* version: bump stable to 2.2.7 * version: mark 2.2 track stable * version: mark update critical on all networks * version: commit cargo lock * Ping nodes from discovery (#10167) * snap: fix path in script (#10157) * snap: fix path in script * debug, revert me * fix * necromancer awk magic * awk necromancy and path fixing * working track selection * Fix _cannot recursively call into `Core`_ issue (#10144) * Change igd to github:maufl/rust-igd * Run `igd::search_gateway_from_timeout` from own thread * Handle the case for contract creation on an empty but exist account with storage items (#10065) * Add is_base_storage_root_unchanged * Fix compile, use a shortcut for check, and remove ignored tests * Add a warn! * Update ethereum/tests to v6.0.0-beta.2 * grumble: use {:#x} instead of 0x{:x} Co-Authored-By: sorpaas <accounts@that.world> * version: bump fork blocks for kovan and foundation (#10186) * pull constantinople on ethereum network (#10189) * ethcore: pull constantinople on ethereum network * version: mark update as critical * ethcore: remove constantinople alltogether from chain spec * version: revert fork block for ethereum
41 lines
1.3 KiB
Executable File
41 lines
1.3 KiB
Executable File
set -e # fail on any error
set -u # treat unset variables as error
# some necromancy:
# gsub(/"/, "", $2) deletes "qoutes"
# gsub(/ /, "", $2) deletes whitespaces
TRACK=`awk -F '=' '/^track/ {gsub(/"/, "", $2); gsub(/ /, "", $2); print $2}' ./util/version/Cargo.toml`
echo Track is: $TRACK
case ${TRACK} in
nightly) export GRADE="devel" CHANNEL="edge";;
beta) export GRADE="stable" CHANNEL="beta";;
stable) export GRADE="stable" CHANNEL="stable";;
*) echo "No release" && exit 0;;
echo "__________Create snap package__________"
echo "Release channel :" $GRADE " Branch/tag: " $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
cat scripts/snap/snapcraft.template.yaml | envsubst '$VERSION:$GRADE:$BUILD_ARCH:$CARGO_TARGET' > snapcraft.yaml
cat snapcraft.yaml
snapcraft --target-arch=$BUILD_ARCH
ls *.snap
echo "__________Calculating checksums__________"
rhash --sha256 $SNAP_PACKAGE -o $SNAP_PACKAGE".sha256"
cat $SNAP_PACKAGE".sha256"
echo "__________Releasing snap package__________"
echo "Release channel :" $CHANNEL " Branch/tag: " $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
echo $SNAPCRAFT_LOGIN_PARITY_BASE64 | base64 --decode > snapcraft.login
snapcraft login --with snapcraft.login
snapcraft push --release $CHANNEL $SNAP_PACKAGE
snapcraft status parity
snapcraft logout