package menutraversaltest import ( "bytes" "context" "flag" "log" "math/rand" "regexp" "testing" "" "" "" "" ) var ( logg = logging.NewVanilla().WithDomain("menutraversaltest") testData = driver.ReadData() sessionID string src = rand.NewSource(42) g = rand.New(src) secondarySessionId = "+254700000000" ) var groupTestFile = flag.String("test-file", "group_test.json", "The test file to use for running the group tests") func GenerateSessionId() string { uu := uuid.NewGenWithOptions(uuid.WithRandomReader(g)) v, err := uu.NewV4() if err != nil { panic(err) } return v.String() } // Extract the public key from the engine response func extractPublicKey(response []byte) string { // Regex pattern to match the public key starting with 0x and 40 characters re := regexp.MustCompile(`0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}`) match := re.Find(response) if match != nil { return string(match) } return "" } // Extracts the balance value from the engine response. func extractBalance(response []byte) string { // Regex to match "Balance: " followed by a newline re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^Balance:\s+(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s+([A-Z]+)`) match := re.FindSubmatch(response) if match != nil { return string(match[1]) + " " + string(match[3]) // " " } return "" } // Extracts the Maximum amount value from the engine response. func extractMaxAmount(response []byte) string { // Regex to match "Maximum amount: " followed by a newline re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^Maximum amount:\s+(\d+(\.\d+)?)`) match := re.FindSubmatch(response) if match != nil { return string(match[1]) // "" } return "" } func extractRemainingAttempts(response []byte) string { // Regex to match "You have: remaining attempt(s)" re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)You have:\s+(\d+)\s+remaining attempt\(s\)`) match := re.FindSubmatch(response) if match != nil { return string(match[1]) // "" of remaining attempts } return "" } // Extracts the send amount value from the engine response. func extractSendAmount(response []byte) string { // Regex to match the pattern "will receive X.XX SYM from" re := regexp.MustCompile(`will receive (\d+\.\d{2}\s+[A-Z]+) from`) match := re.FindSubmatch(response) if match != nil { return string(match[1]) // Returns "X.XX SYM" } return "" } func TestMain(m *testing.M) { sessionID = GenerateSessionId() // Cleanup the db after tests defer testutil.CleanDatabase() m.Run() } func TestAccountCreationSuccessful(t *testing.T) { en, fn, eventChannel, _, _ := testutil.TestEngine(sessionID) defer fn() ctx := context.Background() sessions := testData for _, session := range sessions { groups := driver.FilterGroupsByName(session.Groups, "account_creation_successful") for _, group := range groups { for i, step := range group.Steps { logg.TraceCtxf(ctx, "executing step", "i", i, "step", step) cont, err := en.Exec(ctx, []byte(step.Input)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test case '%s' failed at input '%s': %v", group.Name, step.Input, err) } if !cont { break } w := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) _, err = en.Flush(ctx, w) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test case '%s' failed during Flush: %v", group.Name, err) } b := w.Bytes() match, err := step.MatchesExpectedContent(b) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error compiling regex for step '%s': %v", step.Input, err) } if !match { t.Fatalf("expected:\n\t%s\ngot:\n\t%s\n", step.ExpectedContent, b) } } } } <-eventChannel } func TestSecondaryAccount(t *testing.T) { en, fn, eventChannel, _, _ := testutil.TestEngine(secondarySessionId) defer fn() ctx := context.Background() sessions := testData for _, session := range sessions { groups := driver.FilterGroupsByName(session.Groups, "account_creation_successful") for _, group := range groups { for i, step := range group.Steps { logg.TraceCtxf(ctx, "executing step", "i", i, "step", step) cont, err := en.Exec(ctx, []byte(step.Input)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test case '%s' failed at input '%s': %v", group.Name, step.Input, err) } if !cont { break } w := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) _, err = en.Flush(ctx, w) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test case '%s' failed during Flush: %v", group.Name, err) } b := w.Bytes() match, err := step.MatchesExpectedContent(b) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error compiling regex for step '%s': %v", step.Input, err) } if !match { t.Fatalf("expected:\n\t%s\ngot:\n\t%s\n", step.ExpectedContent, b) } } } } <-eventChannel } func TestAccountRegistrationRejectTerms(t *testing.T) { // Generate a new UUID for this edge case test uu := uuid.NewGenWithOptions(uuid.WithRandomReader(g)) v, err := uu.NewV4() if err != nil { t.Fail() } edgeCaseSessionID := v.String() en, fn, _, _, _ := testutil.TestEngine(edgeCaseSessionID) defer fn() ctx := context.Background() sessions := testData for _, session := range sessions { groups := driver.FilterGroupsByName(session.Groups, "account_creation_reject_terms") for _, group := range groups { for i, step := range group.Steps { logg.TraceCtxf(ctx, "executing step", "i", i, "step", step) cont, err := en.Exec(ctx, []byte(step.Input)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test case '%s' failed at input '%s': %v", group.Name, step.Input, err) return } if !cont { break } w := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) if _, err := en.Flush(ctx, w); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test case '%s' failed during Flush: %v", group.Name, err) } b := w.Bytes() match, err := step.MatchesExpectedContent(b) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error compiling regex for step '%s': %v", step.Input, err) } if !match { t.Fatalf("expected:\n\t%s\ngot:\n\t%s\n", step.ExpectedContent, b) } } } } } func TestMainMenuHelp(t *testing.T) { en, fn, _, _, _ := testutil.TestEngine(sessionID) defer fn() ctx := context.Background() sessions := testData for _, session := range sessions { groups := driver.FilterGroupsByName(session.Groups, "main_menu_help") for _, group := range groups { for i, step := range group.Steps { logg.TraceCtxf(ctx, "executing step", "i", i, "step", step) cont, err := en.Exec(ctx, []byte(step.Input)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test case '%s' failed at input '%s': %v", group.Name, step.Input, err) return } if !cont { break } w := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) if _, err := en.Flush(ctx, w); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test case '%s' failed during Flush: %v", group.Name, err) } b := w.Bytes() balance := extractBalance(b) expectedContent := []byte(step.ExpectedContent) expectedContent = bytes.Replace(expectedContent, []byte("{balance}"), []byte(balance), -1) step.ExpectedContent = string(expectedContent) match, err := step.MatchesExpectedContent(b) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error compiling regex for step '%s': %v", step.Input, err) } if !match { t.Fatalf("expected:\n\t%s\ngot:\n\t%s\n", step.ExpectedContent, b) } } } } } func TestMainMenuQuit(t *testing.T) { en, fn, _, _, _ := testutil.TestEngine(sessionID) defer fn() ctx := context.Background() sessions := testData for _, session := range sessions { groups := driver.FilterGroupsByName(session.Groups, "main_menu_quit") for _, group := range groups { for _, step := range group.Steps { cont, err := en.Exec(ctx, []byte(step.Input)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test case '%s' failed at input '%s': %v", group.Name, step.Input, err) return } if !cont { break } w := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) if _, err := en.Flush(ctx, w); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test case '%s' failed during Flush: %v", group.Name, err) } b := w.Bytes() balance := extractBalance(b) expectedContent := []byte(step.ExpectedContent) expectedContent = bytes.Replace(expectedContent, []byte("{balance}"), []byte(balance), -1) step.ExpectedContent = string(expectedContent) match, err := step.MatchesExpectedContent(b) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error compiling regex for step '%s': %v", step.Input, err) } if !match { t.Fatalf("expected:\n\t%s\ngot:\n\t%s\n", step.ExpectedContent, b) } } } } } func TestMyAccount_MyAddress(t *testing.T) { en, fn, _, _, _ := testutil.TestEngine(sessionID) defer fn() ctx := context.Background() sessions := testData for _, session := range sessions { groups := driver.FilterGroupsByName(session.Groups, "menu_my_account_my_address") for _, group := range groups { for index, step := range group.Steps { t.Logf("step %v with input %v", index, step.Input) cont, err := en.Exec(ctx, []byte(step.Input)) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Test case '%s' failed at input '%s': %v", group.Name, step.Input, err) return } if !cont { break } w := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) if _, err := en.Flush(ctx, w); err != nil { t.Errorf("Test case '%s' failed during Flush: %v", group.Name, err) } b := w.Bytes() balance := extractBalance(b) publicKey := extractPublicKey(b) expectedContent := []byte(step.ExpectedContent) expectedContent = bytes.Replace(expectedContent, []byte("{balance}"), []byte(balance), -1) expectedContent = bytes.Replace(expectedContent, []byte("{public_key}"), []byte(publicKey), -1) step.ExpectedContent = string(expectedContent) match, err := step.MatchesExpectedContent(b) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error compiling regex for step '%s': %v", step.Input, err) } if !match { t.Fatalf("expected:\n\t%s\ngot:\n\t%s\n", expectedContent, b) } } } } } func TestMainMenuSend(t *testing.T) { en, fn, _, _, _ := testutil.TestEngine(sessionID) defer fn() ctx := context.Background() sessions := testData for _, session := range sessions { groups := driver.FilterGroupsByName(session.Groups, "send_with_invite") for _, group := range groups { for index, step := range group.Steps { t.Logf("step %v with input %v", index, step.Input) cont, err := en.Exec(ctx, []byte(step.Input)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test case '%s' failed at input '%s': %v", group.Name, step.Input, err) return } if !cont { break } w := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) if _, err := en.Flush(ctx, w); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test case '%s' failed during Flush: %v", group.Name, err) } b := w.Bytes() balance := extractBalance(b) max_amount := extractMaxAmount(b) send_amount := extractSendAmount(b) expectedContent := []byte(step.ExpectedContent) expectedContent = bytes.Replace(expectedContent, []byte("{balance}"), []byte(balance), -1) expectedContent = bytes.Replace(expectedContent, []byte("{max_amount}"), []byte(max_amount), -1) expectedContent = bytes.Replace(expectedContent, []byte("{send_amount}"), []byte(send_amount), -1) expectedContent = bytes.Replace(expectedContent, []byte("{session_id}"), []byte(sessionID), -1) step.ExpectedContent = string(expectedContent) match, err := step.MatchesExpectedContent(b) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error compiling regex for step '%s': %v", step.Input, err) } if !match { t.Fatalf("expected:\n\t%s\ngot:\n\t%s\n", step.ExpectedContent, b) } } } } } func TestGroups(t *testing.T) { groups, err := driver.LoadTestGroups(*groupTestFile) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to load test groups: %v", err) } en, fn, _, pe, flagParser := testutil.TestEngine(sessionID) defer fn() ctx := context.Background() flag_admin_privilege, _ := flagParser.GetFlag("flag_admin_privilege") // Create test cases from loaded groups tests := driver.CreateTestCases(groups) for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.Name, func(t *testing.T) { cont, err := en.Exec(ctx, []byte(tt.Input)) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Test case '%s' failed at input '%s': %v", tt.Name, tt.Input, err) return } if !cont { return } w := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) if _, err := en.Flush(ctx, w); err != nil { t.Errorf("Test case '%s' failed during Flush: %v", tt.Name, err) } b := w.Bytes() balance := extractBalance(b) attempts := extractRemainingAttempts(b) st := pe.GetState() if st != nil { st.SetFlag(flag_admin_privilege) if tt.Name == "menu_my_account_reset_others_pin_with_no_privileges" { st.ResetFlag(flag_admin_privilege) } } expectedContent := []byte(tt.ExpectedContent) expectedContent = bytes.Replace(expectedContent, []byte("{balance}"), []byte(balance), -1) expectedContent = bytes.Replace(expectedContent, []byte("{attempts}"), []byte(attempts), -1) expectedContent = bytes.Replace(expectedContent, []byte("{secondary_session_id}"), []byte(secondarySessionId), -1) tt.ExpectedContent = string(expectedContent) match, err := tt.MatchesExpectedContent(b) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error compiling regex for step '%s': %v", tt.Input, err) } if !match { t.Fatalf("expected:\n\t%s\ngot:\n\t%s\n", tt.ExpectedContent, b) } }) } }