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Food Forests + Community Currencies / Basic Income = Community Farms
Having worked on a myriad farming techniques, we’ve never been more inspired by the practicality and theory behind Syntropic Agroforestry. Regenerating soil while practically providing crops and long term food forests is actually possible! Syntropic Agroforestry is amazing. It captures all the good of permaculture and organic farming and is easy for people to copy and put to use!
We’ve had the pleasure of hosting Roland van Reenen from Curacao, sent to us by Curadao , as well as James Thiong'o from Central Kenya. We are convinced that food forestry via Syntropic Agroforestry and regenerative organic agriculture programs will solve problems of food insecurity. The following schedule was developed and has already been duplicated over and over.
Some core syntropic principals:
Using community currency to budget for the creation and maintenance of food forests seems as natural as the syntropic principals themselves. Indeed the circulation of community currency mirrors the concepts of mycorrhizal association and hyphal networks. “In some more complex relationships, mycorrhizal fungi do not just collect immobilized soil nutrients, but connect individual plants together by mycorrhizal networks that transport water, carbon, and other nutrients directly from plant to plant through underground hyphal networks.”
In this sense CICs connected through membranes (bonding curves) enable communities to transport vital resources. Further a CIC is a voucher for a particular group of resources identified by a village. One can hardly think of a better source of primary production than the food from a food forest being the anchor (backing of last resort) for a community currency.
Syntropic Agroforestry is the best candidate we have seen for regenerating rich soil, and developing sustainable fertile crops in a way that can be integrated into traditional farming here in Kenya. This could be the carbon sequestration, water harvesting and food system we need to heal our ecosystems. We're excited that community inclusion currencies could be the way to both fund their development, maintenance – but also that these food forests establish a solid basis for the intrinsic value for currencies.
We don’t have to stretch far at all to apply syntropic principals to a community currency and networks of community currencies. Syntropic principals loosely applied to community currency:
In the above diagram, (1) a community inclusion currency is issued by a local population then (2) collected by a community group and used to pay for farm inputs and labor, then (3) the CIC (Sarafu) can be redeemed for the food produced and reused again for labor and other projects.
Here is a simple illustrated handbook for Syntropic Agroforestry
Syntropic agroforestry handbook.pdfLet’s Work Together
Contact us , so we can start working together. We are seeking communities that are ready to start a Community Farm = CIC + Food Forest and feed their community in a fair and equitable way while regenerating soil for future generations!