* New chains (#4720) * Add Kovan chain. * Fix up --testnet. * Fix tests. * Fix test. * fix test * Fix test. * Fix to UglifyJS 2.8.2 to fix app build issues (#4723) * Update classic bootnodes, ref #4717 (#4735) * allow failure docker beta * adjust pruning history default to 64 (#4709) * backporting from master [ci-skip]update docker-build.sh * update gitlab.ci fix docker hub build [ci skip] * update gitlab docker beta-release->latest * Add registry. * Add info on forks. * Fixed spec file * Support both V1 & V2 DataChanged events in registry (#4734) * Add info on forks. * Add new registry ABI * Import registry2 & fix exports * Select ABI based on code hash * Render new event types (owner not available) * New registry. * Rename old chain. * Fix test. * Another fix. * Finish rename. * Fixed fonts URLs (#4579) * Fix Token Reg Dapp issues in Firefox (#4489) * Fix overflow issues in Firefox (#4348) * Fix wrong Promise inferance * Add new Componennt for Token Images (#4496) * Revert "Add new Componennt for Token Images (#4496)" This reverts commit 6ffbdab891f85e4d988e3e8e96fc2c651bd68e04. * Add StackEventListener (#4745) * Update testnet detection (#4746) * Fix Account Selection in Signer (#4744) * Can pass FormattedMessage to Input (eg. Status // RPC Enabled) * Simple fixed-width fix for Accoutn Selection in Parity Signer
201 lines
6.5 KiB
201 lines
6.5 KiB
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