#!/bin/bash set -a set -e if [ -z $DEV_DATA_DIR ]; then export DEV_DATA_DIR=`mktemp -d` else mkdir -p $DEV_DATA_DIR fi # Handle wallet export WALLET_KEY_FILE=${WALLET_KEY_FILE:-`realpath ./keystore/UTC--2021-01-08T17-18-44.521011372Z--eb3907ecad74a0013c259d5874ae7f22dcbcc95c`} if [ ! -f $WALLET_KEY_FILE ]; then >&2 echo "wallet path '$WALLET_KEY_FILE' does not point to a file" exit 1 fi export DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_CONTRACT_DEPLOYER=`eth-keyfile -z -d $WALLET_KEY_FILE` noncefile=${DEV_DATA_DIR}/nonce_${DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_CONTRACT_DEPLOYER} # By default configuration values generated from previous runs will be used in subsequent invocations # Setting the config reset if [ -z $DEV_CONFIG_RESET ]; then if [ -f $DEV_DATA_DIR/env_reset ]; then >&2 echo -e "\033[;96mimporting existing configuration values from ${DEV_DATA_DIR}/env_reset\033[;39m" . ${DEV_DATA_DIR}/env_reset fi else >&2 echo -e "\033[;33mGenerating scratch configuration\033[;39m" bash_debug_flag="" if [ "$DEV_DEBUG_LEVEL" -gt 1 ]; then bash_debug_flag="-v" fi rm $bash_debug_flag -f ${DEV_DATA_DIR}/env_reset rm $bash_debug_flag -f $noncefile export SYNCER_OFFSET=`eth-info --raw block` confini-dump --schema-dir ./config --prefix export > ${DEV_DATA_DIR}/env_reset fi # Wallet dependent variable defaults export DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_MINTER=${DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_MINTER:-$DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_CONTRACT_DEPLOYER} export DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTS_INDEX_WRITER=${DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_MINTER:-$DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_CONTRACT_DEPLOYER} export CIC_TRUST_ADDRESS=${CIC_TRUST_ADDRESS:-$DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_CONTRACT_DEPLOYER} export CIC_DEFAULT_TOKEN_SYMBOL=$TOKEN_SYMBOL export TOKEN_SINK_ADDRESS=${TOKEN_SINK_ADDRESS:-$DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_CONTRACT_DEPLOYER} if [ ! -f $noncefile ]; then nonce=`eth-count -p $RPC_PROVIDER $DEV_DEBUG_FLAG $DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_CONTRACT_DEPLOYER` >&2 echo -e "\033[;96mUsing contract deployer address $DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_CONTRACT_DEPLOYER with nonce $nonce\033[;39m" echo -n $nonce > $noncefile else nonce=`cat $noncefile` >&2 echo -e "\033[;96mResuming usage with contract deployer address $DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_CONTRACT_DEPLOYER with nonce $nonce\033[;39m" fi if [ ! -f $noncefile ]; then nonce=`eth-count -p $RPC_PROVIDER $DEV_DEBUG_FLAG $DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_CONTRACT_DEPLOYER` >&2 echo -e "\033[;96mUsing contract deployer address $DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_CONTRACT_DEPLOYER with nonce $nonce\033[;39m" echo -n $nonce > $noncefile else nonce=`cat $noncefile` >&2 echo -e "\033[;96mResuming usage with contract deployer address $DEV_ETH_ACCOUNT_CONTRACT_DEPLOYER with nonce $nonce\033[;39m" fi # Migration variable processing confini-dump --schema-dir ./config > ${DEV_DATA_DIR}/env_reset set +e set +a