2020-08-07 20:47:12 +03:00

364 lines
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// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see <>.
extern crate dir;
extern crate docopt;
extern crate ethstore;
extern crate num_cpus;
extern crate panic_hook;
extern crate parking_lot;
extern crate rustc_hex;
extern crate serde;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate serde_derive;
use std::{collections::VecDeque, env, fmt, fs, io::Read, process};
use docopt::Docopt;
use ethstore::{
accounts_dir::{KeyDirectory, RootDiskDirectory},
ethkey::{Address, Password},
import_accounts, EthStore, PresaleWallet, SecretStore, SecretVaultRef, SimpleSecretStore,
mod crack;
pub const USAGE: &'static str = r#"
Parity Ethereum key management tool.
Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
ethstore insert <secret> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]
ethstore change-pwd <address> <old-pwd> <new-pwd> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]
ethstore list [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]
ethstore import [<password>] [--src DIR] [--dir DIR]
ethstore import-wallet <path> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]
ethstore find-wallet-pass <path> <password>
ethstore remove <address> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]
ethstore sign <address> <password> <message> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]
ethstore public <address> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]
ethstore list-vaults [--dir DIR]
ethstore create-vault <vault> <password> [--dir DIR]
ethstore change-vault-pwd <vault> <old-pwd> <new-pwd> [--dir DIR]
ethstore move-to-vault <address> <vault> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]
ethstore move-from-vault <address> <vault> <password> [--dir DIR]
ethstore [-h | --help]
-h, --help Display this message and exit.
--dir DIR Specify the secret store directory. It may be either
parity, parity-(chain), geth, geth-test
or a path [default: parity].
--vault VAULT Specify vault to use in this operation.
--vault-pwd VAULTPWD Specify vault password to use in this operation. Please note
that this option is required when vault option is set.
Otherwise it is ignored.
--src DIR Specify import source. It may be either
parity, parity-(chain), geth, geth-test
or a path [default: geth].
insert Save account with password.
change-pwd Change password.
list List accounts.
import Import accounts from src.
import-wallet Import presale wallet.
find-wallet-pass Tries to open a wallet with list of passwords given.
remove Remove account.
sign Sign message.
public Displays public key for an address.
list-vaults List vaults.
create-vault Create new vault.
change-vault-pwd Change vault password.
move-to-vault Move account to vault from another vault/root directory.
move-from-vault Move account to root directory from given vault.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Args {
cmd_insert: bool,
cmd_change_pwd: bool,
cmd_list: bool,
cmd_import: bool,
cmd_import_wallet: bool,
cmd_find_wallet_pass: bool,
cmd_remove: bool,
cmd_sign: bool,
cmd_public: bool,
cmd_list_vaults: bool,
cmd_create_vault: bool,
cmd_change_vault_pwd: bool,
cmd_move_to_vault: bool,
cmd_move_from_vault: bool,
arg_secret: String,
arg_password: String,
arg_old_pwd: String,
arg_new_pwd: String,
arg_address: String,
arg_message: String,
arg_path: String,
arg_vault: String,
flag_src: String,
flag_dir: String,
flag_vault: String,
flag_vault_pwd: String,
enum Error {
impl From<ethstore::Error> for Error {
fn from(err: ethstore::Error) -> Self {
impl From<docopt::Error> for Error {
fn from(err: docopt::Error) -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
Error::Ethstore(ref err) => fmt::Display::fmt(err, f),
Error::Docopt(ref err) => fmt::Display::fmt(err, f),
fn main() {
if env::var("RUST_LOG").is_err() {
env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "warn")
env_logger::try_init().expect("Logger initialized only once.");
match execute(env::args()) {
Ok(result) => println!("{}", result),
Err(Error::Docopt(ref e)) => e.exit(),
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("{}", err);
fn key_dir(location: &str, password: Option<Password>) -> Result<Box<dyn KeyDirectory>, Error> {
let dir: RootDiskDirectory = match location {
"geth" => RootDiskDirectory::create(dir::geth(false))?,
"geth-test" => RootDiskDirectory::create(dir::geth(true))?,
path if path.starts_with("parity") => {
let chain = path.split('-').nth(1).unwrap_or("ethereum");
let path = dir::parity(chain);
path => RootDiskDirectory::create(path)?,
fn open_args_vault(store: &EthStore, args: &Args) -> Result<SecretVaultRef, Error> {
if args.flag_vault.is_empty() {
return Ok(SecretVaultRef::Root);
let vault_pwd = load_password(&args.flag_vault_pwd)?;
store.open_vault(&args.flag_vault, &vault_pwd)?;
fn open_args_vault_account(
store: &EthStore,
address: Address,
args: &Args,
) -> Result<StoreAccountRef, Error> {
match open_args_vault(store, args)? {
SecretVaultRef::Root => Ok(StoreAccountRef::root(address)),
SecretVaultRef::Vault(name) => Ok(StoreAccountRef::vault(&name, address)),
fn format_accounts(accounts: &[Address]) -> String {
.map(|(i, a)| format!("{:2}: 0x{:x}", i, a))
fn format_vaults(vaults: &[String]) -> String {
fn load_password(path: &str) -> Result<Password, Error> {
let mut file = fs::File::open(path).map_err(|e| {
ethstore::Error::Custom(format!("Error opening password file '{}': {}", path, e))
let mut password = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut password).map_err(|e| {
ethstore::Error::Custom(format!("Error reading password file '{}': {}", path, e))
// drop EOF
let _ = password.pop();
fn execute<S, I>(command: I) -> Result<String, Error>
I: IntoIterator<Item = S>,
S: AsRef<str>,
let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE).and_then(|d| d.argv(command).deserialize())?;
let store = EthStore::open(key_dir(&args.flag_dir, None)?)?;
return if args.cmd_insert {
let secret = args
.map_err(|_| ethstore::Error::InvalidSecret)?;
let password = load_password(&args.arg_password)?;
let vault_ref = open_args_vault(&store, &args)?;
let account_ref = store.insert_account(vault_ref, secret, &password)?;
Ok(format!("0x{:x}", account_ref.address))
} else if args.cmd_change_pwd {
let address = args
.map_err(|_| ethstore::Error::InvalidAccount)?;
let old_pwd = load_password(&args.arg_old_pwd)?;
let new_pwd = load_password(&args.arg_new_pwd)?;
let account_ref = open_args_vault_account(&store, address, &args)?;
let ok = store
.change_password(&account_ref, &old_pwd, &new_pwd)
Ok(format!("{}", ok))
} else if args.cmd_list {
let vault_ref = open_args_vault(&store, &args)?;
let accounts = store.accounts()?;
let accounts: Vec<_> = accounts
.filter(|a| &a.vault == &vault_ref)
.map(|a| a.address)
} else if args.cmd_import {
let password = match args.arg_password.as_ref() {
"" => None,
_ => Some(load_password(&args.arg_password)?),
let src = key_dir(&args.flag_src, password)?;
let dst = key_dir(&args.flag_dir, None)?;
let accounts = import_accounts(&*src, &*dst)?;
} else if args.cmd_import_wallet {
let wallet = PresaleWallet::open(&args.arg_path)?;
let password = load_password(&args.arg_password)?;
let kp = wallet.decrypt(&password)?;
let vault_ref = open_args_vault(&store, &args)?;
let account_ref = store.insert_account(vault_ref, kp.secret().clone(), &password)?;
Ok(format!("0x{:x}", account_ref.address))
} else if args.cmd_find_wallet_pass {
let passwords = load_password(&args.arg_password)?;
let passwords = passwords
.map(|line| str::to_owned(line).into())
crack::run(passwords, &args.arg_path)?;
Ok(format!("Password not found."))
} else if args.cmd_remove {
let address = args
.map_err(|_| ethstore::Error::InvalidAccount)?;
let password = load_password(&args.arg_password)?;
let account_ref = open_args_vault_account(&store, address, &args)?;
let ok = store.remove_account(&account_ref, &password).is_ok();
Ok(format!("{}", ok))
} else if args.cmd_sign {
let address = args
.map_err(|_| ethstore::Error::InvalidAccount)?;
let message = args
.map_err(|_| ethstore::Error::InvalidMessage)?;
let password = load_password(&args.arg_password)?;
let account_ref = open_args_vault_account(&store, address, &args)?;
let signature = store.sign(&account_ref, &password, &message)?;
Ok(format!("0x{}", signature))
} else if args.cmd_public {
let address = args
.map_err(|_| ethstore::Error::InvalidAccount)?;
let password = load_password(&args.arg_password)?;
let account_ref = open_args_vault_account(&store, address, &args)?;
let public = store.public(&account_ref, &password)?;
Ok(format!("0x{:x}", public))
} else if args.cmd_list_vaults {
let vaults = store.list_vaults()?;
} else if args.cmd_create_vault {
let password = load_password(&args.arg_password)?;
store.create_vault(&args.arg_vault, &password)?;
} else if args.cmd_change_vault_pwd {
let old_pwd = load_password(&args.arg_old_pwd)?;
let new_pwd = load_password(&args.arg_new_pwd)?;
store.open_vault(&args.arg_vault, &old_pwd)?;
store.change_vault_password(&args.arg_vault, &new_pwd)?;
} else if args.cmd_move_to_vault {
let address = args
.map_err(|_| ethstore::Error::InvalidAccount)?;
let password = load_password(&args.arg_password)?;
let account_ref = open_args_vault_account(&store, address, &args)?;
store.open_vault(&args.arg_vault, &password)?;
store.change_account_vault(SecretVaultRef::Vault(args.arg_vault), account_ref)?;
} else if args.cmd_move_from_vault {
let address = args
.map_err(|_| ethstore::Error::InvalidAccount)?;
let password = load_password(&args.arg_password)?;
store.open_vault(&args.arg_vault, &password)?;
StoreAccountRef::vault(&args.arg_vault, address),
} else {
Ok(format!("{}", USAGE))