# DATA GENERATION TOOLS This folder contains tools to generate and import test data. ## DATA CREATION Does not need the cluster to run. Vanilla: `python create_import_users.py [--dir ] ` If you want to use the `import_balance.py` script to add to the user's balance from an external address, add: `python create_import_users.py --gift-threshold [--dir ] ` ## IMPORT Make sure the following is running in the cluster: * eth * postgres * redis * cic-meta-server If using the _custodial_ alternative for user imports, also run: * cic-eth-tasker * cic-eth-dispatcher * cic-eth-tracker You will want to run these in sequence: ## 1. Metadata `node import_meta.js ` Monitors a folder for output from the `import_users.py` script, adding the metadata found to the `cic-meta` service. ## 2. Balances (Only if you used the `--gift-threshold` option above) `python import_balance.py -c config -i -r -p --head -y ../keystore/UTC--2021-01-08T17-18-44.521011372Z--eb3907ecad74a0013c259d5874ae7f22dcbcc95c ` This will monitor new mined blocks and send balances to the newly created accounts. ### 3. Users Only use **one** of the following #### Custodial This alternative generates accounts using the `cic-eth` custodial engine Without any modifications to the cluster and config files: `python import_users.py -c config --redis-host-callback redis ` ** A note on the The callback**: The script uses a redis callback to retrieve the newly generated custodial address. This is the redis server _from the perspective of the cic-eth component_. #### Sovereign This alternative generates keystore files, while registering corresponding addresses in the accounts registry directly `python import_sovereign_users.py -c config -i -r -p -y ../keystore/UTC--2021-01-08T17-18-44.521011372Z--eb3907ecad74a0013c259d5874ae7f22dcbcc95c ` A `keystore` sub-directory in the data path is created, with ethereum keystore files for all generated private keys. Passphrase is set to empty string for all of them. ## VERIFY `python verify.py -c config -i -r -p ` Checks * Private key is in cic-eth keystore * Address is in accounts index * Address has balance matching the gift threshold * Metadata can be retrieved and has exact match Should exit with code 0 if all input data is found in the respective services. ## KNOWN ISSUES If the faucet disbursement is set to a non-zero amount, the balances will be off. The verify script needs to be improved to check the faucet amount.