@node CIC-ETH @chapter CIC-ETH The goal of the @code{cic-eth} project is to create a fully autonomous, high-performance microservices environment that holds keys and signs on behalf of an arbitrary client, and @emph{guarantees} that transactions will be sent to the blockchain network. When execution of transactions have been included in the chain state, it also provides clients executing tasks to attach callbacks both on delivery of a task to the queue, but also when the transaction is mined by the network. The current implementation is in its entirety based on the EVM network and with Solidity-based EVM bytecode. The ambition is to enable cross-chain operability, also across @emph{types} of chains. @include dependencies.texi @include configuration.texi @include system.texi @include interacting.texi @include outgoing.texi @include incoming.texi @include services.texi @include tools.texi @include admin.texi @include chains.texi @include transfertypes.texi