[metadata] name = cic-eth version = attr: cic_eth.version.__version_string__ description = CIC Network Ethereum interaction author = Louis Holbrook author_email = dev@holbrook.no url = https://gitlab.com/grassrootseconomics/cic-eth keywords = cic cryptocurrency ethereum classifiers = Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Operating System :: OS Independent Development Status :: 3 - Alpha Environment :: No Input/Output (Daemon) Intended Audience :: Developers License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+) Topic :: Internet # Topic :: Blockchain :: EVM license = GPL3 licence_files = LICENSE.txt [options] python_requires = >= 3.6 packages = cic_eth cic_eth.admin cic_eth.eth cic_eth.api cic_eth.db cic_eth.db.models cic_eth.queue cic_eth.ext cic_eth.runnable cic_eth.runnable.daemons cic_eth.runnable.daemons.filters cic_eth.callbacks cic_eth.sync cic_eth.check # should be concealed behind extras "test" if possible (but its not unfortunately) cic_eth.pytest cic_eth.pytest.mock scripts = ./scripts/migrate.py [options.entry_points] console_scripts = # daemons cic-eth-taskerd = cic_eth.runnable.daemons.tasker:main cic-eth-trackerd = cic_eth.runnable.daemons.tracker:main cic-eth-dispatcherd = cic_eth.runnable.daemons.dispatcher:main cic-eth-retrierd = cic_eth.runnable.daemons.retry:main # tools cic-eth-create = cic_eth.runnable.create:main cic-eth-inspect = cic_eth.runnable.view:main cic-eth-ctl = cic_eth.runnable.ctrl:main cic-eth-info = cic_eth.runnable.info:main # TODO: Merge this with ctl when subcmds sorted to submodules cic-eth-tag = cic_eth.runnable.tag:main cic-eth-resend = cic_eth.runnable.resend:main cic-eth-transfer = cic_eth.runnable.transfer:main