2021-07-10 17:46:14 +02:00
# syntax = docker/dockerfile:1.2
FROM registry.gitlab.com/grassrootseconomics/cic-base-images:python-3.8.6-dev-55da5f4e as dev
2021-02-01 18:12:51 +01:00
2021-07-10 17:46:14 +02:00
# Copy just the requirements and install....this _might_ give docker a hint on caching but we
# do load these all into setup.py later
# TODO can we take all the requirements out of setup.py and just do a pip install -r requirements.txt && python setup.py
#COPY cic-eth/requirements.txt .
2021-02-01 18:12:51 +01:00
2021-07-07 09:45:21 +02:00
ARG EXTRA_INDEX_URL="https://pip.grassrootseconomics.net:8433"
ARG GITLAB_PYTHON_REGISTRY="https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/27624814/packages/pypi/simple"
2021-08-24 22:33:27 +02:00
2021-07-10 17:46:14 +02:00
#RUN --mount=type=cache,mode=0755,target=/root/.cache/pip \
# pip install --index-url https://pypi.org/simple \
# --force-reinstall \
# --extra-index-url $GITLAB_PYTHON_REGISTRY --extra-index-url $EXTRA_INDEX_URL \
# -r requirements.txt
2021-07-21 19:34:51 +02:00
COPY *requirements.txt ./
2021-07-10 17:46:14 +02:00
RUN --mount=type=cache,mode=0755,target=/root/.cache/pip \
pip install --index-url https://pypi.org/simple \
2021-07-11 19:08:04 +02:00
--extra-index-url $GITLAB_PYTHON_REGISTRY \
--extra-index-url $EXTRA_INDEX_URL \
2021-08-24 22:33:27 +02:00
2021-07-11 19:08:04 +02:00
-r requirements.txt \
-r services_requirements.txt \
-r admin_requirements.txt
COPY . .
RUN python setup.py install
2021-02-01 18:12:51 +01:00
2021-07-10 17:46:14 +02:00
2021-05-25 18:22:26 +02:00
2021-08-17 08:46:51 +02:00
RUN --mount=type=cache,mode=0755,target=/root/.cache/pip \
pip install --index-url https://pypi.org/simple \
--extra-index-url $GITLAB_PYTHON_REGISTRY \
--extra-index-url $EXTRA_INDEX_URL \
2021-08-24 22:33:27 +02:00
2021-08-17 08:46:51 +02:00
2021-07-10 17:46:14 +02:00
COPY docker/entrypoints/* ./
RUN chmod 755 *.sh
2021-05-25 18:22:26 +02:00
2021-07-10 17:46:14 +02:00
# # ini files in config directory defines the configurable parameters for the application
# # they can all be overridden by environment variables
# # to generate a list of environment variables from configuration, use: confini-dump -z <dir> (executable provided by confini package)
COPY config/ /usr/local/etc/cic-eth/
COPY cic_eth/db/migrations/ /usr/local/share/cic-eth/alembic/
COPY crypto_dev_signer_config/ /usr/local/etc/crypto-dev-signer/
2021-05-25 18:22:26 +02:00
2021-07-10 17:46:14 +02:00
# TODO this kind of code sharing across projects should be discouraged...can we make util a library?
#COPY util/liveness/health.sh /usr/local/bin/health.sh
2021-05-25 18:22:26 +02:00
2021-07-11 18:51:08 +02:00
## ------------------ PRODUCTION CONTAINER ----------------------
#FROM python:3.8.6-slim-buster as prod
#RUN apt-get update && \
# apt install -y gnupg libpq-dev procps
#WORKDIR /root
#COPY --from=dev /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
#COPY --from=dev /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ \
# /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
#COPY docker/entrypoints/* ./
#RUN chmod 755 *.sh
## # ini files in config directory defines the configurable parameters for the application
## # they can all be overridden by environment variables
## # to generate a list of environment variables from configuration, use: confini-dump -z <dir> (executable provided by confini package)
#COPY config/ /usr/local/etc/cic-eth/
#COPY cic_eth/db/migrations/ /usr/local/share/cic-eth/alembic/
#COPY crypto_dev_signer_config/ /usr/local/etc/crypto-dev-signer/
#COPY scripts/ scripts/
## TODO this kind of code sharing across projects should be discouraged...can we make util a library?
##COPY util/liveness/health.sh /usr/local/bin/health.sh
2021-05-25 18:22:26 +02:00