Marek Kotewicz 373284ca0a spec loading cleanup (#858)
* spec loading cleanup in progress

* changed engine field in json spec

* refactored engine params

* polishing spec loading refactor

* fixed compiling json tests

* fixed compiling parity

* removed warnings

* removed commented out code

* fixed failing test

* bringing back removed TODO in spec.
2016-04-09 10:20:35 -07:00

883 lines
29 KiB

// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! Ethcore client application.
#![cfg_attr(feature="dev", feature(plugin))]
#![cfg_attr(feature="dev", plugin(clippy))]
#![cfg_attr(feature="dev", allow(useless_format))]
extern crate docopt;
extern crate num_cpus;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate ethcore_util as util;
extern crate ethcore;
extern crate ethsync;
extern crate ethminer;
extern crate log as rlog;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate ctrlc;
extern crate fdlimit;
extern crate daemonize;
extern crate time;
extern crate number_prefix;
extern crate rpassword;
// for
#[macro_use] extern crate hyper;
#[cfg(feature = "rpc")]
extern crate ethcore_rpc as rpc;
#[cfg(feature = "webapp")]
extern crate ethcore_webapp as webapp;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::fs::File;
use std::net::{SocketAddr, IpAddr};
use std::env;
use std::process::exit;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use env_logger::LogBuilder;
use ctrlc::CtrlC;
use util::*;
use util::panics::{MayPanic, ForwardPanic, PanicHandler};
use util::keys::store::*;
use ethcore::spec::*;
use ethcore::client::*;
use ethcore::service::{ClientService, NetSyncMessage};
use ethcore::ethereum;
use ethsync::{EthSync, SyncConfig, SyncProvider};
use ethminer::{Miner, MinerService};
use docopt::Docopt;
use daemonize::Daemonize;
use number_prefix::{binary_prefix, Standalone, Prefixed};
#[cfg(feature = "rpc")]
use rpc::Server as RpcServer;
#[cfg(feature = "webapp")]
use webapp::Listening as WebappServer;
mod price_info;
fn die_with_message(msg: &str) -> ! {
println!("ERROR: {}", msg);
macro_rules! die {
($($arg:tt)*) => (die_with_message(&format!("{}", format_args!($($arg)*))));
const USAGE: &'static str = r#"
Parity. Ethereum Client.
By Wood/Paronyan/Kotewicz/Drwięga/Volf.
Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Limited
parity daemon <pid-file> [options]
parity account (new | list) [options]
parity [options]
Protocol Options:
--chain CHAIN Specify the blockchain type. CHAIN may be either a
JSON chain specification file or olympic, frontier,
homestead, mainnet, morden, or testnet
[default: homestead].
-d --db-path PATH Specify the database & configuration directory path
[default: $HOME/.parity].
--keys-path PATH Specify the path for JSON key files to be found
[default: $HOME/.parity/keys].
--identity NAME Specify your node's name.
Account Options:
--unlock ACCOUNT Unlock ACCOUNT for the duration of the execution.
--password FILE Provide a file containing a password for unlocking
an account.
Networking Options:
--port PORT Override the port on which the node should listen
[default: 30303].
--peers NUM Try to maintain that many peers [default: 25].
--nat METHOD Specify method to use for determining public
address. Must be one of: any, none, upnp,
extip:<IP> [default: any].
--network-id INDEX Override the network identifier from the chain we
are on.
--bootnodes NODES Override the bootnodes from our chain. NODES should
be comma-delimited enodes.
--no-discovery Disable new peer discovery.
--node-key KEY Specify node secret key, either as 64-character hex
string or input to SHA3 operation.
API and Console Options:
-j --jsonrpc Enable the JSON-RPC API server.
--jsonrpc-interface IP Specify the hostname portion of the JSONRPC API
server, IP should be an interface's IP address, or
all (all interfaces) or local [default: local].
--jsonrpc-port PORT Specify the port portion of the JSONRPC API server
[default: 8545].
--jsonrpc-cors URL Specify CORS header for JSON-RPC API responses
[default: null].
--jsonrpc-apis APIS Specify the APIs available through the JSONRPC
interface. APIS is a comma-delimited list of API
name. Possible name are web3, eth and net.
[default: web3,eth,net,personal].
-w --webapp Enable the web applications server (e.g.
status page).
--webapp-port PORT Specify the port portion of the WebApps server
[default: 8080].
--webapp-interface IP Specify the hostname portion of the WebApps
server, IP should be an interface's IP address, or
all (all interfaces) or local [default: local].
--webapp-user USERNAME Specify username for WebApps server. It will be
used in HTTP Basic Authentication Scheme.
If --webapp-pass is not specified you will be
asked for password on startup.
--webapp-pass PASSWORD Specify password for WebApps server. Use only in
conjunction with --webapp-user.
Sealing/Mining Options:
--usd-per-tx USD Amount of USD to be paid for a basic transaction
[default: 0.005]. The minimum gas price is set
--usd-per-eth SOURCE USD value of a single ETH. SOURCE may be either an
amount in USD or a web service [default: etherscan].
--gas-floor-target GAS Amount of gas per block to target when sealing a new
block [default: 4712388].
--author ADDRESS Specify the block author (aka "coinbase") address
for sending block rewards from sealed blocks
[default: 0037a6b811ffeb6e072da21179d11b1406371c63].
--extra-data STRING Specify a custom extra-data for authored blocks, no
more than 32 characters.
Footprint Options:
--pruning METHOD Configure pruning of the state/storage trie. METHOD
may be one of: archive, basic (experimental), fast
(experimental) [default: archive].
--cache-pref-size BYTES Specify the prefered size of the blockchain cache in
bytes [default: 16384].
--cache-max-size BYTES Specify the maximum size of the blockchain cache in
bytes [default: 262144].
--queue-max-size BYTES Specify the maximum size of memory to use for block
queue [default: 52428800].
--cache MEGABYTES Set total amount of discretionary memory to use for
the entire system, overrides other cache and queue
Geth-compatibility Options:
--datadir PATH Equivalent to --db-path PATH.
--testnet Equivalent to --chain testnet.
--networkid INDEX Equivalent to --network-id INDEX.
--maxpeers COUNT Equivalent to --peers COUNT.
--nodekey KEY Equivalent to --node-key KEY.
--nodiscover Equivalent to --no-discovery.
--rpc Equivalent to --jsonrpc.
--rpcaddr IP Equivalent to --jsonrpc-interface IP.
--rpcport PORT Equivalent to --jsonrpc-port PORT.
--rpcapi APIS Equivalent to --jsonrpc-apis APIS.
--rpccorsdomain URL Equivalent to --jsonrpc-cors URL.
--gasprice WEI Minimum amount of Wei per GAS to be paid for a
transaction to be accepted for mining. Overrides
--etherbase ADDRESS Equivalent to --author ADDRESS.
--extradata STRING Equivalent to --extra-data STRING.
Miscellaneous Options:
-l --logging LOGGING Specify the logging level. Must conform to the same
format as RUST_LOG.
-v --version Show information about version.
-h --help Show this screen.
#[derive(Debug, RustcDecodable)]
struct Args {
cmd_daemon: bool,
cmd_account: bool,
cmd_new: bool,
cmd_list: bool,
arg_pid_file: String,
flag_chain: String,
flag_db_path: String,
flag_identity: String,
flag_unlock: Vec<String>,
flag_password: Vec<String>,
flag_cache: Option<usize>,
flag_keys_path: String,
flag_bootnodes: Option<String>,
flag_network_id: Option<String>,
flag_pruning: String,
flag_port: u16,
flag_peers: usize,
flag_no_discovery: bool,
flag_nat: String,
flag_node_key: Option<String>,
flag_cache_pref_size: usize,
flag_cache_max_size: usize,
flag_queue_max_size: usize,
flag_jsonrpc: bool,
flag_jsonrpc_interface: String,
flag_jsonrpc_port: u16,
flag_jsonrpc_cors: String,
flag_jsonrpc_apis: String,
flag_webapp: bool,
flag_webapp_port: u16,
flag_webapp_interface: String,
flag_webapp_user: Option<String>,
flag_webapp_pass: Option<String>,
flag_author: String,
flag_usd_per_tx: String,
flag_usd_per_eth: String,
flag_gas_floor_target: String,
flag_extra_data: Option<String>,
flag_logging: Option<String>,
flag_version: bool,
// geth-compatibility...
flag_nodekey: Option<String>,
flag_nodiscover: bool,
flag_maxpeers: Option<usize>,
flag_datadir: Option<String>,
flag_extradata: Option<String>,
flag_etherbase: Option<String>,
flag_gasprice: Option<String>,
flag_rpc: bool,
flag_rpcaddr: Option<String>,
flag_rpcport: Option<u16>,
flag_rpccorsdomain: Option<String>,
flag_rpcapi: Option<String>,
flag_testnet: bool,
flag_networkid: Option<String>,
fn setup_log(init: &Option<String>) {
use rlog::*;
let mut builder = LogBuilder::new();
builder.filter(None, LogLevelFilter::Info);
if env::var("RUST_LOG").is_ok() {
if let Some(ref s) = *init {
let format = |record: &LogRecord| {
let timestamp = time::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", &time::now()).unwrap();
if max_log_level() <= LogLevelFilter::Info {
format!("{}{}", timestamp, record.args())
} else {
format!("{}{}:{}: {}", timestamp, record.level(),, record.args())
#[cfg(feature = "rpc")]
fn setup_rpc_server(
client: Arc<Client>,
sync: Arc<EthSync>,
secret_store: Arc<AccountService>,
miner: Arc<Miner>,
url: &SocketAddr,
cors_domain: &str,
apis: Vec<&str>,
) -> RpcServer {
use rpc::v1::*;
let server = rpc::RpcServer::new();
for api in apis.into_iter() {
match api {
"web3" => server.add_delegate(Web3Client::new().to_delegate()),
"net" => server.add_delegate(NetClient::new(&sync).to_delegate()),
"eth" => {
server.add_delegate(EthClient::new(&client, &sync, &secret_store, &miner).to_delegate());
server.add_delegate(EthFilterClient::new(&client, &miner).to_delegate());
"personal" => server.add_delegate(PersonalClient::new(&secret_store).to_delegate()),
_ => {
die!("{}: Invalid API name to be enabled.", api);
let start_result = server.start_http(url, cors_domain);
match start_result {
Err(rpc::RpcServerError::IoError(err)) => die_with_io_error(err),
Err(e) => die!("{:?}", e),
Ok(server) => server,
#[cfg(feature = "webapp")]
fn setup_webapp_server(
client: Arc<Client>,
sync: Arc<EthSync>,
secret_store: Arc<AccountService>,
miner: Arc<Miner>,
url: &str,
auth: Option<(String, String)>,
) -> WebappServer {
use rpc::v1::*;
let server = webapp::WebappServer::new();
server.add_delegate(EthClient::new(&client, &sync, &secret_store, &miner).to_delegate());
server.add_delegate(EthFilterClient::new(&client, &miner).to_delegate());
let start_result = match auth {
None => {
server.start_unsecure_http(url, ::num_cpus::get())
Some((username, password)) => {
server.start_basic_auth_http(url, ::num_cpus::get(), &username, &password)
match start_result {
Err(webapp::WebappServerError::IoError(err)) => die_with_io_error(err),
Err(e) => die!("{:?}", e),
Ok(handle) => handle,
#[cfg(not(feature = "rpc"))]
struct RpcServer;
#[cfg(not(feature = "rpc"))]
fn setup_rpc_server(
_client: Arc<Client>,
_sync: Arc<EthSync>,
_secret_store: Arc<AccountService>,
_miner: Arc<Miner>,
_url: &str,
_cors_domain: &str,
_apis: Vec<&str>,
) -> ! {
die!("Your Parity version has been compiled without JSON-RPC support.")
#[cfg(not(feature = "webapp"))]
struct WebappServer;
#[cfg(not(feature = "webapp"))]
fn setup_webapp_server(
_client: Arc<Client>,
_sync: Arc<EthSync>,
_secret_store: Arc<AccountService>,
_miner: Arc<Miner>,
_url: &str,
_auth: Option<(String, String)>,
) -> ! {
die!("Your Parity version has been compiled without WebApps support.")
fn print_version() {
version {}
Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Limited
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
By Wood/Paronyan/Kotewicz/Drwięga/Volf.\
", version());
struct Configuration {
args: Args
impl Configuration {
fn parse() -> Self {
Configuration {
args: Docopt::new(USAGE).and_then(|d| d.decode()).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit()),
fn path(&self) -> String {
let d = self.args.flag_datadir.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.args.flag_db_path);
d.replace("$HOME", env::home_dir().unwrap().to_str().unwrap())
fn author(&self) -> Address {
let d = self.args.flag_etherbase.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.args.flag_author);
Address::from_str(clean_0x(d)).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
die!("{}: Invalid address for --author. Must be 40 hex characters, with or without the 0x at the beginning.", d)
fn gas_floor_target(&self) -> U256 {
let d = &self.args.flag_gas_floor_target;
U256::from_dec_str(d).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
die!("{}: Invalid target gas floor given. Must be a decimal unsigned 256-bit number.", d)
fn gas_price(&self) -> U256 {
match self.args.flag_gasprice.as_ref() {
Some(d) => {
U256::from_dec_str(d).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
die!("{}: Invalid gas price given. Must be a decimal unsigned 256-bit number.", d)
_ => {
let usd_per_tx: f32 = FromStr::from_str(&self.args.flag_usd_per_tx).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
die!("{}: Invalid basic transaction price given in USD. Must be a decimal number.", self.args.flag_usd_per_tx)
let usd_per_eth = match self.args.flag_usd_per_eth.as_str() {
"etherscan" => price_info::PriceInfo::get().map_or_else(|| {
die!("Unable to retrieve USD value of ETH from etherscan. Rerun with a different value for --usd-per-eth.")
}, |x| x.ethusd),
x => FromStr::from_str(x).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{}: Invalid ether price given in USD. Must be a decimal number.", x))
let wei_per_usd: f32 = 1.0e18 / usd_per_eth;
let gas_per_tx: f32 = 21000.0;
let wei_per_gas: f32 = wei_per_usd * usd_per_tx / gas_per_tx;
info!("Using a conversion rate of Ξ1 = US${} ({} wei/gas)", usd_per_eth, wei_per_gas);
U256::from_dec_str(&format!("{:.0}", wei_per_gas)).unwrap()
fn extra_data(&self) -> Bytes {
match self.args.flag_extradata.as_ref().or(self.args.flag_extra_data.as_ref()) {
Some(ref x) if x.len() <= 32 => x.as_bytes().to_owned(),
None => version_data(),
Some(ref x) => { die!("{}: Extra data must be at most 32 characters.", x); }
fn keys_path(&self) -> String {
self.args.flag_keys_path.replace("$HOME", env::home_dir().unwrap().to_str().unwrap())
fn spec(&self) -> Spec {
if self.args.flag_testnet {
return ethereum::new_morden();
match self.args.flag_chain.as_ref() {
"frontier" | "homestead" | "mainnet" => ethereum::new_frontier(),
"morden" | "testnet" => ethereum::new_morden(),
"olympic" => ethereum::new_olympic(),
f => Spec::load(contents(f).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
die!("{}: Couldn't read chain specification file. Sure it exists?", f)
fn normalize_enode(e: &str) -> Option<String> {
if is_valid_node_url(e) {
} else {
fn init_nodes(&self, spec: &Spec) -> Vec<String> {
match self.args.flag_bootnodes {
Some(ref x) if !x.is_empty() => x.split(',').map(|s| {
Self::normalize_enode(s).unwrap_or_else(|| {
die!("{}: Invalid node address format given for a boot node.", s)
Some(_) => Vec::new(),
None => spec.nodes().clone(),
fn net_addresses(&self) -> (Option<SocketAddr>, Option<SocketAddr>) {
let listen_address = Some(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::from_str("").unwrap(), self.args.flag_port));
let public_address = if self.args.flag_nat.starts_with("extip:") {
let host = &self.args.flag_nat[6..];
let host = IpAddr::from_str(host).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("Invalid host given with `--nat extip:{}`", host));
Some(SocketAddr::new(host, self.args.flag_port))
} else {
(listen_address, public_address)
fn net_settings(&self, spec: &Spec) -> NetworkConfiguration {
let mut ret = NetworkConfiguration::new();
ret.nat_enabled = self.args.flag_nat == "any" || self.args.flag_nat == "upnp";
ret.boot_nodes = self.init_nodes(spec);
let (listen, public) = self.net_addresses();
ret.listen_address = listen;
ret.public_address = public;
ret.use_secret = self.args.flag_node_key.as_ref().map(|s| Secret::from_str(&s).unwrap_or_else(|_| s.sha3()));
ret.discovery_enabled = !self.args.flag_no_discovery && !self.args.flag_nodiscover;
ret.ideal_peers = self.args.flag_maxpeers.unwrap_or(self.args.flag_peers) as u32;
let mut net_path = PathBuf::from(&self.path());
ret.config_path = Some(net_path.to_str().unwrap().to_owned());
fn client_config(&self) -> ClientConfig {
let mut client_config = ClientConfig::default();
match self.args.flag_cache {
Some(mb) => {
client_config.blockchain.max_cache_size = mb * 1024 * 1024;
client_config.blockchain.pref_cache_size = client_config.blockchain.max_cache_size * 3 / 4;
None => {
client_config.blockchain.pref_cache_size = self.args.flag_cache_pref_size;
client_config.blockchain.max_cache_size = self.args.flag_cache_max_size;
client_config.pruning = match self.args.flag_pruning.as_str() {
"archive" => journaldb::Algorithm::Archive,
"light" => journaldb::Algorithm::EarlyMerge,
"fast" => journaldb::Algorithm::OverlayRecent,
"basic" => journaldb::Algorithm::RefCounted,
_ => { die!("Invalid pruning method given."); }
}; = self.args.flag_identity.clone();
client_config.queue.max_mem_use = self.args.flag_queue_max_size;
fn sync_config(&self, spec: &Spec) -> SyncConfig {
let mut sync_config = SyncConfig::default();
sync_config.network_id = self.args.flag_network_id.as_ref().or(self.args.flag_networkid.as_ref()).map_or(spec.network_id(), |id| {
U256::from_str(id).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{}: Invalid index given with --network-id/--networkid", id))
fn execute(&self) {
if self.args.flag_version {
if self.args.cmd_daemon {
.unwrap_or_else(|e| die!("Couldn't daemonize; {}", e));
if self.args.cmd_account {
fn execute_account_cli(&self) {
use util::keys::store::SecretStore;
use rpassword::read_password;
let mut secret_store = SecretStore::new_in(Path::new(&self.keys_path()));
if self.args.cmd_new {
println!("Please note that password is NOT RECOVERABLE.");
println!("Type password: ");
let password = read_password().unwrap();
println!("Repeat password: ");
let password_repeat = read_password().unwrap();
if password != password_repeat {
println!("Passwords do not match!");
println!("New account address:");
let new_address = secret_store.new_account(&password).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", new_address);
if self.args.cmd_list {
println!("Known addresses:");
for &(addr, _) in &secret_store.accounts().unwrap() {
println!("{:?}", addr);
fn account_service(&self) -> AccountService {
// Secret Store
let passwords = self.args.flag_password.iter().flat_map(|filename| {
BufReader::new(&File::open(filename).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{} Unable to read password file. Ensure it exists and permissions are correct.", filename)))
.map(|l| l.unwrap())
let account_service = AccountService::new_in(Path::new(&self.keys_path()));
for d in &self.args.flag_unlock {
let a = Address::from_str(clean_0x(&d)).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
die!("{}: Invalid address for --unlock. Must be 40 hex characters, without the 0x at the beginning.", d)
if passwords.iter().find(|p| account_service.unlock_account_no_expire(&a, p).is_ok()).is_none() {
die!("No password given to unlock account {}. Pass the password using `--password`.", a);
fn execute_client(&self) {
// Setup panic handler
let panic_handler = PanicHandler::new_in_arc();
// Setup logging
// Raise fdlimit
unsafe { ::fdlimit::raise_fd_limit(); }
let spec = self.spec();
let net_settings = self.net_settings(&spec);
let sync_config = self.sync_config(&spec);
// Secret Store
let account_service = Arc::new(self.account_service());
// Build client
let mut service = ClientService::start(
self.client_config(), spec, net_settings, &Path::new(&self.path())
).unwrap_or_else(|e| die_with_error(e));
let client = service.client();
// Miner
let miner = Miner::new();
// Sync
let sync = EthSync::register(, sync_config, client.clone(), miner.clone());
// Setup rpc
let rpc_server = if self.args.flag_jsonrpc || self.args.flag_rpc {
let apis = self.args.flag_rpcapi.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.args.flag_jsonrpc_apis);
let url = format!("{}:{}",
match self.args.flag_rpcaddr.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.args.flag_jsonrpc_interface).as_str() {
"all" => "",
"local" => "",
x => x,
let addr = SocketAddr::from_str(&url).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{}: Invalid JSONRPC listen host/port given.", url));
let cors_domain = self.args.flag_rpccorsdomain.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.args.flag_jsonrpc_cors);
} else {
let webapp_server = if self.args.flag_webapp {
let url = format!("{}:{}",
match self.args.flag_webapp_interface.as_str() {
"all" => "",
"local" => "",
x => x,
let auth = self.args.flag_webapp_user.as_ref().map(|username| {
let password = self.args.flag_webapp_pass.as_ref().map_or_else(|| {
use rpassword::read_password;
println!("Type password for WebApps server (user: {}): ", username);
let pass = read_password().unwrap();
println!("OK, got it. Starting server...");
}, |pass| pass.to_owned());
(username.to_owned(), password)
} else {
// Register IO handler
let io_handler = Arc::new(ClientIoHandler {
client: service.client(),
info: Default::default(),
sync: sync.clone(),
accounts: account_service.clone(),
});"Error registering IO handler");
// Handle exit
wait_for_exit(panic_handler, rpc_server, webapp_server);
fn wait_for_exit(panic_handler: Arc<PanicHandler>, _rpc_server: Option<RpcServer>, _webapp_server: Option<WebappServer>) {
let exit = Arc::new(Condvar::new());
// Handle possible exits
let e = exit.clone();
CtrlC::set_handler(move || { e.notify_all(); });
// Handle panics
let e = exit.clone();
panic_handler.on_panic(move |_reason| { e.notify_all(); });
// Wait for signal
let mutex = Mutex::new(());
let _ = exit.wait(mutex.lock().unwrap()).unwrap();
info!("Finishing work, please wait...");
fn die_with_error(e: ethcore::error::Error) -> ! {
use ethcore::error::Error;
match e {
Error::Util(UtilError::StdIo(e)) => die_with_io_error(e),
_ => die!("{:?}", e),
fn die_with_io_error(e: std::io::Error) -> ! {
match e.kind() {
std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => {
die!("No permissions to bind to specified port.")
std::io::ErrorKind::AddrInUse => {
die!("Specified address is already in use. Please make sure that nothing is listening on the same port or try using a different one.")
std::io::ErrorKind::AddrNotAvailable => {
die!("Could not use specified interface or given address is invalid.")
_ => die!("{:?}", e),
fn main() {
struct Informant {
chain_info: RwLock<Option<BlockChainInfo>>,
cache_info: RwLock<Option<BlockChainCacheSize>>,
report: RwLock<Option<ClientReport>>,
impl Default for Informant {
fn default() -> Self {
Informant {
chain_info: RwLock::new(None),
cache_info: RwLock::new(None),
report: RwLock::new(None),
impl Informant {
fn format_bytes(b: usize) -> String {
match binary_prefix(b as f64) {
Standalone(bytes) => format!("{} bytes", bytes),
Prefixed(prefix, n) => format!("{:.0} {}B", n, prefix),
pub fn tick(&self, client: &Client, sync: &EthSync) {
// 5 seconds betwen calls. TODO: calculate this properly.
let dur = 5usize;
let chain_info = client.chain_info();
let queue_info = client.queue_info();
let cache_info = client.blockchain_cache_info();
let sync_info = sync.status();
let mut write_report =;
let report =;
if let (_, _, &Some(ref last_report)) = (,,
) {
println!("[ #{} {} ]---[ {} blk/s | {} tx/s | {} gas/s //··· {}/{} peers, #{}, {}+{} queued ···// mem: {} db, {} chain, {} queue, {} sync ]",
(report.blocks_imported - last_report.blocks_imported) / dur,
(report.transactions_applied - last_report.transactions_applied) / dur,
(report.gas_processed - last_report.gas_processed) / From::from(dur),
*self.chain_info.write().unwrap().deref_mut() = Some(chain_info);
*self.cache_info.write().unwrap().deref_mut() = Some(cache_info);
*write_report.deref_mut() = Some(report);
const INFO_TIMER: TimerToken = 0;
const ACCOUNT_TICK_TIMER: TimerToken = 10;
const ACCOUNT_TICK_MS: u64 = 60000;
struct ClientIoHandler {
client: Arc<Client>,
sync: Arc<EthSync>,
accounts: Arc<AccountService>,
info: Informant,
impl IoHandler<NetSyncMessage> for ClientIoHandler {
fn initialize(&self, io: &IoContext<NetSyncMessage>) {
io.register_timer(INFO_TIMER, 5000).expect("Error registering timer");
io.register_timer(ACCOUNT_TICK_TIMER, ACCOUNT_TICK_MS).expect("Error registering account timer");
fn timeout(&self, _io: &IoContext<NetSyncMessage>, timer: TimerToken) {
match timer {
INFO_TIMER => {, &self.sync); }
ACCOUNT_TICK_TIMER => { self.accounts.tick(); },
_ => {}
/// Parity needs at least 1 test to generate coverage reports correctly.
fn if_works() {