en: kenya: initial_language_selection: |- CON Welcome to Sarafu Network 1. English 2. Kiswahili 3. Help initial_pin_entry: |- CON Please enter a new four number PIN for your account. initial_pin_confirmation: |- CON Enter your four number PIN again enter_given_name: |- CON Enter first name 0. Back enter_family_name: |- CON Enter family name 0. Back enter_date_of_birth: |- CON Enter year of birth 0. Back enter_gender: |- CON Enter gender 1. Male 2. Female 3. Other 0. Back enter_location: |- CON Enter your location 0. Back enter_products: |- CON Please enter a product or service you offer 0. Back start: |- CON Balance %{account_balance} %{account_token_name} 1. Send 2. My Account 3. Help enter_transaction_recipient: |- CON Enter phone number 0. Back enter_transaction_amount: |- CON Enter amount 0. Back account_management: |- CON My account 1. My profile 2. Change language 3. Check balance 4. Check statement 5. PIN options 0. Back metadata_management: |- CON My profile 1. Edit name 2. Edit gender 3. Edit age 4. Edit location 5. Edit products 6. View my profile 0. Back display_user_metadata: |- CON Your details are: Name: %{full_name} Gender: %{gender} Age: %{age} Location: %{location} You sell: %{products} 0. Back select_preferred_language: |- CON Choose language 1. English 2. Kiswahili 0. Back retry_pin_entry: |- CON Incorrect PIN entered, please try again. You have %{remaining_attempts} attempts remaining. 0. Back pin_management: |- CON Pin options 1. Change PIN 2. Reset PIN 3. Guard PIN 0. Back enter_current_pin: first: |- CON Enter current PIN. 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} enter_new_pin: |- CON Enter your new four number PIN 0. Back new_pin_confirmation: |- CON Enter your new four number PIN again 0. Back reset_guarded_pin: |- CON Enter phone number you are the guardian to reset their pin 0. Back reset_guarded_pin_authorization: first: |- CON Enter YOUR pin to confirm %{guarded_account_information}'s reset 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} exit_pin_reset_initiated_success: |- CON Success: You have initiated a PIN reset for %{guarded_account_information} 0. Back 9. Exit exit_not_authorized_for_pin_reset: |- CON Failure: You are not authorized to reset that PIN. You must be a guardian! 0. Back 9. Exit guard_pin: |- CON Pin guard 1. View guardians 2. Add guardian 3. Remove guardian 0. Back guardian_list_pin_authorization: first: |- CON Enter your pin to view set guardians 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} guardian_list: |- CON %{guardians_list} 0. Back 9. Exit add_guardian: |- CON Enter phone number to add as pin reset guardian 0. Back add_guardian_pin_authorization: first: |- CON Enter your pin to add %{guardian_information} as your PIN reset guardian 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} exit_guardian_addition_success: |- CON Success: %{guardian_information} can now reset your PIN 0. Back 9. Exit exit_invalid_guardian_addition: |- CON %{error_exit} 0. Back 9. Exit remove_guardian: |- CON Enter phone number to revoke guardianship: 0. Back remove_guardian_pin_authorization: first: |- CON Enter your pin to remove %{guardian_information} as your PIN reset guardian 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} exit_guardian_removal_success: |- CON Success: %{guardian_information} PIN reset guardianship is revoked 0. Back 9. Exit exit_invalid_guardian_removal: |- CON %{error_exit} 0. Back 9. Exit transaction_pin_authorization: first: |- CON %{recipient_information} will receive %{transaction_amount} %{token_symbol} from %{sender_information}. Please enter your PIN to confirm. 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} display_metadata_pin_authorization: first: |- CON Please enter your PIN 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} account_balances_pin_authorization: first: |- CON Please enter your PIN to view balances 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} account_statement_pin_authorization: first: |- CON Please enter your PIN to view statement 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} name_edit_pin_authorization: first: |- CON Please enter your PIN 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} dob_edit_pin_authorization: first: |- CON Please enter your PIN 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} gender_edit_pin_authorization: first: |- CON Please enter your PIN 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} location_edit_pin_authorization: first: |- CON Please enter your PIN 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} products_edit_pin_authorization: first: |- CON Please enter your PIN 0. Back retry: |- %{retry_pin_entry} account_balances: available_balance: |- CON Your balances are as follows: balance: %{available_balance} %{token_symbol} 0. Back with_fees: |- CON Your balances are as follows: balances: %{available_balance} %{token_symbol} fees: %{tax} %{token_symbol} 0. Back with_rewards: |- CON Your balances are as follows: balance: %{available_balance} %{token_symbol} fees: %{tax} %{token_symbol} rewards: %{bonus} %{token_symbol} 0. Back first_transaction_set: |- CON %{first_transaction_set} 1. Next 00. Exit middle_transaction_set: |- CON %{middle_transaction_set} 1. Next 2. Previous 00. Exit last_transaction_set: |- CON %{last_transaction_set} 2. Previous 00. Exit exit: |- END Thank you for using the service. exit_invalid_request: |- END Invalid request. exit_invalid_menu_option: |- CON Invalid menu option. For help, call %{support_phone}. 00. Back 99. Exit exit_invalid_input: |- CON Invalid input. Nothing selected 00. Back 99. Exit exit_pin_blocked: |- END Your PIN has been blocked. For help, please call %{support_phone}. exit_invalid_pin: |- END The PIN you have entered is invalid. PIN must consist of 4 digits. For help, call %{support_phone}. exit_invalid_new_pin: |- END The PIN you have entered is invalid. PIN must be different from your current PIN. For help, call %{support_phone}. exit_pin_mismatch: |- END The new PIN does not match the one you entered. Please try again. For help, call %{support_phone}. exit_invalid_recipient: |- CON Recipient's phone number is not registered or is invalid: 00. Retry 99. Exit exit_successful_transaction: |- CON Your request has been sent. %{recipient_information} will receive %{transaction_amount} %{token_symbol} from %{sender_information}. 00. Back 99. Exit exit_insufficient_balance: |- CON Payment of %{amount} %{token_symbol} to %{recipient_information} has failed due to insufficent balance. Your Sarafu-Network balances is: %{token_balance} 00. Back 99. Exit invalid_service_code: |- Please dial %{valid_service_code} to access Sarafu Network help: |- CON For assistance call %{support_phone} 00. Back 99. Exit complete: |- CON Your request has been sent. You will receive an SMS shortly. 00. Back 99. Exit account_creation_prompt: |- END Your account is being created. You will receive an SMS when your account is ready.