#! /bin/bash if [[ $((RUN_MASK & 3)) -eq 3 ]] then >&2 echo -e "\033[;96mRUNNING\033[;39m RUN_MASK 3 - data seeding" contract_migration_complete=0 retry_count=0 retry_sleep=30 #seconds retry_limit="$((${TIMEOUT_MINUTES:-10}*60/2))" while [[ $contract_migration_complete -ne 1 ]] do if [[ -f "$CIC_DATA_DIR/.env" ]] && grep -q CIC_DECLARATOR_ADDRESS $CIC_DATA_DIR/.env then echo "🤜💥🤛 data-seeding found the output of contract-migration!" source /tmp/cic/config/.env env contract_migration_complete=1 ./scripts/run_ussd_user_imports.sh elif [[ $retry_count -ge $retry_limit ]] then echo "😢 data-seeding timeout waiting for contract migration to finish." >&2 exit 1 else echo "⏳ data-seeding waiting for contract-migration output $retry_count:$retry_limit ..." ((retry_count= $retry_count + $retry_sleep)) sleep $retry_sleep fi done if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then >&2 echo -e "\033[;31mFAILED\033[;39m RUN_MASK 3 - data seeding" exit 1; fi >&2 echo -e "\033[;32mSUCCEEDED\033[;39m RUN_MASK 3 - data seeding" fi