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// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Façade crate for `patricia_trie` for Ethereum specific impls
pub extern crate patricia_trie as trie; // `pub` because we need to import this crate for the tests in `patricia_trie` and there were issues: https://gist.github.com/dvdplm/869251ee557a1b4bd53adc7c971979aa
extern crate elastic_array;
extern crate parity_bytes;
extern crate ethereum_types;
extern crate hashdb;
extern crate keccak_hasher;
extern crate rlp;
mod rlp_node_codec;
pub use rlp_node_codec::RlpNodeCodec;
use ethereum_types::H256;
use keccak_hasher::KeccakHasher;
use rlp::DecoderError;
/// Convenience type alias to instantiate a Keccak-flavoured `RlpNodeCodec`
pub type RlpCodec = RlpNodeCodec<KeccakHasher>;
/// Convenience type alias to instantiate a Keccak/Rlp-flavoured `TrieDB`
/// Use it as a `Trie` trait object. You can use `db()` to get the backing database object.
/// Use `get` and `contains` to query values associated with keys in the trie.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// extern crate patricia_trie as trie;
/// extern crate patricia_trie_ethereum as ethtrie;
/// extern crate hashdb;
/// extern crate keccak_hasher;
/// extern crate memorydb;
/// extern crate ethereum_types;
/// extern crate elastic_array;
/// use trie::*;
/// use hashdb::*;
/// use keccak_hasher::KeccakHasher;
/// use memorydb::*;
/// use ethereum_types::H256;
/// use ethtrie::{TrieDB, TrieDBMut};
/// use elastic_array::ElasticArray128;
/// type DBValue = ElasticArray128<u8>;
/// fn main() {
/// let mut memdb = MemoryDB::<KeccakHasher, DBValue>::new();
/// let mut root = H256::new();
/// TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root).insert(b"foo", b"bar").unwrap();
/// let t = TrieDB::new(&memdb, &root).unwrap();
/// assert!(t.contains(b"foo").unwrap());
/// assert_eq!(t.get(b"foo").unwrap().unwrap(), DBValue::from_slice(b"bar"));
/// }
/// ```
pub type TrieDB<'db> = trie::TrieDB<'db, KeccakHasher, RlpCodec>;
/// Convenience type alias to instantiate a Keccak/Rlp-flavoured `SecTrieDB`
pub type SecTrieDB<'db> = trie::SecTrieDB<'db, KeccakHasher, RlpCodec>;
/// Convenience type alias to instantiate a Keccak/Rlp-flavoured `FatDB`
pub type FatDB<'db> = trie::FatDB<'db, KeccakHasher, RlpCodec>;
/// Convenience type alias to instantiate a Keccak/Rlp-flavoured `TrieDBMut`
/// Use it as a `TrieMut` trait object. You can use `db()` to get the backing database object.
/// Note that changes are not committed to the database until `commit` is called.
/// Querying the root or dropping the trie will commit automatically.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// extern crate patricia_trie as trie;
/// extern crate patricia_trie_ethereum as ethtrie;
/// extern crate hashdb;
/// extern crate keccak_hash;
/// extern crate keccak_hasher;
/// extern crate memorydb;
/// extern crate ethereum_types;
/// extern crate elastic_array;
/// use keccak_hash::KECCAK_NULL_RLP;
/// use ethtrie::{TrieDBMut, trie::TrieMut};
/// use keccak_hasher::KeccakHasher;
/// use memorydb::*;
/// use ethereum_types::H256;
/// use elastic_array::ElasticArray128;
/// type DBValue = ElasticArray128<u8>;
/// fn main() {
/// let mut memdb = MemoryDB::<KeccakHasher, DBValue>::new();
/// let mut root = H256::new();
/// let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root);
/// assert!(t.is_empty());
/// assert_eq!(*t.root(), KECCAK_NULL_RLP);
/// t.insert(b"foo", b"bar").unwrap();
/// assert!(t.contains(b"foo").unwrap());
/// assert_eq!(t.get(b"foo").unwrap().unwrap(), DBValue::from_slice(b"bar"));
/// t.remove(b"foo").unwrap();
/// assert!(!t.contains(b"foo").unwrap());
/// }
/// ```
pub type TrieDBMut<'db> = trie::TrieDBMut<'db, KeccakHasher, RlpCodec>;
/// Convenience type alias to instantiate a Keccak/Rlp-flavoured `SecTrieDBMut`
pub type SecTrieDBMut<'db> = trie::SecTrieDBMut<'db, KeccakHasher, RlpCodec>;
/// Convenience type alias to instantiate a Keccak/Rlp-flavoured `FatDBMut`
pub type FatDBMut<'db> = trie::FatDBMut<'db, KeccakHasher, RlpCodec>;
/// Convenience type alias to instantiate a Keccak/Rlp-flavoured `TrieFactory`
pub type TrieFactory = trie::TrieFactory<KeccakHasher, RlpCodec>;
/// Convenience type alias for Keccak/Rlp flavoured trie errors
pub type TrieError = trie::TrieError<H256, DecoderError>;
/// Convenience type alias for Keccak/Rlp flavoured trie results
pub type Result<T> = trie::Result<T, H256, DecoderError>;