We are still being charged with forgery under penal code 367(e). For Kenyan Laws see page 121. On July 15th - the Kenyan Dirctor of...
- By Will Ruddick
Bangla-Pesa Turmoil
The Bangla-Pesa, a complementary currency created and backed by a local business network, offers a glimpse of true sustainable...
- By Will Ruddick
Bangla-Pesa Launch
Today's launch of Bangla-Pesa was a great start to an empowering community process! 137 local business owners attended. Of the 137 local...
- By Will Ruddick
Bangla Committee Meeting
Koru Kenya is working to capacity build the the Bangladesh Business Network (BBN) to create it's own complementary currency. The...
- By Will Ruddick
Motomoto Performing Arts
We've started off the year with two new MotoMoto classes on Tuesday and Thursdays in Mombasa thanks to Burners without Borders. Each...
- By Will Ruddick
BBN Meeting
After two small business meetings and several focus group sessions, the Bangla Business Network (BBN) had it's first large group meeting...
- By Will Ruddick
Kenya's Food Exports vs Food Aids
Amazing as it may sound Kenya exports over 3 billion dollars worth of food! The World Food Program says that Kenya has a yearly need of...
- By Jacky Kowa
Tiwi Orphans Visit
This visit is different, we sat down to eat together and had a frank chat. Am grateful The Koru team visited a village in Tiwi, which had...
- By Will Ruddick
Complementary Currency: Business Network Creation
With our partners, Koru works with small community businesses of Bangladesh, Kenya, in order to implement a complementary currency...
- By Will Ruddick
Motomoto Performing Arts
Martin Kimani is still spinning it up since 2009! The MotoMoto Circus programhas been working to reach street living youth through...