ARG FROM $DOCKER_REGISTRY/cic-base-images:python-3.8.6-dev-55da5f4e COPY requirements.txt . ARG EXTRA_PIP_INDEX_URL="" ARG EXTRA_PIP_ARGS="" ARG PIP_INDEX_URL="" RUN pip install --index-url $PIP_INDEX_URL \ --pre \ --force-reinstall \ --no-cache \ --extra-index-url $EXTRA_PIP_INDEX_URL $EXTRA_PIP_ARGS \ -r requirements.txt COPY . . RUN python install # ini files in config directory defines the configurable parameters for the application # they can all be overridden by environment variables # to generate a list of environment variables from configuration, use: confini-dump -z (executable provided by confini package) #COPY config/ /usr/local/etc/cic-cache/ # for db migrations RUN git clone /usr/local/bin/wait-for-it/ COPY cic_cache/db/migrations/ /usr/local/share/cic-cache/alembic/ COPY /docker/ ./ COPY /docker/ ./ RUN chmod 755 ./*.sh # Tracker # ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/cic-cache-tracker", "-vv"] # Server # ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/uwsgi", "--wsgi-file", "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cic_cache/runnable/", "--http", ":80", "--pyargv", "-vv" ] ENTRYPOINT []