**Karibu sana!** Hello and welcome to the Grassroots Economics [project](https://gitlab.com/grassrootseconomics). This guide will help you understand the overall
organization of the CIC project to get you started with contributing to the project. You'll be able to pick up issues, write code to fix them, and get your work reviewed and merged.
Use the existing issue template and issue tags to correctly catagorize and issue when creating issues. Make sure to search for duplicated before creating a new issue.
### Bugs
If a bug is encountered and you can reproduce it:
- Define its priority with an issue tag
- Describe the steps to reproduce it while providing the version of the bugged service/library and your environment setup
### Good first issues
These are pre-tagged issues which are friendly (low barrier to entry and clearly defined tasks) for new contributors to get aquinted to the project.
## Git guideleines
<!-- TODO: Review after finalzing branching or forking model -->