* ECDKG protocol prototype * added test for enc/dec math * get rid of decryption_session * added licenses * fix after merge * get rid of unused serde dependency * doc * decryption session [without commutative enc] * failed_dec_session * fixed tests * added commen * added more decryption session tests * helper to localize an issue * more computations to localize error * decryption_session::SessionParams * added tests for EC math to localize problem * secretstore network transport * encryption_session_works_over_network * network errors processing * connecting to KeyServer * licenses * get rid of debug println-s * fixed secretstore args * encryption results are stored in KS database * decryption protocol works over network * enc/dec Session traits * fixing warnings * fix after merge * on-chain ACL checker proto * fixed compilation * fixed compilation * finally fixed <odd>-of-N-scheme * temporary commented test * 1-of-N works in math * scheme 1-of-N works * updated AclStorage with real contract ABI * remove unnecessary unsafety * fixed grumbles * wakeup on access denied * encrypt secretstore messages * 'shadow' decryption * fix grumbles * lost files * secretstore cli-options * decryption seccion when ACL check failed on master * disallow regenerating key for existing document * removed obsolete TODO * fix after merge * switched to tokio_io * fix after merge * fix after merge * fix after merge * fix after merge * fix after merge * fixed test * fix after merge * encryption session errors are now fatal * session timeouts * autorestart decryption session * remove sessions on completion * exclude disconnected nodes from decryption session * test for enc/dec session over network with 1 node * remove debug printlns * fixed 1-of-1 scheme * drop for KeyServerHttpListener * Use standard encryption and decryption (as in RPC) * added some tests * moved DEFAULT_MAC to ethcrypto * rpc_secretstore_encrypt_and_decrypt * serialization with "0x" prefix (RPC compatibility) * secretstore RPC API * fix after merge * fixed typo * secretstore_shadowDecrypt RPC * enable secretstore RPCs by default * fixed test * SecStore RPCs available without SecStore feature * fixed grumbles * lost files * added password argument to Parity RPCs * update docs * lost file
265 lines
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265 lines
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// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use std::thread;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::mpsc;
use futures::{self, Future};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
use ethcrypto;
use ethkey;
use super::acl_storage::AclStorage;
use super::key_storage::KeyStorage;
use key_server_cluster::ClusterCore;
use traits::KeyServer;
use types::all::{Error, RequestSignature, DocumentAddress, DocumentEncryptedKey, DocumentEncryptedKeyShadow, ClusterConfiguration};
use key_server_cluster::{ClusterClient, ClusterConfiguration as NetClusterConfiguration};
/// Secret store key server implementation
pub struct KeyServerImpl {
data: Arc<Mutex<KeyServerCore>>,
/// Secret store key server data.
pub struct KeyServerCore {
close: Option<futures::Complete<()>>,
handle: Option<thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
cluster: Arc<ClusterClient>,
impl KeyServerImpl {
/// Create new key server instance
pub fn new(config: &ClusterConfiguration, acl_storage: Arc<AclStorage>, key_storage: Arc<KeyStorage>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Ok(KeyServerImpl {
data: Arc::new(Mutex::new(KeyServerCore::new(config, acl_storage, key_storage)?)),
/// Get cluster client reference.
pub fn cluster(&self) -> Arc<ClusterClient> {
impl KeyServer for KeyServerImpl {
fn generate_document_key(&self, signature: &RequestSignature, document: &DocumentAddress, threshold: usize) -> Result<DocumentEncryptedKey, Error> {
// recover requestor' public key from signature
let public = ethkey::recover(signature, document)
.map_err(|_| Error::BadSignature)?;
// generate document key
let encryption_session = self.data.lock().cluster.new_encryption_session(document.clone(), threshold)?;
let document_key = encryption_session.wait(None)?;
// encrypt document key with requestor public key
let document_key = ethcrypto::ecies::encrypt(&public, ðcrypto::DEFAULT_MAC, &document_key)
.map_err(|err| Error::Internal(format!("Error encrypting document key: {}", err)))?;
fn document_key(&self, signature: &RequestSignature, document: &DocumentAddress) -> Result<DocumentEncryptedKey, Error> {
// recover requestor' public key from signature
let public = ethkey::recover(signature, document)
.map_err(|_| Error::BadSignature)?;
// decrypt document key
let decryption_session = self.data.lock().cluster.new_decryption_session(document.clone(), signature.clone(), false)?;
let document_key = decryption_session.wait()?.decrypted_secret;
// encrypt document key with requestor public key
let document_key = ethcrypto::ecies::encrypt(&public, ðcrypto::DEFAULT_MAC, &document_key)
.map_err(|err| Error::Internal(format!("Error encrypting document key: {}", err)))?;
fn document_key_shadow(&self, signature: &RequestSignature, document: &DocumentAddress) -> Result<DocumentEncryptedKeyShadow, Error> {
let decryption_session = self.data.lock().cluster.new_decryption_session(document.clone(), signature.clone(), true)?;
impl KeyServerCore {
pub fn new(config: &ClusterConfiguration, acl_storage: Arc<AclStorage>, key_storage: Arc<KeyStorage>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let config = NetClusterConfiguration {
threads: config.threads,
self_key_pair: ethkey::KeyPair::from_secret_slice(&config.self_private)?,
listen_address: (config.listener_address.address.clone(), config.listener_address.port),
nodes: config.nodes.iter()
.map(|(node_id, node_address)| (node_id.clone(), (node_address.address.clone(), node_address.port)))
allow_connecting_to_higher_nodes: config.allow_connecting_to_higher_nodes,
acl_storage: acl_storage,
key_storage: key_storage,
let (stop, stopped) = futures::oneshot();
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut el = match Core::new() {
Ok(el) => el,
Err(e) => {
tx.send(Err(Error::Internal(format!("error initializing event loop: {}", e)))).expect("Rx is blocking upper thread.");
let cluster = ClusterCore::new(el.handle(), config);
let cluster_client = cluster.and_then(|c| c.run().map(|_| c.client()));
tx.send(cluster_client.map_err(Into::into)).expect("Rx is blocking upper thread.");
let _ = el.run(futures::empty().select(stopped));
let cluster = rx.recv().map_err(|e| Error::Internal(format!("error initializing event loop: {}", e)))??;
Ok(KeyServerCore {
close: Some(stop),
handle: Some(handle),
cluster: cluster,
impl Drop for KeyServerCore {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.close.take().map(|v| v.send(()));
self.handle.take().map(|h| h.join());
pub mod tests {
use std::time;
use std::sync::Arc;
use ethcrypto;
use ethkey::{self, Random, Generator};
use acl_storage::tests::DummyAclStorage;
use key_storage::tests::DummyKeyStorage;
use types::all::{Error, ClusterConfiguration, NodeAddress, RequestSignature, DocumentAddress, DocumentEncryptedKey, DocumentEncryptedKeyShadow};
use super::{KeyServer, KeyServerImpl};
pub struct DummyKeyServer;
impl KeyServer for DummyKeyServer {
fn generate_document_key(&self, _signature: &RequestSignature, _document: &DocumentAddress, _threshold: usize) -> Result<DocumentEncryptedKey, Error> {
fn document_key(&self, _signature: &RequestSignature, _document: &DocumentAddress) -> Result<DocumentEncryptedKey, Error> {
fn document_key_shadow(&self, _signature: &RequestSignature, _document: &DocumentAddress) -> Result<DocumentEncryptedKeyShadow, Error> {
fn make_key_servers(start_port: u16, num_nodes: usize) -> Vec<KeyServerImpl> {
let key_pairs: Vec<_> = (0..num_nodes).map(|_| Random.generate().unwrap()).collect();
let configs: Vec<_> = (0..num_nodes).map(|i| ClusterConfiguration {
threads: 1,
self_private: (***key_pairs[i].secret()).into(),
listener_address: NodeAddress {
address: "".into(),
port: start_port + (i as u16),
nodes: key_pairs.iter().enumerate().map(|(j, kp)| (kp.public().clone(),
NodeAddress {
address: "".into(),
port: start_port + (j as u16),
allow_connecting_to_higher_nodes: false,
let key_servers: Vec<_> = configs.into_iter().map(|cfg|
KeyServerImpl::new(&cfg, Arc::new(DummyAclStorage::default()), Arc::new(DummyKeyStorage::default())).unwrap()
// wait until connections are established. It is fast => do not bother with events here
let start = time::Instant::now();
let mut tried_reconnections = false;
loop {
if key_servers.iter().all(|ks| ks.cluster().cluster_state().connected.len() == num_nodes - 1) {
let old_tried_reconnections = tried_reconnections;
let mut fully_connected = true;
for key_server in &key_servers {
if key_server.cluster().cluster_state().connected.len() != num_nodes - 1 {
fully_connected = false;
if !old_tried_reconnections {
tried_reconnections = true;
if fully_connected {
if time::Instant::now() - start > time::Duration::from_millis(1000) {
panic!("connections are not established in 1000ms");
fn document_key_generation_and_retrievement_works_over_network_with_single_node() {
let key_servers = make_key_servers(6070, 1);
// generate document key
let threshold = 0;
let document = Random.generate().unwrap().secret().clone();
let secret = Random.generate().unwrap().secret().clone();
let signature = ethkey::sign(&secret, &document).unwrap();
let generated_key = key_servers[0].generate_document_key(&signature, &document, threshold).unwrap();
let generated_key = ethcrypto::ecies::decrypt(&secret, ðcrypto::DEFAULT_MAC, &generated_key).unwrap();
// now let's try to retrieve key back
for key_server in key_servers.iter() {
let retrieved_key = key_server.document_key(&signature, &document).unwrap();
let retrieved_key = ethcrypto::ecies::decrypt(&secret, ðcrypto::DEFAULT_MAC, &retrieved_key).unwrap();
assert_eq!(retrieved_key, generated_key);
fn document_key_generation_and_retrievement_works_over_network_with_3_nodes() {
let key_servers = make_key_servers(6080, 3);
let test_cases = [0, 1, 2];
for threshold in &test_cases {
// generate document key
let document = Random.generate().unwrap().secret().clone();
let secret = Random.generate().unwrap().secret().clone();
let signature = ethkey::sign(&secret, &document).unwrap();
let generated_key = key_servers[0].generate_document_key(&signature, &document, *threshold).unwrap();
let generated_key = ethcrypto::ecies::decrypt(&secret, ðcrypto::DEFAULT_MAC, &generated_key).unwrap();
// now let's try to retrieve key back
for key_server in key_servers.iter() {
let retrieved_key = key_server.document_key(&signature, &document).unwrap();
let retrieved_key = ethcrypto::ecies::decrypt(&secret, ðcrypto::DEFAULT_MAC, &retrieved_key).unwrap();
assert_eq!(retrieved_key, generated_key);