class TokenCountError(Exception): """Exception raised when wrong number of tokens have been given to a task """ pass class PermanentTxError(Exception): """Exception raised when encountering a permanent error when sending a tx. - wrong nonce - insufficient balance """ pass class TemporaryTxError(Exception): """Exception raised when encountering a permanent error when sending a tx. - blockchain node connection """ pass class OutOfGasError(Exception): """Exception raised when a transaction task must yield pending gas refill for an account """ pass class AlreadyFillingGasError(Exception): """Exception raised when additional gas refills are issued while one is still in progress """ pass class InitializationError(Exception): """Exception raised when initialization state is insufficient to run component """ pass class RoleMissingError(Exception): """Exception raised when web3 action attempted without an address with access to sign for it """ pass class IntegrityError(Exception): """Exception raised to signal irregularities with deduplication and ordering of tasks """ pass class LockedError(Exception): """Exception raised when attempt is made to execute action that is deactivated by lock """ pass class SeppukuError(Exception): """Exception base class for all errors that should cause system shutdown """ class SignerError(SeppukuError): """Exception raised when signer is unavailable or generates an error """ pass class RoleAgencyError(SeppukuError): """Exception raise when a role cannot perform its function. This is a critical exception """