# standard imports import logging # external imports import celery from erc20_single_shot_faucet import SingleShotFaucet as Faucet from chainlib.eth.constant import ZERO_ADDRESS from hexathon import ( strip_0x, ) from chainlib.connection import RPCConnection from chainlib.eth.sign import ( new_account, sign_message, ) from chainlib.eth.address import to_checksum_address from chainlib.eth.tx import ( TxFormat, unpack, ) from chainlib.chain import ChainSpec from eth_accounts_index import AccountRegistry from sarafu_faucet import MinterFaucet as Faucet # local import from cic_eth_registry import CICRegistry from cic_eth.eth.gas import ( create_check_gas_task, ) #from cic_eth.eth.factory import TxFactory from cic_eth.db.models.nonce import Nonce from cic_eth.db.models.base import SessionBase from cic_eth.db.models.role import AccountRole from cic_eth.db.models.tx import TxCache from cic_eth.error import ( RoleMissingError, SignerError, ) from cic_eth.task import ( CriticalSQLAlchemyTask, CriticalSQLAlchemyAndSignerTask, BaseTask, ) from cic_eth.eth.nonce import ( CustodialTaskNonceOracle, ) from cic_eth.queue.tx import ( register_tx, ) logg = logging.getLogger() celery_app = celery.current_app # TODO: Separate out nonce initialization task @celery_app.task(bind=True, base=CriticalSQLAlchemyAndSignerTask) def create(self, password, chain_spec_dict): """Creates and stores a new ethereum account in the keystore. The password is passed on to the wallet backend, no encryption is performed in the task worker. :param password: Password to encrypt private key with :type password: str :param chain_str: Chain spec string representation :type chain_str: str :returns: Ethereum address of newly created account :rtype: str, 0x-hex """ chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_dict(chain_spec_dict) a = None conn = RPCConnection.connect(chain_spec, 'signer') o = new_account() a = conn.do(o) conn.disconnect() if a == None: raise SignerError('create account') logg.debug('created account {}'.format(a)) # Initialize nonce provider record for account session = self.create_session() Nonce.init(a, session=session) session.commit() session.close() return a @celery_app.task(bind=True, throws=(RoleMissingError,), base=CriticalSQLAlchemyAndSignerTask) def register(self, account_address, chain_spec_dict, writer_address=None): """Creates a transaction to add the given address to the accounts index. :param account_address: Ethereum address to add :type account_address: str, 0x-hex :param chain_str: Chain spec string representation :type chain_str: str :param writer_address: Specify address in keystore to sign transaction. Overrides local accounts role setting. :type writer_address: str, 0x-hex :raises RoleMissingError: Writer address not set and writer role not found. :returns: The account_address input param :rtype: str, 0x-hex """ chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_dict(chain_spec_dict) session = self.create_session() if writer_address == None: writer_address = AccountRole.get_address('ACCOUNT_REGISTRY_WRITER', session=session) if writer_address == ZERO_ADDRESS: session.close() raise RoleMissingError(account_address) logg.debug('adding account address {} to index; writer {}'.format(account_address, writer_address)) queue = self.request.delivery_info.get('routing_key') # Retrieve account index address rpc = RPCConnection.connect(chain_spec, 'default') registry = CICRegistry(chain_spec, rpc) call_address = AccountRole.get_address('DEFAULT', session=session) account_registry_address = registry.by_name('AccountRegistry', sender_address=call_address) # Generate and sign transaction rpc_signer = RPCConnection.connect(chain_spec, 'signer') nonce_oracle = CustodialTaskNonceOracle(writer_address, self.request.root_id, session=session) #, default_nonce) gas_oracle = self.create_gas_oracle(rpc, AccountRegistry.gas) account_registry = AccountRegistry(signer=rpc_signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle, gas_oracle=gas_oracle, chain_id=chain_spec.chain_id()) (tx_hash_hex, tx_signed_raw_hex) = account_registry.add(account_registry_address, writer_address, account_address, tx_format=TxFormat.RLP_SIGNED) rpc_signer.disconnect() # add transaction to queue cache_task = 'cic_eth.eth.account.cache_account_data' register_tx(tx_hash_hex, tx_signed_raw_hex, chain_spec, queue, cache_task=cache_task, session=session) session.commit() session.close() gas_pair = gas_oracle.get_gas(tx_signed_raw_hex) gas_budget = gas_pair[0] * gas_pair[1] logg.debug('register user tx {} {} {}'.format(tx_hash_hex, queue, gas_budget)) rpc.disconnect() s = create_check_gas_task( [tx_signed_raw_hex], chain_spec, writer_address, gas=gas_budget, tx_hashes_hex=[tx_hash_hex], queue=queue, ) s.apply_async() return account_address @celery_app.task(bind=True, base=CriticalSQLAlchemyAndSignerTask) def gift(self, account_address, chain_spec_dict): """Creates a transaction to invoke the faucet contract for the given address. :param account_address: Ethereum address to give to :type account_address: str, 0x-hex :param chain_str: Chain spec string representation :type chain_str: str :returns: Raw signed transaction :rtype: list with transaction as only element """ chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_dict(chain_spec_dict) logg.debug('gift account address {} to index'.format(account_address)) queue = self.request.delivery_info.get('routing_key') # Retrieve account index address session = self.create_session() rpc = RPCConnection.connect(chain_spec, 'default') registry = CICRegistry(chain_spec, rpc) faucet_address = registry.by_name('Faucet', sender_address=self.call_address) # Generate and sign transaction rpc_signer = RPCConnection.connect(chain_spec, 'signer') nonce_oracle = CustodialTaskNonceOracle(account_address, self.request.root_id, session=session) #, default_nonce) gas_oracle = self.create_gas_oracle(rpc, Faucet.gas) faucet = Faucet(signer=rpc_signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle, gas_oracle=gas_oracle, chain_id=chain_spec.chain_id()) (tx_hash_hex, tx_signed_raw_hex) = faucet.give_to(faucet_address, account_address, account_address, tx_format=TxFormat.RLP_SIGNED) rpc_signer.disconnect() # add transaction to queue cache_task = 'cic_eth.eth.account.cache_gift_data' register_tx(tx_hash_hex, tx_signed_raw_hex, chain_spec, queue, cache_task, session=session) session.commit() session.close() gas_pair = gas_oracle.get_gas(tx_signed_raw_hex) gas_budget = gas_pair[0] * gas_pair[1] logg.debug('register user tx {} {} {}'.format(tx_hash_hex, queue, gas_budget)) rpc.disconnect() s = create_check_gas_task( [tx_signed_raw_hex], chain_spec, account_address, gas_budget, [tx_hash_hex], queue=queue, ) s.apply_async() return [tx_signed_raw_hex] @celery_app.task(bind=True) def have(self, account, chain_spec_dict): """Check whether the given account exists in keystore :param account: Account to check :type account: str, 0x-hex :param chain_str: Chain spec string representation :type chain_str: str :returns: Account, or None if not exists :rtype: Varies """ chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_dict(chain_spec_dict) o = sign_message(account, '0x2a') try: conn = RPCConnection.connect(chain_spec, 'signer') except Exception as e: logg.debug('cannot sign with {}: {}'.format(account, e)) return None try: conn.do(o) conn.disconnect() return account except Exception as e: logg.debug('cannot sign with {}: {}'.format(account, e)) conn.disconnect() return None @celery_app.task(bind=True, base=BaseTask) def role(self, account, chain_str): """Return account role for address :param account: Account to check :type account: str, 0x-hex :param chain_str: Chain spec string representation :type chain_str: str :returns: Account, or None if not exists :rtype: Varies """ session = self.create_session() role_tag = AccountRole.role_for(account, session=session) session.close() return role_tag @celery_app.task(bind=True, base=CriticalSQLAlchemyTask) def cache_gift_data( self, tx_hash_hex, tx_signed_raw_hex, chain_spec_dict, ): """Generates and commits transaction cache metadata for a Faucet.giveTo transaction :param tx_hash_hex: Transaction hash :type tx_hash_hex: str, 0x-hex :param tx_signed_raw_hex: Raw signed transaction :type tx_signed_raw_hex: str, 0x-hex :param chain_str: Chain spec string representation :type chain_str: str :returns: Transaction hash and id of cache element in storage backend, respectively :rtype: tuple """ chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_dict(chain_spec_dict) tx_signed_raw_bytes = bytes.fromhex(strip_0x(tx_signed_raw_hex)) tx = unpack(tx_signed_raw_bytes, chain_spec.chain_id()) tx_data = Faucet.parse_give_to_request(tx['data']) session = self.create_session() tx_cache = TxCache( tx_hash_hex, tx['from'], tx['to'], ZERO_ADDRESS, ZERO_ADDRESS, 0, 0, session=session, ) session.add(tx_cache) session.commit() cache_id = tx_cache.id session.close() return (tx_hash_hex, cache_id) @celery_app.task(bind=True, base=CriticalSQLAlchemyTask) def cache_account_data( self, tx_hash_hex, tx_signed_raw_hex, chain_spec_dict, ): """Generates and commits transaction cache metadata for an AccountsIndex.add transaction :param tx_hash_hex: Transaction hash :type tx_hash_hex: str, 0x-hex :param tx_signed_raw_hex: Raw signed transaction :type tx_signed_raw_hex: str, 0x-hex :param chain_str: Chain spec string representation :type chain_str: str :returns: Transaction hash and id of cache element in storage backend, respectively :rtype: tuple """ chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_dict(chain_spec_dict) tx_signed_raw_bytes = bytes.fromhex(tx_signed_raw_hex[2:]) tx = unpack(tx_signed_raw_bytes, chain_id=chain_spec.chain_id()) tx_data = AccountRegistry.parse_add_request(tx['data']) session = SessionBase.create_session() tx_cache = TxCache( tx_hash_hex, tx['from'], tx['to'], ZERO_ADDRESS, ZERO_ADDRESS, 0, 0, session=session, ) session.add(tx_cache) session.commit() cache_id = tx_cache.id session.close() return (tx_hash_hex, cache_id)