Robert Habermeier ed135bb9dc fetch known code from the database during restoration
previously it kept all seen code in memory, leading to
high memory usage by the end of state restoration
2016-11-11 17:18:31 +01:00

708 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! Snapshot creation, restoration, and network service.
//! Documentation of the format can be found at
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use account_db::{AccountDB, AccountDBMut};
use blockchain::{BlockChain, BlockProvider};
use engines::Engine;
use header::Header;
use ids::BlockID;
use views::BlockView;
use util::{Bytes, Hashable, HashDB, DBValue, snappy, U256, Uint};
use util::Mutex;
use util::hash::{FixedHash, H256};
use util::journaldb::{self, Algorithm, JournalDB};
use util::kvdb::Database;
use util::trie::{TrieDB, TrieDBMut, Trie, TrieMut};
use util::sha3::SHA3_NULL_RLP;
use rlp::{RlpStream, Stream, UntrustedRlp, View};
use bloom_journal::Bloom;
use self::account::Account;
use self::block::AbridgedBlock;
use self::io::SnapshotWriter;
use super::state_db::StateDB;
use super::state::Account as StateAccount;
use crossbeam::scope;
use rand::{Rng, OsRng};
pub use self::error::Error;
pub use self::service::{Service, DatabaseRestore};
pub use self::traits::SnapshotService;
pub use self::watcher::Watcher;
pub use types::snapshot_manifest::ManifestData;
pub use types::restoration_status::RestorationStatus;
pub mod io;
pub mod service;
mod account;
mod block;
mod error;
mod watcher;
mod tests;
/// IPC interfaces
pub mod remote {
pub use super::traits::RemoteSnapshotService;
mod traits {
#![allow(dead_code, unused_assignments, unused_variables, missing_docs)] // codegen issues
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
// Try to have chunks be around 4MB (before compression)
const PREFERRED_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
// How many blocks to include in a snapshot, starting from the head of the chain.
const SNAPSHOT_BLOCKS: u64 = 30000;
/// A progress indicator for snapshots.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Progress {
accounts: AtomicUsize,
blocks: AtomicUsize,
size: AtomicUsize, // Todo [rob] use Atomicu64 when it stabilizes.
done: AtomicBool,
impl Progress {
/// Reset the progress.
pub fn reset(&self) {, Ordering::Release);, Ordering::Release);, Ordering::Release);
// atomic fence here to ensure the others are written first?
// logs might very rarely get polluted if not., Ordering::Release);
/// Get the number of accounts snapshotted thus far.
pub fn accounts(&self) -> usize { self.accounts.load(Ordering::Acquire) }
/// Get the number of blocks snapshotted thus far.
pub fn blocks(&self) -> usize { self.blocks.load(Ordering::Acquire) }
/// Get the written size of the snapshot in bytes.
pub fn size(&self) -> usize { self.size.load(Ordering::Acquire) }
/// Whether the snapshot is complete.
pub fn done(&self) -> bool { self.done.load(Ordering::Acquire) }
/// Take a snapshot using the given blockchain, starting block hash, and database, writing into the given writer.
pub fn take_snapshot<W: SnapshotWriter + Send>(
chain: &BlockChain,
block_at: H256,
state_db: &HashDB,
writer: W,
p: &Progress
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let start_header = try!(chain.block_header(&block_at)
let state_root = start_header.state_root();
let number = start_header.number();
info!("Taking snapshot starting at block {}", number);
let writer = Mutex::new(writer);
let (state_hashes, block_hashes) = try!(scope(|scope| {
let block_guard = scope.spawn(|| chunk_blocks(chain, block_at, &writer, p));
let state_res = chunk_state(state_db, state_root, &writer, p);
state_res.and_then(|state_hashes| {
block_guard.join().map(|block_hashes| (state_hashes, block_hashes))
info!("produced {} state chunks and {} block chunks.", state_hashes.len(), block_hashes.len());
let manifest_data = ManifestData {
state_hashes: state_hashes,
block_hashes: block_hashes,
state_root: *state_root,
block_number: number,
block_hash: block_at,
try!(writer.into_inner().finish(manifest_data));, Ordering::SeqCst);
/// Used to build block chunks.
struct BlockChunker<'a> {
chain: &'a BlockChain,
// block, receipt rlp pairs.
rlps: VecDeque<Bytes>,
current_hash: H256,
hashes: Vec<H256>,
snappy_buffer: Vec<u8>,
writer: &'a Mutex<SnapshotWriter + 'a>,
progress: &'a Progress,
impl<'a> BlockChunker<'a> {
// Repeatedly fill the buffers and writes out chunks, moving backwards from starting block hash.
// Loops until we reach the first desired block, and writes out the remainder.
fn chunk_all(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut loaded_size = 0;
let mut last = self.current_hash;
let genesis_hash = self.chain.genesis_hash();
for _ in 0..SNAPSHOT_BLOCKS {
if self.current_hash == genesis_hash { break }
let (block, receipts) = try!(self.chain.block(&self.current_hash)
.and_then(|b| self.chain.block_receipts(&self.current_hash).map(|r| (b, r)))
let view = BlockView::new(&block);
let abridged_rlp = AbridgedBlock::from_block_view(&view).into_inner();
let pair = {
let mut pair_stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
pair_stream.append_raw(&abridged_rlp, 1).append(&receipts);
let new_loaded_size = loaded_size + pair.len();
// cut off the chunk if too large.
if new_loaded_size > PREFERRED_CHUNK_SIZE && !self.rlps.is_empty() {
loaded_size = pair.len();
} else {
loaded_size = new_loaded_size;
last = self.current_hash;
self.current_hash = view.header_view().parent_hash();
if loaded_size != 0 {
// write out the data in the buffers to a chunk on disk
// we preface each chunk with the parent of the first block's details,
// obtained from the details of the last block written.
fn write_chunk(&mut self, last: H256) -> Result<(), Error> {
trace!(target: "snapshot", "prepared block chunk with {} blocks", self.rlps.len());
let (last_header, last_details) = try!(self.chain.block_header(&last)
.and_then(|n| self.chain.block_details(&last).map(|d| (n, d)))
let parent_number = last_header.number() - 1;
let parent_hash = last_header.parent_hash();
let parent_total_difficulty = last_details.total_difficulty - *last_header.difficulty();
trace!(target: "snapshot", "parent last written block: {}", parent_hash);
let num_entries = self.rlps.len();
let mut rlp_stream = RlpStream::new_list(3 + num_entries);
for pair in self.rlps.drain(..) {
rlp_stream.append_raw(&pair, 1);
let raw_data = rlp_stream.out();
let size = snappy::compress_into(&raw_data, &mut self.snappy_buffer);
let compressed = &self.snappy_buffer[..size];
let hash = compressed.sha3();
try!(self.writer.lock().write_block_chunk(hash, compressed));
trace!(target: "snapshot", "wrote block chunk. hash: {}, size: {}, uncompressed size: {}", hash.hex(), size, raw_data.len());
self.progress.size.fetch_add(size, Ordering::SeqCst);
self.progress.blocks.fetch_add(num_entries, Ordering::SeqCst);
/// Create and write out all block chunks to disk, returning a vector of all
/// the hashes of block chunks created.
/// The path parameter is the directory to store the block chunks in.
/// This function assumes the directory exists already.
/// Returns a list of chunk hashes, with the first having the blocks furthest from the genesis.
pub fn chunk_blocks<'a>(chain: &'a BlockChain, start_hash: H256, writer: &Mutex<SnapshotWriter + 'a>, progress: &'a Progress) -> Result<Vec<H256>, Error> {
let mut chunker = BlockChunker {
chain: chain,
rlps: VecDeque::new(),
current_hash: start_hash,
hashes: Vec::new(),
snappy_buffer: vec![0; snappy::max_compressed_len(PREFERRED_CHUNK_SIZE)],
writer: writer,
progress: progress,
/// State trie chunker.
struct StateChunker<'a> {
hashes: Vec<H256>,
rlps: Vec<Bytes>,
cur_size: usize,
snappy_buffer: Vec<u8>,
writer: &'a Mutex<SnapshotWriter + 'a>,
progress: &'a Progress,
impl<'a> StateChunker<'a> {
// Push a key, value pair to be encoded.
// If the buffer is greater than the desired chunk size,
// this will write out the data to disk.
fn push(&mut self, account_hash: Bytes, data: Bytes) -> Result<(), Error> {
let pair = {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
stream.append(&account_hash).append_raw(&data, 1);
if self.cur_size + pair.len() >= PREFERRED_CHUNK_SIZE {
self.cur_size += pair.len();
// Write out the buffer to disk, pushing the created chunk's hash to
// the list.
fn write_chunk(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let num_entries = self.rlps.len();
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(num_entries);
for rlp in self.rlps.drain(..) {
stream.append_raw(&rlp, 1);
let raw_data = stream.out();
let compressed_size = snappy::compress_into(&raw_data, &mut self.snappy_buffer);
let compressed = &self.snappy_buffer[..compressed_size];
let hash = compressed.sha3();
try!(self.writer.lock().write_state_chunk(hash, compressed));
trace!(target: "snapshot", "wrote state chunk. size: {}, uncompressed size: {}", compressed_size, raw_data.len());
self.progress.accounts.fetch_add(num_entries, Ordering::SeqCst);
self.progress.size.fetch_add(compressed_size, Ordering::SeqCst);
self.cur_size = 0;
/// Walk the given state database starting from the given root,
/// creating chunks and writing them out.
/// Returns a list of hashes of chunks created, or any error it may
/// have encountered.
pub fn chunk_state<'a>(db: &HashDB, root: &H256, writer: &Mutex<SnapshotWriter + 'a>, progress: &'a Progress) -> Result<Vec<H256>, Error> {
let account_trie = try!(TrieDB::new(db, &root));
let mut chunker = StateChunker {
hashes: Vec::new(),
rlps: Vec::new(),
cur_size: 0,
snappy_buffer: vec![0; snappy::max_compressed_len(PREFERRED_CHUNK_SIZE)],
writer: writer,
progress: progress,
let mut used_code = HashSet::new();
// account_key here is the address' hash.
for item in try!(account_trie.iter()) {
let (account_key, account_data) = try!(item);
let account = Account::from_thin_rlp(&*account_data);
let account_key_hash = H256::from_slice(&account_key);
let account_db = AccountDB::from_hash(db, account_key_hash);
let fat_rlp = try!(account.to_fat_rlp(&account_db, &mut used_code));
try!(chunker.push(account_key, fat_rlp));
if chunker.cur_size != 0 {
/// Used to rebuild the state trie piece by piece.
pub struct StateRebuilder {
db: Box<JournalDB>,
state_root: H256,
known_code: HashMap<H256, H256>, // code hashes mapped to first account with this code.
missing_code: HashMap<H256, Vec<H256>>, // maps code hashes to lists of accounts missing that code.
bloom: Bloom,
impl StateRebuilder {
/// Create a new state rebuilder to write into the given backing DB.
pub fn new(db: Arc<Database>, pruning: Algorithm) -> Self {
StateRebuilder {
db: journaldb::new(db.clone(), pruning, ::db::COL_STATE),
state_root: SHA3_NULL_RLP,
known_code: HashMap::new(),
missing_code: HashMap::new(),
bloom: StateDB::load_bloom(&*db),
/// Feed an uncompressed state chunk into the rebuilder.
pub fn feed(&mut self, chunk: &[u8]) -> Result<(), ::error::Error> {
let rlp = UntrustedRlp::new(chunk);
let empty_rlp = StateAccount::new_basic(U256::zero(), U256::zero()).rlp();
let account_fat_rlps: Vec<_> = rlp.iter().map(|r| r.as_raw()).collect();
let mut pairs = Vec::with_capacity(rlp.item_count());
// initialize the pairs vector with empty values so we have slots to write into.
pairs.resize(rlp.item_count(), (H256::new(), Vec::new()));
let chunk_size = account_fat_rlps.len() / ::num_cpus::get() + 1;
// new code contained within this chunk.
let mut chunk_code = Vec::new();
for (account_chunk, out_pairs_chunk) in account_fat_rlps.chunks(chunk_size).zip(pairs.chunks_mut(chunk_size)) {
let status = try!(rebuild_accounts(self.db.as_hashdb_mut(), account_chunk, out_pairs_chunk, &self.known_code));
// update missing code.
for (addr_hash, code_hash) in status.missing_code {
// patch up all missing code. must be done after collecting all new missing code entries.
for (code_hash, code, first_with) in chunk_code {
for addr_hash in self.missing_code.remove(&code_hash).unwrap_or_else(Vec::new) {
let mut db = AccountDBMut::from_hash(self.db.as_hashdb_mut(), addr_hash);
db.emplace(code_hash, DBValue::from_slice(&code));
self.known_code.insert(code_hash, first_with);
let backing = self.db.backing().clone();
// batch trie writes
let mut account_trie = if self.state_root != SHA3_NULL_RLP {
try!(TrieDBMut::from_existing(self.db.as_hashdb_mut(), &mut self.state_root))
} else {
TrieDBMut::new(self.db.as_hashdb_mut(), &mut self.state_root)
for (hash, thin_rlp) in pairs {
if &thin_rlp[..] != &empty_rlp[..] {
try!(account_trie.insert(&hash, &thin_rlp));
let bloom_journal = self.bloom.drain_journal();
let mut batch = backing.transaction();
try!(StateDB::commit_bloom(&mut batch, bloom_journal));
try!(self.db.inject(&mut batch));
trace!(target: "snapshot", "current state root: {:?}", self.state_root);
/// Check for accounts missing code. Once all chunks have been fed, there should
/// be none.
pub fn check_missing(self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let missing = self.missing_code.keys().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>();
match missing.is_empty() {
true => Ok(()),
false => Err(Error::MissingCode(missing)),
/// Get the state root of the rebuilder.
pub fn state_root(&self) -> H256 { self.state_root }
struct RebuiltStatus {
// new code that's become available. (code_hash, code, addr_hash)
new_code: Vec<(H256, Bytes, H256)>,
missing_code: Vec<(H256, H256)>, // accounts that are missing code.
// rebuild a set of accounts and their storage.
// returns
fn rebuild_accounts(
db: &mut HashDB,
account_chunk: &[&[u8]],
out_chunk: &mut [(H256, Bytes)],
known_code: &HashMap<H256, H256>,
) -> Result<RebuiltStatus, ::error::Error>
let mut status = RebuiltStatus::default();
for (account_pair, out) in account_chunk.into_iter().zip(out_chunk) {
let account_rlp = UntrustedRlp::new(account_pair);
let hash: H256 = try!(account_rlp.val_at(0));
let fat_rlp = try!(;
let thin_rlp = {
// fill out the storage trie and code while decoding.
let (acc, maybe_code) = {
let mut acct_db = AccountDBMut::from_hash(db, hash);
try!(Account::from_fat_rlp(&mut acct_db, fat_rlp))
let code_hash = acc.code_hash().clone();
match maybe_code {
// new inline code
Some(code) => status.new_code.push((code_hash, code, hash)),
None => {
if code_hash != ::util::SHA3_EMPTY {
// see if this code has already been included inline
match known_code.get(&code_hash) {
Some(&first_with) => {
// if so, load it from the database.
let code = try!(AccountDB::from_hash(db, first_with)
.ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingCode(vec![first_with])));
// and write it again under a different mangled key
AccountDBMut::from_hash(db, hash).emplace(code_hash, code);
// if not, queue it up to be filled later
None => status.missing_code.push((hash, code_hash)),
*out = (hash, thin_rlp);
/// Proportion of blocks which we will verify `PoW` for.
const POW_VERIFY_RATE: f32 = 0.02;
/// Verify an old block with the given header, engine, blockchain, body. If `always` is set, it will perform
/// the fullest verification possible. If not, it will take a random sample to determine whether it will
/// do heavy or light verification.
pub fn verify_old_block(rng: &mut OsRng, header: &Header, engine: &Engine, chain: &BlockChain, body: Option<&[u8]>, always: bool) -> Result<(), ::error::Error> {
if always || rng.gen::<f32>() <= POW_VERIFY_RATE {
match chain.block_header(header.parent_hash()) {
Some(parent) => engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent, body),
None => engine.verify_block_seal(&header),
} else {
engine.verify_block_basic(&header, body)
/// Rebuilds the blockchain from chunks.
/// Does basic verification for all blocks, but `PoW` verification for some.
/// Blocks must be fed in-order.
/// The first block in every chunk is disconnected from the last block in the
/// chunk before it, as chunks may be submitted out-of-order.
/// After all chunks have been submitted, we "glue" the chunks together.
pub struct BlockRebuilder {
chain: BlockChain,
db: Arc<Database>,
rng: OsRng,
disconnected: Vec<(u64, H256)>,
best_number: u64,
best_hash: H256,
best_root: H256,
fed_blocks: u64,
impl BlockRebuilder {
/// Create a new BlockRebuilder.
pub fn new(chain: BlockChain, db: Arc<Database>, manifest: &ManifestData) -> Result<Self, ::error::Error> {
Ok(BlockRebuilder {
chain: chain,
db: db,
rng: try!(OsRng::new()),
disconnected: Vec::new(),
best_number: manifest.block_number,
best_hash: manifest.block_hash,
best_root: manifest.state_root,
fed_blocks: 0,
/// Feed the rebuilder an uncompressed block chunk.
/// Returns the number of blocks fed or any errors.
pub fn feed(&mut self, chunk: &[u8], engine: &Engine) -> Result<u64, ::error::Error> {
use basic_types::Seal::With;
use util::U256;
use util::triehash::ordered_trie_root;
let rlp = UntrustedRlp::new(chunk);
let item_count = rlp.item_count();
let num_blocks = (item_count - 3) as u64;
trace!(target: "snapshot", "restoring block chunk with {} blocks.", item_count - 3);
if self.fed_blocks + num_blocks > SNAPSHOT_BLOCKS {
return Err(Error::TooManyBlocks(SNAPSHOT_BLOCKS, self.fed_blocks).into())
// todo: assert here that these values are consistent with chunks being in order.
let mut cur_number = try!(rlp.val_at::<u64>(0)) + 1;
let mut parent_hash = try!(rlp.val_at::<H256>(1));
let parent_total_difficulty = try!(rlp.val_at::<U256>(2));
for idx in 3..item_count {
let pair = try!(;
let abridged_rlp = try!(;
let abridged_block = AbridgedBlock::from_raw(abridged_rlp);
let receipts: Vec<::receipt::Receipt> = try!(pair.val_at(1));
let receipts_root = ordered_trie_root(
try!(|r| r.as_raw().to_owned())
let block = try!(abridged_block.to_block(parent_hash, cur_number, receipts_root));
let block_bytes = block.rlp_bytes(With);
let is_best = cur_number == self.best_number;
if is_best {
if block.header.hash() != self.best_hash {
return Err(Error::WrongBlockHash(cur_number, self.best_hash, block.header.hash()).into())
if block.header.state_root() != &self.best_root {
return Err(Error::WrongStateRoot(self.best_root, *block.header.state_root()).into())
&mut self.rng,
let mut batch = self.db.transaction();
// special-case the first block in each chunk.
if idx == 3 {
if self.chain.insert_unordered_block(&mut batch, &block_bytes, receipts, Some(parent_total_difficulty), is_best, false) {
self.disconnected.push((cur_number, block.header.hash()));
} else {
self.chain.insert_unordered_block(&mut batch, &block_bytes, receipts, None, is_best, false);
parent_hash = BlockView::new(&block_bytes).hash();
cur_number += 1;
self.fed_blocks += num_blocks;
/// Glue together any disconnected chunks and check that the chain is complete.
pub fn finalize(self, canonical: HashMap<u64, H256>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut batch = self.db.transaction();
for (first_num, first_hash) in self.disconnected {
let parent_num = first_num - 1;
// check if the parent is even in the chain.
// since we don't restore every single block in the chain,
// the first block of the first chunks has nothing to connect to.
if let Some(parent_hash) = self.chain.block_hash(parent_num) {
// if so, add the child to it.
self.chain.add_child(&mut batch, parent_hash, first_hash);
let best_number = self.best_number;
for num in (0..self.fed_blocks).map(|x| best_number - x) {
let hash = try!(self.chain.block_hash(num).ok_or(Error::IncompleteChain));
if let Some(canon_hash) = canonical.get(&num).cloned() {
if canon_hash != hash {
return Err(Error::WrongBlockHash(num, canon_hash, hash));