<header><h2class="entry-title"><ahref="../kilifi-kenya.html"rel="bookmark"title="Permalink to Kilifi Kenya - a hub for Community Driven Basic Income">Kilifi Kenya - a hub for Community Driven Basic Income</a></h2></header>
<timeclass="published"datetime="2021-02-10T00:00:00+03:00"> Wed 10 February 2021 </time>
<divclass="entry-content"><p>The current reality is that following Covid-19 many have fallen deeper and deeper into debt. However, most individuals would still not openly disclose this reality to avoid the negative connotation that comes with owing. Imagine a world where household debt is no longer an individual burden, but rather a tool …</p></div><!-- /.entry-content -->
<p>Starting in 2010 Grassroots Economics worked with local communities to issue vouchers aka Community Currencies (CCs) as a medium of exchange with the belief that CCs could enable communities to develop a source of local credit based on productive capacity and local values, while creating a monetary …</p></div></div><!-- /.entry-content -->
<header><h2class="entry-title"><ahref="../community-currencies-and-dex.html"rel="bookmark"title="Permalink to Community Currencies and DEX Multitudes">Community Currencies and DEX Multitudes</a></h2></header>
<timeclass="published"datetime="2021-01-07T00:00:00+03:00"> Thu 07 January 2021 </time>
<divclass="entry-content"><p>Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Contracts contain multitudes. There are nearly infinite ways to use them to connect blockchain contracts (like Community Inclusion Currencies) for different use cases. Using them opens us up decentralized network topologies that we would never have dreamed of with old fashion stock exchanges and other financial instruments …</p></div><!-- /.entry-content -->