Andreas Fackler ea8e7fcf73 authority_round: Fix next_step_time_duration. (#11379)
It's supposed to find the first step at or after `time`.
To compute that step's timestamp, it needs to add the total length
of all steps since the previous transitions to the timestamp of the
previous transition, not to `time`.
2020-01-13 22:42:14 +01:00

2956 lines
106 KiB

// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see <>.
//! A blockchain engine that supports a non-instant BFT proof-of-authority.
//! It is recommended to use the `two_thirds_majority_transition` option, to defend against the
//! ["Attack of the Clones"]( Newly started networks can
//! set this option to `0`, to use a 2/3 quorum from the beginning.
//! To support on-chain governance, the [ValidatorSet] is pluggable: Aura supports simple
//! constant lists of validators as well as smart contract-based dynamic validator sets.
//! Misbehavior is reported to the [ValidatorSet] as well, so that e.g. governance contracts
//! can penalize or ban attacker's nodes.
//! * "Benign" misbehavior are faults that can happen in normal operation, like failing
//! to propose a block in your slot, which could be due to a temporary network outage, or
//! wrong timestamps (due to out-of-sync clocks).
//! * "Malicious" reports are made only if the sender misbehaved deliberately (or due to a
//! software bug), e.g. if they proposed multiple blocks with the same step number.
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashSet};
use std::{cmp, fmt};
use std::iter::{self, FromIterator};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, AtomicBool, Ordering as AtomicOrdering};
use std::sync::{Weak, Arc};
use std::time::{UNIX_EPOCH, Duration};
use std::u64;
use client_traits::{EngineClient, ForceUpdateSealing, TransactionRequest};
use engine::{Engine, ConstructedVerifier};
use block_gas_limit::block_gas_limit;
use block_reward::{self, BlockRewardContract, RewardKind};
use ethjson;
use machine::{
use macros::map;
use keccak_hash::keccak;
use log::{info, debug, error, trace, warn};
use lru_cache::LruCache;
use engine::signer::EngineSigner;
use parity_crypto::publickey::Signature;
use io::{IoContext, IoHandler, TimerToken, IoService};
use itertools::{self, Itertools};
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use rlp::{encode, Decodable, DecoderError, Encodable, RlpStream, Rlp};
use ethereum_types::{H256, H520, Address, U128, U256};
use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock};
use time_utils::CheckedSystemTime;
use common_types::{
header::{Header, ExtendedHeader},
machine::{Call, AuxiliaryData},
errors::{BlockError, EthcoreError as Error, EngineError},
use unexpected::{Mismatch, OutOfBounds};
use validator_set::{ValidatorSet, SimpleList, new_validator_set};
mod finality;
mod randomness;
pub(crate) mod util;
use self::finality::RollingFinality;
/// `AuthorityRound` params.
pub struct AuthorityRoundParams {
/// A map defining intervals of blocks with the given times (in seconds) to wait before next
/// block or authority switching. The keys in the map are steps of starting blocks of those
/// periods. The entry at `0` should be defined.
/// Wait times (durations) are additionally required to be less than 65535 since larger values
/// lead to slow block issuance.
pub step_durations: BTreeMap<u64, u64>,
/// Starting step,
pub start_step: Option<u64>,
/// Valid validators.
pub validators: Box<dyn ValidatorSet>,
/// Chain score validation transition block.
pub validate_score_transition: u64,
/// Monotonic step validation transition block.
pub validate_step_transition: u64,
/// Immediate transitions.
pub immediate_transitions: bool,
/// Block reward in base units.
pub block_reward: U256,
/// Block reward contract addresses with their associated starting block numbers.
pub block_reward_contract_transitions: BTreeMap<u64, BlockRewardContract>,
/// Number of accepted uncles transition block.
pub maximum_uncle_count_transition: u64,
/// Number of accepted uncles.
pub maximum_uncle_count: usize,
/// Empty step messages transition block.
pub empty_steps_transition: u64,
/// First block for which a 2/3 quorum (instead of 1/2) is required.
pub two_thirds_majority_transition: BlockNumber,
/// Number of accepted empty steps.
pub maximum_empty_steps: usize,
/// Transition block to strict empty steps validation.
pub strict_empty_steps_transition: u64,
/// If set, enables random number contract integration. It maps the transition block to the contract address.
pub randomness_contract_address: BTreeMap<u64, Address>,
/// The addresses of contracts that determine the block gas limit with their associated block
/// numbers.
pub block_gas_limit_contract_transitions: BTreeMap<u64, Address>,
const U16_MAX: usize = ::std::u16::MAX as usize;
/// The number of recent block hashes for which the gas limit override is memoized.
impl From<ethjson::spec::AuthorityRoundParams> for AuthorityRoundParams {
fn from(p: ethjson::spec::AuthorityRoundParams) -> Self {
let map_step_duration = |u: ethjson::uint::Uint| {
let mut step_duration_usize: usize = u.into();
if step_duration_usize == 0 {
panic!("AuthorityRoundParams: step duration cannot be 0");
if step_duration_usize > U16_MAX {
warn!(target: "engine", "step duration is too high ({}), setting it to {}", step_duration_usize, U16_MAX);
step_duration_usize = U16_MAX;
step_duration_usize as u64
let step_durations: BTreeMap<_, _> = match p.step_duration {
ethjson::spec::StepDuration::Single(u) =>
iter::once((0, map_step_duration(u))).collect(),
ethjson::spec::StepDuration::Transitions(tr) => {
if tr.is_empty() {
panic!("AuthorityRoundParams: step duration transitions cannot be empty");
tr.into_iter().map(|(timestamp, u)| (timestamp.into(), map_step_duration(u))).collect()
let transition_block_num = p.block_reward_contract_transition.map_or(0, Into::into);
let mut br_transitions: BTreeMap<_, _> = p.block_reward_contract_transitions
.map(|(block_num, address)|
(block_num.into(), BlockRewardContract::new_from_address(address.into())))
if (p.block_reward_contract_code.is_some() || p.block_reward_contract_address.is_some()) &&
br_transitions.keys().next().map_or(false, |&block_num| block_num <= transition_block_num)
let s = "blockRewardContractTransition";
panic!("{} should be less than any of the keys in {}s", s, s);
if let Some(code) = p.block_reward_contract_code {
} else if let Some(address) = p.block_reward_contract_address {
let randomness_contract_address = p.randomness_contract_address.map_or_else(BTreeMap::new, |transitions| {
transitions.into_iter().map(|(ethjson::uint::Uint(block), addr)| {
(block.as_u64(), addr.into())
let block_gas_limit_contract_transitions: BTreeMap<_, _> =
.map(|(block_num, address)| (block_num.into(), address.into()))
AuthorityRoundParams {
validators: new_validator_set(p.validators),
validate_score_transition: p.validate_score_transition.map_or(0, Into::into),
validate_step_transition: p.validate_step_transition.map_or(0, Into::into),
immediate_transitions: p.immediate_transitions.unwrap_or(false),
block_reward: p.block_reward.map_or_else(Default::default, Into::into),
block_reward_contract_transitions: br_transitions,
maximum_uncle_count_transition: p.maximum_uncle_count_transition.map_or(0, Into::into),
maximum_uncle_count: p.maximum_uncle_count.map_or(0, Into::into),
empty_steps_transition: p.empty_steps_transition.map_or(u64::max_value(), |n| ::std::cmp::max(n.into(), 1)),
maximum_empty_steps: p.maximum_empty_steps.map_or(0, Into::into),
two_thirds_majority_transition: p.two_thirds_majority_transition.map_or_else(BlockNumber::max_value, Into::into),
strict_empty_steps_transition: p.strict_empty_steps_transition.map_or(0, Into::into),
/// A triple containing the first step number and the starting timestamp of the given step duration.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct StepDurationInfo {
transition_step: u64,
transition_timestamp: u64,
step_duration: u64,
/// Helper for managing the step.
struct Step {
calibrate: bool, // whether calibration is enabled.
inner: AtomicU64,
/// Planned durations of steps.
durations: Vec<StepDurationInfo>,
impl Step {
fn load(&self) -> u64 { self.inner.load(AtomicOrdering::SeqCst) }
/// Finds the remaining duration of the current step. Panics if there was a counter under- or
/// overflow.
fn duration_remaining(&self) -> Duration {
self.opt_duration_remaining().unwrap_or_else(|| {
let ctr = self.load();
error!(target: "engine", "Step counter under- or overflow: {}, aborting", ctr);
panic!("step counter under- or overflow: {}", ctr)
/// Finds the remaining duration of the current step. Returns `None` if there was a counter
/// under- or overflow.
fn opt_duration_remaining(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
let next_step = self.load().checked_add(1)?;
let StepDurationInfo { transition_step, transition_timestamp, step_duration } =
.take_while(|info| info.transition_step < next_step)
.expect("durations cannot be empty")
let next_time = transition_timestamp
/// Increments the step number.
/// Panics if the new step number is `u64::MAX`.
fn increment(&self) {
// fetch_add won't panic on overflow but will rather wrap
// around, leading to zero as the step counter, which might
// lead to unexpected situations, so it's better to shut down.
if self.inner.fetch_add(1, AtomicOrdering::SeqCst) == u64::MAX {
error!(target: "engine", "Step counter is too high: {}, aborting", u64::MAX);
panic!("step counter is too high: {}", u64::MAX);
fn calibrate(&self) {
if self.calibrate {
if self.opt_calibrate().is_none() {
let ctr = self.load();
error!(target: "engine", "Step counter under- or overflow: {}, aborting", ctr);
panic!("step counter under- or overflow: {}", ctr)
/// Calibrates the AuRa step number according to the current time.
fn opt_calibrate(&self) -> Option<()> {
let now = unix_now().as_secs();
let StepDurationInfo { transition_step, transition_timestamp, step_duration } =
.take_while(|info| info.transition_timestamp < now)
.expect("durations cannot be empty")
let new_step = (now.checked_sub(transition_timestamp)? / step_duration)
.checked_add(transition_step)?;, AtomicOrdering::SeqCst);
fn check_future(&self, given: u64) -> Result<(), Option<OutOfBounds<u64>>> {
const REJECTED_STEP_DRIFT: u64 = 4;
// Verify if the step is correct.
if given <= self.load() {
return Ok(());
// Make absolutely sure that the given step is incorrect.
let current = self.load();
// reject blocks too far in the future
if given > current + REJECTED_STEP_DRIFT {
// wait a bit for blocks in near future
} else if given > current {
let d = self.durations.iter().take_while(|info| info.transition_step <= current).last()
.expect("Duration map has at least a 0 entry.")
Err(Some(OutOfBounds {
min: None,
max: Some(d * current),
found: d * given,
} else {
// Chain scoring: total weight is sqrt(U256::max_value())*height - step
fn calculate_score(parent_step: u64, current_step: u64, current_empty_steps: usize) -> U256 {
U256::from(U128::max_value()) + U256::from(parent_step) - U256::from(current_step) + U256::from(current_empty_steps)
struct EpochManager {
epoch_transition_hash: H256,
epoch_transition_number: BlockNumber,
finality_checker: RollingFinality,
force: bool,
impl EpochManager {
fn blank(two_thirds_majority_transition: BlockNumber) -> Self {
EpochManager {
epoch_transition_hash: H256::zero(),
epoch_transition_number: 0,
finality_checker: RollingFinality::blank(Vec::new(), two_thirds_majority_transition),
force: true,
// Zooms to the epoch after the header with the given hash. Returns true if succeeded, false otherwise.
fn zoom_to_after(
&mut self,
client: &dyn EngineClient,
machine: &Machine,
validators: &dyn ValidatorSet,
hash: H256
) -> bool {
let last_was_parent = self.finality_checker.subchain_head() == Some(hash);
// early exit for current target == chain head, but only if the epochs are
// the same.
if last_was_parent && !self.force {
return true;
self.force = false;
debug!(target: "engine", "Zooming to epoch after block {}", hash);
trace!(target: "engine", "Current validator set: {:?}", self.validators());
// epoch_transition_for can be an expensive call, but in the absence of
// forks it will only need to be called for the block directly after
// epoch transition, in which case it will be O(1) and require a single
// DB lookup.
let last_transition = match client.epoch_transition_for(hash) {
Some(t) => t,
None => {
// this really should never happen unless the block passed
// hasn't got a parent in the database.
warn!(target: "engine", "No genesis transition found. Block hash {} does not have a parent in the DB", hash);
return false;
// extract other epoch set if it's not the same as the last.
if last_transition.block_hash != self.epoch_transition_hash {
let (signal_number, set_proof, _) = destructure_proofs(&last_transition.proof)
.expect("proof produced by this engine; therefore it is valid; qed");
trace!(target: "engine", "extracting epoch validator set for epoch ({}, {}) signalled at #{}",
last_transition.block_number, last_transition.block_hash, signal_number);
let first = signal_number == 0;
let epoch_set = validators.epoch_set(
signal_number, // use signal number so multi-set first calculation is correct.
.map(|(list, _)| {
trace!(target: "engine", "Updating finality checker with new validator set extracted from epoch ({}, {}): {:?}",
last_transition.block_number, last_transition.block_hash, &list);
.expect("proof produced by this engine; therefore it is valid; qed");
let two_thirds_majority_transition = self.finality_checker.two_thirds_majority_transition();
self.finality_checker = RollingFinality::blank(epoch_set, two_thirds_majority_transition);
self.epoch_transition_hash = last_transition.block_hash;
self.epoch_transition_number = last_transition.block_number;
// Note new epoch hash. This will force the next block to re-load
// the epoch set.
// TODO: optimize and don't require re-loading after epoch change.
fn note_new_epoch(&mut self) {
self.force = true;
/// Get validator set. Zoom to the correct epoch first.
fn validators(&self) -> &SimpleList {
/// A message broadcast by authorities when it's their turn to seal a block but there are no
/// transactions. Other authorities accumulate these messages and later include them in the seal as
/// proof.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct EmptyStep {
signature: H520,
step: u64,
parent_hash: H256,
impl PartialOrd for EmptyStep {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
impl Ord for EmptyStep {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> cmp::Ordering {
.then_with(|| self.parent_hash.cmp(&other.parent_hash))
.then_with(|| self.signature.cmp(&other.signature))
impl EmptyStep {
fn from_sealed(sealed_empty_step: SealedEmptyStep, parent_hash: &H256) -> EmptyStep {
let signature = sealed_empty_step.signature;
let step = sealed_empty_step.step;
let parent_hash = parent_hash.clone();
EmptyStep { signature, step, parent_hash }
fn verify(&self, validators: &dyn ValidatorSet) -> Result<bool, Error> {
let message = keccak(empty_step_rlp(self.step, &self.parent_hash));
let correct_proposer = step_proposer(validators, &self.parent_hash, self.step);
parity_crypto::publickey::verify_address(&correct_proposer, &self.signature.into(), &message)
.map_err(|e| e.into())
fn author(&self) -> Result<Address, Error> {
let message = keccak(empty_step_rlp(self.step, &self.parent_hash));
let public = parity_crypto::publickey::recover(&self.signature.into(), &message)?;
fn sealed(&self) -> SealedEmptyStep {
let signature = self.signature;
let step = self.step;
SealedEmptyStep { signature, step }
impl fmt::Display for EmptyStep {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "({:x}, {}, {:x})", self.signature, self.step, self.parent_hash)
impl Encodable for EmptyStep {
fn rlp_append(&self, s: &mut RlpStream) {
let empty_step_rlp = empty_step_rlp(self.step, &self.parent_hash);
.append_raw(&empty_step_rlp, 1);
impl Decodable for EmptyStep {
fn decode(rlp: &Rlp) -> Result<Self, DecoderError> {
let signature = rlp.val_at(0)?;
let empty_step_rlp =;
let step = empty_step_rlp.val_at(0)?;
let parent_hash = empty_step_rlp.val_at(1)?;
Ok(EmptyStep { signature, step, parent_hash })
pub fn empty_step_full_rlp(signature: &H520, empty_step_rlp: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2);
s.append(signature).append_raw(empty_step_rlp, 1);
pub fn empty_step_rlp(step: u64, parent_hash: &H256) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2);
/// An empty step message that is included in a seal, the only difference is that it doesn't include
/// the `parent_hash` in order to save space. The included signature is of the original empty step
/// message, which can be reconstructed by using the parent hash of the block in which this sealed
/// empty message is included.
struct SealedEmptyStep {
signature: H520,
step: u64,
impl Encodable for SealedEmptyStep {
fn rlp_append(&self, s: &mut RlpStream) {
impl Decodable for SealedEmptyStep {
fn decode(rlp: &Rlp) -> Result<Self, DecoderError> {
let signature = rlp.val_at(0)?;
let step = rlp.val_at(1)?;
Ok(SealedEmptyStep { signature, step })
struct PermissionedStep {
inner: Step,
can_propose: AtomicBool,
/// Engine using `AuthorityRound` proof-of-authority BFT consensus.
pub struct AuthorityRound {
transition_service: IoService<()>,
step: Arc<PermissionedStep>,
client: Arc<RwLock<Option<Weak<dyn EngineClient>>>>,
signer: RwLock<Option<Box<dyn EngineSigner>>>,
validators: Box<dyn ValidatorSet>,
validate_score_transition: u64,
validate_step_transition: u64,
empty_steps: Mutex<BTreeSet<EmptyStep>>,
epoch_manager: Mutex<EpochManager>,
immediate_transitions: bool,
block_reward: U256,
block_reward_contract_transitions: BTreeMap<u64, BlockRewardContract>,
maximum_uncle_count_transition: u64,
maximum_uncle_count: usize,
empty_steps_transition: u64,
strict_empty_steps_transition: u64,
two_thirds_majority_transition: BlockNumber,
maximum_empty_steps: usize,
machine: Machine,
/// History of step hashes recently received from peers.
received_step_hashes: RwLock<BTreeMap<(u64, Address), H256>>,
/// If set, enables random number contract integration. It maps the transition block to the contract address.
randomness_contract_address: BTreeMap<u64, Address>,
/// The addresses of contracts that determine the block gas limit.
block_gas_limit_contract_transitions: BTreeMap<u64, Address>,
/// Memoized gas limit overrides, by block hash.
gas_limit_override_cache: Mutex<LruCache<H256, Option<U256>>>,
// header-chain validator.
struct EpochVerifier {
step: Arc<PermissionedStep>,
subchain_validators: SimpleList,
empty_steps_transition: u64,
/// First block for which a 2/3 quorum (instead of 1/2) is required.
two_thirds_majority_transition: BlockNumber,
impl engine::EpochVerifier for EpochVerifier {
fn verify_light(&self, header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Validate the timestamp
verify_timestamp(&self.step.inner, header_step(header, self.empty_steps_transition)?)?;
// always check the seal since it's fast.
// nothing heavier to do.
verify_external(header, &self.subchain_validators, self.empty_steps_transition)
fn check_finality_proof(&self, proof: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<H256>> {
let signers = self.subchain_validators.clone().into_inner();
let mut finality_checker = RollingFinality::blank(signers, self.two_thirds_majority_transition);
let mut finalized = Vec::new();
let headers: Vec<Header> = Rlp::new(proof).as_list().ok()?;
let mut push_header = |parent_header: &Header, header: Option<&Header>| {
// ensure all headers have correct number of seal fields so we can `verify_external`
// and get `empty_steps` without panic.
if parent_header.seal().len() != header_expected_seal_fields(parent_header, self.empty_steps_transition) {
return None
if header.iter().any(|h| h.seal().len() != header_expected_seal_fields(h, self.empty_steps_transition)) {
return None
// `verify_external` checks that signature is correct and author == signer.
verify_external(parent_header, &self.subchain_validators, self.empty_steps_transition).ok()?;
let mut signers = match header {
Some(header) => header_empty_steps_signers(header, self.empty_steps_transition).ok()?,
_ => Vec::new(),
let newly_finalized =
finality_checker.push_hash(parent_header.hash(), parent_header.number(), signers).ok()?;
for window in {
push_header(&window[0], Some(&window[1]))?;
if let Some(last) = headers.last() {
push_header(last, None)?;
if finalized.is_empty() { None } else { Some(finalized) }
fn header_seal_hash(header: &Header, empty_steps_rlp: Option<&[u8]>) -> H256 {
match empty_steps_rlp {
Some(empty_steps_rlp) => {
let mut message = header.bare_hash().as_bytes().to_vec();
None => {
fn header_expected_seal_fields(header: &Header, empty_steps_transition: u64) -> usize {
if header.number() >= empty_steps_transition {
} else {
fn header_step(header: &Header, empty_steps_transition: u64) -> Result<u64, ::rlp::DecoderError> {
panic!("was either checked with verify_block_basic or is genesis; has {} fields; qed (Make sure the spec \
file has a correct genesis seal)", header_expected_seal_fields(header, empty_steps_transition))
fn header_signature(header: &Header, empty_steps_transition: u64) -> Result<Signature, ::rlp::DecoderError> {
panic!("was checked with verify_block_basic; has {} fields; qed",
header_expected_seal_fields(header, empty_steps_transition))
// extracts the raw empty steps vec from the header seal. should only be called when there are 3 fields in the seal
// (i.e. header.number() >= self.empty_steps_transition)
fn header_empty_steps_raw(header: &Header) -> &[u8] {
header.seal().get(2).expect("was checked with verify_block_basic; has 3 fields; qed")
// extracts the empty steps from the header seal. should only be called when there are 3 fields in the seal
// (i.e. header.number() >= self.empty_steps_transition).
fn header_empty_steps(header: &Header) -> Result<Vec<EmptyStep>, ::rlp::DecoderError> {
let empty_steps = Rlp::new(header_empty_steps_raw(header)).as_list::<SealedEmptyStep>()?;
Ok(empty_steps.into_iter().map(|s| EmptyStep::from_sealed(s, header.parent_hash())).collect())
// gets the signers of empty step messages for the given header, does not include repeated signers
fn header_empty_steps_signers(header: &Header, empty_steps_transition: u64) -> Result<Vec<Address>, Error> {
if header.number() >= empty_steps_transition {
let mut signers = HashSet::new();
for empty_step in header_empty_steps(header)? {
} else {
fn step_proposer(validators: &dyn ValidatorSet, bh: &H256, step: u64) -> Address {
let proposer = validators.get(bh, step as usize);
trace!(target: "engine", "step_proposer: Fetched proposer for step {}: {}", step, proposer);
fn is_step_proposer(validators: &dyn ValidatorSet, bh: &H256, step: u64, address: &Address) -> bool {
step_proposer(validators, bh, step) == *address
fn verify_timestamp(step: &Step, header_step: u64) -> Result<(), BlockError> {
match step.check_future(header_step) {
Err(None) => {
trace!(target: "engine", "verify_timestamp: block from the future");
Err(Some(oob)) => {
// NOTE This error might be returned only in early stage of verification (Stage 1).
// Returning it further won't recover the sync process.
trace!(target: "engine", "verify_timestamp: block too early");
let found = CheckedSystemTime::checked_add(UNIX_EPOCH, Duration::from_secs(oob.found))
let max = oob.max.and_then(|m| CheckedSystemTime::checked_add(UNIX_EPOCH, Duration::from_secs(m)));
let min = oob.min.and_then(|m| CheckedSystemTime::checked_add(UNIX_EPOCH, Duration::from_secs(m)));
let new_oob = OutOfBounds { min, max, found };
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
fn verify_external(header: &Header, validators: &dyn ValidatorSet, empty_steps_transition: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
let header_step = header_step(header, empty_steps_transition)?;
let proposer_signature = header_signature(header, empty_steps_transition)?;
let correct_proposer = validators.get(header.parent_hash(), header_step as usize);
let is_invalid_proposer = * != correct_proposer || {
let empty_steps_rlp = if header.number() >= empty_steps_transition {
} else {
let header_seal_hash = header_seal_hash(header, empty_steps_rlp);
!parity_crypto::publickey::verify_address(&correct_proposer, &proposer_signature, &header_seal_hash)?
if is_invalid_proposer {
warn!(target: "engine", "verify_block_external: bad proposer for step: {}", header_step);
Err(EngineError::NotProposer(Mismatch { expected: correct_proposer, found: * }))?
} else {
fn combine_proofs(signal_number: BlockNumber, set_proof: &[u8], finality_proof: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut stream = ::rlp::RlpStream::new_list(3);
fn destructure_proofs(combined: &[u8]) -> Result<(BlockNumber, &[u8], &[u8]), Error> {
let rlp = Rlp::new(combined);
trait AsMillis {
fn as_millis(&self) -> u64;
impl AsMillis for Duration {
fn as_millis(&self) -> u64 {
self.as_secs() * 1_000 + (self.subsec_nanos() / 1_000_000) as u64
// A type for storing owned or borrowed data that has a common type.
// Useful for returning either a borrow or owned data from a function.
enum CowLike<'a, A: 'a + ?Sized, B> {
Borrowed(&'a A),
impl<'a, A: ?Sized, B> Deref for CowLike<'a, A, B> where B: AsRef<A> {
type Target = A;
fn deref(&self) -> &A {
match self {
CowLike::Borrowed(b) => b,
CowLike::Owned(o) => o.as_ref(),
impl AuthorityRound {
/// Create a new instance of AuthorityRound engine.
pub fn new(our_params: AuthorityRoundParams, machine: Machine) -> Result<Arc<Self>, Error> {
if !our_params.step_durations.contains_key(&0) {
error!(target: "engine", "Authority Round step 0 duration is undefined, aborting");
return Err(Error::Engine(EngineError::Custom(String::from("step 0 duration is undefined"))));
if our_params.step_durations.values().any(|v| *v == 0) {
error!(target: "engine", "Authority Round step duration cannot be 0");
return Err(Error::Engine(EngineError::Custom(String::from("step duration cannot be 0"))));
let should_timeout = our_params.start_step.is_none();
let initial_step = our_params.start_step.unwrap_or(0);
let mut durations = Vec::new();
let mut prev_step = 0u64;
let mut prev_time = 0u64;
let mut prev_dur = our_params.step_durations[&0];
durations.push(StepDurationInfo {
transition_step: prev_step,
transition_timestamp: prev_time,
step_duration: prev_dur
for (time, dur) in our_params.step_durations.iter().skip(1) {
let (step, time) = next_step_time_duration(
transition_step: prev_step,
transition_timestamp: prev_time,
step_duration: prev_dur,
}, *time)
durations.push(StepDurationInfo {
transition_step: step,
transition_timestamp: time,
step_duration: *dur
prev_step = step;
prev_time = time;
prev_dur = *dur;
let step = Step {
inner: AtomicU64::new(initial_step),
calibrate: our_params.start_step.is_none(),
let engine = Arc::new(
AuthorityRound {
transition_service: IoService::<()>::start()?,
step: Arc::new(PermissionedStep { inner: step, can_propose: AtomicBool::new(true) }),
client: Arc::new(RwLock::new(None)),
signer: RwLock::new(None),
validators: our_params.validators,
validate_score_transition: our_params.validate_score_transition,
validate_step_transition: our_params.validate_step_transition,
empty_steps: Default::default(),
epoch_manager: Mutex::new(EpochManager::blank(our_params.two_thirds_majority_transition)),
immediate_transitions: our_params.immediate_transitions,
block_reward: our_params.block_reward,
block_reward_contract_transitions: our_params.block_reward_contract_transitions,
maximum_uncle_count_transition: our_params.maximum_uncle_count_transition,
maximum_uncle_count: our_params.maximum_uncle_count,
empty_steps_transition: our_params.empty_steps_transition,
maximum_empty_steps: our_params.maximum_empty_steps,
two_thirds_majority_transition: our_params.two_thirds_majority_transition,
strict_empty_steps_transition: our_params.strict_empty_steps_transition,
received_step_hashes: RwLock::new(Default::default()),
randomness_contract_address: our_params.randomness_contract_address,
block_gas_limit_contract_transitions: our_params.block_gas_limit_contract_transitions,
gas_limit_override_cache: Mutex::new(LruCache::new(GAS_LIMIT_OVERRIDE_CACHE_CAPACITY)),
// Do not initialize timeouts for tests.
if should_timeout {
let handler = TransitionHandler {
step: engine.step.clone(),
client: engine.client.clone(),
// fetch correct validator set for epoch at header, taking into account
// finality of previous transitions.
fn epoch_set<'a>(&'a self, header: &Header) -> Result<(CowLike<dyn ValidatorSet, SimpleList>, BlockNumber), Error> {
Ok(if self.immediate_transitions {
(CowLike::Borrowed(&*self.validators), header.number())
} else {
let mut epoch_manager = self.epoch_manager.lock();
let client = match|weak| weak.upgrade()) {
Some(client) => client,
None => {
debug!(target: "engine", "Unable to verify sig: missing client ref.");
return Err(EngineError::RequiresClient.into())
if !epoch_manager.zoom_to_after(&*client, &self.machine, &*self.validators, *header.parent_hash()) {
debug!(target: "engine", "Unable to zoom to epoch.");
return Err(EngineError::MissingParent(*header.parent_hash()).into())
(CowLike::Owned(epoch_manager.validators().clone()), epoch_manager.epoch_transition_number)
fn empty_steps(&self, from_step: u64, to_step: u64, parent_hash: H256) -> Vec<EmptyStep> {
let from = EmptyStep {
step: from_step + 1,
signature: Default::default(),
let to = EmptyStep {
step: to_step,
parent_hash: Default::default(),
signature: Default::default(),
if from >= to {
return vec![];
.filter(|e| e.parent_hash == parent_hash)
fn clear_empty_steps(&self, step: u64) {
// clear old `empty_steps` messages
let mut empty_steps = self.empty_steps.lock();
*empty_steps = empty_steps.split_off(&EmptyStep {
step: step + 1,
parent_hash: Default::default(),
signature: Default::default(),
fn handle_empty_step_message(&self, empty_step: EmptyStep) {
fn generate_empty_step(&self, parent_hash: &H256) {
let step = self.step.inner.load();
let empty_step_rlp = empty_step_rlp(step, parent_hash);
if let Ok(signature) = self.sign(keccak(&empty_step_rlp)).map(Into::into) {
let message_rlp = empty_step_full_rlp(&signature, &empty_step_rlp);
let parent_hash = *parent_hash;
let empty_step = EmptyStep { signature, step, parent_hash };
trace!(target: "engine", "broadcasting empty step message: {:?}", empty_step);
} else {
warn!(target: "engine", "generate_empty_step: FAIL: accounts secret key unavailable");
fn broadcast_message(&self, message: Vec<u8>) {
if let Some(ref weak) = * {
if let Some(c) = weak.upgrade() {
fn report_skipped(&self, header: &Header, current_step: u64, parent_step: u64, validators: &dyn ValidatorSet, set_number: u64) {
// we're building on top of the genesis block so don't report any skipped steps
if header.number() == 1 {
if let (true, Some(me)) = (current_step > parent_step + 1, self.address()) {
debug!(target: "engine", "Author {} built block with step gap. current step: {}, parent step: {}",, current_step, parent_step);
let mut reported = HashSet::new();
for step in parent_step + 1..current_step {
let skipped_primary = step_proposer(validators, header.parent_hash(), step);
// Do not report this signer.
if skipped_primary != me {
// Stop reporting once validators start repeating.
if !reported.insert(skipped_primary) { break; }
trace!(target: "engine", "Reporting benign misbehaviour (cause: skipped step) at block #{}, epoch set number {}, step proposer={:#x}. Own address: {}",
header.number(), set_number, skipped_primary, me);
self.validators.report_benign(&skipped_primary, set_number, header.number());
} else {
trace!(target: "engine", "Primary that skipped is self, not self-reporting. Own address: {}", me);
// Returns the hashes of all ancestor blocks that are finalized by the given `chain_head`.
fn build_finality(&self, chain_head: &Header, ancestry: &mut dyn Iterator<Item=Header>) -> Vec<H256> {
if self.immediate_transitions { return Vec::new() }
let client = match|weak| weak.upgrade()) {
Some(client) => client,
None => {
warn!(target: "engine", "Unable to apply ancestry actions: missing client ref.");
return Vec::new();
let mut epoch_manager = self.epoch_manager.lock();
if !epoch_manager.zoom_to_after(&*client, &self.machine, &*self.validators, *chain_head.parent_hash()) {
return Vec::new();
if epoch_manager.finality_checker.subchain_head() != Some(*chain_head.parent_hash()) {
// build new finality checker from unfinalized ancestry of chain head, not including chain head itself yet.
trace!(target: "finality", "Building finality up to parent of {} ({})",
chain_head.hash(), chain_head.parent_hash());
// the empty steps messages in a header signal approval of the
// parent header.
let mut parent_empty_steps_signers = match header_empty_steps_signers(&chain_head, self.empty_steps_transition) {
Ok(empty_step_signers) => empty_step_signers,
Err(_) => {
warn!(target: "finality", "Failed to get empty step signatures from block {}", chain_head.hash());
return Vec::new();
let epoch_transition_hash = epoch_manager.epoch_transition_hash;
let ancestry_iter =|header| {
let mut signers = vec![*];
if let Ok(empty_step_signers) = header_empty_steps_signers(&header, self.empty_steps_transition) {
let res = (header.hash(), header.number(), signers);
trace!(target: "finality", "Ancestry iteration: yielding {:?}", res);
parent_empty_steps_signers = empty_step_signers;
} else {
warn!(target: "finality", "Failed to get empty step signatures from block {}", header.hash());
.take_while(|&(h, _, _)| h != epoch_transition_hash);
if let Err(e) = epoch_manager.finality_checker.build_ancestry_subchain(ancestry_iter) {
debug!(target: "engine", "inconsistent validator set within epoch: {:?}", e);
return Vec::new();
let finalized = epoch_manager.finality_checker.push_hash(
chain_head.hash(), chain_head.number(), vec![*]);
fn address(&self) -> Option<Address> {|s| s.address() )
/// Make calls to the randomness contract.
fn run_randomness_phase(&self, block: &ExecutedBlock) -> Result<Vec<SignedTransaction>, Error> {
let contract_addr = match self.randomness_contract_address.range(..=block.header.number()).last() {
Some((_, &contract_addr)) => contract_addr,
None => return Ok(Vec::new()), // No randomness contract.
let opt_signer =;
let signer = match opt_signer.as_ref() {
Some(signer) => signer,
None => return Ok(Vec::new()), // We are not a validator, so we shouldn't call the contracts.
let our_addr = signer.address();
let client =|weak| weak.upgrade()).ok_or_else(|| {
debug!(target: "engine", "Unable to prepare block: missing client ref.");
let full_client = client.as_full_client()
.ok_or_else(|| EngineError::FailedSystemCall("Failed to upgrade to BlockchainClient.".to_string()))?;
// Random number generation
let contract = util::BoundContract::new(&*client, BlockId::Latest, contract_addr);
let phase = randomness::RandomnessPhase::load(&contract, our_addr)
.map_err(|err| EngineError::Custom(format!("Randomness error in load(): {:?}", err)))?;
let data = match phase.advance(&contract, &mut OsRng, signer.as_ref())
.map_err(|err| EngineError::Custom(format!("Randomness error in advance(): {:?}", err)))? {
Some(data) => data,
None => return Ok(Vec::new()), // Nothing to commit or reveal at the moment.
let nonce = block.state.nonce(&our_addr)?;
let tx_request = TransactionRequest::call(contract_addr, data).gas_price(U256::zero()).nonce(nonce);
fn unix_now() -> Duration {
UNIX_EPOCH.elapsed().expect("Valid time has to be set in your system.")
struct TransitionHandler {
step: Arc<PermissionedStep>,
client: Arc<RwLock<Option<Weak<dyn EngineClient>>>>,
const ENGINE_TIMEOUT_TOKEN: TimerToken = 23;
impl IoHandler<()> for TransitionHandler {
fn initialize(&self, io: &IoContext<()>) {
let remaining = AsMillis::as_millis(&self.step.inner.duration_remaining());
io.register_timer_once(ENGINE_TIMEOUT_TOKEN, Duration::from_millis(remaining))
.unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!(target: "engine", "Failed to start consensus step timer: {}.", e))
fn timeout(&self, io: &IoContext<()>, timer: TimerToken) {
// NOTE we might be lagging by couple of steps in case the timeout
// has not been called fast enough.
// Make sure to advance up to the actual step.
while AsMillis::as_millis(&self.step.inner.duration_remaining()) == 0 {
self.step.inner.increment();, AtomicOrdering::SeqCst);
if let Some(ref weak) = * {
if let Some(c) = weak.upgrade() {
let next_run_at = Duration::from_millis(
AsMillis::as_millis(&self.step.inner.duration_remaining()) >> 2
io.register_timer_once(ENGINE_TIMEOUT_TOKEN, next_run_at)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!(target: "engine", "Failed to restart consensus step timer: {}.", e))
impl Engine for AuthorityRound {
fn name(&self) -> &str { "AuthorityRound" }
fn machine(&self) -> &Machine { &self.machine }
/// Three fields - consensus step and the corresponding proposer signature, and a list of empty
/// step messages (which should be empty if no steps are skipped)
fn seal_fields(&self, header: &Header) -> usize {
header_expected_seal_fields(header, self.empty_steps_transition)
fn step(&self) {
self.step.inner.increment();, AtomicOrdering::SeqCst);
if let Some(ref weak) = * {
if let Some(c) = weak.upgrade() {
/// Additional engine-specific information for the user/developer concerning `header`.
fn extra_info(&self, header: &Header) -> BTreeMap<String, String> {
if header.seal().len() < header_expected_seal_fields(header, self.empty_steps_transition) {
return BTreeMap::default();
let step = header_step(header, self.empty_steps_transition).as_ref()
let signature = header_signature(header, self.empty_steps_transition).as_ref()
let mut info = map![
"step".into() => step,
"signature".into() => signature
if header.number() >= self.empty_steps_transition {
let empty_steps =
if let Ok(empty_steps) = header_empty_steps(header).as_ref() {
|acc, e| if acc.len() > 0 { acc + ","} else { acc } + &e.to_string()))
} else {
info.insert("emptySteps".into(), empty_steps);
fn maximum_uncle_count(&self, block: BlockNumber) -> usize {
if block >= self.maximum_uncle_count_transition {
} else {
// fallback to default value
fn populate_from_parent(&self, header: &mut Header, parent: &Header) {
let parent_step = header_step(parent, self.empty_steps_transition).expect("Header has been verified; qed");
let current_step = self.step.inner.load();
let current_empty_steps_len = if header.number() >= self.empty_steps_transition {
self.empty_steps(parent_step, current_step, parent.hash()).len()
} else {
let score = calculate_score(parent_step, current_step, current_empty_steps_len);
if let Some(gas_limit) = self.gas_limit_override(header) {
trace!(target: "engine", "Setting gas limit to {} for block {}.", gas_limit, header.number());
let parent_gas_limit = *parent.gas_limit();
if parent_gas_limit != gas_limit {
info!(target: "engine", "Block gas limit was changed from {} to {}.", parent_gas_limit, gas_limit);
fn sealing_state(&self) -> SealingState {
let our_addr = match * {
Some(ref signer) => signer.address(),
None => {
warn!(target: "engine", "Not preparing block; cannot sign.");
return SealingState::NotReady;
let client = match|weak| weak.upgrade()) {
Some(client) => client,
None => {
warn!(target: "engine", "Not preparing block: missing client ref.");
return SealingState::NotReady;
let parent = match client.as_full_client() {
Some(full_client) => full_client.best_block_header(),
None => {
debug!(target: "engine", "Not preparing block: not a full client.");
return SealingState::NotReady;
let validators = if self.immediate_transitions {
} else {
let mut epoch_manager = self.epoch_manager.lock();
if !epoch_manager.zoom_to_after(&*client, &self.machine, &*self.validators, parent.hash()) {
debug!(target: "engine", "Not preparing block: Unable to zoom to epoch.");
return SealingState::NotReady;
let step = self.step.inner.load();
if !is_step_proposer(&*validators, &parent.hash(), step, &our_addr) {
trace!(target: "engine", "Not preparing block: not a proposer for step {}. (Our address: {})",
step, our_addr);
return SealingState::NotReady;
fn handle_message(&self, rlp: &[u8]) -> Result<(), EngineError> {
fn fmt_err<T: ::std::fmt::Debug>(x: T) -> EngineError {
EngineError::MalformedMessage(format!("{:?}", x))
let rlp = Rlp::new(rlp);
let empty_step: EmptyStep = rlp.as_val().map_err(fmt_err)?;
if empty_step.verify(&*self.validators).unwrap_or(false) {
if self.step.inner.check_future(empty_step.step).is_ok() {
trace!(target: "engine", "handle_message: received empty step message {:?}", empty_step);
} else {
trace!(target: "engine", "handle_message: empty step message from the future {:?}", empty_step);
} else {
trace!(target: "engine", "handle_message: received invalid step message {:?}", empty_step);
/// Attempt to seal the block internally.
/// This operation is synchronous and may (quite reasonably) not be available, in which case
/// `Seal::None` will be returned.
fn generate_seal(&self, block: &ExecutedBlock, parent: &Header) -> Seal {
// first check to avoid generating signature most of the time
// (but there's still a race to the `compare_and_swap`)
if !self.step.can_propose.load(AtomicOrdering::SeqCst) {
trace!(target: "engine", "Aborting seal generation. Can't propose.");
return Seal::None;
let header = &block.header;
let parent_step = header_step(parent, self.empty_steps_transition)
.expect("Header has been verified; qed");
let step = self.step.inner.load();
// filter messages from old and future steps and different parents
let empty_steps = if header.number() >= self.empty_steps_transition {
self.empty_steps(parent_step, step, *header.parent_hash())
} else {
let expected_diff = calculate_score(parent_step, step, empty_steps.len());
if header.difficulty() != &expected_diff {
debug!(target: "engine", "Aborting seal generation. The step or empty_steps have changed in the meantime. {:?} != {:?}",
header.difficulty(), expected_diff);
return Seal::None;
if parent_step > step {
warn!(target: "engine", "Aborting seal generation for invalid step: {} > {}", parent_step, step);
return Seal::None;
} else if parent_step == step {
// this is guarded against by `can_propose` unless the block was signed
// on the same step (implies same key) and on a different node.
warn!("Attempted to seal block on the same step as parent. Is this authority sealing with more than one node?");
return Seal::None;
let (validators, epoch_transition_number) = match self.epoch_set(header) {
Err(err) => {
warn!(target: "engine", "Unable to generate seal: {}", err);
return Seal::None;
Ok(ok) => ok,
if is_step_proposer(&*validators, header.parent_hash(), step, {
trace!(target: "engine", "generate_seal: we are step proposer for step={}, block=#{}", step, header.number());
// if there are no transactions to include in the block, we don't seal and instead broadcast a signed
// `EmptyStep(step, parent_hash)` message. If we exceed the maximum amount of `empty_step` rounds we proceed
// with the seal.
if header.number() >= self.empty_steps_transition &&
block.transactions.is_empty() &&
empty_steps.len() < self.maximum_empty_steps {
if self.step.can_propose.compare_and_swap(true, false, AtomicOrdering::SeqCst) {
trace!(target: "engine", "generate_seal: generating empty step at step={}, block=#{}", step, header.number());
return Seal::None;
let empty_steps_rlp = if header.number() >= self.empty_steps_transition {
let empty_steps: Vec<_> = empty_steps.iter().map(|e| e.sealed()).collect();
} else {
if let Ok(signature) = self.sign(header_seal_hash(header, empty_steps_rlp.as_ref().map(|e| &**e))) {
trace!(target: "engine", "generate_seal: Issuing a block for step {}.", step);
// only issue the seal if we were the first to reach the compare_and_swap.
if self.step.can_propose.compare_and_swap(true, false, AtomicOrdering::SeqCst) {
// we can drop all accumulated empty step messages that are
// older than the parent step since we're including them in
// the seal
// report any skipped primaries between the parent block and
// the block we're sealing, unless we have empty steps enabled
if header.number() < self.empty_steps_transition {
self.report_skipped(header, step, parent_step, &*validators, epoch_transition_number);
let mut fields = vec![
if let Some(empty_steps_rlp) = empty_steps_rlp {
trace!(target: "engine", "generate_seal: returning Seal::Regular for step={}, block=#{}", step, header.number());
return Seal::Regular(fields);
} else {
warn!(target: "engine", "generate_seal: FAIL: Accounts secret key unavailable.");
} else {
trace!(target: "engine", "generate_seal: {} not a proposer for step {}.",, step);
trace!(target: "engine", "generate_seal: returning Seal::None for step={}, block=#{}", step, header.number());
fn verify_local_seal(&self, _header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn on_new_block(
block: &mut ExecutedBlock,
epoch_begin: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// with immediate transitions, we don't use the epoch mechanism anyway.
// the genesis is always considered an epoch, but we ignore it intentionally.
if self.immediate_transitions || !epoch_begin { return Ok(()) }
// genesis is never a new block, but might as well check.
let header = block.header.clone();
let first = header.number() == 0;
let mut call = |to, data| {
let result = self.machine.execute_as_system(
U256::max_value(), // unbounded gas? maybe make configurable.
result.map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))
self.validators.on_epoch_begin(first, &header, &mut call)
/// Apply the block reward on finalisation of the block.
fn on_close_block(
block: &mut ExecutedBlock,
parent: &Header,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut beneficiaries = Vec::new();
if block.header.number() == self.two_thirds_majority_transition {
info!(target: "engine", "Block {}: Transitioning to 2/3 quorum.", self.two_thirds_majority_transition);
if block.header.number() >= self.empty_steps_transition {
let empty_steps = if block.header.seal().is_empty() {
// this is a new block, calculate rewards based on the empty steps messages we have accumulated
let parent_step = header_step(parent, self.empty_steps_transition)?;
let current_step = self.step.inner.load();
self.empty_steps(parent_step, current_step, parent.hash())
} else {
// we're verifying a block, extract empty steps from the seal
for empty_step in empty_steps {
let author =;
beneficiaries.push((author, RewardKind::EmptyStep));
let author = *;
beneficiaries.push((author, RewardKind::Author));
let block_reward_contract_transition = self
let rewards: Vec<_> = if let Some((_, contract)) = block_reward_contract_transition {
let mut call = engine::default_system_or_code_call(&self.machine, block);
let rewards = contract.reward(beneficiaries, &mut call)?;
rewards.into_iter().map(|(author, amount)| (author, RewardKind::External, amount)).collect()
} else {
beneficiaries.into_iter().map(|(author, reward_kind)| (author, reward_kind, self.block_reward)).collect()
block_reward::apply_block_rewards(&rewards, block, &self.machine)
fn generate_engine_transactions(&self, block: &ExecutedBlock) -> Result<Vec<SignedTransaction>, Error> {
/// Check the number of seal fields.
fn verify_block_basic(&self, header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> {
if header.number() >= self.validate_score_transition && *header.difficulty() >= U256::from(U128::max_value()) {
return Err(From::from(BlockError::DifficultyOutOfBounds(
OutOfBounds { min: None, max: Some(U256::from(U128::max_value())), found: *header.difficulty() }
match verify_timestamp(&self.step.inner, header_step(header, self.empty_steps_transition)?) {
Err(BlockError::InvalidSeal) => {
// This check runs in Phase 1 where there is no guarantee that the parent block is
// already imported, therefore the call to `epoch_set` may fail. In that case we
// won't report the misbehavior but this is not a concern because:
// - Authorities will have a signing key available to report and it's expected that
// they'll be up-to-date and importing, therefore the parent header will most likely
// be available
// - Even if you are an authority that is syncing the chain, the contract will most
// likely ignore old reports
// - This specific check is only relevant if you're importing (since it checks
// against wall clock)
if let Ok((_, set_number)) = self.epoch_set(header) {
trace!(target: "engine", "Reporting benign misbehaviour (cause: InvalidSeal) at block #{}, epoch set number {}. Own address: {}",
header.number(), set_number, self.address().unwrap_or_default());
self.validators.report_benign(, set_number, header.number());
Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
/// Do the step and gas limit validation.
fn verify_block_family(&self, header: &Header, parent: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> {
let step = header_step(header, self.empty_steps_transition)?;
let parent_step = header_step(parent, self.empty_steps_transition)?;
let (validators, set_number) = self.epoch_set(header)?;
// Ensure header is from the step after parent.
if step == parent_step
|| (header.number() >= self.validate_step_transition && step <= parent_step) {
warn!(target: "engine", "Multiple blocks proposed for step {}.", parent_step);
self.validators.report_malicious(, set_number, header.number(), Default::default());
// Report malice if the validator produced other sibling blocks in the same step.
let received_step_key = (step, *;
let new_hash = header.hash();
if, |h| *h != new_hash) {
trace!(target: "engine", "Validator {} produced sibling blocks in the same step",;
self.validators.report_malicious(, set_number, header.number(), Default::default());
} else {
self.received_step_hashes.write().insert(received_step_key, new_hash);
// Remove hash records older than two full rounds of steps (picked as a reasonable trade-off between
// memory consumption and fault-tolerance).
let sibling_malice_detection_period = 2 * validators.count(&parent.hash()) as u64;
let oldest_step = parent_step.saturating_sub(sibling_malice_detection_period);
if oldest_step > 0 {
let mut rsh = self.received_step_hashes.write();
let new_rsh = rsh.split_off(&(oldest_step, Address::zero()));
*rsh = new_rsh;
// If empty step messages are enabled we will validate the messages in the seal, missing messages are not
// reported as there's no way to tell whether the empty step message was never sent or simply not included.
let empty_steps_len = if header.number() >= self.empty_steps_transition {
let validate_empty_steps = || -> Result<usize, Error> {
let strict_empty_steps = header.number() >= self.strict_empty_steps_transition;
let empty_steps = header_empty_steps(header)?;
let empty_steps_len = empty_steps.len();
let mut prev_empty_step = 0;
for empty_step in empty_steps {
if empty_step.step <= parent_step || empty_step.step >= step {
format!("empty step proof for invalid step: {:?}", empty_step.step)))?;
if empty_step.parent_hash != *header.parent_hash() {
format!("empty step proof for invalid parent hash: {:?}", empty_step.parent_hash)))?;
if !empty_step.verify(&*validators).unwrap_or(false) {
format!("invalid empty step proof: {:?}", empty_step)))?;
if strict_empty_steps {
if empty_step.step <= prev_empty_step {
"{} empty step: {:?}",
if empty_step.step == prev_empty_step { "duplicate" } else { "unordered" },
prev_empty_step = empty_step.step;
match validate_empty_steps() {
Ok(len) => len,
Err(err) => {
trace!(target: "engine", "Reporting benign misbehaviour (cause: invalid empty steps) at block #{}, epoch set number {}. Own address: {}",
header.number(), set_number, self.address().unwrap_or_default());
self.validators.report_benign(, set_number, header.number());
return Err(err);
} else {
self.report_skipped(header, step, parent_step, &*validators, set_number);
if header.number() >= self.validate_score_transition {
let expected_difficulty = calculate_score(parent_step.into(), step.into(), empty_steps_len.into());
if header.difficulty() != &expected_difficulty {
return Err(From::from(BlockError::InvalidDifficulty(Mismatch { expected: expected_difficulty, found: header.difficulty().clone() })));
// Check the validators.
fn verify_block_external(&self, header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> {
let (validators, set_number) = self.epoch_set(header)?;
// verify signature against fixed list, but reports should go to the
// contract itself.
let res = verify_external(header, &*validators, self.empty_steps_transition);
match res {
Err(Error::Engine(EngineError::NotProposer(_))) => {
trace!(target: "engine", "Reporting benign misbehaviour (cause: block from incorrect proposer) at block #{}, epoch set number {}. Own address: {}",
header.number(), set_number, self.address().unwrap_or_default());
self.validators.report_benign(, set_number, header.number());
Ok(_) => {
// we can drop all accumulated empty step messages that are older than this header's step
let header_step = header_step(header, self.empty_steps_transition)?;
_ => {},
fn genesis_epoch_data(&self, header: &Header, call: &Call) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
self.validators.genesis_epoch_data(header, call)
.map(|set_proof| combine_proofs(0, &set_proof, &[]))
fn signals_epoch_end(&self, header: &Header, aux: AuxiliaryData) -> engine::EpochChange {
if self.immediate_transitions { return engine::EpochChange::No }
let first = header.number() == 0;
self.validators.signals_epoch_end(first, header, aux)
fn is_epoch_end_light(
chain_head: &Header,
chain: &Headers<Header>,
transition_store: &PendingTransitionStore,
) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
// epochs only matter if we want to support light clients.
if self.immediate_transitions { return None }
let epoch_transition_hash = {
let client = match|weak| weak.upgrade()) {
Some(client) => client,
None => {
warn!(target: "engine", "Unable to check for epoch end: missing client ref.");
return None;
let mut epoch_manager = self.epoch_manager.lock();
if !epoch_manager.zoom_to_after(&*client, &self.machine, &*self.validators, *chain_head.parent_hash()) {
return None;
let mut hash = *chain_head.parent_hash();
let mut ancestry = std::iter::repeat_with(move || {
chain(hash).and_then(|header| {
if header.number() == 0 { return None }
hash = *header.parent_hash();
.take_while(|header| header.hash() != epoch_transition_hash);
let finalized = self.build_finality(chain_head, &mut ancestry);
self.is_epoch_end(chain_head, &finalized, chain, transition_store)
fn is_epoch_end(
chain_head: &Header,
finalized: &[H256],
chain: &Headers<Header>,
transition_store: &PendingTransitionStore,
) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
// epochs only matter if we want to support light clients.
if self.immediate_transitions { return None }
let first = chain_head.number() == 0;
// Apply transitions that don't require finality and should be enacted immediately (e.g from chain spec)
if let Some(change) = self.validators.is_epoch_end(first, chain_head) {
info!(target: "engine", "Immediately applying validator set change signalled at block {}", chain_head.number());
let change = combine_proofs(chain_head.number(), &change, &[]);
return Some(change)
// check transition store for pending transitions against recently finalized blocks
for finalized_hash in finalized {
if let Some(pending) = transition_store(*finalized_hash) {
// walk the chain backwards from current head until finalized_hash
// to construct transition proof. author == ec_recover(sig) known
// since the blocks are in the DB.
let mut hash = chain_head.hash();
let mut finality_proof: Vec<_> = std::iter::repeat_with(move || {
chain(hash).and_then(|header| {
hash = *header.parent_hash();
if header.number() == 0 { None }
else { Some(header) }
.take_while(|h| h.hash() != *finalized_hash)
let finalized_header = if *finalized_hash == chain_head.hash() {
// chain closure only stores ancestry, but the chain head is also unfinalized.
} else {
.expect("header is finalized; finalized headers must exist in the chain; qed")
let signal_number = finalized_header.number();
info!(target: "engine", "Applying validator set change signalled at block {}", signal_number);
let finality_proof = ::rlp::encode_list(&finality_proof);
// We turn off can_propose here because upon validator set change there can
// be two valid proposers for a single step: one from the old set and
// one from the new.
// This way, upon encountering an epoch change, the proposer from the
// new set will be forced to wait until the next step to avoid sealing a
// block that breaks the invariant that the parent's step < the block's step., AtomicOrdering::SeqCst);
return Some(combine_proofs(signal_number, &pending.proof, &*finality_proof));
fn epoch_verifier<'a>(&self, _header: &Header, proof: &'a [u8]) -> ConstructedVerifier<'a> {
let (signal_number, set_proof, finality_proof) = match destructure_proofs(proof) {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(e) => return ConstructedVerifier::Err(e),
let first = signal_number == 0;
match self.validators.epoch_set(first, &self.machine, signal_number, set_proof) {
Ok((list, finalize)) => {
let verifier = Box::new(EpochVerifier {
step: self.step.clone(),
subchain_validators: list,
empty_steps_transition: self.empty_steps_transition,
two_thirds_majority_transition: self.two_thirds_majority_transition,
match finalize {
Some(finalize) => ConstructedVerifier::Unconfirmed(verifier, finality_proof, finalize),
None => ConstructedVerifier::Trusted(verifier),
Err(e) => ConstructedVerifier::Err(e),
fn register_client(&self, client: Weak<dyn EngineClient>) {
*self.client.write() = Some(client.clone());
fn set_signer(&self, signer: Option<Box<dyn EngineSigner>>) {
*self.signer.write() = signer;
fn sign(&self, hash: H256) -> Result<Signature, Error> {
fn snapshot_mode(&self) -> Snapshotting {
if self.immediate_transitions {
} else {
fn ancestry_actions(&self, header: &Header, ancestry: &mut dyn Iterator<Item=ExtendedHeader>) -> Vec<AncestryAction> {
let finalized = self.build_finality(
&mut ancestry.take_while(|e| !e.is_finalized).map(|e| e.header),
if !finalized.is_empty() {
debug!(target: "finality", "Finalizing blocks: {:?}", finalized);
fn params(&self) -> &CommonParams {
fn gas_limit_override(&self, header: &Header) -> Option<U256> {
let (_, &address) = self.block_gas_limit_contract_transitions.range(..=header.number()).last()?;
let client = match|weak| weak.upgrade()) {
Some(client) => client,
None => {
error!(target: "engine", "Unable to prepare block: missing client ref.");
return None;
let full_client = match client.as_full_client() {
Some(full_client) => full_client,
None => {
error!(target: "engine", "Failed to upgrade to BlockchainClient.");
return None;
if let Some(limit) = self.gas_limit_override_cache.lock().get_mut(&header.hash()) {
return *limit;
let limit = block_gas_limit(full_client, header, address);
self.gas_limit_override_cache.lock().insert(header.hash(), limit);
/// A helper accumulator function mapping a step duration and a step duration transition timestamp
/// to the corresponding step number and the correct starting second of the step.
fn next_step_time_duration(info: StepDurationInfo, time: u64) -> Option<(u64, u64)>
let step_diff = time.checked_add(info.step_duration)?
let time_diff = step_diff.checked_mul(info.step_duration)?;
mod tests {
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, AtomicU64, Ordering as AtomicOrdering};
use std::time::Duration;
use keccak_hash::keccak;
use accounts::AccountProvider;
use ethabi_contract::use_contract;
use ethereum_types::{Address, H520, H256, U256};
use parity_crypto::publickey::Signature;
use common_types::{
engines::{Seal, params::CommonParams},
errors::{EthcoreError as Error, EngineError},
transaction::{Action, Transaction},
use rlp::encode;
use ethcore::{
miner::{Author, MinerService},
generate_dummy_client_with_spec, generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_data, get_temp_state_db,
use engine::Engine;
use block_reward::BlockRewardContract;
use machine::Machine;
use spec::{self, Spec};
use validator_set::{TestSet, SimpleList};
use ethjson;
use serde_json;
use super::{
AuthorityRoundParams, AuthorityRound, EmptyStep, SealedEmptyStep, StepDurationInfo,
calculate_score, util::BoundContract, next_step_time_duration,
fn build_aura<F>(f: F) -> Arc<AuthorityRound> where
F: FnOnce(&mut AuthorityRoundParams),
let mut params = AuthorityRoundParams {
step_durations: [(0, 1)].to_vec().into_iter().collect(),
start_step: Some(1),
validators: Box::new(TestSet::default()),
validate_score_transition: 0,
validate_step_transition: 0,
immediate_transitions: true,
maximum_uncle_count_transition: 0,
maximum_uncle_count: 0,
empty_steps_transition: u64::max_value(),
maximum_empty_steps: 0,
block_reward: Default::default(),
block_reward_contract_transitions: Default::default(),
strict_empty_steps_transition: 0,
two_thirds_majority_transition: 0,
randomness_contract_address: BTreeMap::new(),
block_gas_limit_contract_transitions: BTreeMap::new(),
// mutate aura params
f(&mut params);
// create engine
let mut c_params = CommonParams::default();
c_params.gas_limit_bound_divisor = 5.into();
let machine = Machine::regular(c_params, Default::default());
AuthorityRound::new(params, machine).unwrap()
fn has_valid_metadata() {
let engine = spec::new_test_round().engine;
assert_eq!(, "AuthorityRound");
fn can_return_schedule() {
let engine = spec::new_test_round().engine;
let schedule = engine.schedule(10000000);
assert!(schedule.stack_limit > 0);
fn can_do_signature_verification_fail() {
let engine = spec::new_test_round().engine;
let mut header: Header = Header::default();
let verify_result = engine.verify_block_external(&header);
fn generates_seal_and_does_not_double_propose() {
let tap = Arc::new(AccountProvider::transient_provider());
let addr1 = tap.insert_account(keccak("1").into(), &"1".into()).unwrap();
let spec = spec::new_test_round();
let engine = &*spec.engine;
let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header();
let db1 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]);
let b1 = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db1, &genesis_header, last_hashes.clone(), addr1, (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap();
let b1 = b1.close_and_lock().unwrap();
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()))));
if let Seal::Regular(seal) = engine.generate_seal(&b1, &genesis_header) {
assert!(b1.clone().try_seal(engine, seal).is_ok());
// Second proposal is forbidden.
assert!(engine.generate_seal(&b1, &genesis_header) == Seal::None);
} else {
panic!("block 1 not sealed");
fn generates_seal_iff_sealer_is_set() {
let tap = Arc::new(AccountProvider::transient_provider());
let addr1 = tap.insert_account(keccak("1").into(), &"1".into()).unwrap();
let spec = spec::new_test_round();
let engine = &*spec.engine;
let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header();
let db1 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]);
let b1 = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db1, &genesis_header,
last_hashes.clone(), addr1, (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()),
vec![], false)
// Not a signer. A seal cannot be generated.
assert!(engine.generate_seal(&b1, &genesis_header) == Seal::None);
// Become a signer.
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()))));
if let Seal::Regular(seal) = engine.generate_seal(&b1, &genesis_header) {
assert!(b1.clone().try_seal(engine, seal).is_ok());
// Second proposal is forbidden.
assert!(engine.generate_seal(&b1, &genesis_header) == Seal::None);
} else {
panic!("block 1 not sealed");
// Stop being a signer.
// Make a step first and then create a new block in that new step.
let addr2 = tap.insert_account(keccak("0").into(), &"0".into()).unwrap();
let mut header2 = genesis_header.clone();
let db2 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let b2 = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db2, &header2,
last_hashes, addr2, (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()),
vec![], false)
// Not a signer. A seal cannot be generated.
assert!(engine.generate_seal(&b2, &header2) == Seal::None);
// Become a signer once more.
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap, addr2, "0".into()))));
if let Seal::Regular(seal) = engine.generate_seal(&b2, &header2) {
assert!(b2.clone().try_seal(engine, seal).is_ok());
// Second proposal is forbidden.
assert!(engine.generate_seal(&b2, &header2) == Seal::None);
} else {
panic!("block 2 not sealed");
fn checks_difficulty_in_generate_seal() {
let tap = Arc::new(AccountProvider::transient_provider());
let addr1 = tap.insert_account(keccak("1").into(), &"1".into()).unwrap();
let addr2 = tap.insert_account(keccak("0").into(), &"0".into()).unwrap();
let spec = spec::new_test_round();
let engine = &*spec.engine;
let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header();
let db1 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let db2 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]);
let b1 = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db1, &genesis_header, last_hashes.clone(), addr1, (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap();
let b1 = b1.close_and_lock().unwrap();
let b2 = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db2, &genesis_header, last_hashes, addr2, (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap();
let b2 = b2.close_and_lock().unwrap();
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()))));
match engine.generate_seal(&b1, &genesis_header) {
Seal::None => panic!("wrong seal"),
Seal::Regular(_) => {
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr2, "0".into()))));
match engine.generate_seal(&b2, &genesis_header) {
Seal::Regular(_) => panic!("sealed despite wrong difficulty"),
Seal::None => {}
fn proposer_switching() {
let tap = AccountProvider::transient_provider();
let addr = tap.insert_account(keccak("0").into(), &"0".into()).unwrap();
let mut parent_header: Header = Header::default();
let mut header: Header = Header::default();
let engine = spec::new_test_round().engine;
// Two validators.
// Spec starts with step 2.
header.set_difficulty(calculate_score(0, 2, 0));
let signature = tap.sign(addr, Some("0".into()), header.bare_hash()).unwrap();
header.set_seal(vec![encode(&2usize), encode(&(&*signature as &[u8]))]);
assert!(engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header).is_ok());
header.set_difficulty(calculate_score(0, 1, 0));
let signature = tap.sign(addr, Some("0".into()), header.bare_hash()).unwrap();
header.set_seal(vec![encode(&1usize), encode(&(&*signature as &[u8]))]);
assert!(engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header).is_ok());
fn rejects_future_block() {
let tap = AccountProvider::transient_provider();
let addr = tap.insert_account(keccak("0").into(), &"0".into()).unwrap();
let mut parent_header: Header = Header::default();
let mut header: Header = Header::default();
let engine = spec::new_test_round().engine;
// Two validators.
// Spec starts with step 2.
header.set_difficulty(calculate_score(0, 1, 0));
let signature = tap.sign(addr, Some("0".into()), header.bare_hash()).unwrap();
header.set_seal(vec![encode(&1usize), encode(&(&*signature as &[u8]))]);
assert!(engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header).is_ok());
header.set_seal(vec![encode(&5usize), encode(&(&*signature as &[u8]))]);
fn rejects_step_backwards() {
let tap = AccountProvider::transient_provider();
let addr = tap.insert_account(keccak("0").into(), &"0".into()).unwrap();
let mut parent_header: Header = Header::default();
let mut header: Header = Header::default();
let engine = spec::new_test_round().engine;
let signature = tap.sign(addr, Some("0".into()), header.bare_hash()).unwrap();
// Two validators.
// Spec starts with step 2.
header.set_seal(vec![encode(&5usize), encode(&(&*signature as &[u8]))]);
header.set_difficulty(calculate_score(4, 5, 0));
assert!(engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header).is_ok());
header.set_seal(vec![encode(&3usize), encode(&(&*signature as &[u8]))]);
header.set_difficulty(calculate_score(4, 3, 0));
assert!(engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header).is_err());
fn reports_skipped() {
let validator1 = Address::from_low_u64_be(1);
let validator2 = Address::from_low_u64_be(2);
let last_benign = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let aura = build_aura(|p| {
let validator_set = TestSet::new(
vec![validator1, validator2],
p.validators = Box::new(validator_set);
let mut parent_header: Header = Header::default();
let mut header: Header = Header::default();
header.set_difficulty(calculate_score(1, 3, 0));
// Do not report when signer not present.
assert!(aura.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header).is_ok());
assert_eq!(last_benign.load(AtomicOrdering::SeqCst), 0);
// Do not report on steps skipped between genesis and first block.
assert!(aura.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header).is_ok());
assert_eq!(last_benign.load(AtomicOrdering::SeqCst), 0);
// Report on skipped steps otherwise.
assert!(aura.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header).is_ok());
assert_eq!(last_benign.load(AtomicOrdering::SeqCst), 2);
fn reports_multiple_blocks_per_step() {
let tap = AccountProvider::transient_provider();
let addr0 = tap.insert_account(keccak("0").into(), &"0".into()).unwrap();
let addr1 = tap.insert_account(keccak("1").into(), &"1".into()).unwrap();
let validator_set = TestSet::from_validators(vec![addr0, addr1]);
let aura = build_aura(|p| p.validators = Box::new(validator_set.clone()));
aura.set_signer(Some(Box::new((Arc::new(tap), addr0, "0".into()))));
let mut parent_header: Header = Header::default();
let mut header: Header = Header::default();
header.set_difficulty(calculate_score(1, 2, 0));
// First sibling block.
assert!(aura.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header).is_ok());
assert_eq!(validator_set.last_malicious(), 0);
// Second sibling block: should be reported.
assert!(aura.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header).is_ok());
assert_eq!(validator_set.last_malicious(), 3);
fn test_uncles_transition() {
let aura = build_aura(|params| {
params.maximum_uncle_count_transition = 1;
assert_eq!(aura.maximum_uncle_count(0), 2);
assert_eq!(aura.maximum_uncle_count(1), 0);
assert_eq!(aura.maximum_uncle_count(100), 0);
#[should_panic(expected="counter is too high")]
fn test_counter_increment_too_high() {
use super::Step;
let step = Step {
calibrate: false,
inner: AtomicU64::new(::std::u64::MAX),
durations: [StepDurationInfo {
transition_step: 0,
transition_timestamp: 0,
step_duration: 1,
#[should_panic(expected="step counter under- or overflow")]
fn test_counter_duration_remaining_too_high() {
use super::Step;
let step = Step {
calibrate: false,
inner: AtomicU64::new(::std::u64::MAX),
durations: [StepDurationInfo {
transition_step: 0,
transition_timestamp: 0,
step_duration: 1,
fn test_next_step_time_duration() {
// At step 7 (time 1000), we transitioned to step duration 10.
let info = StepDurationInfo {
step_duration: 10,
transition_step: 7,
transition_timestamp: 1000,
// So the next transition can happen e.g. at step 12 (time 1050) or 13 (time 1060).
assert_eq!(Some((12, 1050)), next_step_time_duration(info, 1050));
assert_eq!(Some((13, 1060)), next_step_time_duration(info, 1051));
assert_eq!(Some((13, 1060)), next_step_time_duration(info, 1055));
// The next transition could also happen immediately.
assert_eq!(Some((7, 1000)), next_step_time_duration(info, 1000));
fn test_change_step_duration() {
use super::Step;
use std::thread;
let now = super::unix_now().as_secs();
let step = Step {
calibrate: true,
inner: AtomicU64::new(::std::u64::MAX),
durations: [
StepDurationInfo { transition_step: 0, transition_timestamp: 0, step_duration: 1 },
StepDurationInfo { transition_step: now, transition_timestamp: now, step_duration: 2 },
StepDurationInfo { transition_step: now + 1, transition_timestamp: now + 2, step_duration: 4 },
// calibrated step `now`
let duration_remaining = step.duration_remaining();
assert_eq!(step.inner.load(AtomicOrdering::SeqCst), now);
assert!(duration_remaining <= Duration::from_secs(2));
// calibrated step `now + 1`
let duration_remaining = step.duration_remaining();
assert_eq!(step.inner.load(AtomicOrdering::SeqCst), now + 1);
assert!(duration_remaining > Duration::from_secs(2));
assert!(duration_remaining <= Duration::from_secs(4));
#[should_panic(expected="called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Engine(Custom(\"step duration cannot be 0\"))")]
fn test_step_duration_zero() {
build_aura(|params| {
params.step_durations = [(0, 0)].to_vec().into_iter().collect();
fn setup_empty_steps() -> (Spec, Arc<AccountProvider>, Vec<Address>) {
let spec = spec::new_test_round_empty_steps();
let tap = Arc::new(AccountProvider::transient_provider());
let addr1 = tap.insert_account(keccak("1").into(), &"1".into()).unwrap();
let addr2 = tap.insert_account(keccak("0").into(), &"0".into()).unwrap();
let accounts = vec![addr1, addr2];
(spec, tap, accounts)
fn empty_step(engine: &dyn Engine, step: u64, parent_hash: &H256) -> EmptyStep {
let empty_step_rlp = super::empty_step_rlp(step, parent_hash);
let signature = engine.sign(keccak(&empty_step_rlp)).unwrap().into();
let parent_hash = parent_hash.clone();
EmptyStep { step, signature, parent_hash }
fn sealed_empty_step(engine: &dyn Engine, step: u64, parent_hash: &H256) -> SealedEmptyStep {
let empty_step_rlp = super::empty_step_rlp(step, parent_hash);
let signature = engine.sign(keccak(&empty_step_rlp)).unwrap().into();
SealedEmptyStep { signature, step }
fn set_empty_steps_seal(header: &mut Header, step: u64, block_signature: &Signature, empty_steps: &[SealedEmptyStep]) {
encode(&(step as usize)),
encode(&(&**block_signature as &[u8])),
fn assert_insufficient_proof<T: ::std::fmt::Debug>(result: Result<T, Error>, contains: &str) {
match result {
Err(Error::Engine(EngineError::InsufficientProof(ref s))) =>{
assert!(s.contains(contains), "Expected {:?} to contain {:?}", s, contains);
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected result: {:?}", e),
fn broadcast_empty_step_message() {
let (spec, tap, accounts) = setup_empty_steps();
let addr1 = accounts[0];
let engine = &*spec.engine;
let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header();
let db1 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]);
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec(spec::new_test_round_empty_steps);
let notify = Arc::new(TestNotify::default());
engine.register_client(Arc::downgrade(&client) as _);
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()))));
let b1 = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db1, &genesis_header, last_hashes.clone(), addr1, (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap();
let b1 = b1.close_and_lock().unwrap();
// the block is empty so we don't seal and instead broadcast an empty step message
assert_eq!(engine.generate_seal(&b1, &genesis_header), Seal::None);
// spec starts with step 2
let empty_step_rlp = encode(&empty_step(engine, 2, &genesis_header.hash()));
// we've received the message
let len =;
// make sure that we don't generate empty step for the second time
assert_eq!(engine.generate_seal(&b1, &genesis_header), Seal::None);
fn seal_with_empty_steps() {
let (spec, tap, accounts) = setup_empty_steps();
let addr1 = accounts[0];
let addr2 = accounts[1];
let engine = &*spec.engine;
let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header();
let db1 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let db2 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]);
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec(spec::new_test_round_empty_steps);
let notify = Arc::new(TestNotify::default());
engine.register_client(Arc::downgrade(&client) as _);
// step 2
let b1 = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db1, &genesis_header, last_hashes.clone(), addr1, (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap();
let b1 = b1.close_and_lock().unwrap();
// since the block is empty it isn't sealed and we generate empty steps
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()))));
assert_eq!(engine.generate_seal(&b1, &genesis_header), Seal::None);
// step 3
let mut b2 = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db2, &genesis_header, last_hashes.clone(), addr2, (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap();
b2.push_transaction(Transaction {
action: Action::Create,
nonce: U256::from(0),
gas_price: U256::from(3000),
gas: U256::from(53_000),
value: U256::from(1),
data: vec![],
}.fake_sign(addr2), None).unwrap();
let b2 = b2.close_and_lock().unwrap();
// we will now seal a block with 1tx and include the accumulated empty step message
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr2, "0".into()))));
if let Seal::Regular(seal) = engine.generate_seal(&b2, &genesis_header) {
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()))));
let empty_step2 = sealed_empty_step(engine, 2, &genesis_header.hash());
let empty_steps = ::rlp::encode_list(&vec![empty_step2]);
assert_eq!(seal[0], encode(&3usize));
assert_eq!(seal[2], empty_steps);
fn seal_empty_block_with_empty_steps() {
let (spec, tap, accounts) = setup_empty_steps();
let addr1 = accounts[0];
let addr2 = accounts[1];
let engine = &*spec.engine;
let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header();
let db1 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let db2 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let db3 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]);
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec(spec::new_test_round_empty_steps);
let notify = Arc::new(TestNotify::default());
engine.register_client(Arc::downgrade(&client) as _);
// step 2
let b1 = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db1, &genesis_header, last_hashes.clone(), addr1, (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap();
let b1 = b1.close_and_lock().unwrap();
// since the block is empty it isn't sealed and we generate empty steps
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()))));
assert_eq!(engine.generate_seal(&b1, &genesis_header), Seal::None);
// step 3
let b2 = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db2, &genesis_header, last_hashes.clone(), addr2, (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap();
let b2 = b2.close_and_lock().unwrap();
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr2, "0".into()))));
assert_eq!(engine.generate_seal(&b2, &genesis_header), Seal::None);
// step 4
// the spec sets the maximum_empty_steps to 2 so we will now seal an empty block and include the empty step messages
let b3 = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db3, &genesis_header, last_hashes.clone(), addr1, (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap();
let b3 = b3.close_and_lock().unwrap();
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()))));
if let Seal::Regular(seal) = engine.generate_seal(&b3, &genesis_header) {
let empty_step2 = sealed_empty_step(engine, 2, &genesis_header.hash());
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr2, "0".into()))));
let empty_step3 = sealed_empty_step(engine, 3, &genesis_header.hash());
let empty_steps = ::rlp::encode_list(&vec![empty_step2, empty_step3]);
assert_eq!(seal[0], encode(&4usize));
assert_eq!(seal[2], empty_steps);
fn reward_empty_steps() {
let (spec, tap, accounts) = setup_empty_steps();
let addr1 = accounts[0];
let engine = &*spec.engine;
let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header();
let db1 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let db2 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]);
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec(spec::new_test_round_empty_steps);
engine.register_client(Arc::downgrade(&client) as _);
// step 2
let b1 = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db1, &genesis_header, last_hashes.clone(), addr1, (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap();
let b1 = b1.close_and_lock().unwrap();
// since the block is empty it isn't sealed and we generate empty steps
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()))));
assert_eq!(engine.generate_seal(&b1, &genesis_header), Seal::None);
// step 3
// the signer of the accumulated empty step message should be rewarded
let b2 = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db2, &genesis_header, last_hashes.clone(), addr1, (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap();
let addr1_balance = b2.state.balance(&addr1).unwrap();
// after closing the block `addr1` should be reward twice, one for the included empty step message and another for block creation
let b2 = b2.close_and_lock().unwrap();
// the spec sets the block reward to 10
assert_eq!(b2.state.balance(&addr1).unwrap(), addr1_balance + (10 * 2))
fn verify_seal_empty_steps() {
let (spec, tap, accounts) = setup_empty_steps();
let addr1 = accounts[0];
let addr2 = accounts[1];
let engine = &*spec.engine;
let mut parent_header: Header = Header::default();
let mut header: Header = Header::default();
let signature = tap.sign(addr1, Some("1".into()), header.bare_hash()).unwrap();
// empty step with invalid step
let empty_steps = vec![SealedEmptyStep { signature: H520::zero(), step: 2 }];
set_empty_steps_seal(&mut header, 2, &signature, &empty_steps);
engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header),
"invalid step"
// empty step with invalid signature
let empty_steps = vec![SealedEmptyStep { signature: H520::zero(), step: 1 }];
set_empty_steps_seal(&mut header, 2, &signature, &empty_steps);
engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header),
"invalid empty step proof"
// empty step with valid signature from incorrect proposer for step
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()))));
let empty_steps = vec![sealed_empty_step(engine, 1, &parent_header.hash())];
set_empty_steps_seal(&mut header, 2, &signature, &empty_steps);
engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header),
"invalid empty step proof"
// valid empty steps
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()))));
let empty_step2 = sealed_empty_step(engine, 2, &parent_header.hash());
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr2, "0".into()))));
let empty_step3 = sealed_empty_step(engine, 3, &parent_header.hash());
let empty_steps = vec![empty_step2, empty_step3];
header.set_difficulty(calculate_score(0, 4, 2));
let signature = tap.sign(addr1, Some("1".into()), header.bare_hash()).unwrap();
set_empty_steps_seal(&mut header, 4, &signature, &empty_steps);
assert!(engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header).is_ok());
fn block_reward_contract() {
let spec = spec::new_test_round_block_reward_contract();
let tap = Arc::new(AccountProvider::transient_provider());
let addr1 = tap.insert_account(keccak("1").into(), &"1".into()).unwrap();
let engine = &*spec.engine;
let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header();
let db1 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let db2 = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]);
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec(spec::new_test_round_block_reward_contract);
engine.register_client(Arc::downgrade(&client) as _);
// step 2
let b1 = OpenBlock::new(
(3141562.into(), 31415620.into()),
let b1 = b1.close_and_lock().unwrap();
// since the block is empty it isn't sealed and we generate empty steps
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()))));
assert_eq!(engine.generate_seal(&b1, &genesis_header), Seal::None);
// step 3
// the signer of the accumulated empty step message should be rewarded
let b2 = OpenBlock::new(
(3141562.into(), 31415620.into()),
let addr1_balance = b2.state.balance(&addr1).unwrap();
// after closing the block `addr1` should be reward twice, one for the included empty step
// message and another for block creation
let b2 = b2.close_and_lock().unwrap();
// the contract rewards (1000 + kind) for each benefactor/reward kind
addr1_balance + (1000 + 0) + (1000 + 2),
fn randomness_contract() -> Result<(), super::util::CallError> {
use_contract!(rand_contract, "../../res/contracts/test_authority_round_random.json");
let contract_addr = Address::from_str("0000000000000000000000000000000000000042").unwrap();
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_data(
spec::new_test_round_randomness_contract, 0, 0, &[], true
let tap = Arc::new(AccountProvider::transient_provider());
let addr1 = tap.insert_account(keccak("1").into(), &"1".into()).unwrap();
// Unlock account so that the engine can decrypt the secret.
tap.unlock_account_permanently(addr1, "1".into()).expect("unlock");
let signer = Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()));
client.miner().set_gas_range_target((U256::from(1000000), U256::from(1000000)));
let engine = client.engine();
engine.register_client(Arc::downgrade(&client) as _);
let bc = BoundContract::new(&*client, BlockId::Latest, contract_addr);
// First the contract is in the commit phase, and we haven't committed yet.
assert!(!bc.call_const(rand_contract::functions::is_committed::call(0, addr1))?);
// We produce a block and commit.
assert!(bc.call_const(rand_contract::functions::is_committed::call(0, addr1))?);
// After two more blocks we are in the reveal phase...
assert!(!bc.call_const(rand_contract::functions::sent_reveal::call(0, addr1))?);
// in the next step, we reveal our random value, and the contract's random value is not zero anymore.
assert!(bc.call_const(rand_contract::functions::sent_reveal::call(0, addr1))?);
fn extra_info_from_seal() {
let (spec, tap, accounts) = setup_empty_steps();
let engine = &*spec.engine;
let addr1 = accounts[0];
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), addr1, "1".into()))));
let mut header: Header = Header::default();
let empty_step = empty_step(engine, 1, &header.parent_hash());
let sealed_empty_step = empty_step.sealed();
let info = engine.extra_info(&header);
let mut expected = BTreeMap::default();
expected.insert("step".into(), "2".into());
expected.insert("signature".into(), Signature::from(H520::default()).to_string());
expected.insert("emptySteps".into(), format!("[{}]", empty_step));
assert_eq!(info, expected);
fn test_empty_steps() {
let engine = build_aura(|p| {
p.step_durations = [(0, 4)].to_vec().into_iter().collect();
p.empty_steps_transition = 0;
p.maximum_empty_steps = 0;
let parent_hash = H256::from_low_u64_be(1);
let signature = H520::default();
let step = |step: u64| EmptyStep {
assert_eq!(engine.empty_steps(0, 4, parent_hash), vec![step(1), step(2), step(3)]);
assert_eq!(engine.empty_steps(2, 3, parent_hash), vec![]);
assert_eq!(engine.empty_steps(2, 4, parent_hash), vec![step(3)]);
assert_eq!(engine.empty_steps(0, 3, parent_hash), vec![]);
assert_eq!(engine.empty_steps(0, 4, parent_hash), vec![step(3)]);
fn should_reject_duplicate_empty_steps() {
// given
let (_spec, tap, accounts) = setup_empty_steps();
let engine = build_aura(|p| {
p.validators = Box::new(SimpleList::new(accounts.clone()));
p.step_durations = [(0, 4)].to_vec().into_iter().collect();
p.empty_steps_transition = 0;
p.maximum_empty_steps = 0;
let mut parent = Header::default();
let mut header = Header::default();
header.set_number(parent.number() + 1);
// when
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), accounts[1], "0".into()))));
let empty_steps = vec![
sealed_empty_step(&*engine, 1, &parent.hash()),
sealed_empty_step(&*engine, 1, &parent.hash()),
let step = 2;
let signature = tap.sign(accounts[0], Some("1".into()), header.bare_hash()).unwrap();
set_empty_steps_seal(&mut header, step, &signature, &empty_steps);
header.set_difficulty(calculate_score(0, step, empty_steps.len()));
// then
engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent),
"duplicate empty step"
fn should_reject_empty_steps_out_of_order() {
// given
let (_spec, tap, accounts) = setup_empty_steps();
let engine = build_aura(|p| {
p.validators = Box::new(SimpleList::new(accounts.clone()));
p.step_durations = [(0, 4)].to_vec().into_iter().collect();
p.empty_steps_transition = 0;
p.maximum_empty_steps = 0;
let mut parent = Header::default();
let mut header = Header::default();
header.set_number(parent.number() + 1);
// when
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), accounts[1], "0".into()))));
let es1 = sealed_empty_step(&*engine, 1, &parent.hash());
engine.set_signer(Some(Box::new((tap.clone(), accounts[0], "1".into()))));
let es2 = sealed_empty_step(&*engine, 2, &parent.hash());
let mut empty_steps = vec![es2, es1];
let step = 3;
let signature = tap.sign(accounts[1], Some("0".into()), header.bare_hash()).unwrap();
set_empty_steps_seal(&mut header, step, &signature, &empty_steps);
header.set_difficulty(calculate_score(0, step, empty_steps.len()));
// then make sure it's rejected because of the order
engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent),
"unordered empty step"
// now try to fix the order
set_empty_steps_seal(&mut header, step, &signature, &empty_steps);
assert_eq!(engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent).unwrap(), ());
fn should_collect_block_reward_transitions() {
let config = r#"{
"params": {
"stepDuration": "5",
"validators": {
"list" : ["0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000001"]
"blockRewardContractTransition": "0",
"blockRewardContractAddress": "0x2000000000000000000000000000000000000002",
"blockRewardContractTransitions": {
"7": "0x3000000000000000000000000000000000000003",
"42": "0x4000000000000000000000000000000000000004"
let deserialized: ethjson::spec::AuthorityRound = serde_json::from_str(config).unwrap();
let params = AuthorityRoundParams::from(deserialized.params);
for ((block_num1, address1), (block_num2, address2)) in
[(0u64, BlockRewardContract::new_from_address(Address::from_str("2000000000000000000000000000000000000002").unwrap())),
(7u64, BlockRewardContract::new_from_address(Address::from_str("3000000000000000000000000000000000000003").unwrap())),
(42u64, BlockRewardContract::new_from_address(Address::from_str("4000000000000000000000000000000000000004").unwrap())),
assert_eq!(block_num1, block_num2);
assert_eq!(address1, address2);
#[should_panic(expected="blockRewardContractTransition should be less than any of the keys in blockRewardContractTransitions")]
fn should_reject_out_of_order_block_reward_transition() {
let config = r#"{
"params": {
"stepDuration": "5",
"validators": {
"list" : ["0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000001"]
"blockRewardContractTransition": "7",
"blockRewardContractAddress": "0x2000000000000000000000000000000000000002",
"blockRewardContractTransitions": {
"0": "0x3000000000000000000000000000000000000003",
"42": "0x4000000000000000000000000000000000000004"
let deserialized: ethjson::spec::AuthorityRound = serde_json::from_str(config).unwrap();