from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests import shutil index_page = "" html_text = requests.get(index_page).text soup = BeautifulSoup(html_text, 'lxml') imgdir = "content/images/blog" storeimg = "images/blog" def findwriter(soup): authors = soup.find_all('span', class_='iYG_V user-name _4AzY3') for author in authors: tag = author.text out = ":author: " strauth = out + tag # print(strauth) return strauth # findwriter(soup) def findtime(soup): times = soup.find_all('span', class_='post-metadata__date time-ago') for time in times: tag = time.text out = ":date: " strauth = out + tag # print(strauth) return strauth # findtime(soup) def findtags(soup): listtags = soup.find_all('li', class_='_3uJTw') out = ":tags: " apptags = [] for lists in listtags: tags = lists.text apptags.append(tags) if len(apptags) > 1: newstr = ",".join(apptags) strout = out + newstr print(strout) else: newstr = apptags[0] strout = out + newstr print(strout) return strout # findtags(soup) def findmodified(soup): try: updated = soup.find('p', class_="_2aGvg _1AZWZ") out = ":modified: " for update in updated: uptime = update.span modified = uptime.text modified = modified.replace('Updated:', '') strout = out + modified print(strout) return strout except: print("no such class for modified date") # findmodified(soup) def findtitle(soup): title = soup.find('span', class_='blog-post-title-font blog-post-title-color') out = ':title: ' titletext = title.text newtitle = out + titletext return newtitle, titletext tagtitle, text = findtitle(soup) # print(tagtitle) def findslug(title): words = title.replace(',','').replace("'",'').replace(":", '').replace("(",'').replace(")",'') words = words.split() first = words[0] second = words[1] slug = first + "-" + second slug = slug.lower() slugwrite = ":slug: " +slug return slug, slugwrite # print(findslug(text)) def finddownloadimg(soup): title, slugtitle = findtitle(soup) titletext = findslug(slugtitle) imgsinpage = [] divwrap = soup.find_all('div', class_="_3lvoN LPH2h") for wrap in divwrap: imgtags = wrap.img imgsrc = imgtags.attrs['src'] imgsinpage.append(imgsrc) for i, imgsrc in enumerate(imgsinpage): r = requests.get(imgsrc, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: filename = "/" + str(titletext) + str(i+1) + ".webp" pathtofile = imgdir + filename # print(pathtofile) with open(pathtofile, 'wb') as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) else: print("cannot find image") # finddownloadimg(soup) def changehrefs(soup): articlesection = soup.find('div', class_ = "post-content__body") alllinks = articlesection.find_all('a', class_="_2qJYG _2E8wo") for link in alllinks: linktext = link.text linkhref = link['href'] newlinks = "`" + linktext + "<" + linkhref + ">" + "`" + "_" print(newlinks) return newlinks # changehrefs(soup) def subtitles(soup): bold = soup.find_all('h2', class_= "_3f-vr _208Ie blog-post-title-font _1Hxbl _3SkfC _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- _1atvN public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr") for b in bold: text = b.text newtext = text + "\n*************************************************" print(newtext) return newtext # subtitles(soup) def italics(soup): itl = soup.find_all('em') for i in itl: text = i.text.lstrip().rstrip() newtext = "*"+ text + "*" print(newtext) return newtext # italics(soup) def bold(soup): boldt = soup.find_all('strong') for bt in boldt: txt = bt.text.lstrip().rstrip() newtxt = "**"+txt+"**" print(newtxt) return newtxt # bold(soup) def unorderedlist(soup): # content = soup.find('div', class_="_6SyeS") lis = [] li = soup.find_all('li') for l in li: # li = l.find('li') lis.append(l.text+ "\n") return lis # unorderedlist(soup) # def iframeproces(soup): # iframe = soup.find('iframe', id="widget2") # print(iframe) # content = soup.find_all('div', class_= "post-content__body") # for tag in soup.find_all(True): # print( # wrap = content.find('div', class_="o56NN") # for w in wrap.children: # print(w) # for w in wrap: # iframe = w.decendants # print(iframe) # for frame in iframes: # print(frame) # iframeproces(soup) def filtercontent(soup): maincontent = soup.find('div', class_="_6SyeS") title, words = findtitle(soup) author = findwriter(soup) date = findtime(soup) slug, slugtext = findslug(words) tags = findtags(soup) modified = findmodified(soup) blogpath = "content/blog/" filename = slug + '.rst' filepath = blogpath + filename fileobj = open(filepath, 'a') list = [title +"\n", author+ "\n", date+"\n", slugtext+"\n", modified+"\n", tags+"\n\n"] fileobj.writelines(list) print(filepath) for i, tag in enumerate(maincontent.find_all(True)): if == 'li': newlist = "\t" + "*" + " " + tag.text + "\n" fileobj.write(newlist) if == 'a': linktext = tag.text linkhref = tag['href'] newlinks = "`" + linktext + " " + "<" + linkhref + ">" + "`" + "_" + "\t" # print(newlinks) fileobj.write(newlinks) if == 'span': spantext = "\n" + tag.text + "\n" fileobj.write(spantext) if == 'h2': text = tag.text newtext = "\n" +text + "\n*******************************************************" fileobj.write(newtext) if == 'strong': txt = tag.text.lstrip().rstrip() newtxt = "**" + txt + "**" fileobj.write(newtxt) if == 'em': text = tag.text.lstrip().rstrip() newtext = "*" + text + "*" fileobj.write(newtext) if == 'img': title, slugtitle = findtitle(soup) titletext, _ = findslug(slugtitle) imgsrc = tag.attrs['src'] r = requests.get(imgsrc, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: filename = "/" + str(titletext) + str(i + 1) + ".webp" pathtofile = imgdir + filename storedimg = storeimg + filename # print(pathtofile) with open(pathtofile, 'wb') as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) imagrst = "\n"+".. image:: " + storedimg + "\n" fileobj.write(imagrst) else: print("cannot find image") # if tag.span['class'] == "vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr": # text = tag.text # print(text) # print(i) # list = unorderedlist(maincontent) # print(list) # if == 'a': # print(tag) # print(isinstance(, str)) # print( # filtercontent(soup) # print(soup.find_all(id=True)) # for tag in soup.find_all(True): # print( # def head_of_articles(soup): # file = open("ge-theme/static/scrapped-text/reseasrch/article-head.txt",'a+') # for match in soup.find_all('div', class_='s_usaAWRichTextClickableSkin_richTextContainer'): # # print(match.p.text) # for words in match.find_all('em'): # text = words.text # file.write(text + "\n") # # head_of_articles(soup) # print(isinstance(head_of_articles(soup), list)) # for match in soup.find_all('div', class_='s_usaAWRichTextClickableSkin_richTextContainer'): # # print(match.p.text) # for words in match.find_all('em'): # text = words.text # print(text) # print()