* The front-end for each hard-fork, also EIP-160. * Address EIP161 a/c * Include EIP-161b * EIP-161 part d. * Fix test build. * Fix one test, add another. * Fix use of bloom & renaming. * Initial groundwork for EIP-155 * Fix minor bug. * Fix all tests finally. * Rest of EIP-155. * Add tests for EIP-155 algorithm. Update transaction tests validation. * Minor reformat. * Address grumbles. * Remove unused code. * Fix SUICIDE gas mechanism and add consensus tests. * Remove commented code. * Set Frontier hardfork block number * Fix warning. * Transaction tests,
281 lines
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281 lines
8.1 KiB
// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use super::test_common::*;
use action_params::ActionParams;
use state::{State, Substate};
use executive::*;
use engines::Engine;
use env_info::EnvInfo;
use evm;
use evm::{Schedule, Ext, Factory, Finalize, VMType, ContractCreateResult, MessageCallResult};
use externalities::*;
use types::executed::CallType;
use tests::helpers::*;
use ethjson;
use trace::{Tracer, NoopTracer};
use trace::{VMTracer, NoopVMTracer};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
struct CallCreate {
data: Bytes,
destination: Option<Address>,
gas_limit: U256,
value: U256
impl From<ethjson::vm::Call> for CallCreate {
fn from(c: ethjson::vm::Call) -> Self {
let dst: Option<ethjson::hash::Address> = c.destination.into();
CallCreate {
data: c.data.into(),
destination: dst.map(Into::into),
gas_limit: c.gas_limit.into(),
value: c.value.into()
/// Tiny wrapper around executive externalities.
/// Stores callcreates.
struct TestExt<'a, T, V> where T: 'a + Tracer, V: 'a + VMTracer {
ext: Externalities<'a, T, V>,
callcreates: Vec<CallCreate>,
contract_address: Address
impl<'a, T, V> TestExt<'a, T, V> where T: 'a + Tracer, V: 'a + VMTracer {
fn new(
state: &'a mut State,
info: &'a EnvInfo,
engine: &'a Engine,
vm_factory: &'a Factory,
depth: usize,
origin_info: OriginInfo,
substate: &'a mut Substate,
output: OutputPolicy<'a, 'a>,
address: Address,
tracer: &'a mut T,
vm_tracer: &'a mut V,
) -> Self {
TestExt {
contract_address: contract_address(&address, &state.nonce(&address)),
ext: Externalities::new(state, info, engine, vm_factory, depth, origin_info, substate, output, tracer, vm_tracer),
callcreates: vec![]
impl<'a, T, V> Ext for TestExt<'a, T, V> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer {
fn storage_at(&self, key: &H256) -> H256 {
fn set_storage(&mut self, key: H256, value: H256) {
self.ext.set_storage(key, value)
fn exists(&self, address: &Address) -> bool {
fn exists_and_not_null(&self, address: &Address) -> bool {
fn balance(&self, address: &Address) -> U256 {
fn origin_balance(&self) -> U256 {
fn blockhash(&self, number: &U256) -> H256 {
fn create(&mut self, gas: &U256, value: &U256, code: &[u8]) -> ContractCreateResult {
self.callcreates.push(CallCreate {
data: code.to_vec(),
destination: None,
gas_limit: *gas,
value: *value
ContractCreateResult::Created(self.contract_address.clone(), *gas)
fn call(&mut self,
gas: &U256,
_sender_address: &Address,
receive_address: &Address,
value: Option<U256>,
data: &[u8],
_code_address: &Address,
_output: &mut [u8],
_call_type: CallType
) -> MessageCallResult {
self.callcreates.push(CallCreate {
data: data.to_vec(),
destination: Some(receive_address.clone()),
gas_limit: *gas,
value: value.unwrap()
fn extcode(&self, address: &Address) -> Arc<Bytes> {
fn extcodesize(&self, address: &Address) -> usize {
fn log(&mut self, topics: Vec<H256>, data: &[u8]) {
self.ext.log(topics, data)
fn ret(self, gas: &U256, data: &[u8]) -> Result<U256, evm::Error> {
self.ext.ret(gas, data)
fn suicide(&mut self, refund_address: &Address) {
fn schedule(&self) -> &Schedule {
fn env_info(&self) -> &EnvInfo {
fn depth(&self) -> usize {
fn inc_sstore_clears(&mut self) {
fn do_json_test(json_data: &[u8]) -> Vec<String> {
let vms = VMType::all();
.flat_map(|vm| do_json_test_for(vm, json_data))
fn do_json_test_for(vm_type: &VMType, json_data: &[u8]) -> Vec<String> {
let tests = ethjson::vm::Test::load(json_data).unwrap();
let mut failed = Vec::new();
for (name, vm) in tests.into_iter() {
println!("name: {:?}", name);
let mut fail = false;
let mut fail_unless = |cond: bool, s: &str | if !cond && !fail {
failed.push(format!("[{}] {}: {}", vm_type, name, s));
fail = true
let out_of_gas = vm.out_of_gas();
let mut state_result = get_temp_state();
let mut state = state_result.reference_mut();
let info = From::from(vm.env);
let engine = TestEngine::new(1);
let vm_factory = Factory::new(vm_type.clone(), 1024 * 32);
let params = ActionParams::from(vm.transaction);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let mut tracer = NoopTracer;
let mut vm_tracer = NoopVMTracer;
let mut output = vec![];
// execute
let (res, callcreates) = {
let mut ex = TestExt::new(
&mut state,
&mut substate,
OutputPolicy::Return(BytesRef::Flexible(&mut output), None),
&mut tracer,
&mut vm_tracer,
let mut evm = vm_factory.create(params.gas);
let res = evm.exec(params, &mut ex);
// a return in finalize will not alter callcreates
let callcreates = ex.callcreates.clone();
(res.finalize(ex), callcreates)
match res {
Err(_) => fail_unless(out_of_gas, "didn't expect to run out of gas."),
Ok(gas_left) => {
fail_unless(!out_of_gas, "expected to run out of gas.");
fail_unless(Some(gas_left) == vm.gas_left.map(Into::into), "gas_left is incorrect");
let vm_output: Option<Vec<u8>> = vm.output.map(Into::into);
fail_unless(Some(output) == vm_output, "output is incorrect");
for (address, account) in vm.post_state.unwrap().into_iter() {
let address = address.into();
let code: Vec<u8> = account.code.into();
fail_unless(state.code(&address).as_ref().map_or_else(|| code.is_empty(), |c| &**c == &code), "code is incorrect");
fail_unless(state.balance(&address) == account.balance.into(), "balance is incorrect");
fail_unless(state.nonce(&address) == account.nonce.into(), "nonce is incorrect");
account.storage.into_iter().foreach(|(k, v)| {
let key: U256 = k.into();
let value: U256 = v.into();
fail_unless(state.storage_at(&address, &From::from(key)) == From::from(value), "storage is incorrect");
let calls: Option<Vec<CallCreate>> = vm.calls.map(|c| c.into_iter().map(From::from).collect());
fail_unless(Some(callcreates) == calls, "callcreates does not match");
for f in &failed {
println!("FAILED: {:?}", f);
declare_test!{ExecutiveTests_vmArithmeticTest, "VMTests/vmArithmeticTest"}
declare_test!{ExecutiveTests_vmBitwiseLogicOperationTest, "VMTests/vmBitwiseLogicOperationTest"}
declare_test!{ExecutiveTests_vmBlockInfoTest, "VMTests/vmBlockInfoTest"}
// TODO [todr] Fails with Signal 11 when using JIT
declare_test!{ExecutiveTests_vmEnvironmentalInfoTest, "VMTests/vmEnvironmentalInfoTest"}
declare_test!{ExecutiveTests_vmIOandFlowOperationsTest, "VMTests/vmIOandFlowOperationsTest"}
declare_test!{heavy => ExecutiveTests_vmInputLimits, "VMTests/vmInputLimits"}
declare_test!{ExecutiveTests_vmLogTest, "VMTests/vmLogTest"}
declare_test!{ExecutiveTests_vmPerformanceTest, "VMTests/vmPerformanceTest"}
declare_test!{ExecutiveTests_vmPushDupSwapTest, "VMTests/vmPushDupSwapTest"}
declare_test!{ExecutiveTests_vmSha3Test, "VMTests/vmSha3Test"}
declare_test!{ExecutiveTests_vmSystemOperationsTest, "VMTests/vmSystemOperationsTest"}
declare_test!{ExecutiveTests_vmtests, "VMTests/vmtests"}