--- description: liveness (Untitled Document) distribution: global Generator: makeinfo keywords: liveness (Untitled Document) lang: en resource-type: document title: liveness (Untitled Document) --- []{#liveness}[]{#liveness-1} ## 1 liveness {#liveness .chapter} []{#ilveness_005foverview}[]{#Overview} ### 1.1 Overview {#overview .section} This is a cluster-specific convenience setup for enabling a Kubernetes-style liveness/readiness test as outlined in <https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/>. Conceptually, it provides an application with means to: - Run a collection of functions to validate sanity of the environment - Set a no-error state before execution of the main routine - Modify the error state during execution - Invalidating all state when execution ends []{#Python-module} ### 1.2 Python module {#python-module .section} Three python methods are provided. []{#load} #### 1.2.1 load {#load .subsection} This is meant to be called after configurations and environment has been set up, but before the execution logic has commenced. It receives a list of externally defined fully-qualified python modules. Each of these modules must implement the method `health(*args,**kwargs)` in its global namespace. Any module returning `False` will cause a `RuntimeException`. The component will not trap any other exception from the modules. If successful, it will write the `pid` of the application to the specified run data folder. By default this is `/run/<HOSTNAME>`, but the path can be modified if desired. []{#set} #### 1.2.2 set {#set .subsection} This is meant to be called during the execution of the main program routine begins. []{#at-startup} #### at startup {#at-startup .subsubsection} It should be called once at the *start* of execution of the main program routine. For one-shot routines, this would mean the start of any code only run when the module name is `__main__`. For daemons, it would be just before handing over execution to the main loop. []{#during-execution} #### during execution {#during-execution .subsubsection} Call `set(error_code=<error>, ...` any time the health state temporarily changes. Any `error` value other than `0` is considered an unhealthy state. []{#at-shutdown} #### at shutdown {#at-shutdown .subsubsection} Call `reset(...)`, which will indicate that the state is to be considered the same as at startup. []{#shell} ### 1.3 shell {#shell .section} A bash script is provided for *Kubernetes* to perform the health check. It performs the following checks: 1. A numeric value exists in `<rundir>/<unitname>/pid`{.sample}. 2. The numeric value is a directory in `/proc`{.sample} (a valid pid) 3. The file `<rundir>/<unitname>/error`{.sample} contains \"0\" If any of these checks fail should inditcate that the container is unhealthy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------