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1 Overview

This system is in early stages of development. It is intended to be a flexible notification broker where additional notification targets easily can be plugged in.

The framework is designed to asynchronously execute all tasks belonging to a specific context, based on the name of the task.

Currently, only handlers for sms notifications are implemented. Any task with a notify.sms. prefix registered in the celery task worker pool will be executed upon the high-level "send sms" task.

Similary, any other notification category can be implemented. e.g., notify.telegram., notify.mattermost. etc.

1.1 Contents

The only implementations so far are three sms notification tasks:

NOTE: The Africas Talking API will be removed from the suite, and provided as an add-on package down the road. It will illustrate how to include arbitrary tasks to a asynchronous group of notification targets.