* Merge pull request #7368 from paritytech/td-future-blocks Wait for future blocks in AuRa * Fix tracing failed calls. * Problem: sending any Whisper message fails The error is "PoW too low to compete with other messages" This has been previously reported in #7144 Solution: prevent the move semantics The source of the error is in PoolHandle.relay implementation for NetPoolHandle. Because of the move semantics, `res` variable is in fact copied (as it implements Copy) into the closure and for that reason, the returned result is always `false. * Merge pull request #7433 from paritytech/td-strict-config Strict config parsing * Problem: AuRa's unsafeties around step duration (#7282) Firstly, `Step.duration_remaining` casts it to u32, unnecesarily limiting it to 2^32. While theoretically this is "good enough" (at 3 seconds steps it provides room for a little over 400 years), it is still a lossy way to calculate the remaining time until the next step. Secondly, step duration might be zero, triggering division by zero in `Step.calibrate` Solution: rework the code around the fact that duration is typically in single digits and never grows, hence, it can be represented by a much narrower range (u16) and this highlights the fact that multiplying u64 by u16 will only result in an overflow in even further future, at which point we should panic informatively (if anybody's still around) Similarly, panic when it is detected that incrementing the step counter wrapped around on the overflow of usize. As for the division by zero, prevent it by making zero an invalid value for step duration. This will make AuRa log the constraint mismatch and panic (after all, what purpose would zero step duration serve? it makes no sense within the definition of the protocol, as finality can only be achieved as per the specification if messages are received within the step duration, which would violate the speed of light and other physical laws in this case). * Merge pull request #7437 from paritytech/a5-chains-expanse Remove expanse chain * Expanse Byzantium update w/ correct metropolis difficulty increment divisor (#7463) * Byzantium Update for Expanse Here the changes go. Hope I didnt miss anything. * expip2 changes - update duration limit * Fix missing EXPIP-2 fields * Format numbers as hex * Fix compilation errors * Group expanse chain spec fields together * Set metropolisDifficultyIncrementDivisor for Expanse * Revert #7437 * Add Expanse block 900_000 hash checkpoint * Advance AuRa step as far as we can and prevent invalid blocks. (#7451) * Advance AuRa step as far as we can. * Wait for future blocks. * fixed panic when io is not available for export block, closes #7486 (#7495) * Update Parity Mainnet Bootnodes (#7476) * Update Parity Mainnet Bootnodes * Replace the Azure HDD bootnodes with the new ones :) * Use https connection (#7503) Use https when connecting to etherscan.io API for price-info * Expose default gas price percentile configuration in CLI (#7497) * Expose gas price percentile. * Fix light eth_call. * fix gas_price in light client
1509 lines
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// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Transaction Execution environment.
use std::cmp;
use std::sync::Arc;
use hash::keccak;
use bigint::prelude::{U256, U512};
use bigint::hash::H256;
use util::*;
use bytes::{Bytes, BytesRef};
use state::{Backend as StateBackend, State, Substate, CleanupMode};
use machine::EthereumMachine as Machine;
use vm::EnvInfo;
use error::ExecutionError;
use evm::{CallType, Factory, Finalize, FinalizationResult};
use vm::{self, Ext, CreateContractAddress, ReturnData, CleanDustMode, ActionParams, ActionValue};
use wasm;
use externalities::*;
use trace::{self, FlatTrace, VMTrace, Tracer, VMTracer};
use transaction::{Action, SignedTransaction};
use crossbeam;
pub use executed::{Executed, ExecutionResult};
/// Roughly estimate what stack size each level of evm depth will use
/// TODO [todr] We probably need some more sophisticated calculations here (limit on my machine 132)
/// Maybe something like here: `https://github.com/ethereum/libethereum/blob/4db169b8504f2b87f7d5a481819cfb959fc65f6c/libethereum/ExtVM.cpp`
const STACK_SIZE_PER_DEPTH: usize = 24*1024;
const WASM_MAGIC_NUMBER: &'static [u8; 4] = b"\0asm";
/// Returns new address created from address, nonce, and code hash
pub fn contract_address(address_scheme: CreateContractAddress, sender: &Address, nonce: &U256, code: &[u8]) -> (Address, Option<H256>) {
use rlp::RlpStream;
match address_scheme {
CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce => {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
(From::from(keccak(stream.as_raw())), None)
CreateContractAddress::FromCodeHash => {
let code_hash = keccak(code);
let mut buffer = [0xffu8; 20 + 32];
&mut buffer[20..].copy_from_slice(&code_hash[..]);
(From::from(keccak(&buffer[..])), Some(code_hash))
CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndCodeHash => {
let code_hash = keccak(code);
let mut buffer = [0u8; 20 + 32];
&mut buffer[..20].copy_from_slice(&sender[..]);
&mut buffer[20..].copy_from_slice(&code_hash[..]);
(From::from(keccak(&buffer[..])), Some(code_hash))
/// Transaction execution options.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct TransactOptions<T, V> {
/// Enable call tracing.
pub tracer: T,
/// Enable VM tracing.
pub vm_tracer: V,
/// Check transaction nonce before execution.
pub check_nonce: bool,
/// Records the output from init contract calls.
pub output_from_init_contract: bool,
impl<T, V> TransactOptions<T, V> {
/// Create new `TransactOptions` with given tracer and VM tracer.
pub fn new(tracer: T, vm_tracer: V) -> Self {
TransactOptions {
check_nonce: true,
output_from_init_contract: false,
/// Disables the nonce check
pub fn dont_check_nonce(mut self) -> Self {
self.check_nonce = false;
/// Saves the output from contract creation.
pub fn save_output_from_contract(mut self) -> Self {
self.output_from_init_contract = true;
impl TransactOptions<trace::ExecutiveTracer, trace::ExecutiveVMTracer> {
/// Creates new `TransactOptions` with default tracing and VM tracing.
pub fn with_tracing_and_vm_tracing() -> Self {
TransactOptions {
tracer: trace::ExecutiveTracer::default(),
vm_tracer: trace::ExecutiveVMTracer::toplevel(),
check_nonce: true,
output_from_init_contract: false,
impl TransactOptions<trace::ExecutiveTracer, trace::NoopVMTracer> {
/// Creates new `TransactOptions` with default tracing and no VM tracing.
pub fn with_tracing() -> Self {
TransactOptions {
tracer: trace::ExecutiveTracer::default(),
vm_tracer: trace::NoopVMTracer,
check_nonce: true,
output_from_init_contract: false,
impl TransactOptions<trace::NoopTracer, trace::ExecutiveVMTracer> {
/// Creates new `TransactOptions` with no tracing and default VM tracing.
pub fn with_vm_tracing() -> Self {
TransactOptions {
tracer: trace::NoopTracer,
vm_tracer: trace::ExecutiveVMTracer::toplevel(),
check_nonce: true,
output_from_init_contract: false,
impl TransactOptions<trace::NoopTracer, trace::NoopVMTracer> {
/// Creates new `TransactOptions` without any tracing.
pub fn with_no_tracing() -> Self {
TransactOptions {
tracer: trace::NoopTracer,
vm_tracer: trace::NoopVMTracer,
check_nonce: true,
output_from_init_contract: false,
pub fn executor(machine: &Machine, vm_factory: &Factory, params: &ActionParams) -> Box<vm::Vm> {
if machine.supports_wasm() && params.code.as_ref().map_or(false, |code| code.len() > 4 && &code[0..4] == WASM_MAGIC_NUMBER) {
// prefer to fail fast
.expect("Failed to create wasm runtime")
} else {
/// Transaction executor.
pub struct Executive<'a, B: 'a + StateBackend> {
state: &'a mut State<B>,
info: &'a EnvInfo,
machine: &'a Machine,
depth: usize,
static_flag: bool,
impl<'a, B: 'a + StateBackend> Executive<'a, B> {
/// Basic constructor.
pub fn new(state: &'a mut State<B>, info: &'a EnvInfo, machine: &'a Machine) -> Self {
Executive {
state: state,
info: info,
machine: machine,
depth: 0,
static_flag: false,
/// Populates executive from parent properties. Increments executive depth.
pub fn from_parent(state: &'a mut State<B>, info: &'a EnvInfo, machine: &'a Machine, parent_depth: usize, static_flag: bool) -> Self {
Executive {
state: state,
info: info,
machine: machine,
depth: parent_depth + 1,
static_flag: static_flag,
/// Creates `Externalities` from `Executive`.
pub fn as_externalities<'any, T, V>(
&'any mut self,
origin_info: OriginInfo,
substate: &'any mut Substate,
output: OutputPolicy<'any, 'any>,
tracer: &'any mut T,
vm_tracer: &'any mut V,
static_call: bool,
) -> Externalities<'any, T, V, B> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer {
let is_static = self.static_flag || static_call;
Externalities::new(self.state, self.info, self.machine, self.depth, origin_info, substate, output, tracer, vm_tracer, is_static)
/// This function should be used to execute transaction.
pub fn transact<T, V>(&'a mut self, t: &SignedTransaction, options: TransactOptions<T, V>)
-> Result<Executed, ExecutionError> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer,
self.transact_with_tracer(t, options.check_nonce, options.output_from_init_contract, options.tracer, options.vm_tracer)
/// Execute a transaction in a "virtual" context.
/// This will ensure the caller has enough balance to execute the desired transaction.
/// Used for extra-block executions for things like consensus contracts and RPCs
pub fn transact_virtual<T, V>(&'a mut self, t: &SignedTransaction, options: TransactOptions<T, V>)
-> Result<Executed, ExecutionError> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer,
let sender = t.sender();
let balance = self.state.balance(&sender)?;
let needed_balance = t.value.saturating_add(t.gas.saturating_mul(t.gas_price));
if balance < needed_balance {
// give the sender a sufficient balance
self.state.add_balance(&sender, &(needed_balance - balance), CleanupMode::NoEmpty)?;
self.transact(t, options)
/// Execute transaction/call with tracing enabled
fn transact_with_tracer<T, V>(
&'a mut self,
t: &SignedTransaction,
check_nonce: bool,
output_from_create: bool,
mut tracer: T,
mut vm_tracer: V
) -> Result<Executed, ExecutionError> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer {
let sender = t.sender();
let nonce = self.state.nonce(&sender)?;
let schedule = self.machine.schedule(self.info.number);
let base_gas_required = U256::from(t.gas_required(&schedule));
if t.gas < base_gas_required {
return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::NotEnoughBaseGas { required: base_gas_required, got: t.gas }));
if !t.is_unsigned() && check_nonce && schedule.kill_dust != CleanDustMode::Off && !self.state.exists(&sender)? {
return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::SenderMustExist));
let init_gas = t.gas - base_gas_required;
// validate transaction nonce
if check_nonce && t.nonce != nonce {
return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::InvalidNonce { expected: nonce, got: t.nonce }));
// validate if transaction fits into given block
if self.info.gas_used + t.gas > self.info.gas_limit {
return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::BlockGasLimitReached {
gas_limit: self.info.gas_limit,
gas_used: self.info.gas_used,
gas: t.gas
// TODO: we might need bigints here, or at least check overflows.
let balance = self.state.balance(&sender)?;
let gas_cost = t.gas.full_mul(t.gas_price);
let total_cost = U512::from(t.value) + gas_cost;
// avoid unaffordable transactions
let balance512 = U512::from(balance);
if balance512 < total_cost {
return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::NotEnoughCash { required: total_cost, got: balance512 }));
let mut substate = Substate::new();
// NOTE: there can be no invalid transactions from this point.
if !schedule.eip86 || !t.is_unsigned() {
self.state.sub_balance(&sender, &U256::from(gas_cost), &mut substate.to_cleanup_mode(&schedule))?;
let (result, output) = match t.action {
Action::Create => {
let (new_address, code_hash) = contract_address(self.machine.create_address_scheme(self.info.number), &sender, &nonce, &t.data);
let params = ActionParams {
code_address: new_address.clone(),
code_hash: code_hash,
address: new_address,
sender: sender.clone(),
origin: sender.clone(),
gas: init_gas,
gas_price: t.gas_price,
value: ActionValue::Transfer(t.value),
code: Some(Arc::new(t.data.clone())),
data: None,
call_type: CallType::None,
params_type: vm::ParamsType::Embedded,
let mut out = if output_from_create { Some(vec![]) } else { None };
(self.create(params, &mut substate, &mut out, &mut tracer, &mut vm_tracer), out.unwrap_or_else(Vec::new))
Action::Call(ref address) => {
let params = ActionParams {
code_address: address.clone(),
address: address.clone(),
sender: sender.clone(),
origin: sender.clone(),
gas: init_gas,
gas_price: t.gas_price,
value: ActionValue::Transfer(t.value),
code: self.state.code(address)?,
code_hash: Some(self.state.code_hash(address)?),
data: Some(t.data.clone()),
call_type: CallType::Call,
params_type: vm::ParamsType::Separate,
let mut out = vec![];
(self.call(params, &mut substate, BytesRef::Flexible(&mut out), &mut tracer, &mut vm_tracer), out)
// finalize here!
Ok(self.finalize(t, substate, result, output, tracer.drain(), vm_tracer.drain())?)
fn exec_vm<T, V>(
&mut self,
params: ActionParams,
unconfirmed_substate: &mut Substate,
output_policy: OutputPolicy,
tracer: &mut T,
vm_tracer: &mut V
) -> vm::Result<FinalizationResult> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer {
let depth_threshold = ::io::LOCAL_STACK_SIZE.with(|sz| sz.get() / STACK_SIZE_PER_DEPTH);
let static_call = params.call_type == CallType::StaticCall;
// Ordinary execution - keep VM in same thread
if (self.depth + 1) % depth_threshold != 0 {
let vm_factory = self.state.vm_factory();
let mut ext = self.as_externalities(OriginInfo::from(¶ms), unconfirmed_substate, output_policy, tracer, vm_tracer, static_call);
trace!(target: "executive", "ext.schedule.have_delegate_call: {}", ext.schedule().have_delegate_call);
return executor(self.machine, &vm_factory, ¶ms).exec(params, &mut ext).finalize(ext);
// Start in new thread to reset stack
// TODO [todr] No thread builder yet, so we need to reset once for a while
// https://github.com/aturon/crossbeam/issues/16
crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
let machine = self.machine;
let vm_factory = self.state.vm_factory();
let mut ext = self.as_externalities(OriginInfo::from(¶ms), unconfirmed_substate, output_policy, tracer, vm_tracer, static_call);
scope.spawn(move || {
executor(machine, &vm_factory, ¶ms).exec(params, &mut ext).finalize(ext)
/// Calls contract function with given contract params.
/// NOTE. It does not finalize the transaction (doesn't do refunds, nor suicides).
/// Modifies the substate and the output.
/// Returns either gas_left or `vm::Error`.
pub fn call<T, V>(
&mut self,
params: ActionParams,
substate: &mut Substate,
mut output: BytesRef,
tracer: &mut T,
vm_tracer: &mut V
) -> vm::Result<FinalizationResult> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer {
trace!("Executive::call(params={:?}) self.env_info={:?}, static={}", params, self.info, self.static_flag);
if (params.call_type == CallType::StaticCall ||
((params.call_type == CallType::Call) &&
&& params.value.value() > 0.into() {
return Err(vm::Error::MutableCallInStaticContext);
// backup used in case of running out of gas
let schedule = self.machine.schedule(self.info.number);
// at first, transfer value to destination
if let ActionValue::Transfer(val) = params.value {
self.state.transfer_balance(¶ms.sender, ¶ms.address, &val, substate.to_cleanup_mode(&schedule))?;
// if destination is builtin, try to execute it
if let Some(builtin) = self.machine.builtin(¶ms.code_address, self.info.number) {
// Engines aren't supposed to return builtins until activation, but
// prefer to fail rather than silently break consensus.
if !builtin.is_active(self.info.number) {
panic!("Consensus failure: engine implementation prematurely enabled built-in at {}", params.code_address);
let default = [];
let data = if let Some(ref d) = params.data { d as &[u8] } else { &default as &[u8] };
let trace_info = tracer.prepare_trace_call(¶ms);
let cost = builtin.cost(data);
if cost <= params.gas {
let mut builtin_out_buffer = Vec::new();
let result = {
let mut builtin_output = BytesRef::Flexible(&mut builtin_out_buffer);
builtin.execute(data, &mut builtin_output)
if let Err(e) = result {
let evm_err: vm::Error = e.into();
tracer.trace_failed_call(trace_info, vec![], evm_err.clone().into());
} else {
output.write(0, &builtin_out_buffer);
// trace only top level calls to builtins to avoid DDoS attacks
if self.depth == 0 {
let mut trace_output = tracer.prepare_trace_output();
if let Some(mut out) = trace_output.as_mut() {
*out = output.to_owned();
let out_len = builtin_out_buffer.len();
Ok(FinalizationResult {
gas_left: params.gas - cost,
return_data: ReturnData::new(builtin_out_buffer, 0, out_len),
apply_state: true,
} else {
// just drain the whole gas
tracer.trace_failed_call(trace_info, vec![], vm::Error::OutOfGas.into());
} else {
let trace_info = tracer.prepare_trace_call(¶ms);
let mut trace_output = tracer.prepare_trace_output();
let mut subtracer = tracer.subtracer();
let gas = params.gas;
if params.code.is_some() {
// part of substate that may be reverted
let mut unconfirmed_substate = Substate::new();
// TODO: make ActionParams pass by ref then avoid copy altogether.
let mut subvmtracer = vm_tracer.prepare_subtrace(params.code.as_ref().expect("scope is conditional on params.code.is_some(); qed"));
let res = {
self.exec_vm(params, &mut unconfirmed_substate, OutputPolicy::Return(output, trace_output.as_mut()), &mut subtracer, &mut subvmtracer)
trace!(target: "executive", "res={:?}", res);
let traces = subtracer.drain();
match res {
Ok(ref res) if res.apply_state => tracer.trace_call(
gas - res.gas_left,
Ok(_) => tracer.trace_failed_call(trace_info, traces, vm::Error::Reverted.into()),
Err(ref e) => tracer.trace_failed_call(trace_info, traces, e.into()),
trace!(target: "executive", "substate={:?}; unconfirmed_substate={:?}\n", substate, unconfirmed_substate);
self.enact_result(&res, substate, unconfirmed_substate);
trace!(target: "executive", "enacted: substate={:?}\n", substate);
} else {
// otherwise it's just a basic transaction, only do tracing, if necessary.
tracer.trace_call(trace_info, U256::zero(), trace_output, vec![]);
Ok(FinalizationResult {
gas_left: params.gas,
return_data: ReturnData::empty(),
apply_state: true,
/// Creates contract with given contract params.
/// NOTE. It does not finalize the transaction (doesn't do refunds, nor suicides).
/// Modifies the substate.
pub fn create<T, V>(
&mut self,
params: ActionParams,
substate: &mut Substate,
output: &mut Option<Bytes>,
tracer: &mut T,
vm_tracer: &mut V,
) -> vm::Result<FinalizationResult> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer {
// EIP-684: If a contract creation is attempted, due to either a creation transaction or the
// CREATE (or future CREATE2) opcode, and the destination address already has either
// nonzero nonce, or nonempty code, then the creation throws immediately, with exactly
// the same behavior as would arise if the first byte in the init code were an invalid
// opcode. This applies retroactively starting from genesis.
if self.state.exists_and_has_code_or_nonce(¶ms.address)? {
return Err(vm::Error::OutOfGas);
trace!("Executive::create(params={:?}) self.env_info={:?}, static={}", params, self.info, self.static_flag);
if params.call_type == CallType::StaticCall || self.static_flag {
let trace_info = tracer.prepare_trace_create(¶ms);
tracer.trace_failed_create(trace_info, vec![], vm::Error::MutableCallInStaticContext.into());
return Err(vm::Error::MutableCallInStaticContext);
// backup used in case of running out of gas
// part of substate that may be reverted
let mut unconfirmed_substate = Substate::new();
// create contract and transfer value to it if necessary
let schedule = self.machine.schedule(self.info.number);
let nonce_offset = if schedule.no_empty {1} else {0}.into();
let prev_bal = self.state.balance(¶ms.address)?;
if let ActionValue::Transfer(val) = params.value {
self.state.sub_balance(¶ms.sender, &val, &mut substate.to_cleanup_mode(&schedule))?;
self.state.new_contract(¶ms.address, val + prev_bal, nonce_offset);
} else {
self.state.new_contract(¶ms.address, prev_bal, nonce_offset);
let trace_info = tracer.prepare_trace_create(¶ms);
let mut trace_output = tracer.prepare_trace_output();
let mut subtracer = tracer.subtracer();
let gas = params.gas;
let created = params.address.clone();
let mut subvmtracer = vm_tracer.prepare_subtrace(params.code.as_ref().expect("two ways into create (Externalities::create and Executive::transact_with_tracer); both place `Some(...)` `code` in `params`; qed"));
let res = {
self.exec_vm(params, &mut unconfirmed_substate, OutputPolicy::InitContract(output.as_mut().or(trace_output.as_mut())), &mut subtracer, &mut subvmtracer)
match res {
Ok(ref res) if res.apply_state => tracer.trace_create(
gas - res.gas_left,
trace_output.map(|data| output.as_ref().map(|out| out.to_vec()).unwrap_or(data)),
Ok(_) => tracer.trace_failed_create(trace_info, subtracer.drain(), vm::Error::Reverted.into()),
Err(ref e) => tracer.trace_failed_create(trace_info, subtracer.drain(), e.into())
self.enact_result(&res, substate, unconfirmed_substate);
/// Finalizes the transaction (does refunds and suicides).
fn finalize(
&mut self,
t: &SignedTransaction,
mut substate: Substate,
result: vm::Result<FinalizationResult>,
output: Bytes,
trace: Vec<FlatTrace>,
vm_trace: Option<VMTrace>
) -> ExecutionResult {
let schedule = self.machine.schedule(self.info.number);
// refunds from SSTORE nonzero -> zero
let sstore_refunds = U256::from(schedule.sstore_refund_gas) * substate.sstore_clears_count;
// refunds from contract suicides
let suicide_refunds = U256::from(schedule.suicide_refund_gas) * U256::from(substate.suicides.len());
let refunds_bound = sstore_refunds + suicide_refunds;
// real ammount to refund
let gas_left_prerefund = match result { Ok(FinalizationResult{ gas_left, .. }) => gas_left, _ => 0.into() };
let refunded = cmp::min(refunds_bound, (t.gas - gas_left_prerefund) >> 1);
let gas_left = gas_left_prerefund + refunded;
let gas_used = t.gas - gas_left;
let refund_value = gas_left * t.gas_price;
let fees_value = gas_used * t.gas_price;
trace!("exec::finalize: t.gas={}, sstore_refunds={}, suicide_refunds={}, refunds_bound={}, gas_left_prerefund={}, refunded={}, gas_left={}, gas_used={}, refund_value={}, fees_value={}\n",
t.gas, sstore_refunds, suicide_refunds, refunds_bound, gas_left_prerefund, refunded, gas_left, gas_used, refund_value, fees_value);
let sender = t.sender();
trace!("exec::finalize: Refunding refund_value={}, sender={}\n", refund_value, sender);
// Below: NoEmpty is safe since the sender must already be non-null to have sent this transaction
self.state.add_balance(&sender, &refund_value, CleanupMode::NoEmpty)?;
trace!("exec::finalize: Compensating author: fees_value={}, author={}\n", fees_value, &self.info.author);
self.state.add_balance(&self.info.author, &fees_value, substate.to_cleanup_mode(&schedule))?;
// perform suicides
for address in &substate.suicides {
// perform garbage-collection
let min_balance = if schedule.kill_dust != CleanDustMode::Off { Some(U256::from(schedule.tx_gas) * t.gas_price) } else { None };
self.state.kill_garbage(&substate.touched, schedule.kill_empty, &min_balance, schedule.kill_dust == CleanDustMode::WithCodeAndStorage)?;
match result {
Err(vm::Error::Internal(msg)) => Err(ExecutionError::Internal(msg)),
Err(exception) => {
Ok(Executed {
exception: Some(exception),
gas: t.gas,
gas_used: t.gas,
refunded: U256::zero(),
cumulative_gas_used: self.info.gas_used + t.gas,
logs: vec![],
contracts_created: vec![],
output: output,
trace: trace,
vm_trace: vm_trace,
state_diff: None,
Ok(r) => {
Ok(Executed {
exception: if r.apply_state { None } else { Some(vm::Error::Reverted) },
gas: t.gas,
gas_used: gas_used,
refunded: refunded,
cumulative_gas_used: self.info.gas_used + gas_used,
logs: substate.logs,
contracts_created: substate.contracts_created,
output: output,
trace: trace,
vm_trace: vm_trace,
state_diff: None,
fn enact_result(&mut self, result: &vm::Result<FinalizationResult>, substate: &mut Substate, un_substate: Substate) {
match *result {
| Err(vm::Error::BadJumpDestination {..})
| Err(vm::Error::BadInstruction {.. })
| Err(vm::Error::StackUnderflow {..})
| Err(vm::Error::BuiltIn {..})
| Err(vm::Error::Wasm {..})
| Err(vm::Error::OutOfStack {..})
| Err(vm::Error::MutableCallInStaticContext)
| Err(vm::Error::OutOfBounds)
| Err(vm::Error::Reverted)
| Ok(FinalizationResult { apply_state: false, .. }) => {
Ok(_) | Err(vm::Error::Internal(_)) => {
mod tests {
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::str::FromStr;
use rustc_hex::FromHex;
use ethkey::{Generator, Random};
use super::*;
use bigint::prelude::{U256, U512};
use bigint::hash::H256;
use util::Address;
use bytes::BytesRef;
use vm::{ActionParams, ActionValue, CallType, EnvInfo, CreateContractAddress};
use evm::{Factory, VMType};
use error::ExecutionError;
use machine::EthereumMachine;
use state::{Substate, CleanupMode};
use tests::helpers::*;
use trace::trace;
use trace::{FlatTrace, Tracer, NoopTracer, ExecutiveTracer};
use trace::{VMTrace, VMOperation, VMExecutedOperation, MemoryDiff, StorageDiff, VMTracer, NoopVMTracer, ExecutiveVMTracer};
use transaction::{Action, Transaction};
fn make_frontier_machine(max_depth: usize) -> EthereumMachine {
let mut machine = ::ethereum::new_frontier_test_machine();
machine.set_schedule_creation_rules(Box::new(move |s, _| s.max_depth = max_depth));
fn test_contract_address() {
let address = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap();
let expected_address = Address::from_str("3f09c73a5ed19289fb9bdc72f1742566df146f56").unwrap();
assert_eq!(expected_address, contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &address, &U256::from(88), &[]).0);
// TODO: replace params with transactions!
evm_test!{test_sender_balance: test_sender_balance_jit, test_sender_balance_int}
fn test_sender_balance(factory: Factory) {
let sender = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new("3331600055".from_hex().unwrap()));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(0x7));
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(0x100u64), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.create(params, &mut substate, &mut None, &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(79_975));
assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&address, &H256::new()).unwrap(), H256::from(&U256::from(0xf9u64)));
assert_eq!(state.balance(&sender).unwrap(), U256::from(0xf9));
assert_eq!(state.balance(&address).unwrap(), U256::from(0x7));
// 0 cause contract hasn't returned
assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created.len(), 0);
// TODO: just test state root.
evm_test!{test_create_contract_out_of_depth: test_create_contract_out_of_depth_jit, test_create_contract_out_of_depth_int}
fn test_create_contract_out_of_depth(factory: Factory) {
// code:
// 7c 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 - push 29 bytes?
// 60 00 - push 0
// 52
// 60 1d - push 29
// 60 03 - push 3
// 60 17 - push 17
// f0 - create
// 60 00 - push 0
// 55 sstore
// other code:
// 60 10 - push 16
// 80 - duplicate first stack item
// 60 0c - push 12
// 60 00 - push 0
// 39 - copy current code to memory
// 60 00 - push 0
// f3 - return
let code = "7c601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555600052601d60036017f0600055".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
// TODO: add tests for 'callcreate'
//let next_address = contract_address(&address, &U256::zero());
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(100));
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.create(params, &mut substate, &mut None, &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(62_976));
// ended with max depth
assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created.len(), 0);
// Tracing is not suported in JIT
fn test_call_to_create() {
// code:
// 7c 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 - push 29 bytes?
// 60 00 - push 0
// 52
// 60 1d - push 29
// 60 03 - push 3
// 60 17 - push 23
// f0 - create
// 60 00 - push 0
// 55 sstore
// other code:
// 60 10 - push 16
// 80 - duplicate first stack item
// 60 0c - push 12
// 60 00 - push 0
// 39 - copy current code to memory
// 60 00 - push 0
// f3 - return
let code = "7c601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555600052601d60036017f0600055".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
// TODO: add tests for 'callcreate'
//let next_address = contract_address(&address, &U256::zero());
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.code_address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(100));
params.call_type = CallType::Call;
let mut state = get_temp_state();
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(5);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let mut tracer = ExecutiveTracer::default();
let mut vm_tracer = ExecutiveVMTracer::toplevel();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
let output = BytesRef::Fixed(&mut[0u8;0]);
ex.call(params, &mut substate, output, &mut tracer, &mut vm_tracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(44_752));
let expected_trace = vec![FlatTrace {
trace_address: Default::default(),
subtraces: 1,
action: trace::Action::Call(trace::Call {
from: "cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681".into(),
to: "b010143a42d5980c7e5ef0e4a4416dc098a4fed3".into(),
value: 100.into(),
gas: 100000.into(),
input: vec![],
call_type: CallType::Call,
result: trace::Res::Call(trace::CallResult {
gas_used: U256::from(55_248),
output: vec![],
}, FlatTrace {
trace_address: vec![0].into_iter().collect(),
subtraces: 0,
action: trace::Action::Create(trace::Create {
from: "b010143a42d5980c7e5ef0e4a4416dc098a4fed3".into(),
value: 23.into(),
gas: 67979.into(),
init: vec![96, 16, 128, 96, 12, 96, 0, 57, 96, 0, 243, 0, 96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53, 85]
result: trace::Res::Create(trace::CreateResult {
gas_used: U256::from(3224),
address: Address::from_str("c6d80f262ae5e0f164e5fde365044d7ada2bfa34").unwrap(),
code: vec![96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53]
assert_eq!(tracer.drain(), expected_trace);
let expected_vm_trace = VMTrace {
parent_step: 0,
code: vec![124, 96, 16, 128, 96, 12, 96, 0, 57, 96, 0, 243, 0, 96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53, 85, 96, 0, 82, 96, 29, 96, 3, 96, 23, 240, 96, 0, 85],
operations: vec![
VMOperation { pc: 0, instruction: 124, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99997.into(), stack_push: vec_into![U256::from_dec_str("2589892687202724018173567190521546555304938078595079151649957320078677").unwrap()], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 30, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99994.into(), stack_push: vec_into![0], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 32, instruction: 82, gas_cost: 6.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99988.into(), stack_push: vec_into![], mem_diff: Some(MemoryDiff { offset: 0, data: vec![0, 0, 0, 96, 16, 128, 96, 12, 96, 0, 57, 96, 0, 243, 0, 96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53, 85] }), store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 33, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99985.into(), stack_push: vec_into![29], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 35, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99982.into(), stack_push: vec_into![3], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 37, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99979.into(), stack_push: vec_into![23], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 39, instruction: 240, gas_cost: 99979.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 64755.into(), stack_push: vec_into![U256::from_dec_str("1135198453258042933984631383966629874710669425204").unwrap()], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 40, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 64752.into(), stack_push: vec_into![0], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 42, instruction: 85, gas_cost: 20000.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 44752.into(), stack_push: vec_into![], mem_diff: None, store_diff: Some(StorageDiff { location: 0.into(), value: U256::from_dec_str("1135198453258042933984631383966629874710669425204").unwrap() }) }) }
subs: vec![
VMTrace {
parent_step: 6,
code: vec![96, 16, 128, 96, 12, 96, 0, 57, 96, 0, 243, 0, 96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53, 85],
operations: vec![
VMOperation { pc: 0, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67976.into(), stack_push: vec_into![16], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 2, instruction: 128, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67973.into(), stack_push: vec_into![16, 16], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 3, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67970.into(), stack_push: vec_into![12], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 5, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67967.into(), stack_push: vec_into![0], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 7, instruction: 57, gas_cost: 9.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67958.into(), stack_push: vec_into![], mem_diff: Some(MemoryDiff { offset: 0, data: vec![96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53] }), store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 8, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67955.into(), stack_push: vec_into![0], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 10, instruction: 243, gas_cost: 0.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67955.into(), stack_push: vec_into![], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) }
subs: vec![]
assert_eq!(vm_tracer.drain().unwrap(), expected_vm_trace);
fn test_trace_reverted_create() {
// code:
// 65 60016000fd - push 5 bytes
// 60 00 - push 0
// 52 mstore
// 60 05 - push 5
// 60 1b - push 27
// 60 17 - push 23
// f0 - create
// 60 00 - push 0
// 55 sstore
// other code:
// 60 01
// 60 00
// fd - revert
let code = "6460016000fd6000526005601b6017f0600055".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.code_address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(100));
params.call_type = CallType::Call;
let mut state = get_temp_state();
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = ::ethereum::new_byzantium_test_machine();
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let mut tracer = ExecutiveTracer::default();
let mut vm_tracer = ExecutiveVMTracer::toplevel();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
let output = BytesRef::Fixed(&mut[0u8;0]);
ex.call(params, &mut substate, output, &mut tracer, &mut vm_tracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(62967));
let expected_trace = vec![FlatTrace {
trace_address: Default::default(),
subtraces: 1,
action: trace::Action::Call(trace::Call {
from: "cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681".into(),
to: "b010143a42d5980c7e5ef0e4a4416dc098a4fed3".into(),
value: 100.into(),
gas: 100_000.into(),
input: vec![],
call_type: CallType::Call,
result: trace::Res::Call(trace::CallResult {
gas_used: U256::from(37_033),
output: vec![],
}, FlatTrace {
trace_address: vec![0].into_iter().collect(),
subtraces: 0,
action: trace::Action::Create(trace::Create {
from: "b010143a42d5980c7e5ef0e4a4416dc098a4fed3".into(),
value: 23.into(),
gas: 66_917.into(),
init: vec![0x60, 0x01, 0x60, 0x00, 0xfd]
result: trace::Res::FailedCreate(vm::Error::Reverted.into()),
assert_eq!(tracer.drain(), expected_trace);
fn test_create_contract() {
// Tracing is not supported in JIT
// code:
// 60 10 - push 16
// 80 - duplicate first stack item
// 60 0c - push 12
// 60 00 - push 0
// 39 - copy current code to memory
// 60 00 - push 0
// f3 - return
let code = "601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
// TODO: add tests for 'callcreate'
//let next_address = contract_address(&address, &U256::zero());
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(100.into());
let mut state = get_temp_state();
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(5);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let mut tracer = ExecutiveTracer::default();
let mut vm_tracer = ExecutiveVMTracer::toplevel();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.create(params.clone(), &mut substate, &mut None, &mut tracer, &mut vm_tracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(96_776));
let expected_trace = vec![FlatTrace {
trace_address: Default::default(),
subtraces: 0,
action: trace::Action::Create(trace::Create {
from: params.sender,
value: 100.into(),
gas: params.gas,
init: vec![96, 16, 128, 96, 12, 96, 0, 57, 96, 0, 243, 0, 96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53, 85],
result: trace::Res::Create(trace::CreateResult {
gas_used: U256::from(3224),
address: params.address,
code: vec![96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53]
assert_eq!(tracer.drain(), expected_trace);
let expected_vm_trace = VMTrace {
parent_step: 0,
code: vec![96, 16, 128, 96, 12, 96, 0, 57, 96, 0, 243, 0, 96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53, 85],
operations: vec![
VMOperation { pc: 0, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99997.into(), stack_push: vec_into![16], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 2, instruction: 128, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99994.into(), stack_push: vec_into![16, 16], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 3, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99991.into(), stack_push: vec_into![12], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 5, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99988.into(), stack_push: vec_into![0], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 7, instruction: 57, gas_cost: 9.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99979.into(), stack_push: vec_into![], mem_diff: Some(MemoryDiff { offset: 0, data: vec![96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53] }), store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 8, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99976.into(), stack_push: vec_into![0], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 10, instruction: 243, gas_cost: 0.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99976.into(), stack_push: vec_into![], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) }
subs: vec![]
assert_eq!(vm_tracer.drain().unwrap(), expected_vm_trace);
evm_test!{test_create_contract_value_too_high: test_create_contract_value_too_high_jit, test_create_contract_value_too_high_int}
fn test_create_contract_value_too_high(factory: Factory) {
// code:
// 7c 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 - push 29 bytes?
// 60 00 - push 0
// 52
// 60 1d - push 29
// 60 03 - push 3
// 60 e6 - push 230
// f0 - create a contract trying to send 230.
// 60 00 - push 0
// 55 sstore
// other code:
// 60 10 - push 16
// 80 - duplicate first stack item
// 60 0c - push 12
// 60 00 - push 0
// 39 - copy current code to memory
// 60 00 - push 0
// f3 - return
let code = "7c601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555600052601d600360e6f0600055".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
// TODO: add tests for 'callcreate'
//let next_address = contract_address(&address, &U256::zero());
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(100));
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.create(params, &mut substate, &mut None, &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(62_976));
assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created.len(), 0);
evm_test!{test_create_contract_without_max_depth: test_create_contract_without_max_depth_jit, test_create_contract_without_max_depth_int}
fn test_create_contract_without_max_depth(factory: Factory) {
// code:
// 7c 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 - push 29 bytes?
// 60 00 - push 0
// 52
// 60 1d - push 29
// 60 03 - push 3
// 60 17 - push 17
// f0 - create
// 60 00 - push 0
// 55 sstore
// other code:
// 60 10 - push 16
// 80 - duplicate first stack item
// 60 0c - push 12
// 60 00 - push 0
// 39 - copy current code to memory
// 60 00 - push 0
// f3 - return
let code = "7c601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555600052601d60036017f0".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
let next_address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &address, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(100));
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(1024);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.create(params, &mut substate, &mut None, &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created[0], next_address);
// test is incorrect, mk
// TODO: fix (preferred) or remove
evm_test_ignore!{test_aba_calls: test_aba_calls_jit, test_aba_calls_int}
fn test_aba_calls(factory: Factory) {
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 18 - push 18
// 73 945304eb96065b2a98b57a48a06ae28d285a71b5 - push this address
// 61 03e8 - push 1000
// f1 - message call
// 58 - get PC
// 55 - sstore
let code_a = "6000600060006000601873945304eb96065b2a98b57a48a06ae28d285a71b56103e8f15855".from_hex().unwrap();
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 17 - push 17
// 73 0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6 - push this address
// 61 0x01f4 - push 500
// f1 - message call
// 60 01 - push 1
// 01 - add
// 58 - get PC
// 55 - sstore
let code_b = "60006000600060006017730f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec66101f4f16001015855".from_hex().unwrap();
let address_a = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap();
let address_b = Address::from_str("945304eb96065b2a98b57a48a06ae28d285a71b5" ).unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address_a.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code_a.clone()));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(100_000));
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.init_code(&address_a, code_a.clone()).unwrap();
state.init_code(&address_b, code_b.clone()).unwrap();
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100_000), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.call(params, &mut substate, BytesRef::Fixed(&mut []), &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(73_237));
assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&address_a, &H256::from(&U256::from(0x23))).unwrap(), H256::from(&U256::from(1)));
// test is incorrect, mk
// TODO: fix (preferred) or remove
evm_test_ignore!{test_recursive_bomb1: test_recursive_bomb1_jit, test_recursive_bomb1_int}
fn test_recursive_bomb1(factory: Factory) {
// 60 01 - push 1
// 60 00 - push 0
// 54 - sload
// 01 - add
// 60 00 - push 0
// 55 - sstore
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 30 - load address
// 60 e0 - push e0
// 5a - get gas
// 03 - sub
// f1 - message call (self in this case)
// 60 01 - push 1
// 55 - sstore
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let code = "600160005401600055600060006000600060003060e05a03f1600155".from_hex().unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code.clone()));
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.init_code(&address, code).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.call(params, &mut substate, BytesRef::Fixed(&mut []), &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(59_870));
assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&address, &H256::from(&U256::zero())).unwrap(), H256::from(&U256::from(1)));
assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&address, &H256::from(&U256::one())).unwrap(), H256::from(&U256::from(1)));
// test is incorrect, mk
// TODO: fix (preferred) or remove
evm_test_ignore!{test_transact_simple: test_transact_simple_jit, test_transact_simple_int}
fn test_transact_simple(factory: Factory) {
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let t = Transaction {
action: Action::Create,
value: U256::from(17),
data: "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(),
gas: U256::from(100_000),
gas_price: U256::zero(),
nonce: U256::zero()
}.sign(keypair.secret(), None);
let sender = t.sender();
let contract = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(18), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let mut info = EnvInfo::default();
info.gas_limit = U256::from(100_000);
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let executed = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
let opts = TransactOptions::with_no_tracing();
ex.transact(&t, opts).unwrap()
assert_eq!(executed.gas, U256::from(100_000));
assert_eq!(executed.gas_used, U256::from(41_301));
assert_eq!(executed.refunded, U256::from(58_699));
assert_eq!(executed.cumulative_gas_used, U256::from(41_301));
assert_eq!(executed.logs.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(executed.contracts_created.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(state.balance(&sender).unwrap(), U256::from(1));
assert_eq!(state.balance(&contract).unwrap(), U256::from(17));
assert_eq!(state.nonce(&sender).unwrap(), U256::from(1));
assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&contract, &H256::new()).unwrap(), H256::from(&U256::from(1)));
evm_test!{test_transact_invalid_nonce: test_transact_invalid_nonce_jit, test_transact_invalid_nonce_int}
fn test_transact_invalid_nonce(factory: Factory) {
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let t = Transaction {
action: Action::Create,
value: U256::from(17),
data: "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(),
gas: U256::from(100_000),
gas_price: U256::zero(),
nonce: U256::one()
}.sign(keypair.secret(), None);
let sender = t.sender();
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(17), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let mut info = EnvInfo::default();
info.gas_limit = U256::from(100_000);
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let res = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
let opts = TransactOptions::with_no_tracing();
ex.transact(&t, opts)
match res {
Err(ExecutionError::InvalidNonce { expected, got })
if expected == U256::zero() && got == U256::one() => (),
_ => assert!(false, "Expected invalid nonce error.")
evm_test!{test_transact_gas_limit_reached: test_transact_gas_limit_reached_jit, test_transact_gas_limit_reached_int}
fn test_transact_gas_limit_reached(factory: Factory) {
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let t = Transaction {
action: Action::Create,
value: U256::from(17),
data: "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(),
gas: U256::from(80_001),
gas_price: U256::zero(),
nonce: U256::zero()
}.sign(keypair.secret(), None);
let sender = t.sender();
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(17), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let mut info = EnvInfo::default();
info.gas_used = U256::from(20_000);
info.gas_limit = U256::from(100_000);
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let res = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
let opts = TransactOptions::with_no_tracing();
ex.transact(&t, opts)
match res {
Err(ExecutionError::BlockGasLimitReached { gas_limit, gas_used, gas })
if gas_limit == U256::from(100_000) && gas_used == U256::from(20_000) && gas == U256::from(80_001) => (),
_ => assert!(false, "Expected block gas limit error.")
evm_test!{test_not_enough_cash: test_not_enough_cash_jit, test_not_enough_cash_int}
fn test_not_enough_cash(factory: Factory) {
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let t = Transaction {
action: Action::Create,
value: U256::from(18),
data: "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(),
gas: U256::from(100_000),
gas_price: U256::one(),
nonce: U256::zero()
}.sign(keypair.secret(), None);
let sender = t.sender();
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100_017), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let mut info = EnvInfo::default();
info.gas_limit = U256::from(100_000);
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let res = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
let opts = TransactOptions::with_no_tracing();
ex.transact(&t, opts)
match res {
Err(ExecutionError::NotEnoughCash { required , got })
if required == U512::from(100_018) && got == U512::from(100_017) => (),
_ => assert!(false, "Expected not enough cash error. {:?}", res)
evm_test!{test_keccak: test_keccak_jit, test_keccak_int}
fn test_keccak(factory: Factory) {
let code = "6064640fffffffff20600055".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
// TODO: add tests for 'callcreate'
//let next_address = contract_address(&address, &U256::zero());
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(0x0186a0);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from_str("0de0b6b3a7640000").unwrap());
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from_str("152d02c7e14af6800000").unwrap(), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let result = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.create(params, &mut substate, &mut None, &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer)
match result {
Err(_) => {},
_ => panic!("Expected OutOfGas"),
evm_test!{test_revert: test_revert_jit, test_revert_int}
fn test_revert(factory: Factory) {
let contract_address = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap();
// EIP-140 test case
let code = "6c726576657274656420646174616000557f726576657274206d657373616765000000000000000000000000000000000000600052600e6000fd".from_hex().unwrap();
let returns = "726576657274206d657373616765".from_hex().unwrap();
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory.clone());
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from_str("152d02c7e14af68000000").unwrap(), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = contract_address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(20025);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::zero());
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from_str("152d02c7e14af68000000").unwrap(), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = ::ethereum::new_byzantium_test_machine();
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let mut output = [0u8; 14];
let FinalizationResult { gas_left: result, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.call(params, &mut substate, BytesRef::Fixed(&mut output), &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(result, U256::from(1));
assert_eq!(output[..], returns[..]);
assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&contract_address, &H256::from(&U256::zero())).unwrap(), H256::from(&U256::from(0)));