# standard imports import sys import os import logging import argparse import tempfile import re import urllib import websocket import stat import importlib # external imports import celery import confini from chainlib.connection import ( RPCConnection, ConnType, ) from chainlib.eth.connection import ( EthUnixSignerConnection, EthHTTPSignerConnection, ) from chainlib.eth.address import to_checksum_address from chainlib.chain import ChainSpec from chainqueue.db.models.otx import Otx from cic_eth_registry.error import UnknownContractError from cic_eth_registry.erc20 import ERC20Token from hexathon import add_0x import liveness.linux # local imports import cic_eth.cli from cic_eth.eth import ( erc20, tx, account, nonce, gas, ) from cic_eth.admin import ( debug, ctrl, token, ) from cic_eth.queue import ( query, balance, state, tx, lock, time, ) from cic_eth.callbacks import ( Callback, http, noop, #tcp, redis, ) from cic_eth.db.models.base import SessionBase from cic_eth.db import dsn_from_config from cic_eth.ext import tx from cic_eth.registry import ( connect as connect_registry, connect_declarator, connect_token_registry, ) from cic_eth.task import BaseTask logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) logg = logging.getLogger() arg_flags = cic_eth.cli.argflag_std_read local_arg_flags = cic_eth.cli.argflag_local_task argparser = cic_eth.cli.ArgumentParser(arg_flags) argparser.process_local_flags(local_arg_flags) argparser.add_argument('--default-token-symbol', dest='default_token_symbol', type=str, help='Symbol of default token to use') argparser.add_argument('--trace-queue-status', default=None, dest='trace_queue_status', action='store_true', help='set to perist all queue entry status changes to storage') argparser.add_argument('--aux-all', action='store_true', help='include tasks from all submodules from the aux module path') argparser.add_argument('--aux', action='append', type=str, default=[], help='add single submodule from the aux module path') args = argparser.parse_args() # process config extra_args = { 'default_token_symbol': 'CIC_DEFAULT_TOKEN_SYMBOL', 'aux_all': None, 'aux': None, 'trace_queue_status': 'TASKS_TRACE_QUEUE_STATUS', } config = cic_eth.cli.Config.from_args(args, arg_flags, local_arg_flags) # connect to celery celery_app = cic_eth.cli.CeleryApp.from_config(config) # set up rpc rpc = cic_eth.cli.RPC.from_config(config, use_signer=True) conn = rpc.get_default() # connect to database dsn = dsn_from_config(config) SessionBase.connect(dsn, pool_size=int(config.get('DATABASE_POOL_SIZE')), debug=config.true('DATABASE_DEBUG')) Otx.tracing = config.true('TASKS_TRACE_QUEUE_STATUS') # execute health checks # TODO: health should be separate service with endpoint that can be queried health_modules = config.get('CIC_HEALTH_MODULES', []) if len(health_modules) != 0: health_modules = health_modules.split(',') logg.debug('health mods {}'.format(health_modules)) liveness.linux.load(health_modules, rundir=config.get('CIC_RUN_DIR'), config=config, unit='cic-eth-tasker') # set up chain provisions chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_chain_str(config.get('CHAIN_SPEC')) registry = None try: registry = connect_registry(conn, chain_spec, config.get('CIC_REGISTRY_ADDRESS')) except UnknownContractError as e: logg.exception('Registry contract connection failed for {}: {}'.format(config.get('CIC_REGISTRY_ADDRESS'), e)) sys.exit(1) logg.info('connected contract registry {}'.format(config.get('CIC_REGISTRY_ADDRESS'))) trusted_addresses_src = config.get('CIC_TRUST_ADDRESS') if trusted_addresses_src == None: logg.critical('At least one trusted address must be declared in CIC_TRUST_ADDRESS') sys.exit(1) trusted_addresses = trusted_addresses_src.split(',') for i, address in enumerate(trusted_addresses): if config.get('_UNSAFE'): trusted_addresses[i] = to_checksum_address(address) logg.info('using trusted address {}'.format(address)) connect_declarator(conn, chain_spec, trusted_addresses) connect_token_registry(conn, chain_spec) # detect auxiliary task modules (plugins) # TODO: move to separate file aux = [] if args.aux_all: if len(args.aux) > 0: logg.warning('--aux-all is set so --aux will have no effect') for p in sys.path: logg.debug('checking for aux modules in {}'.format(p)) aux_dir = os.path.join(p, 'cic_eth_aux') try: d = os.listdir(aux_dir) except FileNotFoundError: logg.debug('no aux module found in {}'.format(aux_dir)) continue for v in d: if v[:1] == '.': logg.debug('dotfile, skip {}'.format(v)) continue aux_mod_path = os.path.join(aux_dir, v) st = os.stat(aux_mod_path) if not stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): logg.debug('not a dir, skip {}'.format(v)) continue aux_mod_file = os.path.join(aux_dir, v,'__init__.py') try: st = os.stat(aux_mod_file) except FileNotFoundError: logg.debug('__init__.py not found, skip {}'.format(v)) continue aux.append(v) logg.debug('found module {} in {}'.format(v, aux_dir)) elif len(args.aux) > 0: for p in sys.path: v_found = None for v in args.aux: aux_dir = os.path.join(p, 'cic_eth_aux') aux_mod_file = os.path.join(aux_dir, v, '__init__.py') try: st = os.stat(aux_mod_file) v_found = v except FileNotFoundError: logg.debug('cannot find explicity requested aux module {} in path {}'.format(v, aux_dir)) continue if v_found == None: logg.critical('excplicity requested aux module {} not found in any path'.format(v)) sys.exit(1) logg.info('aux module {} found in path {}'.format(v, aux_dir)) aux.append(v) for v in aux: mname = 'cic_eth_aux.' + v mod = importlib.import_module(mname) mod.aux_setup(conn, config) logg.info('loaded aux module {}'.format(mname)) def main(): argv = ['worker'] log_level = logg.getEffectiveLevel() log_level_name = logging.getLevelName(log_level) argv.append('--loglevel=' + log_level_name) argv.append('-Q') argv.append(config.get('CELERY_QUEUE')) argv.append('-n') argv.append(config.get('CELERY_QUEUE')) argv.append('--config') argv.append('celeryconfig') BaseTask.default_token_symbol = config.get('CIC_DEFAULT_TOKEN_SYMBOL') BaseTask.default_token_address = registry.by_name(BaseTask.default_token_symbol) default_token = ERC20Token(chain_spec, conn, BaseTask.default_token_address) default_token.load(conn) BaseTask.default_token_decimals = default_token.decimals BaseTask.default_token_name = default_token.name BaseTask.run_dir = config.get('CIC_RUN_DIR') logg.info('default token set to {} {}'.format(BaseTask.default_token_symbol, BaseTask.default_token_address)) liveness.linux.set(rundir=config.get('CIC_RUN_DIR')) celery_app.worker_main(argv) liveness.linux.reset(rundir=config.get('CIC_RUN_DIR')) @celery.signals.eventlet_pool_postshutdown.connect def shutdown(sender=None, headers=None, body=None, **kwargs): logg.warning('in shutdown event hook') if __name__ == '__main__': main()