include: #- local: 'ci_templates/.cic-template.yml' #kaniko build templates # these includes are app specific unit tests - local: 'apps/cic-eth/.gitlab-ci.yml' - local: 'apps/cic-ussd/.gitlab-ci.yml' - local: 'apps/cic-notify/.gitlab-ci.yml' - local: 'apps/cic-meta/.gitlab-ci.yml' - local: 'apps/cic-cache/.gitlab-ci.yml' #- local: 'apps/contract-migration/.gitlab-ci.yml' #- local: 'apps/data-seeding/.gitlab-ci.yml' stages: - build - test - deploy image: variables: DOCKER_BUILDKIT: "1" COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD: "1" CI_DEBUG_TRACE: "true" before_script: - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY # runs on protected branches and pushes to repo build-push: stage: build tags: - integration #script: # - TAG=$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA sh ./scripts/ script: - mkdir bin - curl -o bin/sbot -L$SEMVERBOT_VERSION/sbot-linux-amd64 - chmod +x bin/sbot - echo "RELEASE_VERSION=$(bin/sbot predict version)" - bin/sbot release version - bin/sbot push version - TAG=RELEASE_VERSION sh ./scripts/ rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED == "true" when: always