# standard imports import logging import math # third-pary imports import celery import moolb from chainlib.chain import ChainSpec from chainlib.connection import RPCConnection from chainlib.eth.tx import ( unpack, transaction_by_block, receipt, ) from chainlib.eth.block import block_by_number from chainlib.eth.contract import abi_decode_single from chainlib.eth.erc20 import ERC20 from hexathon import strip_0x from cic_eth_registry import CICRegistry from cic_eth_registry.erc20 import ERC20Token from chainqueue.db.models.otx import Otx from chainqueue.db.enum import StatusEnum from chainqueue.query import get_tx_cache # local imports from cic_eth.queue.time import tx_times from cic_eth.task import BaseTask from cic_eth.db.models.base import SessionBase celery_app = celery.current_app logg = logging.getLogger() MAX_BLOCK_TX = 250 # TODO: Make this method easier to read @celery_app.task(bind=True, base=BaseTask) def list_tx_by_bloom(self, bloomspec, address, chain_spec_dict): """Retrieve external transaction data matching the provided filter The bloom filter representation with the following structure (the size of the filter will be inferred from the size of the provided filter data): { 'alg': , 'high': , 'low': , 'filter_rounds': , 'block_filter': , 'blocktx_filter': , } :param bloomspec: Bloom filter data :type bloomspec: dict (see description above) :param address: Recipient address to use in matching :type address: str, 0x-hex :param chain_str: Chain spec string representation :type chain_str: str :returns: dict of transaction data as dict, keyed by transaction hash :rtype: dict of dict """ chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_dict(chain_spec_dict) chain_str = str(chain_spec) rpc = RPCConnection.connect(chain_spec, 'default') registry = CICRegistry(chain_spec, rpc) block_filter_data = bytes.fromhex(bloomspec['block_filter']) tx_filter_data = bytes.fromhex(bloomspec['blocktx_filter']) databitlen = len(block_filter_data)*8 block_filter = moolb.Bloom(databitlen, bloomspec['filter_rounds'], default_data=block_filter_data) tx_filter = moolb.Bloom(databitlen, bloomspec['filter_rounds'], default_data=tx_filter_data) txs = {} for block_height in range(bloomspec['low'], bloomspec['high']): block_height_bytes = block_height.to_bytes(4, 'big') if block_filter.check(block_height_bytes): logg.debug('filter matched block {}'.format(block_height)) o = block_by_number(block_height) block = rpc.do(o) logg.debug('block {}'.format(block)) for tx_index in range(0, len(block['transactions'])): composite = tx_index + block_height tx_index_bytes = composite.to_bytes(4, 'big') if tx_filter.check(tx_index_bytes): logg.debug('filter matched block {} tx {}'.format(block_height, tx_index)) try: #tx = c.w3.eth.getTransactionByBlock(block_height, tx_index) o = transaction_by_block(block['hash'], tx_index) tx = rpc.do(o) except Exception as e: logg.debug('false positive on block {} tx {} ({})'.format(block_height, tx_index, e)) continue tx_address = None tx_token_value = 0 try: transfer_data = ERC20.parse_transfer_request(tx['data']) tx_address = transfer_data[0] tx_token_value = transfer_data[1] except ValueError: logg.debug('not a transfer transaction, skipping {}'.format(tx)) continue if address == tx_address: status = StatusEnum.SENT try: o = receipt(tx['hash']) rcpt = rpc.do(o) if rcpt['status'] == 0: pending = StatusEnum.REVERTED else: pending = StatusEnum.SUCCESS except Exception as e: logg.error('skipping receipt lookup for {}: {}'.format(tx['hash'], e)) pass # TODO: pass through registry to validate declarator entry of token #token = registry.by_address(tx['to'], sender_address=self.call_address) token = ERC20Token(rpc, tx['to']) token_symbol = token.symbol token_decimals = token.decimals times = tx_times(tx['hash'], chain_spec) tx_r = { 'hash': tx['hash'], 'sender': tx['from'], 'recipient': tx_address, 'source_value': tx_token_value, 'destination_value': tx_token_value, 'source_token': tx['to'], 'destination_token': tx['to'], 'source_token_symbol': token_symbol, 'destination_token_symbol': token_symbol, 'source_token_decimals': token_decimals, 'destination_token_decimals': token_decimals, 'source_token_chain': chain_str, 'destination_token_chain': chain_str, 'nonce': tx['nonce'], } if times['queue'] != None: tx_r['date_created'] = times['queue'] else: tx_r['date_created'] = times['network'] txs[tx['hash']] = tx_r break return txs # TODO: Surely it must be possible to optimize this # TODO: DRY this with callback filter in cic_eth/runnable/manager # TODO: Remove redundant fields from end representation (timestamp, tx_hash) @celery_app.task() def tx_collate(tx_batches, chain_spec_dict, offset, limit, newest_first=True): """Merges transaction data from multiple sources and sorts them in chronological order. :param tx_batches: Transaction data inputs :type tx_batches: lists of lists of transaction data :param chain_str: Chain spec string representation :type chain_str: str :param offset: Number of sorted results to skip (not yet implemented) :type offset: number :param limit: Maximum number of results to return (not yet implemented) :type limit: number :param newest_first: If True, returns results in reverse chronological order :type newest_first: bool :returns: Transactions :rtype: list """ txs_by_block = {} chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_dict(chain_spec_dict) if isinstance(tx_batches, dict): tx_batches = [tx_batches] session = SessionBase.create_session() for b in tx_batches: for v in b.values(): tx = None k = None try: hx = strip_0x(v) tx = unpack(bytes.fromhex(hx), chain_spec.chain_id()) txc = get_tx_cache(chain_spec, tx['hash'], session) txc['timestamp'] = int(txc['date_created'].timestamp()) txc['hash'] = txc['tx_hash'] tx = txc except TypeError: tx = v tx['timestamp'] = tx['date_created'] k = '{}.{}.{}'.format(tx['timestamp'], tx['sender'], tx['nonce']) txs_by_block[k] = tx session.close() txs = [] ks = list(txs_by_block.keys()) ks.sort() if newest_first: ks.reverse() for k in ks: txs.append(txs_by_block[k]) return txs