function must_address() { if [[ ! "$1" =~ ^(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$ ]]; then >&2 echo -e "\033[;31mvalue '$1' for $2 is not an address\033[;39m" exit 1 fi } function must_hash_256() { if [[ ! "$1" =~ ^(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{64}$ ]]; then >&2 echo -e "\033[;31mvalue '$1' for $2 is not a 256-bit digest\033[;39m" exit 1 fi } function must_eth_rpc() { if [ -z "${RPC_PROVIDER}" ]; then echo "\$RPC_PROVIDER not set!" exit 1 fi # Wait for the backend to be up, if we know where it is. if [ ! -z "$DEV_USE_DOCKER_WAIT_SCRIPT" ]; then WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT=${WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT:-60} IFS=: read -a p <<< "$RPC_PROVIDER" read -i "/" rpc_provider_port <<< "${p[2]}" rpc_provider_host=${p[1]:2} echo "waiting for provider host $rpc_provider_host port $rpc_provider_port..." ./ "$rpc_provider_host:$rpc_provider_port" -t $WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT fi } function clear_pending_tx_hashes() { >&2 echo -e "\033[;96mClearing pending hashes\033[;39m" truncate -s 0 ${DEV_DATA_DIR}/hashes } function add_pending_tx_hash() { must_hash_256 $1 echo $1 >> ${DEV_DATA_DIR}/hashes } function advance_nonce() { nonce=`cat $noncefile` next_nonce=$((nonce+1)) echo -n $next_nonce > $noncefile if [ "$DEV_DEBUG_LEVEL" -gt 1 ]; then >&2 echo retrieved nonce $nonce fi } function check_wait() { if [ "$1" -eq $RUN_MASK_HIGHEST ]; then eth-wait $DEV_DEBUG_FLAG -p $RPC_PROVIDER ${DEV_DATA_DIR}/hashes clear_pending_tx_hashes fi }