# standard imports import datetime import logging from typing import Optional # external imports import celery from chainlib.hash import strip_0x from cic_eth.api import Api # local import from cic_ussd.account.chain import Chain from cic_ussd.account.transaction import from_wei from cic_ussd.cache import cache_data_key, get_cached_data from cic_ussd.translation import translation_for logg = logging.getLogger(__name__) def filter_statement_transactions(transaction_list: list) -> list: """This function parses a transaction list and removes all transactions that entail interactions with the zero address as the source transaction. :param transaction_list: Array containing transaction objects. :type transaction_list: list :return: Transactions exclusive of the zero address transactions. :rtype: list """ return [tx for tx in transaction_list if tx.get('source_token') != '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'] def generate(querying_party: str, queue: Optional[str], transaction: dict): """ :param querying_party: :type querying_party: :param queue: :type queue: :param transaction: :type transaction: :return: :rtype: """ s_generate_statement = celery.signature( 'cic_ussd.tasks.processor.generate_statement', [querying_party, transaction], queue=queue ) s_generate_statement.apply_async() def get_cached_statement(blockchain_address: str) -> bytes: """This function retrieves an account's cached record of a specific number of transactions in chronological order. :param blockchain_address: Bytes representation of the hex value of an account's blockchain address. :type blockchain_address: bytes :return: Account's transactions statements. :rtype: str """ identifier = bytes.fromhex(strip_0x(blockchain_address)) key = cache_data_key(identifier=identifier, salt=':cic.statement') return get_cached_data(key=key) def parse_statement_transactions(statement: list): """This function extracts information for transaction objects loaded from the redis cache and structures the data in a format that is appropriate for the ussd interface. :param statement: A list of transaction objects. :type statement: list :return: :rtype: """ parsed_transactions = [] for transaction in statement: action_tag = transaction.get('action_tag') amount = from_wei(transaction.get('token_value')) direction_tag = transaction.get('direction_tag') token_symbol = transaction.get('token_symbol') metadata_id = transaction.get('metadata_id') timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d/%m/%y, %H:%M') transaction_repr = f'{action_tag} {amount} {token_symbol} {direction_tag} {metadata_id} {timestamp}' parsed_transactions.append(transaction_repr) return parsed_transactions def query_statement(blockchain_address: str, limit: int = 9): """This function queries cic-eth for a set of chronologically ordered number of transactions associated with an account. :param blockchain_address: Ethereum address associated with an account. :type blockchain_address: str, 0x-hex :param limit: Number of transactions to be returned. :type limit: int """ logg.debug(f'retrieving balance for address: {blockchain_address}') chain_str = Chain.spec.__str__() cic_eth_api = Api( chain_str=chain_str, callback_queue='cic-ussd', callback_task='cic_ussd.tasks.callback_handler.statement_callback', callback_param=blockchain_address ) cic_eth_api.list(address=blockchain_address, limit=limit) def statement_transaction_set(preferred_language: str, transaction_reprs: list): """ :param preferred_language: :type preferred_language: :param transaction_reprs: :type transaction_reprs: :return: :rtype: """ if not transaction_reprs: return translation_for('helpers.no_transaction_history', preferred_language) return ''.join(f'{transaction_repr}\n' for transaction_repr in transaction_reprs)