While the standard defined by Trezor as the default derivation path here https://blog.trezor.io/trezor-integration-with-myetherwallet-3e217a652e08 says that it should be `m/44'/60'/0`, in practice they don't have an implementation of a wallet for Ethereum themselves and refer customers to MEW. MEW has a custom implementation of the path derivation logic that allows them to generate multiple addresses by essentially adding `/0`, `/1` etc to the path. In my initial implementation of Trezor I didn't take this into consideration unfortunately and just used the keypath that Trezor themselves recommended. However, given that it's seemingly standard practice to append `/0` for a "sub-address" (and this is what we've done for Ledger as well) it seems like a mistake on my part to not take that into consideration. Unfortunately, anyone who has used their Trezor device with Parity previously would now see a different address when they connect the Trezor device the next time. The only way they would have to access the old address is to use an old version, or by going through MEW and selecting the Ledger keypath. Also see #6811
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// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Trezor hardware wallet module. Supports Trezor v1.
//! See http://doc.satoshilabs.com/trezor-tech/api-protobuf.html
//! and https://github.com/trezor/trezor-common/blob/master/protob/protocol.md
//! for protocol details.
use super::{WalletInfo, TransactionInfo, KeyPath};
use bigint::hash::H256;
use ethkey::{Address, Signature};
use hidapi;
use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock};
use protobuf;
use protobuf::{Message, ProtobufEnum};
use std::cmp::{min, max};
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use bigint::prelude::uint::U256;
use trezor_sys::messages::{EthereumAddress, PinMatrixAck, MessageType, EthereumTxRequest, EthereumSignTx, EthereumGetAddress, EthereumTxAck, ButtonAck};
const TREZOR_VID: u16 = 0x534c;
const TREZOR_PIDS: [u16; 1] = [0x0001]; // Trezor v1, keeping this as an array to leave room for Trezor v2 which is in progress
const ETH_DERIVATION_PATH: [u32; 5] = [0x8000002C, 0x8000003C, 0x80000000, 0, 0]; // m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
const ETC_DERIVATION_PATH: [u32; 5] = [0x8000002C, 0x8000003D, 0x80000000, 0, 0]; // m/44'/61'/0'/0/0
/// Hardware wallet error.
pub enum Error {
/// Ethereum wallet protocol error.
Protocol(&'static str),
/// Hidapi error.
/// Device with request key is not available.
/// Signing has been cancelled by user.
/// The Message Type given in the trezor RPC call is not something we recognize
/// Trying to read from a closed device at the given path
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
match *self {
Error::Protocol(ref s) => write!(f, "Trezor protocol error: {}", s),
Error::Usb(ref e) => write!(f, "USB communication error: {}", e),
Error::KeyNotFound => write!(f, "Key not found"),
Error::UserCancel => write!(f, "Operation has been cancelled"),
Error::BadMessageType => write!(f, "Bad Message Type in RPC call"),
Error::ClosedDevice(ref s) => write!(f, "Device is closed, needs PIN to perform operations: {}", s),
impl From<hidapi::HidError> for Error {
fn from(err: hidapi::HidError) -> Error {
impl From<protobuf::ProtobufError> for Error {
fn from(_: protobuf::ProtobufError) -> Error {
Error::Protocol(&"Could not read response from Trezor Device")
/// Ledger device manager.
pub struct Manager {
usb: Arc<Mutex<hidapi::HidApi>>,
devices: RwLock<Vec<Device>>,
closed_devices: RwLock<Vec<String>>,
key_path: RwLock<KeyPath>,
struct Device {
path: String,
info: WalletInfo,
/// HID Version used for the Trezor device
enum HidVersion {
impl Manager {
/// Create a new instance.
pub fn new(hidapi: Arc<Mutex<hidapi::HidApi>>) -> Manager {
Manager {
usb: hidapi,
devices: RwLock::new(Vec::new()),
closed_devices: RwLock::new(Vec::new()),
key_path: RwLock::new(KeyPath::Ethereum),
/// Re-populate device list
pub fn update_devices(&self) -> Result<usize, Error> {
let mut usb = self.usb.lock();
let devices = usb.devices();
let mut new_devices = Vec::new();
let mut closed_devices = Vec::new();
let mut error = None;
for usb_device in devices {
let is_trezor = usb_device.vendor_id == TREZOR_VID;
let is_supported_product = TREZOR_PIDS.contains(&usb_device.product_id);
let is_valid = usb_device.usage_page == 0xFF00 || usb_device.interface_number == 0;
"Checking device: {:?}, trezor: {:?}, prod: {:?}, valid: {:?}",
if !is_trezor || !is_supported_product || !is_valid {
match self.read_device_info(&usb, &usb_device) {
Ok(device) => new_devices.push(device),
Err(Error::ClosedDevice(path)) => closed_devices.push(path.to_string()),
Err(e) => {
warn!("Error reading device: {:?}", e);
error = Some(e);
let count = new_devices.len();
trace!("Got devices: {:?}, closed: {:?}", new_devices, closed_devices);
*self.devices.write() = new_devices;
*self.closed_devices.write() = closed_devices;
match error {
Some(e) => Err(e),
None => Ok(count),
fn read_device_info(&self, usb: &hidapi::HidApi, dev_info: &hidapi::HidDeviceInfo) -> Result<Device, Error> {
let handle = self.open_path(|| usb.open_path(&dev_info.path))?;
let manufacturer = dev_info.manufacturer_string.clone().unwrap_or("Unknown".to_owned());
let name = dev_info.product_string.clone().unwrap_or("Unknown".to_owned());
let serial = dev_info.serial_number.clone().unwrap_or("Unknown".to_owned());
match self.get_address(&handle) {
Ok(Some(addr)) => {
Ok(Device {
path: dev_info.path.clone(),
info: WalletInfo {
name: name,
manufacturer: manufacturer,
serial: serial,
address: addr,
Ok(None) => Err(Error::ClosedDevice(dev_info.path.clone())),
Err(e) => Err(e),
/// Select key derivation path for a known chain.
pub fn set_key_path(&self, key_path: KeyPath) {
*self.key_path.write() = key_path;
/// List connected wallets. This only returns wallets that are ready to be used.
pub fn list_devices(&self) -> Vec<WalletInfo> {
self.devices.read().iter().map(|d| d.info.clone()).collect()
pub fn list_locked_devices(&self) -> Vec<String> {
/// Get wallet info.
pub fn device_info(&self, address: &Address) -> Option<WalletInfo> {
self.devices.read().iter().find(|d| &d.info.address == address).map(|d| d.info.clone())
fn open_path<R, F>(&self, f: F) -> Result<R, Error>
where F: Fn() -> Result<R, &'static str>
let mut err = Error::KeyNotFound;
// Try to open device a few times.
for _ in 0..10 {
match f() {
Ok(handle) => return Ok(handle),
Err(e) => err = From::from(e),
pub fn pin_matrix_ack(&self, device_path: &str, pin: &str) -> Result<bool, Error> {
let unlocked = {
let usb = self.usb.lock();
let device = self.open_path(|| usb.open_path(&device_path))?;
let t = MessageType::MessageType_PinMatrixAck;
let mut m = PinMatrixAck::new();
self.send_device_message(&device, &t, &m)?;
let (resp_type, _) = self.read_device_response(&device)?;
match resp_type {
// Getting an Address back means it's unlocked, this is undocumented behavior
MessageType::MessageType_EthereumAddress => Ok(true),
// Getting anything else means we didn't unlock it
_ => Ok(false),
fn get_address(&self, device: &hidapi::HidDevice) -> Result<Option<Address>, Error> {
let typ = MessageType::MessageType_EthereumGetAddress;
let mut message = EthereumGetAddress::new();
match *self.key_path.read() {
KeyPath::Ethereum => message.set_address_n(ETH_DERIVATION_PATH.to_vec()),
KeyPath::EthereumClassic => message.set_address_n(ETC_DERIVATION_PATH.to_vec()),
self.send_device_message(&device, &typ, &message)?;
let (resp_type, bytes) = self.read_device_response(&device)?;
match resp_type {
MessageType::MessageType_EthereumAddress => {
let response: EthereumAddress = protobuf::core::parse_from_bytes(&bytes)?;
_ => Ok(None),
/// Sign transaction data with wallet managing `address`.
pub fn sign_transaction(&self, address: &Address, t_info: &TransactionInfo) -> Result<Signature, Error> {
let usb = self.usb.lock();
let devices = self.devices.read();
let device = devices.iter().find(|d| &d.info.address == address).ok_or(Error::KeyNotFound)?;
let handle = self.open_path(|| usb.open_path(&device.path))?;
let msg_type = MessageType::MessageType_EthereumSignTx;
let mut message = EthereumSignTx::new();
match *self.key_path.read() {
KeyPath::Ethereum => message.set_address_n(ETH_DERIVATION_PATH.to_vec()),
KeyPath::EthereumClassic => message.set_address_n(ETC_DERIVATION_PATH.to_vec()),
match t_info.to {
Some(addr) => {
None => (),
let first_chunk_length = min(t_info.data.len(), 1024);
let chunk = &t_info.data[0..first_chunk_length];
message.set_data_length(t_info.data.len() as u32);
if let Some(c_id) = t_info.chain_id {
message.set_chain_id(c_id as u32);
self.send_device_message(&handle, &msg_type, &message)?;
self.signing_loop(&handle, &t_info.chain_id, &t_info.data[first_chunk_length..])
fn u256_to_be_vec(&self, val: &U256) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut buf = [0u8; 32];
val.to_big_endian(&mut buf);
buf.iter().skip_while(|x| **x == 0).cloned().collect()
fn signing_loop(&self, handle: &hidapi::HidDevice, chain_id: &Option<u64>, data: &[u8]) -> Result<Signature, Error> {
let (resp_type, bytes) = self.read_device_response(&handle)?;
match resp_type {
MessageType::MessageType_Cancel => Err(Error::UserCancel),
MessageType::MessageType_ButtonRequest => {
self.send_device_message(handle, &MessageType::MessageType_ButtonAck, &ButtonAck::new())?;
// Signing loop goes back to the top and reading blocks
// for up to 5 minutes waiting for response from the device
// if the user doesn't click any button within 5 minutes you
// get a signing error and the device sort of locks up on the signing screen
self.signing_loop(handle, chain_id, data)
MessageType::MessageType_EthereumTxRequest => {
let resp: EthereumTxRequest = protobuf::core::parse_from_bytes(&bytes)?;
if resp.has_data_length() {
let mut msg = EthereumTxAck::new();
let len = resp.get_data_length() as usize;
self.send_device_message(handle, &MessageType::MessageType_EthereumTxAck, &msg)?;
self.signing_loop(handle, chain_id, &data[len..])
} else {
let v = resp.get_signature_v();
let r = H256::from_slice(resp.get_signature_r());
let s = H256::from_slice(resp.get_signature_s());
if let Some(c_id) = *chain_id {
// If there is a chain_id supplied, Trezor will return a v
// part of the signature that is already adjusted for EIP-155,
// so v' = v + 2 * chain_id + 35, but code further down the
// pipeline will already do this transformation, so remove it here
let adjustment = 35 + 2 * c_id as u32;
Ok(Signature::from_rsv(&r, &s, (max(v, adjustment) - adjustment) as u8))
} else {
// If there isn't a chain_id, v will be returned as v + 27
let adjusted_v = if v < 27 { v } else { v - 27 };
Ok(Signature::from_rsv(&r, &s, adjusted_v as u8))
MessageType::MessageType_Failure => Err(Error::Protocol("Last message sent to Trezor failed")),
_ => Err(Error::Protocol("Unexpected response from Trezor device.")),
fn send_device_message(&self, device: &hidapi::HidDevice, msg_type: &MessageType, msg: &Message) -> Result<usize, Error> {
let msg_id = *msg_type as u16;
let mut message = msg.write_to_bytes()?;
let msg_size = message.len();
let mut data = Vec::new();
let hid_version = self.probe_hid_version(device)?;
// Magic constants
data.push('#' as u8);
data.push('#' as u8);
// Convert msg_id to BE and split into bytes
data.push(((msg_id >> 8) & 0xFF) as u8);
data.push((msg_id & 0xFF) as u8);
// Convert msg_size to BE and split into bytes
data.push(((msg_size >> 24) & 0xFF) as u8);
data.push(((msg_size >> 16) & 0xFF) as u8);
data.push(((msg_size >> 8) & 0xFF) as u8);
data.push((msg_size & 0xFF) as u8);
data.append(&mut message);
while data.len() % 63 > 0 {
let mut total_written = 0;
for chunk in data.chunks(63) {
let mut padded_chunk = match hid_version {
HidVersion::V1 => vec!['?' as u8],
HidVersion::V2 => vec![0, '?' as u8],
total_written += device.write(&padded_chunk)?;
fn probe_hid_version(&self, device: &hidapi::HidDevice) -> Result<HidVersion, Error> {
let mut buf2 = [0xFFu8; 65];
buf2[0] = 0;
buf2[1] = 63;
let mut buf1 = [0xFFu8; 64];
buf1[0] = 63;
if device.write(&buf2)? == 65 {
} else if device.write(&buf1)? == 64 {
} else {
Err(Error::Usb("Unable to determine HID Version"))
fn read_device_response(&self, device: &hidapi::HidDevice) -> Result<(MessageType, Vec<u8>), Error> {
let protocol_err = Error::Protocol(&"Unexpected wire response from Trezor Device");
let mut buf = vec![0; 64];
let first_chunk = device.read_timeout(&mut buf, 300_000)?;
if first_chunk < 9 || buf[0] != '?' as u8 || buf[1] != '#' as u8 || buf[2] != '#' as u8 {
return Err(protocol_err);
let msg_type = MessageType::from_i32(((buf[3] as i32 & 0xFF) << 8) + (buf[4] as i32 & 0xFF)).ok_or(protocol_err)?;
let msg_size = ((buf[5] as u32 & 0xFF) << 24) + ((buf[6] as u32 & 0xFF) << 16) + ((buf[7] as u32 & 0xFF) << 8) + (buf[8] as u32 & 0xFF);
let mut data = Vec::new();
while data.len() < (msg_size as usize) {
device.read_timeout(&mut buf, 10_000)?;
Ok((msg_type, data[..msg_size as usize].to_vec()))
/// This test can't be run without an actual trezor device connected
/// (and unlocked) attached to the machine that's running the test
fn test_signature() {
use bigint::prelude::uint::U256;
use bigint::hash::{H160, H256};
let hidapi = Arc::new(Mutex::new(hidapi::HidApi::new().unwrap()));
let manager = Manager::new(hidapi.clone());
let addr: Address = H160::from("some_addr");
let t_info = TransactionInfo {
nonce: U256::from(1),
gas_price: U256::from(100),
gas_limit: U256::from(21_000),
to: Some(H160::from("some_other_addr")),
chain_id: Some(17),
value: U256::from(1_000_000),
data: (&[1u8; 3000]).to_vec(),
let signature = manager.sign_transaction(&addr, &t_info).unwrap();
let expected = Signature::from_rsv(
assert_eq!(signature, expected)