import * as assert from 'assert'; import * as fs from 'fs'; const nock = require('nock'); import {Meta} from "../src"; import {getResponse, metaData, networkErrorResponse, notFoundResponse, putResponse} from "./response"; import {Syncable} from "@cicnet/crdt-meta"; const metaUrl = ''; const testAddress = '0xc1912fee45d61c87cc5ea59dae31190fffff232d'; const testAddressKey = 'a51472cb4df63b199a4de01335b1b4d1bbee27ff4f03340aa1d592f26c6acfe2'; const testPhone = '+254123456789'; const testPhoneKey = 'be3cc8212b7eb57c6217ddd42230bd8ccd2f01382bf8c1c77d3a683fa5a9bb16'; const testName = 'areas' const testNameKey = '8f3da0c90ba2b89ff217da96f6088cbaf987a1b58bc33c3a5e526e53cec7cfed'; const testIdentifier = ':cic.area' const testIdentifierKey = 'da6194e6f33726546e82c328df4c120b844d6427859156518bd600765bf8b2b7'; function readFile(filename) { if(!fs.existsSync(filename)) { console.error(`File ${filename} not found`); return; } return fs.readFileSync(filename, {encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r'}); } const privateKey = readFile('./privatekeys.asc'); describe('meta', () => { beforeEach(() => { nock(metaUrl) .get(`/${testAddressKey}`) .reply(200, getResponse); nock(metaUrl) .get(`/${testPhoneKey}`) .reply(200, getResponse); nock(metaUrl) .get(`/${testAddress}`) .reply(404); nock(metaUrl) .get(`/${testIdentifier}`) .replyWithError(networkErrorResponse); nock(metaUrl) .put(`/${testAddressKey}`) .reply(200, putResponse); nock(metaUrl) .put(`/${testAddress}`) .reply(404); nock(metaUrl) .post('/post') .reply(500); }); describe('#get()', () => { it('should fetch data from the meta service', async () => { const account = await Meta.get(testAddressKey, metaUrl); assert.strictEqual(account.toJSON(account), getResponse.payload); }); context('if item is not found', () => { it('should respond with an error', async () => { const account = await Meta.get(testAddress, metaUrl); assert.strictEqual(account, `404: Not Found`); }); }); context('in case of network error', () => { it('should respond with an error', async () => { const account = await Meta.get(testIdentifier, metaUrl); assert.strictEqual(account, `Request to ${metaUrl}/${testIdentifier} failed. Connection error.`); }); }); }) describe('#set()', () => { context('object data', () => { it('should set data to the meta server', () => { const meta = new Meta(metaUrl, privateKey); meta.onload = async (status) => { const response = await meta.set(testAddressKey, metaData); assert.strictEqual(response, `${putResponse.status}: ${putResponse.statusText}`); } }); }); context('string data', () => { it('should set data to the meta server', () => { const meta = new Meta(metaUrl, privateKey); meta.onload = async (status) => { const response = await meta.set(testPhoneKey, testAddress); assert.strictEqual(response, `${putResponse.status}: ${putResponse.statusText}`); } }); }); context('in case of network error', () => { it('should respond with an error', () => { const meta = new Meta(metaUrl, privateKey); meta.onload = async (status) => { const response = await meta.set(testIdentifier, metaData); assert.strictEqual(response, `Request to ${metaUrl}/${testIdentifier} failed. Connection error.`); } }); }); }); describe('#updateMeta()', () => { it('should update data in the meta server', async () => { const syncable = new Syncable(testAddressKey, metaData); const meta = new Meta(metaUrl, privateKey); meta.onload = async (status) => { const response = await meta.updateMeta(syncable, testAddressKey); assert.strictEqual(response, putResponse); } }); context('if item is not found', () => { it('should respond with an error', () => { const syncable = new Syncable(testAddress, metaData); const meta = new Meta(metaUrl, privateKey); meta.onload = async (status) => { const response = await meta.updateMeta(syncable, testAddress); assert.strictEqual(response, notFoundResponse); } }); }); }); describe('#wrap()', () => { it('should sign a syncable object', function () { const syncable = new Syncable(testAddressKey, metaData); const meta = new Meta(metaUrl, privateKey); meta.onload = async (status) => { const response = await meta.wrap(syncable); assert.strictEqual(response.toJSON(), getResponse); } }); }) describe('#getIdentifier()', () => { context('without type', () => { it('should return an identifier', async () => { assert.strictEqual(await Meta.getIdentifier(testName), testNameKey); }); }); context('with user type', () => { it('should return an identifier', async () => { assert.strictEqual(await Meta.getIdentifier(testAddress, 'user'), testAddressKey); }); }); context('with phone type', () => { it('should return an identifier', async () => { assert.strictEqual(await Meta.getIdentifier(testPhone, 'phone'), testPhoneKey); }); }); context('with custom type', () => { it('should return an identifier', async () => { assert.strictEqual(await Meta.getIdentifier(testName, 'custom'), testNameKey); }); }); context('with unrecognised type', () => { it('should return an identifier', async () => { assert.strictEqual(await Meta.getIdentifier(testName, testIdentifier), testIdentifierKey); }); }); }); });