# standard imports import datetime # external imports import celery from chainlib.chain import ChainSpec from chainlib.eth.tx import unpack import chainqueue.query from chainqueue.db.enum import ( StatusEnum, is_alive, ) from sqlalchemy import func from sqlalchemy import or_ from chainqueue.db.models.tx import TxCache from chainqueue.db.models.otx import Otx # local imports from cic_eth.db.enum import LockEnum from cic_eth.task import CriticalSQLAlchemyTask from cic_eth.db.models.lock import Lock from cic_eth.db.models.base import SessionBase celery_app = celery.current_app @celery_app.task(base=CriticalSQLAlchemyTask) def get_tx_cache(chain_spec_dict, tx_hash): chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_dict(chain_spec_dict) session = SessionBase.create_session() r = chainqueue.query.get_tx_cache(chain_spec, tx_hash, session=session) session.close() return r @celery_app.task(base=CriticalSQLAlchemyTask) def get_tx(chain_spec_dict, tx_hash): chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_dict(chain_spec_dict) session = SessionBase.create_session() r = chainqueue.query.get_tx(chain_spec, tx_hash) session.close() return r @celery_app.task(base=CriticalSQLAlchemyTask) def get_account_tx(chain_spec_dict, address, as_sender=True, as_recipient=True, counterpart=None): chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_dict(chain_spec_dict) session = SessionBase.create_session() r = chainqueue.query.get_account_tx(chain_spec, address, as_sender=True, as_recipient=True, counterpart=None, session=session) session.close() return r @celery_app.task(base=CriticalSQLAlchemyTask) def get_upcoming_tx_nolock(chain_spec_dict, status=StatusEnum.READYSEND, not_status=None, recipient=None, before=None, limit=0, session=None): chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_dict(chain_spec_dict) session = SessionBase.create_session() r = chainqueue.query.get_upcoming_tx(chain_spec, status, not_status=not_status, recipient=recipient, before=before, limit=limit, session=session, decoder=unpack) session.close() return r def get_status_tx(chain_spec, status, not_status=None, before=None, exact=False, limit=0, session=None): return chainqueue.query.get_status_tx_cache(chain_spec, status, not_status=not_status, before=before, exact=exact, limit=limit, session=session, decoder=unpack) def get_paused_tx(chain_spec, status=None, sender=None, session=None, decoder=None): return chainqueue.query.get_paused_tx_cache(chain_spec, status=status, sender=sender, session=session, decoder=unpack) def get_nonce_tx(chain_spec, nonce, sender): return get_nonce_tx_cache(chain_spec, nonce, sender, decoder=unpack) def get_upcoming_tx(chain_spec, status=StatusEnum.READYSEND, not_status=None, recipient=None, before=None, limit=0, session=None): """Returns the next pending transaction, specifically the transaction with the lowest nonce, for every recipient that has pending transactions. Will omit addresses that have the LockEnum.SEND bit in Lock set. (TODO) Will not return any rows if LockEnum.SEND bit in Lock is set for zero address. :param status: Defines the status used to filter as upcoming. :type status: cic_eth.db.enum.StatusEnum :param recipient: Ethereum address of recipient to return transaction for :type recipient: str, 0x-hex :param before: Only return transactions if their modification date is older than the given timestamp :type before: datetime.datetime :param chain_id: Chain id to use to parse signed transaction data :type chain_id: number :raises ValueError: Status is finalized, sent or never attempted sent :returns: Transactions :rtype: dict, with transaction hash as key, signed raw transaction as value """ session = SessionBase.bind_session(session) q_outer = session.query( TxCache.sender, func.min(Otx.nonce).label('nonce'), ) q_outer = q_outer.join(TxCache) q_outer = q_outer.join(Lock, isouter=True) q_outer = q_outer.filter(or_(Lock.flags==None, Lock.flags.op('&')(LockEnum.SEND.value)==0)) if not is_alive(status): SessionBase.release_session(session) raise ValueError('not a valid non-final tx value: {}'.format(status)) if status == StatusEnum.PENDING: q_outer = q_outer.filter(Otx.status==status.value) else: q_outer = q_outer.filter(Otx.status.op('&')(status)==status) if not_status != None: q_outer = q_outer.filter(Otx.status.op('&')(not_status)==0) if recipient != None: q_outer = q_outer.filter(TxCache.recipient==recipient) q_outer = q_outer.group_by(TxCache.sender) txs = {} i = 0 for r in q_outer.all(): q = session.query(Otx) q = q.join(TxCache) q = q.filter(TxCache.sender==r.sender) q = q.filter(Otx.nonce==r.nonce) if before != None: q = q.filter(TxCache.date_checked<before) q = q.order_by(TxCache.date_created.desc()) o = q.first() # TODO: audit; should this be possible if a row is found in the initial query? If not, at a minimum log error. if o == None: continue tx_signed_bytes = bytes.fromhex(o.signed_tx) tx = unpack(tx_signed_bytes, chain_spec) txs[o.tx_hash] = o.signed_tx q = session.query(TxCache) q = q.filter(TxCache.otx_id==o.id) o = q.first() o.date_checked = datetime.datetime.now() session.add(o) session.commit() i += 1 if limit > 0 and limit == i: break SessionBase.release_session(session) return txs