2021-02-21 16:41:37 +01:00
# standard imports
import os
import sys
import logging
import time
import argparse
import sys
import re
import hashlib
import csv
import json
import urllib
2021-02-22 21:00:18 +01:00
# external imports
2021-02-21 16:41:37 +01:00
import celery
import eth_abi
import confini
from hexathon import (
strip_0x ,
add_0x ,
from chainsyncer . backend import MemBackend
from chainsyncer . driver import HeadSyncer
2021-02-22 21:00:18 +01:00
from chainlib . chain import ChainSpec
2021-02-21 16:41:37 +01:00
from chainlib . eth . connection import HTTPConnection
from chainlib . eth . constant import ZERO_ADDRESS
from chainlib . eth . block import (
block_latest ,
block_by_number ,
Block ,
from chainlib . eth . hash import keccak256_string_to_hex
from chainlib . eth . address import to_checksum
from chainlib . eth . erc20 import ERC20TxFactory
from chainlib . eth . gas import DefaultGasOracle
from chainlib . eth . nonce import DefaultNonceOracle
from chainlib . eth . tx import TxFactory
from chainlib . eth . rpc import jsonrpc_template
from chainlib . eth . error import EthException
from crypto_dev_signer . eth . signer import ReferenceSigner as EIP155Signer
from crypto_dev_signer . keystore import DictKeystore
from cic_eth . api . api_admin import AdminApi
from cic_types . models . person import (
Person ,
generate_metadata_pointer ,
logging . basicConfig ( level = logging . WARNING )
logg = logging . getLogger ( )
config_dir = ' /usr/local/etc/cic-syncer '
argparser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' daemon that monitors transactions in new blocks ' )
argparser . add_argument ( ' -p ' , ' --provider ' , dest = ' p ' , type = str , help = ' chain rpc provider address ' )
argparser . add_argument ( ' -c ' , type = str , default = config_dir , help = ' config root to use ' )
2021-02-22 21:00:18 +01:00
argparser . add_argument ( ' --old-chain-spec ' , type = str , dest = ' old_chain_spec ' , default = ' evm:oldchain:1 ' , help = ' chain spec ' )
2021-02-21 16:41:37 +01:00
argparser . add_argument ( ' -i ' , ' --chain-spec ' , type = str , dest = ' i ' , help = ' chain spec ' )
argparser . add_argument ( ' --meta-provider ' , type = str , dest = ' meta_provider ' , default = ' http://localhost:63380 ' , help = ' cic-meta url ' )
argparser . add_argument ( ' -r ' , ' --registry-address ' , type = str , dest = ' r ' , help = ' CIC Registry address ' )
argparser . add_argument ( ' --env-prefix ' , default = os . environ . get ( ' CONFINI_ENV_PREFIX ' ) , dest = ' env_prefix ' , type = str , help = ' environment prefix for variables to overwrite configuration ' )
argparser . add_argument ( ' -v ' , help = ' be verbose ' , action = ' store_true ' )
argparser . add_argument ( ' -vv ' , help = ' be more verbose ' , action = ' store_true ' )
argparser . add_argument ( ' user_dir ' , type = str , help = ' user export directory ' )
args = argparser . parse_args ( sys . argv [ 1 : ] )
if args . v == True :
logging . getLogger ( ) . setLevel ( logging . INFO )
elif args . vv == True :
logging . getLogger ( ) . setLevel ( logging . DEBUG )
config_dir = os . path . join ( args . c )
os . makedirs ( config_dir , 0o777 , True )
config = confini . Config ( config_dir , args . env_prefix )
config . process ( )
# override args
args_override = {
' CIC_CHAIN_SPEC ' : getattr ( args , ' i ' ) ,
' ETH_PROVIDER ' : getattr ( args , ' p ' ) ,
' CIC_REGISTRY_ADDRESS ' : getattr ( args , ' r ' ) ,
config . dict_override ( args_override , ' cli flag ' )
config . censor ( ' PASSWORD ' , ' DATABASE ' )
config . censor ( ' PASSWORD ' , ' SSL ' )
logg . debug ( ' config loaded from {} : \n {} ' . format ( config_dir , config ) )
celery_app = celery . Celery ( backend = config . get ( ' CELERY_RESULT_URL ' ) , broker = config . get ( ' CELERY_BROKER_URL ' ) )
chain_spec = ChainSpec . from_chain_str ( config . get ( ' CIC_CHAIN_SPEC ' ) )
chain_str = str ( chain_spec )
old_chain_spec = ChainSpec . from_chain_str ( args . old_chain_spec )
old_chain_str = str ( old_chain_spec )
user_dir = args . user_dir # user_out_dir from import_users.py
meta_url = args . meta_provider
class VerifierError ( Exception ) :
def __init__ ( self , e , c ) :
super ( VerifierError , self ) . __init__ ( e )
self . c = c
def __str__ ( self ) :
super_error = super ( VerifierError , self ) . __str__ ( )
return ' [ {} ] {} ' . format ( self . c , super_error )
class Verifier :
def __init__ ( self , conn , cic_eth_api , gas_oracle , chain_spec , index_address , token_address , data_dir ) :
self . conn = conn
self . gas_oracle = gas_oracle
self . chain_spec = chain_spec
self . index_address = index_address
self . token_address = token_address
self . erc20_tx_factory = ERC20TxFactory ( chain_id = chain_spec . chain_id ( ) , gas_oracle = gas_oracle )
self . tx_factory = TxFactory ( chain_id = chain_spec . chain_id ( ) , gas_oracle = gas_oracle )
self . api = cic_eth_api
self . data_dir = data_dir
def verify_accounts_index ( self , address ) :
tx = self . tx_factory . template ( ZERO_ADDRESS , self . index_address )
data = keccak256_string_to_hex ( ' have(address) ' ) [ : 8 ]
data + = eth_abi . encode_single ( ' address ' , address ) . hex ( )
tx = self . tx_factory . set_code ( tx , data )
tx = self . tx_factory . normalize ( tx )
o = jsonrpc_template ( )
o [ ' method ' ] = ' eth_call '
o [ ' params ' ] . append ( tx )
r = self . conn . do ( o )
logg . debug ( ' index check for {} : {} ' . format ( address , r ) )
n = eth_abi . decode_single ( ' uint256 ' , bytes . fromhex ( strip_0x ( r ) ) )
if n != 1 :
raise VerifierError ( n , ' accounts index ' )
def verify_balance ( self , address , balance ) :
o = self . erc20_tx_factory . erc20_balance ( self . token_address , address )
r = self . conn . do ( o )
actual_balance = int ( strip_0x ( r ) , 16 )
logg . debug ( ' balance for {} : {} ' . format ( address , balance ) )
if balance != actual_balance :
raise VerifierError ( ( actual_balance , balance ) , ' balance ' )
def verify_local_key ( self , address ) :
r = self . api . have_account ( address , str ( self . chain_spec ) )
logg . debug ( ' verify local key result {} ' . format ( r ) )
if r != address :
raise VerifierError ( ( address , r ) , ' local key ' )
def verify_metadata ( self , address ) :
k = generate_metadata_pointer ( bytes . fromhex ( strip_0x ( address ) ) , ' :cic.person ' )
url = os . path . join ( meta_url , k )
logg . debug ( ' verify metadata url {} ' . format ( url ) )
try :
res = urllib . request . urlopen ( url )
except urllib . error . HTTPError as e :
raise VerifierError (
' ( {} ) {} ' . format ( url , e ) ,
' metadata (person) ' ,
b = res . read ( )
o_retrieved = json . loads ( b . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
upper_address = strip_0x ( address ) . upper ( )
f = open ( os . path . join (
self . data_dir ,
' new ' ,
upper_address [ : 2 ] ,
upper_address [ 2 : 4 ] ,
upper_address + ' .json ' ,
) , ' r '
o_original = json . load ( f )
f . close ( )
if o_original != o_retrieved :
raise VerifierError ( o_retrieved , ' metadata (person) ' )
def verify ( self , address , balance ) :
logg . debug ( ' verify {} {} ' . format ( address , balance ) )
try :
self . verify_local_key ( address )
self . verify_accounts_index ( address )
self . verify_balance ( address , balance )
self . verify_metadata ( address )
except VerifierError as e :
logg . critical ( ' verification failed: {} ' . format ( e ) )
sys . exit ( 1 )
class MockClient :
w3 = None
def main ( ) :
global chain_str , block_offset , user_dir
conn = HTTPConnection ( config . get ( ' ETH_PROVIDER ' ) )
gas_oracle = DefaultGasOracle ( conn )
# Get Token registry address
txf = TxFactory ( signer = None , gas_oracle = gas_oracle , nonce_oracle = None , chain_id = chain_spec . chain_id ( ) )
tx = txf . template ( ZERO_ADDRESS , config . get ( ' CIC_REGISTRY_ADDRESS ' ) )
registry_addressof_method = keccak256_string_to_hex ( ' addressOf(bytes32) ' ) [ : 8 ]
data = add_0x ( registry_addressof_method )
data + = eth_abi . encode_single ( ' bytes32 ' , b ' TokenRegistry ' ) . hex ( )
txf . set_code ( tx , data )
o = jsonrpc_template ( )
o [ ' method ' ] = ' eth_call '
o [ ' params ' ] . append ( txf . normalize ( tx ) )
o [ ' params ' ] . append ( ' latest ' )
r = conn . do ( o )
print ( ' r {} ' . format ( r ) )
token_index_address = to_checksum ( eth_abi . decode_single ( ' address ' , bytes . fromhex ( strip_0x ( r ) ) ) )
logg . info ( ' found token index address {} ' . format ( token_index_address ) )
data = add_0x ( registry_addressof_method )
data + = eth_abi . encode_single ( ' bytes32 ' , b ' AccountRegistry ' ) . hex ( )
txf . set_code ( tx , data )
o = jsonrpc_template ( )
o [ ' method ' ] = ' eth_call '
o [ ' params ' ] . append ( txf . normalize ( tx ) )
o [ ' params ' ] . append ( ' latest ' )
r = conn . do ( o )
account_index_address = to_checksum ( eth_abi . decode_single ( ' address ' , bytes . fromhex ( strip_0x ( r ) ) ) )
logg . info ( ' found account index address {} ' . format ( account_index_address ) )
# Get Sarafu token address
tx = txf . template ( ZERO_ADDRESS , token_index_address )
data = add_0x ( registry_addressof_method )
h = hashlib . new ( ' sha256 ' )
h . update ( b ' SRF ' )
z = h . digest ( )
data + = eth_abi . encode_single ( ' bytes32 ' , z ) . hex ( )
txf . set_code ( tx , data )
o = jsonrpc_template ( )
o [ ' method ' ] = ' eth_call '
o [ ' params ' ] . append ( txf . normalize ( tx ) )
o [ ' params ' ] . append ( ' latest ' )
r = conn . do ( o )
print ( ' r {} ' . format ( r ) )
sarafu_token_address = to_checksum ( eth_abi . decode_single ( ' address ' , bytes . fromhex ( strip_0x ( r ) ) ) )
logg . info ( ' found token address {} ' . format ( sarafu_token_address ) )
balances = { }
f = open ( ' {} /balances.csv ' . format ( user_dir , ' r ' ) )
i = 0
while True :
l = f . readline ( )
if l == None :
r = l . split ( ' , ' )
try :
address = to_checksum ( r [ 0 ] )
sys . stdout . write ( ' loading balance {} {} ' . format ( i , address ) . ljust ( 200 ) + " \r " )
except ValueError :
2021-02-22 21:00:18 +01:00
balance = int ( r [ 1 ] . rstrip ( ) )
2021-02-21 16:41:37 +01:00
balances [ address ] = balance
i + = 1
f . close ( )
api = AdminApi ( MockClient ( ) )
verifier = Verifier ( conn , api , gas_oracle , chain_spec , account_index_address , sarafu_token_address , user_dir )
user_new_dir = os . path . join ( user_dir , ' new ' )
for x in os . walk ( user_new_dir ) :
for y in x [ 2 ] :
if y [ len ( y ) - 5 : ] != ' .json ' :
filepath = os . path . join ( x [ 0 ] , y )
f = open ( filepath , ' r ' )
try :
o = json . load ( f )
except json . decoder . JSONDecodeError as e :
f . close ( )
logg . error ( ' load error for {} : {} ' . format ( y , e ) )
f . close ( )
u = Person . deserialize ( o )
logg . debug ( ' data {} ' . format ( u . identities [ ' evm ' ] ) )
2021-02-22 21:00:18 +01:00
subchain_str = ' {} : {} ' . format ( chain_spec . common_name ( ) , chain_spec . network_id ( ) )
new_address = u . identities [ ' evm ' ] [ subchain_str ] [ 0 ]
subchain_str = ' {} : {} ' . format ( old_chain_spec . common_name ( ) , old_chain_spec . network_id ( ) )
old_address = u . identities [ ' evm ' ] [ subchain_str ] [ 0 ]
2021-02-21 16:41:37 +01:00
balance = balances [ old_address ]
logg . debug ( ' checking {} -> {} = {} ' . format ( old_address , new_address , balance ) )
verifier . verify ( new_address , balance )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
main ( )