2016-01-25 18:56:36 +01:00

56 lines
1.8 KiB

use util::*;
use pod_account::*;
/// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me
pub struct PodState (BTreeMap<Address, PodAccount>);
impl PodState {
/// Contruct a new object from the `m`.
pub fn new() -> PodState { Default::default() }
/// Contruct a new object from the `m`.
pub fn from(m: BTreeMap<Address, PodAccount>) -> PodState { PodState(m) }
/// Get the underlying map.
pub fn get(&self) -> &BTreeMap<Address, PodAccount> { &self.0 }
/// Get the root hash of the trie of the RLP of this.
pub fn root(&self) -> H256 {
sec_trie_root(self.0.iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.to_vec(), v.rlp())).collect())
/// Drain object to get the underlying map.
pub fn drain(self) -> BTreeMap<Address, PodAccount> { self.0 }
impl FromJson for PodState {
/// Translate the JSON object into a hash map of account information ready for insertion into State.
fn from_json(json: &Json) -> PodState {
PodState(json.as_object().unwrap().iter().fold(BTreeMap::new(), |mut state, (address, acc)| {
let balance = acc.find("balance").map(&U256::from_json);
let nonce = acc.find("nonce").map(&U256::from_json);
let storage = acc.find("storage").map(&BTreeMap::from_json);
let code = acc.find("code").map(&Bytes::from_json);
if balance.is_some() || nonce.is_some() || storage.is_some() || code.is_some() {
state.insert(address_from_hex(address), PodAccount{
balance: balance.unwrap_or_else(U256::zero),
nonce: nonce.unwrap_or_else(U256::zero),
storage: storage.unwrap_or_else(BTreeMap::new),
code: code.unwrap_or_else(Vec::new)
impl fmt::Display for PodState {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
for (add, acc) in &self.0 {
try!(writeln!(f, "{} => {}", add, acc));