> LocalAccounts {
pub fn miner_author(spec: &SpecType, dirs: &Directories, account_provider: &Arc<AccountProvider>, engine_signer: Address, passwords: &[Password]) -> Result<Option<::ethcore::miner::Author>, String> {
use engine::signer::EngineSigner;
// Check if engine signer exists
if !account_provider.has_account(engine_signer) {
return Err(format!("Consensus signer account not found for the current chain. {}", build_create_account_hint(spec, &dirs.keys)));
// Check if any passwords have been read from the password file(s)
if passwords.is_empty() {
return Err(format!("No password found for the consensus signer {}. {}", engine_signer, VERIFY_PASSWORD_HINT));
let mut author = None;
for password in passwords {
let signer = parity_rpc::signer::EngineSigner::new(
if signer.sign(Default::default()).is_ok() {
author = Some(::ethcore::miner::Author::Sealer(Box::new(signer)));
if author.is_none() {
return Err(format!("No valid password for the consensus signer {}. {}", engine_signer, VERIFY_PASSWORD_HINT));
mod private_tx {
use super::*;
use parity_crypto::publickey::{Signature, Message};
use ethcore_private_tx::{Error};
pub struct AccountSigner {
pub accounts: Arc<AccountProvider>,
pub passwords: Vec<Password>,
impl ::ethcore_private_tx::Signer for AccountSigner {
fn decrypt(&self, account: Address, shared_mac: &[u8], payload: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let password = self.find_account_password(&account);
Ok(self.accounts.decrypt(account, password, shared_mac, payload).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?)
fn sign(&self, account: Address, hash: Message) -> Result<Signature, Error> {
let password = self.find_account_password(&account);
Ok(self.accounts.sign(account, password, hash).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?)
impl AccountSigner {
/// Try to unlock account using stored password, return found password if any
fn find_account_password(&self, account: &Address) -> Option<Password> {
for password in &self.passwords {
if let Ok(true) = self.accounts.test_password(account, password) {
return Some(password.clone());
pub fn private_tx_signer(accounts: Arc<AccountProvider>, passwords: &[Password]) -> Result<Arc<dyn (ethcore_private_tx::Signer)>, String> {
Ok(Arc::new(self::private_tx::AccountSigner {
passwords: passwords.to_vec(),
pub fn accounts_list(account_provider: Arc<AccountProvider>) -> Arc<dyn Fn() -> Vec<Address> + Send + Sync> {
Arc::new(move || account_provider.accounts().unwrap_or_default())
fn insert_dev_account(account_provider: &AccountProvider) {
let secret = parity_crypto::publickey::Secret::from_str("4d5db4107d237df6a3d58ee5f70ae63d73d7658d4026f2eefd2f204c81682cb7".into()).expect("Valid account;qed");
let dev_account = parity_crypto::publickey::KeyPair::from_secret(secret.clone()).expect("Valid secret produces valid key;qed");
if !account_provider.has_account(dev_account.address()) {
match account_provider.insert_account(secret, &Password::from(String::new())) {
Err(e) => warn!("Unable to add development account: {}", e),
Ok(address) => {
let _ = account_provider.set_account_name(address.clone(), "Development Account".into());
let _ = account_provider.set_account_meta(address, ::serde_json::to_string(&(vec![
("description", "Never use this account outside of development chain!"),
("passwordHint","Password is empty string"),
].into_iter().collect::<::std::collections::HashMap<_,_>>())).expect("Serialization of hashmap does not fail."));
// Construct an error `String` with an adaptive hint on how to create an account.
fn build_create_account_hint(spec: &SpecType, keys: &str) -> String {
format!("You can create an account via RPC, UI or `parity account new --chain {} --keys-path {}`.", spec, keys)
pub use self::accounts::{