// This file is a bit weird, so let me explain with some context: we're working // to implement a tool called "Corepack" in Node. This tool will allow us to // provide a Yarn shim to everyone using Node, meaning that they won't need to // run `npm install -g yarn`. // // Still, we don't want to break the experience of people that already use `npm // install -g yarn`! And one annoying thing with npm is that they install their // binaries directly inside the Node bin/ folder. And Because of this, they // refuse to overwrite binaries when they detect they don't belong to npm. Which // means that, since the "yarn" Corepack symlink belongs to Corepack and not npm, // running `npm install -g yarn` would crash by refusing to override the binary :/ // // And thus we have this preinstall script, which checks whether Yarn is being // installed as a global binary, and remove the existing symlink if it detects // it belongs to Corepack. Since preinstall scripts run, in npm, before the global // symlink is created, we bypass this way the ownership check. // // More info: // https://github.com/arcanis/pmm/issues/6 if (process.env.npm_config_global) { var cp = require('child_process'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); try { var targetPath = cp.execFileSync(process.execPath, [process.env.npm_execpath, 'bin', '-g'], { encoding: 'utf8', stdio: ['ignore', undefined, 'ignore'], }).replace(/\n/g, ''); var manifest = require('./package.json'); var binNames = typeof manifest.bin === 'string' ? [manifest.name.replace(/^@[^\/]+\//, '')] : typeof manifest.bin === 'object' && manifest.bin !== null ? Object.keys(manifest.bin) : []; binNames.forEach(function (binName) { var binPath = path.join(targetPath, binName); var binTarget; try { binTarget = fs.readlinkSync(binPath); } catch (err) { return; } if (binTarget.startsWith('../lib/node_modules/corepack/')) { try { fs.unlinkSync(binPath); } catch (err) { return; } } }); } catch (err) { // ignore errors } }