diff --git a/apps/cic-ussd/tests/integration/test_accounts.tavern.yaml b/apps/cic-ussd/tests/integration/test_accounts.tavern.yaml
index 528e6006..cc9bee17 100644
--- a/apps/cic-ussd/tests/integration/test_accounts.tavern.yaml
+++ b/apps/cic-ussd/tests/integration/test_accounts.tavern.yaml
@@ -17,12 +17,10 @@ marks:
     - second_account_location
     - first_account_product
     - second_account_product
-    - first_transaction_session_id
-    - second_transaction_session_id
     - first_metadata_entry_session_id
     - second_metadata_entry_session_id
-    - first_account_verify_balance_session_id
-    - second_account_verify_balance_session_id
+  - first
   - name: Initiate account creation process [first account].
@@ -466,265 +464,3 @@ stages:
           expected_response: "CON Salio {gift_value} {token_symbol}\n1. Tuma\n2. Akaunti yangu\n3. Usaidizi"
     delay_before: 10
-  - name: Start menu [first account]
-    request:
-      url: "{server_url}"
-      data:
-        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
-        sessionId: "{first_transaction_session_id}"
-        phoneNumber: "{first_account_phone_number}"
-        text: ""
-      headers:
-        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-      method: POST
-    response:
-      status_code:
-        - 200
-      headers:
-        Content-Length: '51'
-        Content-Type: "text/plain"
-      verify_response_with:
-        function: ext.validator:validate_response
-        extra_kwargs:
-          expected_response: "CON Balance {gift_value} {token_symbol}\n1. Send\n2. My Account\n3. Help"
-  - name: Start menu [second account]
-    request:
-      url: "{server_url}"
-      data:
-        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
-        sessionId: "{second_transaction_session_id}"
-        phoneNumber: "{second_account_phone_number}"
-        text: ""
-      headers:
-        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-      method: POST
-    response:
-      status_code:
-        - 200
-      headers:
-        Content-Length: '56'
-        Content-Type: "text/plain"
-      verify_response_with:
-        function: ext.validator:validate_response
-        extra_kwargs:
-          expected_response: "CON Salio {gift_value} {token_symbol}\n1. Tuma\n2. Akaunti yangu\n3. Usaidizi"
-  - name: Initate transcation attempt [first account]
-    request:
-      url: "{server_url}"
-      data:
-        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
-        sessionId: "{first_transaction_session_id}"
-        phoneNumber: "{first_account_phone_number}"
-        text: "1"
-      headers:
-        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-      method: POST
-    response:
-      status_code:
-        - 200
-      headers:
-        Content-Length: '30'
-        Content-Type: "text/plain"
-      verify_response_with:
-        function: ext.validator:validate_response
-        extra_kwargs:
-          expected_response: "CON Enter phone number\n0. Back"
-  - name: Initate transcation attempt [second account]
-    request:
-      url: "{server_url}"
-      data:
-        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
-        sessionId: "{second_transaction_session_id}"
-        phoneNumber: "{second_account_phone_number}"
-        text: "1"
-      headers:
-        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-      method: POST
-    response:
-      status_code:
-        - 200
-      headers:
-        Content-Length: '33'
-        Content-Type: "text/plain"
-      verify_response_with:
-        function: ext.validator:validate_response
-        extra_kwargs:
-          expected_response: "CON Weka nambari ya simu\n0. Nyuma"
-  - name: Enter phone number [first account]
-    request:
-      url: "{server_url}"
-      data:
-        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
-        sessionId: "{first_transaction_session_id}"
-        phoneNumber: "{first_account_phone_number}"
-        text: "1*{second_account_phone_number}"
-      headers:
-        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-      method: POST
-    response:
-      status_code:
-        - 200
-      headers:
-        Content-Length: '24'
-        Content-Type: "text/plain"
-      verify_response_with:
-        function: ext.validator:validate_response
-        extra_kwargs:
-          expected_response: "CON Enter amount\n0. Back"
-  - name: Enter phone number [second account]
-    request:
-      url: "{server_url}"
-      data:
-        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
-        sessionId: "{second_transaction_session_id}"
-        phoneNumber: "{second_account_phone_number}"
-        text: "1*{first_account_phone_number}"
-      headers:
-        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-      method: POST
-    response:
-      status_code:
-        - 200
-      headers:
-        Content-Length: '25'
-        Content-Type: "text/plain"
-      verify_response_with:
-        function: ext.validator:validate_response
-        extra_kwargs:
-          expected_response: "CON Weka kiwango\n0. Nyuma"
-  - name: Enter transcation amount [first account]
-    request:
-      url: "{server_url}"
-      data:
-        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
-        sessionId: "{first_transaction_session_id}"
-        phoneNumber: "{first_account_phone_number}"
-        text: "1*{second_account_phone_number}*17"
-      headers:
-        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-      method: POST
-    response:
-      status_code:
-        - 200
-      headers:
-        Content-Type: "text/plain"
-      verify_response_with:
-        function: ext.validator:validate_response
-        extra_kwargs:
-          expected_response: "CON {second_account_given_name} {second_account_family_name} {second_account_phone_number} will receive 17.00 {token_symbol} from {first_account_given_name} {first_account_family_name} {first_account_phone_number}.\nPlease enter your PIN to confirm.\n0. Back"
-  - name: Enter transcation amount [second account]
-    request:
-      url: "{server_url}"
-      data:
-        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
-        sessionId: "{second_transaction_session_id}"
-        phoneNumber: "{second_account_phone_number}"
-        text: "1*{first_account_phone_number}*25"
-      headers:
-        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-      method: POST
-    response:
-      status_code:
-        - 200
-      headers:
-        Content-Type: "text/plain"
-      verify_response_with:
-        function: ext.validator:validate_response
-        extra_kwargs:
-          expected_response: "CON {first_account_given_name} {first_account_family_name} {first_account_phone_number} atapokea 25.00 {token_symbol} kutoka kwa {second_account_given_name} {second_account_family_name} {second_account_phone_number}.\nTafadhali weka nambari yako ya siri kudhibitisha.\n0. Nyuma"
-  - name: Pin to authorize transaction [first account]
-    request:
-      url: "{server_url}"
-      data:
-        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
-        sessionId: "{first_transaction_session_id}"
-        phoneNumber: "{first_account_phone_number}"
-        text: "1*{second_account_phone_number}*17*{first_account_pin_number}"
-      headers:
-        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-      method: POST
-    response:
-      status_code:
-        - 200
-      headers:
-        Content-Type: "text/plain"
-      verify_response_with:
-        function: ext.validator:validate_response
-        extra_kwargs:
-          expected_response: "CON Your request has been sent. {second_account_given_name} {second_account_family_name} {second_account_phone_number} will receive 17.00 {token_symbol} from {first_account_given_name} {first_account_family_name} {first_account_phone_number}.\n00. Back\n99. Exit"
-  - name: Pin to authorize transaction [second account]
-    request:
-      url: "{server_url}"
-      data:
-        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
-        sessionId: "{second_transaction_session_id}"
-        phoneNumber: "{second_account_phone_number}"
-        text: "1*{first_account_phone_number}*25*{second_account_pin_number}"
-      headers:
-        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-      method: POST
-    response:
-      status_code:
-        - 200
-      headers:
-        Content-Type: "text/plain"
-      verify_response_with:
-        function: ext.validator:validate_response
-        extra_kwargs:
-          expected_response: "CON Ombi lako limetumwa. {first_account_given_name} {first_account_family_name} {first_account_phone_number} atapokea 25.00 {token_symbol} kutoka kwa {second_account_given_name} {second_account_family_name} {second_account_phone_number}.\n00. Nyuma\n99. Ondoka"
-  - name: Verify balance changes [first account]
-    delay_before: 10
-    request:
-      url: "{server_url}"
-      data:
-        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
-        sessionId: "{first_account_verify_balance_session_id}"
-        phoneNumber: "{first_account_phone_number}"
-        text: ""
-      headers:
-        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-      method: POST
-    response:
-      status_code:
-        - 200
-      headers:
-        Content-Length: '51'
-        Content-Type: "text/plain"
-      verify_response_with:
-        function: ext.validator:validate_response
-        extra_kwargs:
-          expected_response: "CON Balance 58.00 {token_symbol}\n1. Send\n2. My Account\n3. Help"
-  - name: Verify balance changes [first account]
-    delay_before: 10
-    request:
-      url: "{server_url}"
-      data:
-        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
-        sessionId: "{second_account_verify_balance_session_id}"
-        phoneNumber: "{second_account_phone_number}"
-        text: ""
-      headers:
-        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-      method: POST
-    response:
-      status_code:
-        - 200
-      headers:
-        Content-Length: '56'
-        Content-Type: "text/plain"
-      verify_response_with:
-        function: ext.validator:validate_response
-        extra_kwargs:
-          expected_response: "CON Salio 42.00 {token_symbol}\n1. Tuma\n2. Akaunti yangu\n3. Usaidizi"
diff --git a/apps/cic-ussd/tests/integration/test_management.tavern.yaml b/apps/cic-ussd/tests/integration/test_management.tavern.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99ca7284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cic-ussd/tests/integration/test_management.tavern.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+test_name: Test that account management functionality is intact.
+  - usefixtures:
+    - server_url
+    - token_symbol
+    - first_account_phone_number
+    - second_account_phone_number
+    - first_account_management_session_id
+    - second_account_management_session_id
+  - last
+  - name: Start menu [first menu]
+    request:
+      url: "{server_url}"
+      data:
+        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
+        sessionId: "{first_account_management_session_id}"
+        phoneNumber: "{first_account_phone_number}"
+        text: ""
+      headers:
+        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+      method: POST
+    response:
+      status_code:
+        - 200
+      headers:
+        Content-Length: '51'
+        Content-Type: "text/plain"
+      verify_response_with:
+        function: ext.validator:validate_response
+        extra_kwargs:
+          expected_response: "CON Balance 58.00 {token_symbol}\n1. Send\n2. My Account\n3. Help"
diff --git a/apps/cic-ussd/tests/integration/test_transactions.tavern.yaml b/apps/cic-ussd/tests/integration/test_transactions.tavern.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3ce4e12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cic-ussd/tests/integration/test_transactions.tavern.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+test_name: Test that the two test accounts can trade with each other.
+  - usefixtures:
+    - gift_value
+    - server_url
+    - token_symbol
+    - first_account_family_name
+    - second_account_family_name
+    - first_account_given_name
+    - second_account_given_name
+    - first_account_phone_number
+    - second_account_phone_number
+    - first_account_pin_number
+    - second_account_pin_number
+    - first_transaction_session_id
+    - second_transaction_session_id
+    - first_account_verify_balance_session_id
+    - second_account_verify_balance_session_id
+  - second
+  - name: Start menu [first account]
+    request:
+      url: "{server_url}"
+      data:
+        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
+        sessionId: "{first_transaction_session_id}"
+        phoneNumber: "{first_account_phone_number}"
+        text: ""
+      headers:
+        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+      method: POST
+    response:
+      status_code:
+        - 200
+      headers:
+        Content-Length: '51'
+        Content-Type: "text/plain"
+      verify_response_with:
+        function: ext.validator:validate_response
+        extra_kwargs:
+          expected_response: "CON Balance {gift_value} {token_symbol}\n1. Send\n2. My Account\n3. Help"
+  - name: Start menu [second account]
+    request:
+      url: "{server_url}"
+      data:
+        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
+        sessionId: "{second_transaction_session_id}"
+        phoneNumber: "{second_account_phone_number}"
+        text: ""
+      headers:
+        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+      method: POST
+    response:
+      status_code:
+        - 200
+      headers:
+        Content-Length: '56'
+        Content-Type: "text/plain"
+      verify_response_with:
+        function: ext.validator:validate_response
+        extra_kwargs:
+          expected_response: "CON Salio {gift_value} {token_symbol}\n1. Tuma\n2. Akaunti yangu\n3. Usaidizi"
+  - name: Initate transcation attempt [first account]
+    request:
+      url: "{server_url}"
+      data:
+        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
+        sessionId: "{first_transaction_session_id}"
+        phoneNumber: "{first_account_phone_number}"
+        text: "1"
+      headers:
+        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+      method: POST
+    response:
+      status_code:
+        - 200
+      headers:
+        Content-Length: '30'
+        Content-Type: "text/plain"
+      verify_response_with:
+        function: ext.validator:validate_response
+        extra_kwargs:
+          expected_response: "CON Enter phone number\n0. Back"
+  - name: Initate transcation attempt [second account]
+    request:
+      url: "{server_url}"
+      data:
+        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
+        sessionId: "{second_transaction_session_id}"
+        phoneNumber: "{second_account_phone_number}"
+        text: "1"
+      headers:
+        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+      method: POST
+    response:
+      status_code:
+        - 200
+      headers:
+        Content-Length: '33'
+        Content-Type: "text/plain"
+      verify_response_with:
+        function: ext.validator:validate_response
+        extra_kwargs:
+          expected_response: "CON Weka nambari ya simu\n0. Nyuma"
+  - name: Enter phone number [first account]
+    request:
+      url: "{server_url}"
+      data:
+        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
+        sessionId: "{first_transaction_session_id}"
+        phoneNumber: "{first_account_phone_number}"
+        text: "1*{second_account_phone_number}"
+      headers:
+        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+      method: POST
+    response:
+      status_code:
+        - 200
+      headers:
+        Content-Length: '24'
+        Content-Type: "text/plain"
+      verify_response_with:
+        function: ext.validator:validate_response
+        extra_kwargs:
+          expected_response: "CON Enter amount\n0. Back"
+  - name: Enter phone number [second account]
+    request:
+      url: "{server_url}"
+      data:
+        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
+        sessionId: "{second_transaction_session_id}"
+        phoneNumber: "{second_account_phone_number}"
+        text: "1*{first_account_phone_number}"
+      headers:
+        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+      method: POST
+    response:
+      status_code:
+        - 200
+      headers:
+        Content-Length: '25'
+        Content-Type: "text/plain"
+      verify_response_with:
+        function: ext.validator:validate_response
+        extra_kwargs:
+          expected_response: "CON Weka kiwango\n0. Nyuma"
+  - name: Enter transcation amount [first account]
+    request:
+      url: "{server_url}"
+      data:
+        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
+        sessionId: "{first_transaction_session_id}"
+        phoneNumber: "{first_account_phone_number}"
+        text: "1*{second_account_phone_number}*17"
+      headers:
+        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+      method: POST
+    response:
+      status_code:
+        - 200
+      headers:
+        Content-Type: "text/plain"
+      verify_response_with:
+        function: ext.validator:validate_response
+        extra_kwargs:
+          expected_response: "CON {second_account_given_name} {second_account_family_name} {second_account_phone_number} will receive 17.00 {token_symbol} from {first_account_given_name} {first_account_family_name} {first_account_phone_number}.\nPlease enter your PIN to confirm.\n0. Back"
+  - name: Enter transcation amount [second account]
+    request:
+      url: "{server_url}"
+      data:
+        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
+        sessionId: "{second_transaction_session_id}"
+        phoneNumber: "{second_account_phone_number}"
+        text: "1*{first_account_phone_number}*25"
+      headers:
+        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+      method: POST
+    response:
+      status_code:
+        - 200
+      headers:
+        Content-Type: "text/plain"
+      verify_response_with:
+        function: ext.validator:validate_response
+        extra_kwargs:
+          expected_response: "CON {first_account_given_name} {first_account_family_name} {first_account_phone_number} atapokea 25.00 {token_symbol} kutoka kwa {second_account_given_name} {second_account_family_name} {second_account_phone_number}.\nTafadhali weka nambari yako ya siri kudhibitisha.\n0. Nyuma"
+  - name: Pin to authorize transaction [first account]
+    request:
+      url: "{server_url}"
+      data:
+        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
+        sessionId: "{first_transaction_session_id}"
+        phoneNumber: "{first_account_phone_number}"
+        text: "1*{second_account_phone_number}*17*{first_account_pin_number}"
+      headers:
+        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+      method: POST
+    response:
+      status_code:
+        - 200
+      headers:
+        Content-Type: "text/plain"
+      verify_response_with:
+        function: ext.validator:validate_response
+        extra_kwargs:
+          expected_response: "CON Your request has been sent. {second_account_given_name} {second_account_family_name} {second_account_phone_number} will receive 17.00 {token_symbol} from {first_account_given_name} {first_account_family_name} {first_account_phone_number}.\n00. Back\n99. Exit"
+  - name: Pin to authorize transaction [second account]
+    request:
+      url: "{server_url}"
+      data:
+        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
+        sessionId: "{second_transaction_session_id}"
+        phoneNumber: "{second_account_phone_number}"
+        text: "1*{first_account_phone_number}*25*{second_account_pin_number}"
+      headers:
+        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+      method: POST
+    response:
+      status_code:
+        - 200
+      headers:
+        Content-Type: "text/plain"
+      verify_response_with:
+        function: ext.validator:validate_response
+        extra_kwargs:
+          expected_response: "CON Ombi lako limetumwa. {first_account_given_name} {first_account_family_name} {first_account_phone_number} atapokea 25.00 {token_symbol} kutoka kwa {second_account_given_name} {second_account_family_name} {second_account_phone_number}.\n00. Nyuma\n99. Ondoka"
+  - name: Verify balance changes [first account]
+    delay_before: 10
+    request:
+      url: "{server_url}"
+      data:
+        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
+        sessionId: "{first_account_verify_balance_session_id}"
+        phoneNumber: "{first_account_phone_number}"
+        text: ""
+      headers:
+        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+      method: POST
+    response:
+      status_code:
+        - 200
+      headers:
+        Content-Length: '51'
+        Content-Type: "text/plain"
+      verify_response_with:
+        function: ext.validator:validate_response
+        extra_kwargs:
+          expected_response: "CON Balance 58.00 {token_symbol}\n1. Send\n2. My Account\n3. Help"
+  - name: Verify balance changes [first account]
+    delay_before: 10
+    request:
+      url: "{server_url}"
+      data:
+        serviceCode: "*483*46#"
+        sessionId: "{second_account_verify_balance_session_id}"
+        phoneNumber: "{second_account_phone_number}"
+        text: ""
+      headers:
+        content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+      method: POST
+    response:
+      status_code:
+        - 200
+      headers:
+        Content-Length: '56'
+        Content-Type: "text/plain"
+      verify_response_with:
+        function: ext.validator:validate_response
+        extra_kwargs:
+          expected_response: "CON Salio 42.00 {token_symbol}\n1. Tuma\n2. Akaunti yangu\n3. Usaidizi"
\ No newline at end of file