* Tag sensible place (ECHECH) * Additional overflows checks.
1235 lines
41 KiB
1235 lines
41 KiB
// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Rust VM implementation
mod informant;
mod gasometer;
mod stack;
mod memory;
mod shared_cache;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::{cmp, mem};
use std::sync::Arc;
use hash::keccak;
use bytes::Bytes;
use ethereum_types::{U256, U512, H256, Address};
use vm::{
self, ActionParams, ParamsType, ActionValue, CallType, MessageCallResult,
ContractCreateResult, CreateContractAddress, ReturnData, GasLeft, Schedule,
TrapKind, TrapError
use evm::CostType;
use instructions::{self, Instruction, InstructionInfo};
use self::gasometer::Gasometer;
use self::stack::{Stack, VecStack};
use self::memory::Memory;
pub use self::shared_cache::SharedCache;
use bit_set::BitSet;
const GASOMETER_PROOF: &str = "If gasometer is None, Err is immediately returned in step; this function is only called by step; qed";
type ProgramCounter = usize;
const ONE: U256 = U256([1, 0, 0, 0]);
const TWO: U256 = U256([2, 0, 0, 0]);
const TWO_POW_5: U256 = U256([0x20, 0, 0, 0]);
const TWO_POW_8: U256 = U256([0x100, 0, 0, 0]);
const TWO_POW_16: U256 = U256([0x10000, 0, 0, 0]);
const TWO_POW_24: U256 = U256([0x1000000, 0, 0, 0]);
const TWO_POW_64: U256 = U256([0, 0x1, 0, 0]); // 0x1 00000000 00000000
const TWO_POW_96: U256 = U256([0, 0x100000000, 0, 0]); //0x1 00000000 00000000 00000000
const TWO_POW_224: U256 = U256([0, 0, 0, 0x100000000]); //0x1 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
const TWO_POW_248: U256 = U256([0, 0, 0, 0x100000000000000]); //0x1 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000000
/// Abstraction over raw vector of Bytes. Easier state management of PC.
struct CodeReader {
position: ProgramCounter,
code: Arc<Bytes>,
impl CodeReader {
/// Create new code reader - starting at position 0.
fn new(code: Arc<Bytes>) -> Self {
CodeReader {
position: 0,
/// Get `no_of_bytes` from code and convert to U256. Move PC
fn read(&mut self, no_of_bytes: usize) -> U256 {
let pos = self.position;
self.position += no_of_bytes;
let max = cmp::min(pos + no_of_bytes, self.code.len());
fn len(&self) -> usize {
enum InstructionResult<Gas> {
StopExecutionNeedsReturn {
/// Gas left.
gas: Gas,
/// Return data offset.
init_off: U256,
/// Return data size.
init_size: U256,
/// Apply or revert state changes.
apply: bool,
enum Never {}
/// ActionParams without code, so that it can be feed into CodeReader.
struct InterpreterParams {
/// Address of currently executed code.
pub code_address: Address,
/// Hash of currently executed code.
pub code_hash: Option<H256>,
/// Receive address. Usually equal to code_address,
/// except when called using CALLCODE.
pub address: Address,
/// Sender of current part of the transaction.
pub sender: Address,
/// Transaction initiator.
pub origin: Address,
/// Gas paid up front for transaction execution
pub gas: U256,
/// Gas price.
pub gas_price: U256,
/// Transaction value.
pub value: ActionValue,
/// Input data.
pub data: Option<Bytes>,
/// Type of call
pub call_type: CallType,
/// Param types encoding
pub params_type: ParamsType,
impl From<ActionParams> for InterpreterParams {
fn from(params: ActionParams) -> Self {
InterpreterParams {
code_address: params.code_address,
code_hash: params.code_hash,
address: params.address,
sender: params.sender,
origin: params.origin,
gas: params.gas,
gas_price: params.gas_price,
value: params.value,
data: params.data,
call_type: params.call_type,
params_type: params.params_type,
/// Stepping result returned by interpreter.
pub enum InterpreterResult {
/// The VM has already stopped.
/// The VM has just finished execution in the current step.
/// The VM can continue to run.
impl From<vm::Error> for InterpreterResult {
fn from(error: vm::Error) -> InterpreterResult {
/// Intepreter EVM implementation
pub struct Interpreter<Cost: CostType> {
mem: Vec<u8>,
cache: Arc<SharedCache>,
params: InterpreterParams,
reader: CodeReader,
return_data: ReturnData,
informant: informant::EvmInformant,
do_trace: bool,
done: bool,
valid_jump_destinations: Option<Arc<BitSet>>,
gasometer: Option<Gasometer<Cost>>,
stack: VecStack<U256>,
resume_output_range: Option<(U256, U256)>,
resume_result: Option<InstructionResult<Cost>>,
last_stack_ret_len: usize,
_type: PhantomData<Cost>,
impl<Cost: 'static + CostType> vm::Exec for Interpreter<Cost> {
fn exec(mut self: Box<Self>, ext: &mut vm::Ext) -> vm::ExecTrapResult<GasLeft> {
loop {
let result = self.step(ext);
match result {
InterpreterResult::Continue => {},
InterpreterResult::Done(value) => return Ok(value),
InterpreterResult::Trap(trap) => match trap {
TrapKind::Call(params) => {
return Err(TrapError::Call(params, self));
TrapKind::Create(params, address) => {
return Err(TrapError::Create(params, address, self));
InterpreterResult::Stopped => panic!("Attempted to execute an already stopped VM.")
impl<Cost: 'static + CostType> vm::ResumeCall for Interpreter<Cost> {
fn resume_call(mut self: Box<Self>, result: MessageCallResult) -> Box<vm::Exec> {
let this = &mut *self;
let (out_off, out_size) = this.resume_output_range.take().expect("Box<ResumeCall> is obtained from a call opcode; resume_output_range is always set after those opcodes are executed; qed");
match result {
MessageCallResult::Success(gas_left, data) => {
let output = this.mem.writeable_slice(out_off, out_size);
let len = cmp::min(output.len(), data.len());
(&mut output[..len]).copy_from_slice(&data[..len]);
this.return_data = data;
this.resume_result = Some(InstructionResult::UnusedGas(Cost::from_u256(gas_left).expect("Gas left cannot be greater than current one")));
MessageCallResult::Reverted(gas_left, data) => {
let output = this.mem.writeable_slice(out_off, out_size);
let len = cmp::min(output.len(), data.len());
(&mut output[..len]).copy_from_slice(&data[..len]);
this.return_data = data;
this.resume_result = Some(InstructionResult::UnusedGas(Cost::from_u256(gas_left).expect("Gas left cannot be greater than current one")));
MessageCallResult::Failed => {
this.resume_result = Some(InstructionResult::Ok);
impl<Cost: 'static + CostType> vm::ResumeCreate for Interpreter<Cost> {
fn resume_create(mut self: Box<Self>, result: ContractCreateResult) -> Box<vm::Exec> {
match result {
ContractCreateResult::Created(address, gas_left) => {
self.resume_result = Some(InstructionResult::UnusedGas(Cost::from_u256(gas_left).expect("Gas left cannot be greater.")));
ContractCreateResult::Reverted(gas_left, return_data) => {
self.return_data = return_data;
self.resume_result = Some(InstructionResult::UnusedGas(Cost::from_u256(gas_left).expect("Gas left cannot be greater.")));
ContractCreateResult::Failed => {
self.resume_result = Some(InstructionResult::Ok);
impl<Cost: CostType> Interpreter<Cost> {
/// Create a new `Interpreter` instance with shared cache.
pub fn new(mut params: ActionParams, cache: Arc<SharedCache>, schedule: &Schedule, depth: usize) -> Interpreter<Cost> {
let reader = CodeReader::new(params.code.take().expect("VM always called with code; qed"));
let params = InterpreterParams::from(params);
let informant = informant::EvmInformant::new(depth);
let valid_jump_destinations = None;
let gasometer = Cost::from_u256(params.gas).ok().map(|gas| Gasometer::<Cost>::new(gas));
let stack = VecStack::with_capacity(schedule.stack_limit, U256::zero());
Interpreter {
cache, params, reader, informant,
valid_jump_destinations, gasometer, stack,
done: false,
do_trace: true,
mem: Vec::new(),
return_data: ReturnData::empty(),
last_stack_ret_len: 0,
resume_output_range: None,
resume_result: None,
_type: PhantomData,
/// Execute a single step on the VM.
pub fn step(&mut self, ext: &mut vm::Ext) -> InterpreterResult {
if self.done {
return InterpreterResult::Stopped;
let result = if self.gasometer.is_none() {
} else if self.reader.len() == 0 {
InterpreterResult::Done(Ok(GasLeft::Known(self.gasometer.as_ref().expect("Gasometer None case is checked above; qed").current_gas.as_u256())))
} else {
self.step_inner(ext).err().expect("step_inner never returns Ok(()); qed")
if let &InterpreterResult::Done(_) = &result {
self.done = true;
return result;
/// Inner helper function for step.
fn step_inner(&mut self, ext: &mut vm::Ext) -> Result<Never, InterpreterResult> {
let result = match self.resume_result.take() {
Some(result) => result,
None => {
let opcode = self.reader.code[self.reader.position];
let instruction = Instruction::from_u8(opcode);
self.reader.position += 1;
// TODO: make compile-time removable if too much of a performance hit.
self.do_trace = self.do_trace && ext.trace_next_instruction(
self.reader.position - 1, opcode, self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).current_gas.as_u256(),
let instruction = match instruction {
Some(i) => i,
None => return Err(InterpreterResult::Done(Err(vm::Error::BadInstruction {
instruction: opcode
let info = instruction.info();
self.last_stack_ret_len = info.ret;
self.verify_instruction(ext, instruction, info)?;
// Calculate gas cost
let requirements = self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).requirements(ext, instruction, info, &self.stack, self.mem.size())?;
if self.do_trace {
ext.trace_prepare_execute(self.reader.position - 1, opcode, requirements.gas_cost.as_u256(), Self::mem_written(instruction, &self.stack), Self::store_written(instruction, &self.stack));
self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).current_mem_gas = requirements.memory_total_gas;
self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).current_gas = self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).current_gas - requirements.gas_cost;
evm_debug!({ self.informant.before_instruction(self.reader.position, instruction, info, &self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).current_gas, &self.stack) });
// Execute instruction
let current_gas = self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).current_gas;
let result = self.exec_instruction(
current_gas, ext, instruction, requirements.provide_gas
evm_debug!({ self.informant.after_instruction(instruction) });
if let InstructionResult::Trap(trap) = result {
return Err(InterpreterResult::Trap(trap));
if let InstructionResult::UnusedGas(ref gas) = result {
self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).current_gas = self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).current_gas + *gas;
if self.do_trace {
// Advance
match result {
InstructionResult::JumpToPosition(position) => {
if self.valid_jump_destinations.is_none() {
self.valid_jump_destinations = Some(self.cache.jump_destinations(&self.params.code_hash, &self.reader.code));
let jump_destinations = self.valid_jump_destinations.as_ref().expect("jump_destinations are initialized on first jump; qed");
let pos = self.verify_jump(position, jump_destinations)?;
self.reader.position = pos;
InstructionResult::StopExecutionNeedsReturn {gas, init_off, init_size, apply} => {
let mem = mem::replace(&mut self.mem, Vec::new());
return Err(InterpreterResult::Done(Ok(GasLeft::NeedsReturn {
gas_left: gas.as_u256(),
data: mem.into_return_data(init_off, init_size),
apply_state: apply
InstructionResult::StopExecution => {
return Err(InterpreterResult::Done(Ok(GasLeft::Known(self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).current_gas.as_u256()))));
_ => {},
if self.reader.position >= self.reader.len() {
return Err(InterpreterResult::Done(Ok(GasLeft::Known(self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).current_gas.as_u256()))));
fn verify_instruction(&self, ext: &vm::Ext, instruction: Instruction, info: &InstructionInfo) -> vm::Result<()> {
let schedule = ext.schedule();
if (instruction == instructions::DELEGATECALL && !schedule.have_delegate_call) ||
(instruction == instructions::CREATE2 && !schedule.have_create2) ||
(instruction == instructions::STATICCALL && !schedule.have_static_call) ||
((instruction == instructions::RETURNDATACOPY || instruction == instructions::RETURNDATASIZE) && !schedule.have_return_data) ||
(instruction == instructions::REVERT && !schedule.have_revert) ||
((instruction == instructions::SHL || instruction == instructions::SHR || instruction == instructions::SAR) && !schedule.have_bitwise_shifting) ||
(instruction == instructions::EXTCODEHASH && !schedule.have_extcodehash)
return Err(vm::Error::BadInstruction {
instruction: instruction as u8
if !self.stack.has(info.args) {
Err(vm::Error::StackUnderflow {
instruction: info.name,
wanted: info.args,
on_stack: self.stack.size()
} else if self.stack.size() - info.args + info.ret > schedule.stack_limit {
Err(vm::Error::OutOfStack {
instruction: info.name,
wanted: info.ret - info.args,
limit: schedule.stack_limit
} else {
fn mem_written(
instruction: Instruction,
stack: &Stack<U256>
) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
let read = |pos| stack.peek(pos).low_u64() as usize;
let written = match instruction {
instructions::MSTORE | instructions::MLOAD => Some((read(0), 32)),
instructions::MSTORE8 => Some((read(0), 1)),
instructions::CALLDATACOPY | instructions::CODECOPY | instructions::RETURNDATACOPY => Some((read(0), read(2))),
instructions::EXTCODECOPY => Some((read(1), read(3))),
instructions::CALL | instructions::CALLCODE => Some((read(5), read(6))),
instructions::DELEGATECALL | instructions::STATICCALL => Some((read(4), read(5))),
_ => None,
match written {
Some((offset, size)) if !memory::is_valid_range(offset, size) => None,
written => written,
fn store_written(
instruction: Instruction,
stack: &Stack<U256>
) -> Option<(U256, U256)> {
match instruction {
instructions::SSTORE => Some((stack.peek(0).clone(), stack.peek(1).clone())),
_ => None,
fn exec_instruction(
&mut self,
gas: Cost,
ext: &mut vm::Ext,
instruction: Instruction,
provided: Option<Cost>
) -> vm::Result<InstructionResult<Cost>> {
match instruction {
instructions::JUMP => {
let jump = self.stack.pop_back();
return Ok(InstructionResult::JumpToPosition(
instructions::JUMPI => {
let jump = self.stack.pop_back();
let condition = self.stack.pop_back();
if !condition.is_zero() {
return Ok(InstructionResult::JumpToPosition(
instructions::JUMPDEST => {
// ignore
instructions::CREATE | instructions::CREATE2 => {
let endowment = self.stack.pop_back();
let init_off = self.stack.pop_back();
let init_size = self.stack.pop_back();
let address_scheme = match instruction {
instructions::CREATE => CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce,
instructions::CREATE2 => CreateContractAddress::FromSenderSaltAndCodeHash(self.stack.pop_back().into()),
_ => unreachable!("instruction can only be CREATE/CREATE2 checked above; qed"),
let create_gas = provided.expect("`provided` comes through Self::exec from `Gasometer::get_gas_cost_mem`; `gas_gas_mem_cost` guarantees `Some` when instruction is `CALL`/`CALLCODE`/`DELEGATECALL`/`CREATE`; this is `CREATE`; qed");
if ext.is_static() {
return Err(vm::Error::MutableCallInStaticContext);
// clear return data buffer before creating new call frame.
self.return_data = ReturnData::empty();
let can_create = ext.balance(&self.params.address)? >= endowment && ext.depth() < ext.schedule().max_depth;
if !can_create {
return Ok(InstructionResult::UnusedGas(create_gas));
let contract_code = self.mem.read_slice(init_off, init_size);
let create_result = ext.create(&create_gas.as_u256(), &endowment, contract_code, address_scheme, true);
return match create_result {
Ok(ContractCreateResult::Created(address, gas_left)) => {
Ok(InstructionResult::UnusedGas(Cost::from_u256(gas_left).expect("Gas left cannot be greater.")))
Ok(ContractCreateResult::Reverted(gas_left, return_data)) => {
self.return_data = return_data;
Ok(InstructionResult::UnusedGas(Cost::from_u256(gas_left).expect("Gas left cannot be greater.")))
Ok(ContractCreateResult::Failed) => {
Err(trap) => {
instructions::CALL | instructions::CALLCODE | instructions::DELEGATECALL | instructions::STATICCALL => {
assert!(ext.schedule().call_value_transfer_gas > ext.schedule().call_stipend, "overflow possible");
let call_gas = provided.expect("`provided` comes through Self::exec from `Gasometer::get_gas_cost_mem`; `gas_gas_mem_cost` guarantees `Some` when instruction is `CALL`/`CALLCODE`/`DELEGATECALL`/`CREATE`; this is one of `CALL`/`CALLCODE`/`DELEGATECALL`; qed");
let code_address = self.stack.pop_back();
let code_address = u256_to_address(&code_address);
let value = if instruction == instructions::DELEGATECALL {
} else if instruction == instructions::STATICCALL {
} else {
let in_off = self.stack.pop_back();
let in_size = self.stack.pop_back();
let out_off = self.stack.pop_back();
let out_size = self.stack.pop_back();
// Add stipend (only CALL|CALLCODE when value > 0)
let call_gas = call_gas.overflow_add(value.map_or_else(|| Cost::from(0), |val| match val.is_zero() {
false => Cost::from(ext.schedule().call_stipend),
true => Cost::from(0),
// Get sender & receive addresses, check if we have balance
let (sender_address, receive_address, has_balance, call_type) = match instruction {
instructions::CALL => {
if ext.is_static() && value.map_or(false, |v| !v.is_zero()) {
return Err(vm::Error::MutableCallInStaticContext);
let has_balance = ext.balance(&self.params.address)? >= value.expect("value set for all but delegate call; qed");
(&self.params.address, &code_address, has_balance, CallType::Call)
instructions::CALLCODE => {
let has_balance = ext.balance(&self.params.address)? >= value.expect("value set for all but delegate call; qed");
(&self.params.address, &self.params.address, has_balance, CallType::CallCode)
instructions::DELEGATECALL => (&self.params.sender, &self.params.address, true, CallType::DelegateCall),
instructions::STATICCALL => (&self.params.address, &code_address, true, CallType::StaticCall),
_ => panic!(format!("Unexpected instruction {:?} in CALL branch.", instruction))
// clear return data buffer before creating new call frame.
self.return_data = ReturnData::empty();
let can_call = has_balance && ext.depth() < ext.schedule().max_depth;
if !can_call {
return Ok(InstructionResult::UnusedGas(call_gas));
let call_result = {
let input = self.mem.read_slice(in_off, in_size);
ext.call(&call_gas.as_u256(), sender_address, receive_address, value, input, &code_address, call_type, true)
self.resume_output_range = Some((out_off, out_size));
return match call_result {
Ok(MessageCallResult::Success(gas_left, data)) => {
let output = self.mem.writeable_slice(out_off, out_size);
let len = cmp::min(output.len(), data.len());
(&mut output[..len]).copy_from_slice(&data[..len]);
self.return_data = data;
Ok(InstructionResult::UnusedGas(Cost::from_u256(gas_left).expect("Gas left cannot be greater than current one")))
Ok(MessageCallResult::Reverted(gas_left, data)) => {
let output = self.mem.writeable_slice(out_off, out_size);
let len = cmp::min(output.len(), data.len());
(&mut output[..len]).copy_from_slice(&data[..len]);
self.return_data = data;
Ok(InstructionResult::UnusedGas(Cost::from_u256(gas_left).expect("Gas left cannot be greater than current one")))
Ok(MessageCallResult::Failed) => {
Err(trap) => {
instructions::RETURN => {
let init_off = self.stack.pop_back();
let init_size = self.stack.pop_back();
return Ok(InstructionResult::StopExecutionNeedsReturn {gas: gas, init_off: init_off, init_size: init_size, apply: true})
instructions::REVERT => {
let init_off = self.stack.pop_back();
let init_size = self.stack.pop_back();
return Ok(InstructionResult::StopExecutionNeedsReturn {gas: gas, init_off: init_off, init_size: init_size, apply: false})
instructions::STOP => {
return Ok(InstructionResult::StopExecution);
instructions::SUICIDE => {
let address = self.stack.pop_back();
return Ok(InstructionResult::StopExecution);
instructions::LOG0 | instructions::LOG1 | instructions::LOG2 | instructions::LOG3 | instructions::LOG4 => {
let no_of_topics = instruction.log_topics().expect("log_topics always return some for LOG* instructions; qed");
let offset = self.stack.pop_back();
let size = self.stack.pop_back();
let topics = self.stack.pop_n(no_of_topics)
ext.log(topics, self.mem.read_slice(offset, size))?;
instructions::PUSH1 | instructions::PUSH2 | instructions::PUSH3 | instructions::PUSH4 |
instructions::PUSH5 | instructions::PUSH6 | instructions::PUSH7 | instructions::PUSH8 |
instructions::PUSH9 | instructions::PUSH10 | instructions::PUSH11 | instructions::PUSH12 |
instructions::PUSH13 | instructions::PUSH14 | instructions::PUSH15 | instructions::PUSH16 |
instructions::PUSH17 | instructions::PUSH18 | instructions::PUSH19 | instructions::PUSH20 |
instructions::PUSH21 | instructions::PUSH22 | instructions::PUSH23 | instructions::PUSH24 |
instructions::PUSH25 | instructions::PUSH26 | instructions::PUSH27 | instructions::PUSH28 |
instructions::PUSH29 | instructions::PUSH30 | instructions::PUSH31 | instructions::PUSH32 => {
let bytes = instruction.push_bytes().expect("push_bytes always return some for PUSH* instructions");
let val = self.reader.read(bytes);
instructions::MLOAD => {
let word = self.mem.read(self.stack.pop_back());
instructions::MSTORE => {
let offset = self.stack.pop_back();
let word = self.stack.pop_back();
Memory::write(&mut self.mem, offset, word);
instructions::MSTORE8 => {
let offset = self.stack.pop_back();
let byte = self.stack.pop_back();
self.mem.write_byte(offset, byte);
instructions::MSIZE => {
instructions::SHA3 => {
let offset = self.stack.pop_back();
let size = self.stack.pop_back();
let k = keccak(self.mem.read_slice(offset, size));
instructions::SLOAD => {
let key = H256::from(&self.stack.pop_back());
let word = U256::from(&*ext.storage_at(&key)?);
instructions::SSTORE => {
let address = H256::from(&self.stack.pop_back());
let val = self.stack.pop_back();
let current_val = U256::from(&*ext.storage_at(&address)?);
// Increase refund for clear
if ext.schedule().eip1283 {
let original_val = U256::from(&*ext.initial_storage_at(&address)?);
gasometer::handle_eip1283_sstore_clears_refund(ext, &original_val, ¤t_val, &val);
} else {
if !current_val.is_zero() && val.is_zero() {
let sstore_clears_schedule = ext.schedule().sstore_refund_gas;
ext.set_storage(address, H256::from(&val))?;
instructions::PC => {
self.stack.push(U256::from(self.reader.position - 1));
instructions::GAS => {
instructions::ADDRESS => {
instructions::ORIGIN => {
instructions::BALANCE => {
let address = u256_to_address(&self.stack.pop_back());
let balance = ext.balance(&address)?;
instructions::CALLER => {
instructions::CALLVALUE => {
self.stack.push(match self.params.value {
ActionValue::Transfer(val) | ActionValue::Apparent(val) => val
instructions::CALLDATALOAD => {
let big_id = self.stack.pop_back();
let id = big_id.low_u64() as usize;
let max = id.wrapping_add(32);
if let Some(data) = self.params.data.as_ref() {
let bound = cmp::min(data.len(), max);
if id < bound && big_id < U256::from(data.len()) {
let mut v = [0u8; 32];
} else {
} else {
instructions::CALLDATASIZE => {
self.stack.push(U256::from(self.params.data.as_ref().map_or(0, |l| l.len())));
instructions::CODESIZE => {
instructions::RETURNDATASIZE => {
instructions::EXTCODESIZE => {
let address = u256_to_address(&self.stack.pop_back());
let len = ext.extcodesize(&address)?.unwrap_or(0);
instructions::EXTCODEHASH => {
let address = u256_to_address(&self.stack.pop_back());
let hash = ext.extcodehash(&address)?.unwrap_or_else(H256::zero);
instructions::CALLDATACOPY => {
Self::copy_data_to_memory(&mut self.mem, &mut self.stack, &self.params.data.as_ref().map_or_else(|| &[] as &[u8], |d| &*d as &[u8]));
instructions::RETURNDATACOPY => {
let source_offset = self.stack.peek(1);
let size = self.stack.peek(2);
let return_data_len = U256::from(self.return_data.len());
if source_offset.saturating_add(*size) > return_data_len {
return Err(vm::Error::OutOfBounds);
Self::copy_data_to_memory(&mut self.mem, &mut self.stack, &*self.return_data);
instructions::CODECOPY => {
Self::copy_data_to_memory(&mut self.mem, &mut self.stack, &self.reader.code);
instructions::EXTCODECOPY => {
let address = u256_to_address(&self.stack.pop_back());
let code = ext.extcode(&address)?;
&mut self.mem,
&mut self.stack,
code.as_ref().map(|c| &(*c)[..]).unwrap_or(&[])
instructions::GASPRICE => {
instructions::BLOCKHASH => {
let block_number = self.stack.pop_back();
let block_hash = ext.blockhash(&block_number);
instructions::COINBASE => {
instructions::TIMESTAMP => {
instructions::NUMBER => {
instructions::DIFFICULTY => {
instructions::GASLIMIT => {
// Stack instructions
instructions::DUP1 | instructions::DUP2 | instructions::DUP3 | instructions::DUP4 |
instructions::DUP5 | instructions::DUP6 | instructions::DUP7 | instructions::DUP8 |
instructions::DUP9 | instructions::DUP10 | instructions::DUP11 | instructions::DUP12 |
instructions::DUP13 | instructions::DUP14 | instructions::DUP15 | instructions::DUP16 => {
let position = instruction.dup_position().expect("dup_position always return some for DUP* instructions");
let val = self.stack.peek(position).clone();
instructions::SWAP1 | instructions::SWAP2 | instructions::SWAP3 | instructions::SWAP4 |
instructions::SWAP5 | instructions::SWAP6 | instructions::SWAP7 | instructions::SWAP8 |
instructions::SWAP9 | instructions::SWAP10 | instructions::SWAP11 | instructions::SWAP12 |
instructions::SWAP13 | instructions::SWAP14 | instructions::SWAP15 | instructions::SWAP16 => {
let position = instruction.swap_position().expect("swap_position always return some for SWAP* instructions");
instructions::POP => {
instructions::ADD => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
let b = self.stack.pop_back();
instructions::MUL => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
let b = self.stack.pop_back();
instructions::SUB => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
let b = self.stack.pop_back();
instructions::DIV => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
let b = self.stack.pop_back();
self.stack.push(if !b.is_zero() {
match b {
ONE => a,
TWO => a >> 1,
TWO_POW_5 => a >> 5,
TWO_POW_8 => a >> 8,
TWO_POW_16 => a >> 16,
TWO_POW_24 => a >> 24,
TWO_POW_64 => a >> 64,
TWO_POW_96 => a >> 96,
TWO_POW_224 => a >> 224,
TWO_POW_248 => a >> 248,
_ => a / b,
} else {
instructions::MOD => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
let b = self.stack.pop_back();
self.stack.push(if !b.is_zero() {
a % b
} else {
instructions::SDIV => {
let (a, sign_a) = get_and_reset_sign(self.stack.pop_back());
let (b, sign_b) = get_and_reset_sign(self.stack.pop_back());
// -2^255
let min = (U256::one() << 255) - U256::one();
self.stack.push(if b.is_zero() {
} else if a == min && b == !U256::zero() {
} else {
let c = a / b;
set_sign(c, sign_a ^ sign_b)
instructions::SMOD => {
let ua = self.stack.pop_back();
let ub = self.stack.pop_back();
let (a, sign_a) = get_and_reset_sign(ua);
let b = get_and_reset_sign(ub).0;
self.stack.push(if !b.is_zero() {
let c = a % b;
set_sign(c, sign_a)
} else {
instructions::EXP => {
let base = self.stack.pop_back();
let expon = self.stack.pop_back();
let res = base.overflowing_pow(expon).0;
instructions::NOT => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
instructions::LT => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
let b = self.stack.pop_back();
self.stack.push(Self::bool_to_u256(a < b));
instructions::SLT => {
let (a, neg_a) = get_and_reset_sign(self.stack.pop_back());
let (b, neg_b) = get_and_reset_sign(self.stack.pop_back());
let is_positive_lt = a < b && !(neg_a | neg_b);
let is_negative_lt = a > b && (neg_a & neg_b);
let has_different_signs = neg_a && !neg_b;
self.stack.push(Self::bool_to_u256(is_positive_lt | is_negative_lt | has_different_signs));
instructions::GT => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
let b = self.stack.pop_back();
self.stack.push(Self::bool_to_u256(a > b));
instructions::SGT => {
let (a, neg_a) = get_and_reset_sign(self.stack.pop_back());
let (b, neg_b) = get_and_reset_sign(self.stack.pop_back());
let is_positive_gt = a > b && !(neg_a | neg_b);
let is_negative_gt = a < b && (neg_a & neg_b);
let has_different_signs = !neg_a && neg_b;
self.stack.push(Self::bool_to_u256(is_positive_gt | is_negative_gt | has_different_signs));
instructions::EQ => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
let b = self.stack.pop_back();
self.stack.push(Self::bool_to_u256(a == b));
instructions::ISZERO => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
instructions::AND => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
let b = self.stack.pop_back();
self.stack.push(a & b);
instructions::OR => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
let b = self.stack.pop_back();
self.stack.push(a | b);
instructions::XOR => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
let b = self.stack.pop_back();
self.stack.push(a ^ b);
instructions::BYTE => {
let word = self.stack.pop_back();
let val = self.stack.pop_back();
let byte = match word < U256::from(32) {
true => (val >> (8 * (31 - word.low_u64() as usize))) & U256::from(0xff),
false => U256::zero()
instructions::ADDMOD => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
let b = self.stack.pop_back();
let c = self.stack.pop_back();
self.stack.push(if !c.is_zero() {
// upcast to 512
let a5 = U512::from(a);
let res = a5.overflowing_add(U512::from(b)).0;
let x = res % U512::from(c);
} else {
instructions::MULMOD => {
let a = self.stack.pop_back();
let b = self.stack.pop_back();
let c = self.stack.pop_back();
self.stack.push(if !c.is_zero() {
let a5 = U512::from(a);
let res = a5.overflowing_mul(U512::from(b)).0;
let x = res % U512::from(c);
} else {
instructions::SIGNEXTEND => {
let bit = self.stack.pop_back();
if bit < U256::from(32) {
let number = self.stack.pop_back();
let bit_position = (bit.low_u64() * 8 + 7) as usize;
let bit = number.bit(bit_position);
let mask = (U256::one() << bit_position) - U256::one();
self.stack.push(if bit {
number | !mask
} else {
number & mask
instructions::SHL => {
const CONST_256: U256 = U256([256, 0, 0, 0]);
let shift = self.stack.pop_back();
let value = self.stack.pop_back();
let result = if shift >= CONST_256 {
} else {
value << (shift.as_u32() as usize)
instructions::SHR => {
const CONST_256: U256 = U256([256, 0, 0, 0]);
let shift = self.stack.pop_back();
let value = self.stack.pop_back();
let result = if shift >= CONST_256 {
} else {
value >> (shift.as_u32() as usize)
instructions::SAR => {
// We cannot use get_and_reset_sign/set_sign here, because the rounding looks different.
const CONST_256: U256 = U256([256, 0, 0, 0]);
const CONST_HIBIT: U256 = U256([0, 0, 0, 0x8000000000000000]);
let shift = self.stack.pop_back();
let value = self.stack.pop_back();
let sign = value & CONST_HIBIT != U256::zero();
let result = if shift >= CONST_256 {
if sign {
} else {
} else {
let shift = shift.as_u32() as usize;
let mut shifted = value >> shift;
if sign {
shifted = shifted | (U256::max_value() << (256 - shift));
fn copy_data_to_memory(mem: &mut Vec<u8>, stack: &mut Stack<U256>, source: &[u8]) {
let dest_offset = stack.pop_back();
let source_offset = stack.pop_back();
let size = stack.pop_back();
let source_size = U256::from(source.len());
let output_end = match source_offset > source_size || size > source_size || source_offset + size > source_size {
true => {
let zero_slice = if source_offset > source_size {
mem.writeable_slice(dest_offset, size)
} else {
mem.writeable_slice(dest_offset + source_size - source_offset, source_offset + size - source_size)
for i in zero_slice.iter_mut() {
*i = 0;
false => (size.low_u64() + source_offset.low_u64()) as usize
if source_offset < source_size {
let output_begin = source_offset.low_u64() as usize;
mem.write_slice(dest_offset, &source[output_begin..output_end]);
fn verify_jump(&self, jump_u: U256, valid_jump_destinations: &BitSet) -> vm::Result<usize> {
let jump = jump_u.low_u64() as usize;
if valid_jump_destinations.contains(jump) && U256::from(jump) == jump_u {
} else {
Err(vm::Error::BadJumpDestination {
destination: jump
fn bool_to_u256(val: bool) -> U256 {
if val {
} else {
fn get_and_reset_sign(value: U256) -> (U256, bool) {
let U256(arr) = value;
let sign = arr[3].leading_zeros() == 0;
(set_sign(value, sign), sign)
fn set_sign(value: U256, sign: bool) -> U256 {
if sign {
(!U256::zero() ^ value).overflowing_add(U256::one()).0
} else {
fn u256_to_address(value: &U256) -> Address {
fn address_to_u256(value: Address) -> U256 {
mod tests {
use std::sync::Arc;
use rustc_hex::FromHex;
use vmtype::VMType;
use factory::Factory;
use vm::{self, Exec, ActionParams, ActionValue};
use vm::tests::{FakeExt, test_finalize};
fn interpreter(params: ActionParams, ext: &vm::Ext) -> Box<Exec> {
Factory::new(VMType::Interpreter, 1).create(params, ext.schedule(), ext.depth())
fn should_not_fail_on_tracing_mem() {
let code = "7feeffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff006000527faaffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffaa6020526000620f120660406000601773945304eb96065b2a98b57a48a06ae28d285a71b56101f4f1600055".from_hex().unwrap();
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = 5.into();
params.gas = 300_000.into();
params.gas_price = 1.into();
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(100_000.into());
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
let mut ext = FakeExt::new();
ext.balances.insert(5.into(), 1_000_000_000.into());
ext.tracing = true;
let gas_left = {
let mut vm = interpreter(params, &ext);
test_finalize(vm.exec(&mut ext).ok().unwrap()).unwrap()
assert_eq!(ext.calls.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(gas_left, 248_212.into());
fn should_not_overflow_returndata() {
let code = "6001600160000360003e00".from_hex().unwrap();
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = 5.into();
params.gas = 300_000.into();
params.gas_price = 1.into();
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
let mut ext = FakeExt::new_byzantium();
ext.balances.insert(5.into(), 1_000_000_000.into());
ext.tracing = true;
let err = {
let mut vm = interpreter(params, &ext);
test_finalize(vm.exec(&mut ext).ok().unwrap()).err().unwrap()
assert_eq!(err, ::vm::Error::OutOfBounds);