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//! Rlp serialization module
//! Types implementing `Endocable` and `Decodable` traits
//! can be easily coverted to and from rlp.
//! Trusted rlp should be decoded with `Rlp`, untrusted with `UntrustedRlp`.
//! # Examples:
//! ```rust
//! extern crate ethcore_util;
//! use ethcore_util::rlp::{Rlp, UntrustedRlp, RlpStream, Decodable};
//! fn encode_value() {
//! // 1029
//! let mut stream = RlpStream::new();
//! stream.append(&1029u32);
//! let out = stream.out().unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(out, vec![0x82, 0x04, 0x05]);
//! }
//! fn encode_list() {
//! // [ "cat", "dog" ]
//! let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
//! stream.append(&"cat").append(&"dog");
//! let out = stream.out().unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(out, vec![0xc8, 0x83, b'c', b'a', b't', 0x83, b'd', b'o', b'g']);
//! }
//! fn encode_list2() {
//! // [ [], [[]], [ [], [[]] ] ]
//! let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(3);
//! stream.append_list(0);
//! stream.append_list(1).append_list(0);
//! stream.append_list(2).append_list(0).append_list(1).append_list(0);
//! let out = stream.out().unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(out, vec![0xc7, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc0, 0xc3, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc0]);
//! }
//! fn decode_value() {
//! // 0x102456789abcdef
//! let data = vec![0x88, 0x10, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef];
//! let rlp = Rlp::new(&data);
//! let _ = u64::decode(&rlp);
//! }
//! fn decode_untrusted_string() {
//! // "cat"
//! let data = vec![0x83, b'c', b'a', b't'];
//! let rlp = UntrustedRlp::new(&data);
//! let _ = String::decode_untrusted(&rlp).unwrap();
//! }
//! fn decode_list() {
//! // ["cat", "dog"]
//! let data = vec![0xc8, 0x83, b'c', b'a', b't', 0x83, b'd', b'o', b'g'];
//! let rlp = Rlp::new(&data);
//! let _ : Vec<String> = Decodable::decode(&rlp);
//! }
//! fn decode_list2() {
//! // [ [], [[]], [ [], [[]] ] ]
//! let data = vec![0xc7, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc0, 0xc3, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc0];
//! let rlp = Rlp::new(&data);
//! let _v0: Vec<u16> = Decodable::decode(&;
//! let _v1: Vec<Vec<u16>> = Decodable::decode(&;
//! let nested_rlp =;
//! let _v2a: Vec<u16> = Decodable::decode(&;
//! let _v2b: Vec<Vec<u16>> = Decodable::decode(&;
//! }
//! fn main() {
//! encode_value();
//! encode_list();
//! encode_list2();
//! decode_value();
//! decode_untrusted_string();
//! decode_list();
//! decode_list2();
//! }
//! ```
use std::fmt;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::collections::LinkedList;
use std::error::Error as StdError;
use bytes::{ToBytes, FromBytes, FromBytesError};
use vector::InsertSlice;
/// rlp container
pub struct UntrustedRlp<'a> {
bytes: &'a [u8],
cache: Cell<OffsetCache>,
/// rlp offset
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
struct OffsetCache {
index: usize,
offset: usize,
impl OffsetCache {
fn new(index: usize, offset: usize) -> OffsetCache {
OffsetCache {
index: index,
offset: offset,
/// stores basic information about item
struct ItemInfo {
prefix_len: usize,
value_len: usize,
impl ItemInfo {
fn new(prefix_len: usize, value_len: usize) -> ItemInfo {
ItemInfo {
prefix_len: prefix_len,
value_len: value_len,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DecoderError {
impl StdError for DecoderError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
"builder error"
impl fmt::Display for DecoderError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(&self, f)
impl From<FromBytesError> for DecoderError {
fn from(err: FromBytesError) -> DecoderError {
/// Unsafe wrapper for rlp decode_untrustedr.
/// It assumes that you know what you are doing. Doesn't bother
/// you with error handling.
pub struct Rlp<'a> {
rlp: UntrustedRlp<'a>
impl<'a> From<UntrustedRlp<'a>> for Rlp<'a> {
fn from(rlp: UntrustedRlp<'a>) -> Rlp<'a> {
Rlp { rlp: rlp }
impl<'a> From<Rlp<'a>> for UntrustedRlp<'a> {
fn from(unsafe_rlp: Rlp<'a>) -> UntrustedRlp<'a> {
impl<'a> Rlp<'a> {
/// returns new instance of `Rlp`
pub fn new(bytes: &'a [u8]) -> Rlp<'a> {
Rlp {
rlp: UntrustedRlp::new(bytes)
pub fn at(&self, index: usize) -> Rlp<'a> {
/// returns true if rlp is a list
pub fn is_list(&self) -> bool {
/// returns true if rlp is a value
pub fn is_value(&self) -> bool {
/// returns rlp iterator
pub fn iter(&'a self) -> UntrustedRlpIterator<'a> {
impl<'a> UntrustedRlp<'a> {
/// returns new instance of `UntrustedRlp`
pub fn new(bytes: &'a [u8]) -> UntrustedRlp<'a> {
UntrustedRlp {
bytes: bytes,
cache: Cell::new(OffsetCache::new(usize::max_value(), 0)),
/// get container subset at given index
/// paren container caches searched position
pub fn at(&self, index: usize) -> Result<UntrustedRlp<'a>, DecoderError> {
if !self.is_list() {
return Err(DecoderError::UntrustedRlpExpectedToBeList);
// move to cached position if it's index is less or equal to
// current search index, otherwise move to beginning of list
let c = self.cache.get();
let (mut bytes, to_skip) = match c.index <= index {
true => (try!(UntrustedRlp::consume(self.bytes, c.offset)), index - c.index),
false => (try!(self.consume_list_prefix()), index),
// skip up to x items
bytes = try!(UntrustedRlp::consume_items(bytes, to_skip));
// update the cache
self.cache.set(OffsetCache::new(index, self.bytes.len() - bytes.len()));
// construct new rlp
let found = try!(UntrustedRlp::item_info(bytes));
Ok(UntrustedRlp::new(&bytes[0..found.prefix_len + found.value_len]))
/// returns true if rlp is a list
pub fn is_list(&self) -> bool {
self.bytes.len() > 0 && self.bytes[0] >= 0xc0
/// returns true if rlp is a value
pub fn is_value(&self) -> bool {
self.bytes.len() > 0 && self.bytes[0] <= 0xbf
/// returns rlp iterator
pub fn iter(&'a self) -> UntrustedRlpIterator<'a> {
/// consumes first found prefix
fn consume_list_prefix(&self) -> Result<&'a [u8], DecoderError> {
let item = try!(UntrustedRlp::item_info(self.bytes));
let bytes = try!(UntrustedRlp::consume(self.bytes, item.prefix_len));
/// consumes fixed number of items
fn consume_items(bytes: &'a [u8], items: usize) -> Result<&'a [u8], DecoderError> {
let mut result = bytes;
for _ in 0..items {
let i = try!(UntrustedRlp::item_info(result));
result = try!(UntrustedRlp::consume(result, (i.prefix_len + i.value_len)));
/// return first item info
/// TODO: move this to decode_untrustedr?
fn item_info(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<ItemInfo, DecoderError> {
let item = match bytes.first().map(|&x| x) {
None => return Err(DecoderError::UntrustedRlpIsTooShort),
Some(0...0x7f) => ItemInfo::new(0, 1),
Some(l @ 0x80...0xb7) => ItemInfo::new(1, l as usize - 0x80),
Some(l @ 0xb8...0xbf) => {
let len_of_len = l as usize - 0xb7;
let prefix_len = 1 + len_of_len;
let value_len = try!(usize::from_bytes(&bytes[1..prefix_len]));
ItemInfo::new(prefix_len, value_len)
Some(l @ 0xc0...0xf7) => ItemInfo::new(1, l as usize - 0xc0),
Some(l @ 0xf8...0xff) => {
let len_of_len = l as usize - 0xf7;
let prefix_len = 1 + len_of_len;
let value_len = try!(usize::from_bytes(&bytes[1..prefix_len]));
ItemInfo::new(prefix_len, value_len)
_ => return Err(DecoderError::BadUntrustedRlp),
match item.prefix_len + item.value_len <= bytes.len() {
true => Ok(item),
false => Err(DecoderError::UntrustedRlpIsTooShort),
/// consumes slice prefix of length `len`
fn consume(bytes: &'a [u8], len: usize) -> Result<&'a [u8], DecoderError> {
match bytes.len() >= len {
true => Ok(&bytes[len..]),
false => Err(DecoderError::UntrustedRlpIsTooShort),
/// non-consuming rlp iterator
pub struct UntrustedRlpIterator<'a> {
rlp: &'a UntrustedRlp<'a>,
index: usize,
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a UntrustedRlp<'a> {
type Item = UntrustedRlp<'a>;
type IntoIter = UntrustedRlpIterator<'a>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
UntrustedRlpIterator {
rlp: self,
index: 0,
impl<'a> Iterator for UntrustedRlpIterator<'a> {
type Item = UntrustedRlp<'a>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<UntrustedRlp<'a>> {
let index = self.index;
let result =;
self.index += 1;
/// shortcut function to decoded Trusted Rlp `&[u8]` into an object
pub fn decode<T>(bytes: &[u8]) -> T where T: Decodable {
let rlp = Rlp::new(bytes);
/// shortcut function to decode UntrustedRlp `&[u8]` into an object
pub fn decode_untrusted<T>(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<T, DecoderError> where T: Decodable {
let rlp = UntrustedRlp::new(bytes);
pub trait Decodable: Sized {
fn decode_untrusted(rlp: &UntrustedRlp) -> Result<Self, DecoderError>;
fn decode(rlp: &Rlp) -> Self {
impl<T> Decodable for T where T: FromBytes {
fn decode_untrusted(rlp: &UntrustedRlp) -> Result<Self, DecoderError> {
match rlp.is_value() {
true => BasicDecoder::read_value(rlp.bytes, | bytes | {
false => Err(DecoderError::UntrustedRlpExpectedToBeValue),
impl<T> Decodable for Vec<T> where T: Decodable {
fn decode_untrusted(rlp: &UntrustedRlp) -> Result<Self, DecoderError> {
match rlp.is_list() {
true => rlp.iter().map(|rlp| T::decode_untrusted(&rlp)).collect(),
false => Err(DecoderError::UntrustedRlpExpectedToBeList),
impl Decodable for Vec<u8> {
fn decode_untrusted(rlp: &UntrustedRlp) -> Result<Self, DecoderError> {
match rlp.is_value() {
true => BasicDecoder::read_value(rlp.bytes, | bytes | {
let mut res = vec![];
false => Err(DecoderError::UntrustedRlpExpectedToBeValue),
pub trait Decoder {
fn read_value<T, F>(bytes: &[u8], f: F) -> Result<T, DecoderError> where F: FnOnce(&[u8]) -> Result<T, DecoderError>;
struct BasicDecoder;
impl Decoder for BasicDecoder {
fn read_value<T, F>(bytes: &[u8], f: F) -> Result<T, DecoderError> where F: FnOnce(&[u8]) -> Result<T, DecoderError> {
match bytes.first().map(|&x| x) {
// rlp is too short
None => Err(DecoderError::UntrustedRlpIsTooShort),
// single byt value
Some(l @ 0...0x7f) => Ok(try!(f(&[l]))),
// 0-55 bytes
Some(l @ 0x80...0xb7) => Ok(try!(f(&bytes[1..(1 + l as usize - 0x80)]))),
// longer than 55 bytes
Some(l @ 0xb8...0xbf) => {
let len_of_len = l as usize - 0xb7;
let begin_of_value = 1 as usize + len_of_len;
let len = try!(usize::from_bytes(&bytes[1..begin_of_value]));
Ok(try!(f(&bytes[begin_of_value..begin_of_value + len])))
_ => Err(DecoderError::BadUntrustedRlp),
struct ListInfo {
position: usize,
current: usize,
max: usize,
impl ListInfo {
fn new(position: usize, max: usize) -> ListInfo {
ListInfo {
position: position,
current: 0,
max: max,
/// container that should be used to encode rlp
pub struct RlpStream {
unfinished_lists: LinkedList<ListInfo>,
encoder: BasicEncoder,
impl RlpStream {
/// create new container for values appended one after another,
/// but not being part of the same list
pub fn new() -> RlpStream {
RlpStream {
unfinished_lists: LinkedList::new(),
encoder: BasicEncoder::new(),
/// create new container for list of size `max_len`
pub fn new_list(len: usize) -> RlpStream {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new();
/// Apends value to the end of stream, chainable.
pub fn append<'a, E>(&'a mut self, object: &E) -> &'a mut RlpStream
where E: Encodable
// encode given value and add it at the end of the stream
object.encode(&mut self.encoder);
// if list is finished, prepend the length
// return chainable self
/// Declare appending the list of given size, chainable.
pub fn append_list<'a>(&'a mut self, len: usize) -> &'a mut RlpStream {
// push new list
let position = self.encoder.bytes.len();
match len {
0 => {
// we may finish, if the appended list len is equal 0
_ => self.unfinished_lists.push_back(ListInfo::new(position, len)),
// return chainable self
/// Appends raw (pre-serialised) RLP data. Use with caution. Chainable.
pub fn append_raw<'a>(&'a mut self, bytes: &[u8], item_count: usize) -> &'a mut RlpStream {
// push raw items
// try to finish and prepend the length
// return chainable self
/// return true if stream is ready
pub fn is_finished(&self) -> bool {
/// streams out encoded bytes
pub fn out(self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, EncoderError> {
match self.is_finished() {
true => Ok(self.encoder.out()),
false => Err(EncoderError::StreamIsUnfinished),
/// try to finish lists
fn try_to_finish(&mut self, inserted_items: usize) -> () {
let should_finish = match self.unfinished_lists.back_mut() {
None => false,
Some(ref mut x) => {
x.current += inserted_items;
if x.current > x.max {
panic!("You cannot append more items then you expect!");
x.current == x.max
if should_finish {
let x = self.unfinished_lists.pop_back().unwrap();
let len = self.encoder.bytes.len() - x.position;
self.encoder.insert_list_len_at_pos(len, x.position);
/// shortcut function to encode a `T: Encodable` into a UntrustedRlp `Vec<u8>`
pub fn encode<E>(object: &E) -> Vec<u8> where E: Encodable
let mut encoder = BasicEncoder::new();
object.encode(&mut encoder);
pub enum EncoderError {
impl StdError for EncoderError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
"encoder error"
impl fmt::Display for EncoderError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(&self, f)
pub trait Encodable {
fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> () where E: Encoder;
pub trait Encoder {
fn emit_value(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> ();
fn emit_list<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> () where F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> ();
impl<T> Encodable for T where T: ToBytes {
fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> () where E: Encoder {
impl<'a, T> Encodable for &'a [T] where T: Encodable + 'a {
fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> () where E: Encoder {
encoder.emit_list(|e| {
// insert all list elements
for el in self.iter() {
impl<T> Encodable for Vec<T> where T: Encodable {
fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> () where E: Encoder {
let r: &[T] = self.as_ref();
/// lets treat bytes differently than other lists
/// they are a single value
impl<'a> Encodable for &'a [u8] {
fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> () where E: Encoder {
/// lets treat bytes differently than other lists
/// they are a single value
impl Encodable for Vec<u8> {
fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> () where E: Encoder {
struct BasicEncoder {
bytes: Vec<u8>,
impl BasicEncoder {
fn new() -> BasicEncoder {
BasicEncoder { bytes: vec![] }
/// inserts list prefix at given position
/// TODO: optimise it further?
fn insert_list_len_at_pos(&mut self, len: usize, pos: usize) -> () {
let mut res = vec![];
match len {
0...55 => res.push(0xc0u8 + len as u8),
_ => {
res.push(0x7fu8 + len.to_bytes_len() as u8);
self.bytes.insert_slice(pos, &res);
/// get encoded value
fn out(self) -> Vec<u8> {
impl Encoder for BasicEncoder {
fn emit_value(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> () {
match bytes.len() {
// just 0
0 => self.bytes.push(0x80u8),
// byte is its own encoding
1 if bytes[0] < 0x80 => self.bytes.extend(bytes),
// (prefix + length), followed by the string
len @ 1 ... 55 => {
self.bytes.push(0x80u8 + len as u8);
// (prefix + length of length), followed by the length, followd by the string
len => {
self.bytes.push(0xb7 + len.to_bytes_len() as u8);
fn emit_list<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> ()
where F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> ()
// get len before inserting a list
let before_len = self.bytes.len();
// insert all list elements
// get len after inserting a list
let after_len = self.bytes.len();
// diff is list len
let list_len = after_len - before_len;
self.insert_list_len_at_pos(list_len, before_len);
mod tests {
use std::{fmt, cmp};
use std::str::FromStr;
use rlp;
use rlp::{UntrustedRlp, RlpStream, Decodable};
use uint::U256;
fn rlp_at() {
let data = vec![0xc8, 0x83, b'c', b'a', b't', 0x83, b'd', b'o', b'g'];
let rlp = UntrustedRlp::new(&data);
let animals = <Vec<String> as rlp::Decodable>::decode_untrusted(&rlp).unwrap();
assert_eq!(animals, vec!["cat".to_string(), "dog".to_string()]);
let cat =;
assert_eq!(cat.bytes, &[0x83, b'c', b'a', b't']);
assert_eq!(String::decode_untrusted(&cat).unwrap(), "cat".to_string());
let dog =;
assert_eq!(dog.bytes, &[0x83, b'd', b'o', b'g']);
assert_eq!(String::decode_untrusted(&dog).unwrap(), "dog".to_string());
let cat_again =;
assert_eq!(cat_again.bytes, &[0x83, b'c', b'a', b't']);
assert_eq!(String::decode_untrusted(&cat_again).unwrap(), "cat".to_string());
fn rlp_at_err() {
let data = vec![0xc8, 0x83, b'c', b'a', b't', 0x83, b'd', b'o'];
let rlp = UntrustedRlp::new(&data);
let cat_err =;
assert_eq!(cat_err, rlp::DecoderError::UntrustedRlpIsTooShort);
let dog_err =;
assert_eq!(dog_err, rlp::DecoderError::UntrustedRlpIsTooShort);
fn rlp_iter() {
let data = vec![0xc8, 0x83, b'c', b'a', b't', 0x83, b'd', b'o', b'g'];
let rlp = UntrustedRlp::new(&data);
let mut iter = rlp.iter();
let cat =;
assert_eq!(cat.bytes, &[0x83, b'c', b'a', b't']);
let dog =;
assert_eq!(dog.bytes, &[0x83, b'd', b'o', b'g']);
let none =;
let cat_again =;
assert_eq!(cat_again.bytes, &[0x83, b'c', b'a', b't']);
struct ETestPair<T>(T, Vec<u8>) where T: rlp::Encodable;
fn run_encode_tests<T>(tests: Vec<ETestPair<T>>)
where T: rlp::Encodable
for t in &tests {
let res = rlp::encode(&t.0);
assert_eq!(res, &t.1[..]);
fn encode_u16() {
let tests = vec![
ETestPair(0u16, vec![0x80u8]),
ETestPair(0x100, vec![0x82, 0x01, 0x00]),
ETestPair(0xffff, vec![0x82, 0xff, 0xff]),
fn encode_u32() {
let tests = vec![
ETestPair(0u32, vec![0x80u8]),
ETestPair(0x10000, vec![0x83, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]),
ETestPair(0xffffff, vec![0x83, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]),
fn encode_u64() {
let tests = vec![
ETestPair(0u64, vec![0x80u8]),
ETestPair(0x1000000, vec![0x84, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]),
ETestPair(0xFFFFFFFF, vec![0x84, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]),
fn encode_u256() {
let tests = vec![ETestPair(U256::from(0u64), vec![0x80u8]),
ETestPair(U256::from(0x1000000u64), vec![0x84, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]),
vec![0x84, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]),
vec![0xa0, 0x80, 0x90, 0xa0, 0xb0, 0xc0, 0xd0, 0xe0, 0xf0,
0x09, 0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x77, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x12, 0xf0])];
fn encode_str() {
let tests = vec![ETestPair("cat", vec![0x83, b'c', b'a', b't']),
ETestPair("dog", vec![0x83, b'd', b'o', b'g']),
ETestPair("Marek", vec![0x85, b'M', b'a', b'r', b'e', b'k']),
ETestPair("", vec![0x80]),
ETestPair("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit",
vec![0xb8, 0x38, b'L', b'o', b'r', b'e', b'm', b' ', b'i',
b'p', b's', b'u', b'm', b' ', b'd', b'o', b'l', b'o',
b'r', b' ', b's', b'i', b't', b' ', b'a', b'm', b'e',
b't', b',', b' ', b'c', b'o', b'n', b's', b'e', b'c',
b't', b'e', b't', b'u', b'r', b' ', b'a', b'd', b'i',
b'p', b'i', b's', b'i', b'c', b'i', b'n', b'g', b' ',
b'e', b'l', b'i', b't'])];
fn encode_address() {
use hash::*;
let tests = vec![
vec![0x94, 0xef, 0x2d, 0x6d, 0x19, 0x40, 0x84, 0xc2, 0xde,
0x36, 0xe0, 0xda, 0xbf, 0xce, 0x45, 0xd0, 0x46,
0xb3, 0x7d, 0x11, 0x06])
/// Vec<u8> is treated as a single value
fn encode_vector_u8() {
let tests = vec![
ETestPair(vec![], vec![0x80]),
ETestPair(vec![0u8], vec![0]),
ETestPair(vec![0x15], vec![0x15]),
ETestPair(vec![0x40, 0x00], vec![0x82, 0x40, 0x00]),
fn encode_vector_u64() {
let tests = vec![
ETestPair(vec![], vec![0xc0]),
ETestPair(vec![15u64], vec![0xc1, 0x0f]),
ETestPair(vec![1, 2, 3, 7, 0xff], vec![0xc6, 1, 2, 3, 7, 0x81, 0xff]),
ETestPair(vec![0xffffffff, 1, 2, 3, 7, 0xff], vec![0xcb, 0x84, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1, 2, 3, 7, 0x81, 0xff]),
fn encode_vector_str() {
let tests = vec![ETestPair(vec!["cat", "dog"],
vec![0xc8, 0x83, b'c', b'a', b't', 0x83, b'd', b'o', b'g'])];
fn encode_vector_of_vectors_str() {
let tests = vec![ETestPair(vec![vec!["cat"]], vec![0xc5, 0xc4, 0x83, b'c', b'a', b't'])];
fn rlp_stream() {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
let out = stream.out().unwrap();
vec![0xc8, 0x83, b'c', b'a', b't', 0x83, b'd', b'o', b'g']);
fn rlp_stream_list() {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(3);
let out = stream.out().unwrap();
assert_eq!(out, vec![0xc7, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc0, 0xc3, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc0]);
struct DTestPair<T>(T, Vec<u8>) where T: rlp::Decodable + fmt::Debug + cmp::Eq;
fn run_decode_tests<T>(tests: Vec<DTestPair<T>>) where T: rlp::Decodable + fmt::Debug + cmp::Eq {
for t in &tests {
let res: T = rlp::decode_untrusted(&t.1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(res, t.0);
/// Vec<u8> is treated as a single value
fn decode_vector_u8() {
let tests = vec![
DTestPair(vec![], vec![0x80]),
DTestPair(vec![0u8], vec![0]),
DTestPair(vec![0x15], vec![0x15]),
DTestPair(vec![0x40, 0x00], vec![0x82, 0x40, 0x00]),
fn decode_untrusted_u16() {
let tests = vec![
DTestPair(0u16, vec![0u8]),
DTestPair(0x100, vec![0x82, 0x01, 0x00]),
DTestPair(0xffff, vec![0x82, 0xff, 0xff]),
fn decode_untrusted_u32() {
let tests = vec![
DTestPair(0u32, vec![0u8]),
DTestPair(0x10000, vec![0x83, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]),
DTestPair(0xffffff, vec![0x83, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]),
fn decode_untrusted_u64() {
let tests = vec![
DTestPair(0u64, vec![0u8]),
DTestPair(0x1000000, vec![0x84, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]),
DTestPair(0xFFFFFFFF, vec![0x84, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]),
fn decode_untrusted_u256() {
let tests = vec![DTestPair(U256::from(0u64), vec![0x80u8]),
DTestPair(U256::from(0x1000000u64), vec![0x84, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]),
vec![0x84, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]),
vec![0xa0, 0x80, 0x90, 0xa0, 0xb0, 0xc0, 0xd0, 0xe0, 0xf0,
0x09, 0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x77, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x12, 0xf0])];
fn decode_untrusted_str() {
let tests = vec![DTestPair("cat".to_string(), vec![0x83, b'c', b'a', b't']),
DTestPair("dog".to_string(), vec![0x83, b'd', b'o', b'g']),
vec![0x85, b'M', b'a', b'r', b'e', b'k']),
DTestPair("".to_string(), vec![0x80]),
DTestPair("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit"
vec![0xb8, 0x38, b'L', b'o', b'r', b'e', b'm', b' ', b'i',
b'p', b's', b'u', b'm', b' ', b'd', b'o', b'l', b'o',
b'r', b' ', b's', b'i', b't', b' ', b'a', b'm', b'e',
b't', b',', b' ', b'c', b'o', b'n', b's', b'e', b'c',
b't', b'e', b't', b'u', b'r', b' ', b'a', b'd', b'i',
b'p', b'i', b's', b'i', b'c', b'i', b'n', b'g', b' ',
b'e', b'l', b'i', b't'])];
fn decode_untrusted_address() {
use hash::*;
let tests = vec![
vec![0x94, 0xef, 0x2d, 0x6d, 0x19, 0x40, 0x84, 0xc2, 0xde,
0x36, 0xe0, 0xda, 0xbf, 0xce, 0x45, 0xd0, 0x46,
0xb3, 0x7d, 0x11, 0x06])
fn decode_untrusted_vector_u64() {
let tests = vec![
DTestPair(vec![], vec![0xc0]),
DTestPair(vec![15u64], vec![0xc1, 0x0f]),
DTestPair(vec![1, 2, 3, 7, 0xff], vec![0xc6, 1, 2, 3, 7, 0x81, 0xff]),
DTestPair(vec![0xffffffff, 1, 2, 3, 7, 0xff], vec![0xcb, 0x84, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1, 2, 3, 7, 0x81, 0xff]),
fn decode_untrusted_vector_str() {
let tests = vec![DTestPair(vec!["cat".to_string(), "dog".to_string()],
vec![0xc8, 0x83, b'c', b'a', b't', 0x83, b'd', b'o', b'g'])];
fn decode_untrusted_vector_of_vectors_str() {
let tests = vec![DTestPair(vec![vec!["cat".to_string()]],
vec![0xc5, 0xc4, 0x83, b'c', b'a', b't'])];