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.. _youthemp_will:
Youth Employment via Elderly/Vulnerable Support
:date: 2021-01-28
:tags: elderly, youth, Basic Income
:author: Will Ruddick
:slug: youth-employment-via-elderly
.. image:: images/blog/youth-will1.webp
:align: center
:alt: youth-will1
Using a basic income (Sarafu in Kenya) youth can support their elderly and vulnerable by giving them their Sarafu. Then those elderly/vulnerable in turn spend it with other youth run businesses, who could in turn give it to their elderly/vulnerable - who could, in turn, spend it on other youth run businesses and so on - **Creating a virtuous circle of markets and employment for youth and support for the elderly.**
.. image:: images/blog/youth-will2.webp
:align: center
:alt: youth-will2
While new in Kenya, this type of system has been around in Japan since 1995 and is called Fureai kippu . This system was one of the inspirations for bringing the concept of community currency to Kenya over 10 years ago. While this has been piloted in small communities - for the idea to really catch on - elders, chiefs, youth run businesses and chamas all need to understand the virtuous circle created and keep supporting it. This support network is a commons - and it takes identification, communication, training and care. We're very excited about the Kenya Red Cross taking up the challenge to spread
.. image:: images/blog/youth-will3.webp
:align: center
:alt: youth-will3
Above is a Kenya Red Cross volunteer working in Kisauni explaining how youth can support their communities and their own families using Sarafu a Community Inclusion Currency/ basic income.