* Implementation of Verifier, Scoring and Ready. * Queue in progress. * TransactionPool. * Prepare for txpool release. * Miner refactor [WiP] * WiP reworking miner. * Make it compile. * Add some docs. * Split blockchain access to a separate file. * Work on miner API. * Fix ethcore tests. * Refactor miner interface for sealing/work packages. * Implement next nonce. * RPC compiles. * Implement couple of missing methdods for RPC. * Add transaction queue listeners. * Compiles! * Clean-up and parallelize. * Get rid of RefCell in header. * Revert "Get rid of RefCell in header." This reverts commit 0f2424c9b7319a786e1565ea2a8a6d801a21b4fb. * Override Sync requirement. * Fix status display. * Unify logging. * Extract some cheap checks. * Measurements and optimizations. * Fix scoring bug, heap size of bug and add cache * Disable tx queueing and parallel verification. * Make ethcore and ethcore-miner compile again. * Make RPC compile again. * Bunch of txpool tests. * Migrate transaction queue tests. * Nonce Cap * Nonce cap cache and tests. * Remove stale future transactions from the queue. * Optimize scoring and write some tests. * Simple penalization. * Clean up and support for different scoring algorithms. * Add CLI parameters for the new queue. * Remove banning queue. * Disable debug build. * Change per_sender limit to be 1% instead of 5% * Avoid cloning when propagating transactions. * Remove old todo. * Post-review fixes. * Fix miner options default. * Implement back ready transactions for light client. * Get rid of from_pending_block * Pass rejection reason. * Add more details to drop. * Rollback heap size of. * Avoid cloning hashes when propagating and include more details on rejection. * Fix tests. * Introduce nonces cache. * Remove uneccessary hashes allocation. * Lower the mem limit. * Re-enable parallel verification. * Add miner log. Don't check the type if not below min_gas_price. * Add more traces, fix disabling miner. * Fix creating pending blocks twice on AuRa authorities. * Fix tests. * re-use pending blocks in AuRa * Use reseal_min_period to prevent too frequent update_sealing. * Fix log to contain hash not sender. * Optimize local transactions. * Fix aura tests. * Update locks comments. * Get rid of unsafe Sync impl. * Review fixes. * Remove excessive matches. * Fix compilation errors. * Use new pool in private transactions. * Fix private-tx test. * Fix secret store tests. * Actually use gas_floor_target * Fix config tests. * Fix pool tests. * Address grumbles.
497 lines
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497 lines
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// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::collections::{HashMap, BTreeSet};
use ethereum_types::{H160, H256};
use error;
use listener::{Listener, NoopListener};
use options::Options;
use ready::{Ready, Readiness};
use scoring::{Scoring, ScoreWithRef};
use status::{LightStatus, Status};
use transactions::{AddResult, Transactions};
use {VerifiedTransaction};
type Sender = H160;
/// A transaction pool.
pub struct Pool<T, S: Scoring<T>, L = NoopListener> {
listener: L,
scoring: S,
options: Options,
mem_usage: usize,
transactions: HashMap<Sender, Transactions<T, S>>,
by_hash: HashMap<H256, Arc<T>>,
best_transactions: BTreeSet<ScoreWithRef<T, S::Score>>,
worst_transactions: BTreeSet<ScoreWithRef<T, S::Score>>,
impl<T: VerifiedTransaction, S: Scoring<T> + Default> Default for Pool<T, S> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self::with_scoring(S::default(), Options::default())
impl<T: VerifiedTransaction, S: Scoring<T> + Default> Pool<T, S> {
/// Creates a new `Pool` with given options
/// and default `Scoring` and `Listener`.
pub fn with_options(options: Options) -> Self {
Self::with_scoring(S::default(), options)
impl<T: VerifiedTransaction, S: Scoring<T>> Pool<T, S> {
/// Creates a new `Pool` with given `Scoring` and options.
pub fn with_scoring(scoring: S, options: Options) -> Self {
Self::new(NoopListener, scoring, options)
const INITIAL_NUMBER_OF_SENDERS: usize = 16;
impl<T, S, L> Pool<T, S, L> where
T: VerifiedTransaction,
S: Scoring<T>,
L: Listener<T>,
/// Creates new `Pool` with given `Scoring`, `Listener` and options.
pub fn new(listener: L, scoring: S, options: Options) -> Self {
let transactions = HashMap::with_capacity(INITIAL_NUMBER_OF_SENDERS);
let by_hash = HashMap::with_capacity(options.max_count / 16);
Pool {
mem_usage: 0,
best_transactions: Default::default(),
worst_transactions: Default::default(),
/// Attempts to import new transaction to the pool, returns a `Arc<T>` or an `Error`.
/// NOTE: Since `Ready`ness is separate from the pool it's possible to import stalled transactions.
/// It's the caller responsibility to make sure that's not the case.
/// NOTE: The transaction may push out some other transactions from the pool
/// either because of limits (see `Options`) or because `Scoring` decides that the transaction
/// replaces an existing transaction from that sender.
/// If any limit is reached the transaction with the lowest `Score` is evicted to make room.
/// The `Listener` will be informed on any drops or rejections.
pub fn import(&mut self, mut transaction: T) -> error::Result<Arc<T>> {
let mem_usage = transaction.mem_usage();
ensure!(!self.by_hash.contains_key(transaction.hash()), error::ErrorKind::AlreadyImported(*transaction.hash()));
// TODO [ToDr] Most likely move this after the transaction is inserted.
// Avoid using should_replace, but rather use scoring for that.
let remove_worst = |s: &mut Self, transaction| {
match s.remove_worst(&transaction) {
Err(err) => {
s.listener.rejected(&Arc::new(transaction), err.kind());
Ok(removed) => {
s.listener.dropped(&removed, Some(&transaction));
while self.by_hash.len() + 1 > self.options.max_count {
trace!("Count limit reached: {} > {}", self.by_hash.len() + 1, self.options.max_count);
transaction = remove_worst(self, transaction)?;
while self.mem_usage + mem_usage > self.options.max_mem_usage {
trace!("Mem limit reached: {} > {}", self.mem_usage + mem_usage, self.options.max_mem_usage);
transaction = remove_worst(self, transaction)?;
let (result, prev_state, current_state) = {
let transactions = self.transactions.entry(*transaction.sender()).or_insert_with(Transactions::default);
// get worst and best transactions for comparison
let prev = transactions.worst_and_best();
let result = transactions.add(transaction, &self.scoring, self.options.max_per_sender);
let current = transactions.worst_and_best();
(result, prev, current)
// update best and worst transactions from this sender (if required)
self.update_senders_worst_and_best(prev_state, current_state);
match result {
AddResult::Ok(tx) => {
self.listener.added(&tx, None);
self.finalize_insert(&tx, None);
AddResult::PushedOut { new, old } |
AddResult::Replaced { new, old } => {
self.listener.added(&new, Some(&old));
self.finalize_insert(&new, Some(&old));
AddResult::TooCheap { new, old } => {
let error = error::ErrorKind::TooCheapToReplace(*old.hash(), *new.hash());
self.listener.rejected(&Arc::new(new), &error);
AddResult::TooCheapToEnter(new, score) => {
let error = error::ErrorKind::TooCheapToEnter(*new.hash(), format!("{:?}", score));
self.listener.rejected(&Arc::new(new), &error);
/// Updates state of the pool statistics if the transaction was added to a set.
fn finalize_insert(&mut self, new: &Arc<T>, old: Option<&Arc<T>>) {
self.mem_usage += new.mem_usage();
self.by_hash.insert(*new.hash(), new.clone());
if let Some(old) = old {
/// Updates the pool statistics if transaction was removed.
fn finalize_remove(&mut self, hash: &H256) -> Option<Arc<T>> {
self.by_hash.remove(hash).map(|old| {
self.mem_usage -= old.mem_usage();
/// Updates best and worst transactions from a sender.
fn update_senders_worst_and_best(
&mut self,
previous: Option<((S::Score, Arc<T>), (S::Score, Arc<T>))>,
current: Option<((S::Score, Arc<T>), (S::Score, Arc<T>))>,
) {
let worst_collection = &mut self.worst_transactions;
let best_collection = &mut self.best_transactions;
let is_same = |a: &(S::Score, Arc<T>), b: &(S::Score, Arc<T>)| {
a.0 == b.0 && a.1.hash() == b.1.hash()
let update = |collection: &mut BTreeSet<_>, (score, tx), remove| if remove {
collection.remove(&ScoreWithRef::new(score, tx));
} else {
collection.insert(ScoreWithRef::new(score, tx));
match (previous, current) {
(None, Some((worst, best))) => {
update(worst_collection, worst, false);
update(best_collection, best, false);
(Some((worst, best)), None) => {
// all transactions from that sender has been removed.
// We can clear a hashmap entry.
update(worst_collection, worst, true);
update(best_collection, best, true);
(Some((w1, b1)), Some((w2, b2))) => {
if !is_same(&w1, &w2) {
update(worst_collection, w1, true);
update(worst_collection, w2, false);
if !is_same(&b1, &b2) {
update(best_collection, b1, true);
update(best_collection, b2, false);
(None, None) => {},
/// Attempts to remove the worst transaction from the pool if it's worse than the given one.
fn remove_worst(&mut self, transaction: &T) -> error::Result<Arc<T>> {
let to_remove = match self.worst_transactions.iter().next_back() {
// No elements to remove? and the pool is still full?
None => {
warn!("The pool is full but there are no transactions to remove.");
return Err(error::ErrorKind::TooCheapToEnter(*transaction.hash(), "unknown".into()).into());
Some(old) => if self.scoring.should_replace(&old.transaction, transaction) {
// New transaction is better than the worst one so we can replace it.
} else {
// otherwise fail
return Err(error::ErrorKind::TooCheapToEnter(*transaction.hash(), format!("{:?}", old.score)).into())
// Remove from transaction set
self.remove_from_set(to_remove.transaction.sender(), |set, scoring| {
set.remove(&to_remove.transaction, scoring)
/// Removes transaction from sender's transaction `HashMap`.
fn remove_from_set<R, F: FnOnce(&mut Transactions<T, S>, &S) -> R>(&mut self, sender: &Sender, f: F) -> Option<R> {
let (prev, next, result) = if let Some(set) = self.transactions.get_mut(sender) {
let prev = set.worst_and_best();
let result = f(set, &self.scoring);
(prev, set.worst_and_best(), result)
} else {
return None;
self.update_senders_worst_and_best(prev, next);
/// Clears pool from all transactions.
/// This causes a listener notification that all transactions were dropped.
/// NOTE: the drop-notification order will be arbitrary.
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
self.mem_usage = 0;
for (_hash, tx) in self.by_hash.drain() {
self.listener.dropped(&tx, None)
/// Removes single transaction from the pool.
/// Depending on the `is_invalid` flag the listener
/// will either get a `cancelled` or `invalid` notification.
pub fn remove(&mut self, hash: &H256, is_invalid: bool) -> Option<Arc<T>> {
if let Some(tx) = self.finalize_remove(hash) {
self.remove_from_set(tx.sender(), |set, scoring| {
set.remove(&tx, scoring)
if is_invalid {
} else {
} else {
/// Removes all stalled transactions from given sender.
fn remove_stalled<R: Ready<T>>(&mut self, sender: &Sender, ready: &mut R) -> usize {
let removed_from_set = self.remove_from_set(sender, |transactions, scoring| {
transactions.cull(ready, scoring)
match removed_from_set {
Some(removed) => {
let len = removed.len();
for tx in removed {
None => 0,
/// Removes all stalled transactions from given sender list (or from all senders).
pub fn cull<R: Ready<T>>(&mut self, senders: Option<&[Sender]>, mut ready: R) -> usize {
let mut removed = 0;
match senders {
Some(senders) => {
for sender in senders {
removed += self.remove_stalled(sender, &mut ready);
None => {
let senders = self.transactions.keys().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for sender in senders {
removed += self.remove_stalled(&sender, &mut ready);
/// Returns a transaction if it's part of the pool or `None` otherwise.
pub fn find(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option<Arc<T>> {
/// Returns worst transaction in the queue (if any).
pub fn worst_transaction(&self) -> Option<Arc<T>> {
self.worst_transactions.iter().next().map(|x| x.transaction.clone())
/// Returns an iterator of pending (ready) transactions.
pub fn pending<R: Ready<T>>(&self, ready: R) -> PendingIterator<T, R, S, L> {
PendingIterator {
best_transactions: self.best_transactions.clone(),
pool: self,
/// Returns pending (ready) transactions from given sender.
pub fn pending_from_sender<R: Ready<T>>(&self, ready: R, sender: &Sender) -> PendingIterator<T, R, S, L> {
let best_transactions = self.transactions.get(sender)
.and_then(|transactions| transactions.worst_and_best())
.map(|(_, best)| ScoreWithRef::new(best.0, best.1))
.map(|s| {
let mut set = BTreeSet::new();
PendingIterator {
pool: self
/// Update score of transactions of a particular sender.
pub fn update_scores(&mut self, sender: &Sender, event: S::Event) {
let res = if let Some(set) = self.transactions.get_mut(sender) {
let prev = set.worst_and_best();
set.update_scores(&self.scoring, event);
let current = set.worst_and_best();
Some((prev, current))
} else {
if let Some((prev, current)) = res {
self.update_senders_worst_and_best(prev, current);
/// Computes the full status of the pool (including readiness).
pub fn status<R: Ready<T>>(&self, mut ready: R) -> Status {
let mut status = Status::default();
for (_sender, transactions) in &self.transactions {
let len = transactions.len();
for (idx, tx) in transactions.iter().enumerate() {
match ready.is_ready(tx) {
Readiness::Stalled => status.stalled += 1,
Readiness::Ready => status.pending += 1,
Readiness::Future => {
status.future += len - idx;
/// Returns light status of the pool.
pub fn light_status(&self) -> LightStatus {
LightStatus {
mem_usage: self.mem_usage,
transaction_count: self.by_hash.len(),
senders: self.transactions.len(),
/// Returns current pool options.
pub fn options(&self) -> Options {
/// Borrows listener instance.
pub fn listener(&self) -> &L {
/// Borrows listener mutably.
pub fn listener_mut(&mut self) -> &mut L {
&mut self.listener
/// An iterator over all pending (ready) transactions.
/// NOTE: the transactions are not removed from the queue.
/// You might remove them later by calling `cull`.
pub struct PendingIterator<'a, T, R, S, L> where
T: VerifiedTransaction + 'a,
S: Scoring<T> + 'a,
L: 'a,
ready: R,
best_transactions: BTreeSet<ScoreWithRef<T, S::Score>>,
pool: &'a Pool<T, S, L>,
impl<'a, T, R, S, L> Iterator for PendingIterator<'a, T, R, S, L> where
T: VerifiedTransaction,
R: Ready<T>,
S: Scoring<T>,
type Item = Arc<T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
while !self.best_transactions.is_empty() {
let best = {
let best = self.best_transactions.iter().next().expect("current_best is not empty; qed").clone();
self.best_transactions.take(&best).expect("Just taken from iterator; qed")
match self.ready.is_ready(&best.transaction) {
Readiness::Ready => {
// retrieve next one from that sender.
let next = self.pool.transactions
.and_then(|s| s.find_next(&best.transaction, &self.pool.scoring));
if let Some((score, tx)) = next {
self.best_transactions.insert(ScoreWithRef::new(score, tx));
return Some(best.transaction)
state => trace!("[{:?}] Ignoring {:?} transaction.", best.transaction.hash(), state),