2017-03-21 19:45:52 +01:00

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// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! Light client implementation. Stores data from light sync
use std::sync::Arc;
use ethcore::block_import_error::BlockImportError;
use ethcore::block_status::BlockStatus;
use ethcore::client::{ClientReport, EnvInfo};
use ethcore::engines::Engine;
use ethcore::ids::BlockId;
use ethcore::header::Header;
use ethcore::verification::queue::{self, HeaderQueue};
use ethcore::blockchain_info::BlockChainInfo;
use ethcore::spec::Spec;
use ethcore::service::ClientIoMessage;
use ethcore::encoded;
use io::IoChannel;
use util::{H256, Mutex, RwLock};
use self::header_chain::{AncestryIter, HeaderChain};
pub use self::service::Service;
mod header_chain;
mod service;
/// Configuration for the light client.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct Config {
/// Verification queue config.
pub queue: queue::Config,
/// Trait for interacting with the header chain abstractly.
pub trait LightChainClient: Send + Sync {
/// Get chain info.
fn chain_info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo;
/// Queue header to be verified. Required that all headers queued have their
/// parent queued prior.
fn queue_header(&self, header: Header) -> Result<H256, BlockImportError>;
/// Attempt to get block header by block id.
fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<encoded::Header>;
/// Get the best block header.
fn best_block_header(&self) -> encoded::Header;
/// Get an iterator over a block and its ancestry.
fn ancestry_iter<'a>(&'a self, start: BlockId) -> Box<Iterator<Item=encoded::Header> + 'a>;
/// Get the signing network ID.
fn signing_network_id(&self) -> Option<u64>;
/// Query whether a block is known.
fn is_known(&self, hash: &H256) -> bool;
/// Clear the queue.
fn clear_queue(&self);
/// Flush the queue.
fn flush_queue(&self);
/// Get queue info.
fn queue_info(&self) -> queue::QueueInfo;
/// Get the `i`th CHT root.
fn cht_root(&self, i: usize) -> Option<H256>;
/// Something which can be treated as a `LightChainClient`.
pub trait AsLightClient {
/// The kind of light client this can be treated as.
type Client: LightChainClient;
/// Access the underlying light client.
fn as_light_client(&self) -> &Self::Client;
impl<T: LightChainClient> AsLightClient for T {
type Client = Self;
fn as_light_client(&self) -> &Self { self }
/// Light client implementation.
pub struct Client {
queue: HeaderQueue,
engine: Arc<Engine>,
chain: HeaderChain,
report: RwLock<ClientReport>,
import_lock: Mutex<()>,
impl Client {
/// Create a new `Client`.
pub fn new(config: Config, spec: &Spec, io_channel: IoChannel<ClientIoMessage>) -> Self {
// TODO: use real DB.
let db = ::util::kvdb::in_memory(0);
let gh = ::rlp::encode(&spec.genesis_header());
Client {
queue: HeaderQueue::new(config.queue, spec.engine.clone(), io_channel, true),
engine: spec.engine.clone(),
chain: HeaderChain::new(Arc::new(db), None, &gh).expect("new db every time"),
report: RwLock::new(ClientReport::default()),
import_lock: Mutex::new(()),
/// Import a header to the queue for additional verification.
pub fn import_header(&self, header: Header) -> Result<H256, BlockImportError> {
/// Inquire about the status of a given header.
pub fn status(&self, hash: &H256) -> BlockStatus {
match self.queue.status(hash) {
queue::Status::Unknown => self.chain.status(hash),
other => other.into(),
/// Get the chain info.
pub fn chain_info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo {
let best_hdr = self.chain.best_header();
let best_td = self.chain.best_block().total_difficulty;
let first_block = self.chain.first_block();
let genesis_hash = self.chain.genesis_hash();
BlockChainInfo {
total_difficulty: best_td,
pending_total_difficulty: best_td + self.queue.total_difficulty(),
genesis_hash: genesis_hash,
best_block_hash: best_hdr.hash(),
best_block_number: best_hdr.number(),
best_block_timestamp: best_hdr.timestamp(),
ancient_block_hash: if first_block.is_some() { Some(genesis_hash) } else { None },
ancient_block_number: if first_block.is_some() { Some(0) } else { None },
first_block_hash: first_block.as_ref().map(|first| first.hash),
first_block_number: first_block.as_ref().map(|first| first.number),
/// Get the header queue info.
pub fn queue_info(&self) -> queue::QueueInfo {
/// Get a block header by Id.
pub fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<encoded::Header> {
/// Get the best block header.
pub fn best_block_header(&self) -> encoded::Header {
/// Get an iterator over a block and its ancestry.
pub fn ancestry_iter(&self, start: BlockId) -> AncestryIter {
/// Get the signing network id.
pub fn signing_network_id(&self) -> Option<u64> {
/// Flush the header queue.
pub fn flush_queue(&self) {
/// Get the `i`th CHT root.
pub fn cht_root(&self, i: usize) -> Option<H256> {
/// Import a set of pre-verified headers from the queue.
pub fn import_verified(&self) {
const MAX: usize = 256;
let _lock = self.import_lock.lock();
let mut bad = Vec::new();
let mut good = Vec::new();
for verified_header in self.queue.drain(MAX) {
let (num, hash) = (verified_header.number(), verified_header.hash());
let mut tx = unimplemented!();
match self.chain.insert(&mut tx, verified_header) {
Ok(()) => {
good.push(hash); += 1;
Err(e) => {
debug!(target: "client", "Error importing header {:?}: {}", (num, hash), e);
/// Get a report about blocks imported.
pub fn report(&self) -> ClientReport {
::std::mem::replace(&mut *, ClientReport::default())
/// Get blockchain mem usage in bytes.
pub fn chain_mem_used(&self) -> usize {
use util::HeapSizeOf;
/// Get a handle to the verification engine.
pub fn engine(&self) -> &Arc<Engine> {
/// Get the latest environment info.
pub fn latest_env_info(&self) -> EnvInfo {
.expect("Best block header and recent hashes always stored; qed")
/// Get environment info for a given block.
pub fn env_info(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<EnvInfo> {
let header = match self.block_header(id) {
Some(hdr) => hdr,
None => return None,
Some(EnvInfo {
number: header.number(),
timestamp: header.timestamp(),
difficulty: header.difficulty(),
last_hashes: self.build_last_hashes(header.parent_hash()),
gas_used: Default::default(),
gas_limit: header.gas_limit(),
fn build_last_hashes(&self, mut parent_hash: H256) -> Arc<Vec<H256>> {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(256);
for _ in 0..255 {
match self.block_header(BlockId::Hash(parent_hash)) {
Some(header) => parent_hash = header.hash(),
None => break,
impl LightChainClient for Client {
fn chain_info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo { Client::chain_info(self) }
fn queue_header(&self, header: Header) -> Result<H256, BlockImportError> {
fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<encoded::Header> {
Client::block_header(self, id)
fn best_block_header(&self) -> encoded::Header {
fn ancestry_iter<'a>(&'a self, start: BlockId) -> Box<Iterator<Item=encoded::Header> + 'a> {
Box::new(Client::ancestry_iter(self, start))
fn signing_network_id(&self) -> Option<u64> {
fn is_known(&self, hash: &H256) -> bool {
self.status(hash) == BlockStatus::InChain
fn clear_queue(&self) {
fn flush_queue(&self) {
fn queue_info(&self) -> queue::QueueInfo {
fn cht_root(&self, i: usize) -> Option<H256> {
Client::cht_root(self, i)