A few decades ago, the idea of giving money to poor people instead of food packages and healthcare was almost scandalous. Free money?...
- By Will Ruddick
100+ new Blockchain Wallets in One Day – Fighting Rural Food Insecurity
Rural communities are adopting blockchain based community currencies at an astounding pace! 100+ new users in one day represents nearly...
- By Will Ruddick
300 Bob - a money story
This is a story I often tell to being to discuss what money is and what it could be. It is derived from a German tale. One day a Mama...
- By Will Ruddick
Celebrating Bernard's Inspiration
Bernard’s vision of diverse monetary eco-systems that support communities and the environment rather than extract from them, as they...
- By Will Ruddick
2614 Blockchain Transactions for Basic Needs
In our journey over the last few months building tools for community currencies on the blockchain to support healthy economies, a network...
Blockchain in Clinics, Vegetables, Cafes and Shops
While the rest of the world wonders how blockchain will impact lives these people are using it daily to bring their community out of poverty
Use Cases - Honoring 2018
Closing 2018 with a bang! We mark the end of 2018 and the beginning of this festive season by honoring schools, clinics, micro and small...
Blockchain without Internet
We can't print enough paper notes for everyone who needs them. But nearly everyone has a phone (without internet). In order to reach a...
Takaungu Pesa is here!
The Vindakala Youth Bunge’s motto “Coming Together is Just The Beginning.” mirrors this excitement we have after the launch of Takaungu...
Disrupting Currencies
Grassroots Economics Foundation has been at the forefront of empowering bottom-of-the-pyramid communities in Kenya by use of Sarafu...