2021-03-20 16:44:07 +01:00

532 lines
17 KiB

# standard imports import logging
import datetime
import os
import logging
# third-party imports
import pytest
from sqlalchemy import DateTime
#from cic_registry import CICRegistry
from chainlib.connection import RPCConnection
from chainlib.eth.nonce import OverrideNonceOracle
from chainlib.eth.gas import (
# local imports
from cic_eth.eth.tx import cache_gas_data
from cic_eth.db.models.otx import Otx
from cic_eth.db.models.otx import OtxSync
from cic_eth.db.models.tx import TxCache
from cic_eth.db.models.lock import Lock
from cic_eth.db.models.base import SessionBase
from cic_eth.db.enum import (
from cic_eth.queue.tx import create as queue_create
from cic_eth.queue.tx import set_final_status
from cic_eth.queue.tx import set_sent_status
from cic_eth.queue.tx import set_waitforgas
from cic_eth.queue.tx import set_ready
from cic_eth.queue.tx import get_paused_txs
from cic_eth.queue.tx import get_upcoming_tx
from cic_eth.queue.tx import get_account_tx
from cic_eth.queue.tx import get_tx
from cic_eth.db.error import TxStateChangeError
from cic_eth.queue.tx import registry_tx
logg = logging.getLogger()
def test_finalize(
rpc = RPCConnection.connect(default_chain_spec, 'default')
nonce_oracle = OverrideNonceOracle(agent_roles['ALICE'], 0)
gas_oracle = RPCGasOracle(eth_rpc)
c = Gas(signer=eth_signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle, gas_oracle=gas_oracle, chain_id=default_chain_spec.chain_id())
txs_rpc = [
c.create(agent_roles['ALICE'], agent_roles['BOB'], 100 * (10 ** 6)),
c.create(agent_roles['ALICE'], agent_roles['BOB'], 200 * (10 ** 6)),
c.create(agent_roles['ALICE'], agent_roles['BOB'], 300 * (10 ** 6)),
c.create(agent_roles['ALICE'], agent_roles['BOB'], 400 * (10 ** 6)),
nonce_oracle = OverrideNonceOracle(agent_roles['ALICE'], 1)
c = Gas(signer=eth_signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle, gas_oracle=gas_oracle, chain_id=default_chain_spec.chain_id())
txs_rpc.append(c.create(agent_roles['ALICE'], agent_roles['BOB'], 500 * (10 ** 6)))
tx_hashes = []
i = 0
for entry in txs_rpc:
tx_hash_hex = entry[0]
tx_rpc = entry[1]
tx_signed_raw_hex = tx_rpc['params'][0]
register_tx(tx_hash_hex, tx_signed_raw_hex, default_chain_spec, None, session=init_database)
cache_gas_data(tx_hash_hex, tx_signed_raw_hex, default_chain_spec.asdict())
if i < 4:
i += 1
otx = init_database.query(Otx).filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hashes[0]).first()
assert otx.status & StatusBits.OBSOLETE
assert not is_alive(otx.status)
otx = init_database.query(Otx).filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hashes[1]).first()
assert otx.status & StatusBits.OBSOLETE
otx = init_database.query(Otx).filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hashes[2]).first()
assert otx.status & StatusBits.OBSOLETE
otx = init_database.query(Otx).filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hashes[3]).first()
assert otx.status == StatusEnum.PENDING
otx = init_database.query(Otx).filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hashes[4]).first()
assert otx.status == StatusEnum.PENDING
set_sent_status(tx_hashes[3], False)
set_sent_status(tx_hashes[4], False)
set_final_status(tx_hashes[3], 1024)
otx = init_database.query(Otx).filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hashes[0]).first()
assert otx.status & (StatusBits.OBSOLETE | StatusBits.FINAL)
assert not is_alive(otx.status)
otx = init_database.query(Otx).filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hashes[1]).first()
assert otx.status & (StatusBits.OBSOLETE | StatusBits.FINAL)
otx = init_database.query(Otx).filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hashes[2]).first()
assert otx.status & (StatusBits.OBSOLETE | StatusBits.FINAL)
otx = init_database.query(Otx).filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hashes[3]).first()
assert otx.status & (StatusBits.IN_NETWORK | StatusBits.FINAL)
assert not is_error_status(otx.status)
otx = init_database.query(Otx).filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hashes[4]).first()
assert otx.status & (StatusBits.IN_NETWORK | StatusBits.FINAL)
assert not is_error_status(otx.status)
#def test_expired(
# default_chain_spec,
# init_database,
# init_w3,
# ):
# tx_hashes = []
# for i in range(1, 6):
# tx = {
# 'from': init_w3.eth.accounts[0],
# 'to': init_w3.eth.accounts[1],
# 'nonce': 42 + int(i/2),
# 'gas': 21000,
# 'gasPrice': 1000000*i,
# 'value': 128,
# 'chainId': 666,
# 'data': '0x',
# }
# tx_signed = init_w3.eth.sign_transaction(tx)
# #tx_hash = RpcClient.w3.keccak(hexstr=tx_signed['raw'])
# tx_hash = init_w3.keccak(hexstr=tx_signed['raw'])
# queue_create(tx['nonce'], tx['from'], tx_hash.hex(), tx_signed['raw'], str(default_chain_spec))
# cache_gas_refill_data(tx_hash.hex(), tx)
# tx_hashes.append(tx_hash.hex())
# set_sent_status(tx_hash.hex(), False)
# otx = init_database.query(Otx).filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hash.hex()).first()
# fake_created = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=40*i)
# otx.date_created = fake_created
# init_database.add(otx)
# init_database.commit()
# init_database.refresh(otx)
# now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
# delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=61)
# then = now - delta
# otxs = OtxSync.get_expired(then)
# nonce_acc = 0
# for otx in otxs:
# nonce_acc += otx.nonce
# assert nonce_acc == (43 + 44)
#def test_get_paused(
# init_w3,
# init_database,
# cic_registry,
# default_chain_spec,
# ):
# tx_hashes = []
# for i in range(1, 3):
# tx = {
# 'from': init_w3.eth.accounts[0],
# 'to': init_w3.eth.accounts[1],
# 'nonce': 42 + int(i),
# 'gas': 21000,
# 'gasPrice': 1000000*i,
# 'value': 128,
# 'chainId': 8995,
# 'data': '0x',
# }
# logg.debug('nonce {}'.format(tx['nonce']))
# tx_signed = init_w3.eth.sign_transaction(tx)
# #tx_hash = RpcClient.w3.keccak(hexstr=tx_signed['raw'])
# tx_hash = init_w3.keccak(hexstr=tx_signed['raw'])
# queue_create(tx['nonce'], tx['from'], tx_hash.hex(), tx_signed['raw'], str(default_chain_spec))
# cache_gas_refill_data(tx_hash.hex(), tx)
# tx_hashes.append(tx_hash.hex())
# #txs = get_paused_txs(recipient=init_w3.eth.accounts[1])
# txs = get_paused_txs(sender=init_w3.eth.accounts[0])
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 0
# q = init_database.query(Otx)
# q = q.filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hashes[0])
# r = q.first()
# r.waitforgas(session=init_database)
# init_database.add(r)
# init_database.commit()
# chain_id = default_chain_spec.chain_id()
# txs = get_paused_txs(chain_id=chain_id)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 1
# #txs = get_paused_txs(recipient=init_w3.eth.accounts[1])
# txs = get_paused_txs(sender=init_w3.eth.accounts[0], chain_id=chain_id)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 1
# txs = get_paused_txs(status=StatusEnum.WAITFORGAS)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 1
# #txs = get_paused_txs(recipient=init_w3.eth.accounts[1], status=StatusEnum.WAITFORGAS)
# txs = get_paused_txs(sender=init_w3.eth.accounts[0], status=StatusEnum.WAITFORGAS, chain_id=chain_id)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 1
# q = init_database.query(Otx)
# q = q.filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hashes[1])
# o = q.first()
# o.waitforgas(session=init_database)
# init_database.add(o)
# init_database.commit()
# txs = get_paused_txs()
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 2
# #txs = get_paused_txs(recipient=init_w3.eth.accounts[1])
# txs = get_paused_txs(sender=init_w3.eth.accounts[0], chain_id=chain_id)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 2
# txs = get_paused_txs(status=StatusEnum.WAITFORGAS, chain_id=chain_id)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 2
# #txs = get_paused_txs(recipient=init_w3.eth.accounts[1], status=StatusEnum.WAITFORGAS)
# txs = get_paused_txs(sender=init_w3.eth.accounts[0], status=StatusEnum.WAITFORGAS, chain_id=chain_id)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 2
# q = init_database.query(Otx)
# q = q.filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hashes[1])
# o = q.first()
# o.sendfail(session=init_database)
# init_database.add(o)
# init_database.commit()
# txs = get_paused_txs()
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 2
# txs = get_paused_txs(sender=init_w3.eth.accounts[0], chain_id=chain_id)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 2
# txs = get_paused_txs(status=StatusEnum.WAITFORGAS, chain_id=chain_id)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 1
# #txs = get_paused_txs(recipient=init_w3.eth.accounts[1], status=StatusEnum.WAITFORGAS)
# txs = get_paused_txs(sender=init_w3.eth.accounts[0], status=StatusEnum.WAITFORGAS, chain_id=chain_id)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 1
#def test_get_upcoming(
# default_chain_spec,
# init_w3,
# init_database,
# cic_registry,
# ):
# tx_hashes = []
# for i in range(0, 7):
# tx = {
# 'from': init_w3.eth.accounts[i % 3],
# 'to': init_w3.eth.accounts[1],
# 'nonce': 42 + int(i / 3),
# 'gas': 21000,
# 'gasPrice': 1000000*i,
# 'value': 128,
# 'chainId': 8995,
# 'data': '0x',
# }
# tx_signed = init_w3.eth.sign_transaction(tx)
# tx_hash = init_w3.keccak(hexstr=tx_signed['raw'])
# logg.debug('{} nonce {} {}'.format(i, tx['nonce'], tx_hash.hex()))
# queue_create(tx['nonce'], tx['from'], tx_hash.hex(), tx_signed['raw'], str(default_chain_spec))
# cache_gas_refill_data(tx_hash.hex(), tx)
# tx_hashes.append(tx_hash.hex())
# chain_id = int(default_chain_spec.chain_id())
# txs = get_upcoming_tx(StatusEnum.PENDING, chain_id=chain_id)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 3
# tx = unpack_signed_raw_tx(bytes.fromhex(txs[tx_hashes[0]][2:]), chain_id)
# assert tx['nonce'] == 42
# tx = unpack_signed_raw_tx(bytes.fromhex(txs[tx_hashes[1]][2:]), chain_id)
# assert tx['nonce'] == 42
# tx = unpack_signed_raw_tx(bytes.fromhex(txs[tx_hashes[2]][2:]), chain_id)
# assert tx['nonce'] == 42
# q = init_database.query(TxCache)
# q = q.filter(TxCache.sender==init_w3.eth.accounts[0])
# for o in q.all():
# o.date_checked -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=30)
# init_database.add(o)
# init_database.commit()
# before = - datetime.timedelta(seconds=20)
# logg.debug('before {}'.format(before))
# txs = get_upcoming_tx(StatusEnum.PENDING, before=before)
# logg.debug('txs {} {}'.format(txs.keys(), txs.values()))
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 1
# # Now date checked has been set to current time, and the check returns no results
# txs = get_upcoming_tx(StatusEnum.PENDING, before=before)
# logg.debug('txs {} {}'.format(txs.keys(), txs.values()))
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 0
# set_sent_status(tx_hashes[0])
# txs = get_upcoming_tx(StatusEnum.PENDING)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 3
# with pytest.raises(KeyError):
# tx = txs[tx_hashes[0]]
# tx = unpack_signed_raw_tx(bytes.fromhex(txs[tx_hashes[3]][2:]), chain_id)
# assert tx['nonce'] == 43
# set_waitforgas(tx_hashes[1])
# txs = get_upcoming_tx(StatusEnum.PENDING)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 3
# with pytest.raises(KeyError):
# tx = txs[tx_hashes[1]]
# tx = unpack_signed_raw_tx(bytes.fromhex(txs[tx_hashes[3]][2:]), chain_id)
# assert tx['nonce'] == 43
# txs = get_upcoming_tx(StatusEnum.WAITFORGAS)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 1
#def test_upcoming_with_lock(
# default_chain_spec,
# init_database,
# init_w3,
# ):
# chain_id = int(default_chain_spec.chain_id())
# chain_str = str(default_chain_spec)
# tx = {
# 'from': init_w3.eth.accounts[0],
# 'to': init_w3.eth.accounts[1],
# 'nonce': 42,
# 'gas': 21000,
# 'gasPrice': 1000000,
# 'value': 128,
# 'chainId': 8995,
# 'data': '0x',
# }
# tx_signed = init_w3.eth.sign_transaction(tx)
# tx_hash = init_w3.keccak(hexstr=tx_signed['raw'])
# logg.debug('nonce {} {}'.format(tx['nonce'], tx_hash.hex()))
# queue_create(tx['nonce'], tx['from'], tx_hash.hex(), tx_signed['raw'], str(default_chain_spec))
# cache_gas_refill_data(tx_hash.hex(), tx)
# txs = get_upcoming_tx(StatusEnum.PENDING, chain_id=chain_id)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 1
# Lock.set(chain_str, LockEnum.SEND, address=init_w3.eth.accounts[0])
# txs = get_upcoming_tx(StatusEnum.PENDING, chain_id=chain_id)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 0
# tx = {
# 'from': init_w3.eth.accounts[1],
# 'to': init_w3.eth.accounts[0],
# 'nonce': 42,
# 'gas': 21000,
# 'gasPrice': 1000000,
# 'value': 128,
# 'chainId': 8995,
# 'data': '0x',
# }
# tx_signed = init_w3.eth.sign_transaction(tx)
# tx_hash = init_w3.keccak(hexstr=tx_signed['raw'])
# logg.debug('nonce {} {}'.format(tx['nonce'], tx_hash.hex()))
# queue_create(tx['nonce'], tx['from'], tx_hash.hex(), tx_signed['raw'], str(default_chain_spec))
# cache_gas_refill_data(tx_hash.hex(), tx)
# txs = get_upcoming_tx(StatusEnum.PENDING, chain_id=chain_id)
# assert len(txs.keys()) == 1
#def test_obsoletion(
# default_chain_spec,
# init_w3,
# init_database,
# ):
# tx_hashes = []
# for i in range(0, 4):
# tx = {
# 'from': init_w3.eth.accounts[int(i/2)],
# 'to': init_w3.eth.accounts[1],
# 'nonce': 42 + int(i/3),
# 'gas': 21000,
# 'gasPrice': 1000000*i,
# 'value': 128,
# 'chainId': 8995,
# 'data': '0x',
# }
# logg.debug('nonce {}'.format(tx['nonce']))
# tx_signed = init_w3.eth.sign_transaction(tx)
# tx_hash = init_w3.keccak(hexstr=tx_signed['raw'])
# queue_create(tx['nonce'], tx['from'], tx_hash.hex(), tx_signed['raw'], str(default_chain_spec))
# cache_gas_refill_data(tx_hash.hex(), tx)
# tx_hashes.append(tx_hash.hex())
# if i < 2:
# set_sent_status(tx_hash.hex())
# session = SessionBase.create_session()
# q = session.query(Otx)
# q = q.filter(Otx.status.op('&')(StatusEnum.OBSOLETED.value)==StatusEnum.OBSOLETED.value)
# z = 0
# for o in q.all():
# z += o.nonce
# session.close()
# assert z == 42
# set_final_status(tx_hashes[1], 362436, True)
# session = SessionBase.create_session()
# q = session.query(Otx)
# q = q.filter(Otx.status.op('&')(StatusEnum.CANCELLED.value)==StatusEnum.OBSOLETED.value)
# zo = 0
# for o in q.all():
# zo += o.nonce
# q = session.query(Otx)
# q = q.filter(Otx.status.op('&')(StatusEnum.CANCELLED.value)==StatusEnum.CANCELLED.value)
# zc = 0
# for o in q.all():
# zc += o.nonce
# session.close()
# assert zo == 0
# assert zc == 42
#def test_retry(
# init_database,
# ):
# address = '0x' + os.urandom(20).hex()
# tx_hash = '0x' + os.urandom(32).hex()
# signed_tx = '0x' + os.urandom(128).hex()
# otx = Otx(0, address, tx_hash, signed_tx)
# init_database.add(otx)
# init_database.commit()
# set_sent_status(tx_hash, True)
# set_ready(tx_hash)
# q = init_database.query(Otx)
# q = q.filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hash)
# otx = q.first()
# assert (otx.status & StatusEnum.RETRY.value) == StatusEnum.RETRY.value
# assert is_error_status(otx.status)
# set_sent_status(tx_hash, False)
# set_ready(tx_hash)
# init_database.commit()
# q = init_database.query(Otx)
# q = q.filter(Otx.tx_hash==tx_hash)
# otx = q.first()
# assert (otx.status & StatusEnum.RETRY.value) == StatusBits.QUEUED.value
# assert not is_error_status(otx.status)
#def test_get_account_tx(
# default_chain_spec,
# init_database,
# init_w3,
# ):
# tx_hashes = []
# for i in range(0, 4):
# tx = {
# 'from': init_w3.eth.accounts[int(i/3)],
# 'to': init_w3.eth.accounts[3-i],
# 'nonce': 42 + i,
# 'gas': 21000,
# 'gasPrice': 1000000*i,
# 'value': 128,
# 'chainId': 666,
# 'data': '',
# }
# logg.debug('nonce {}'.format(tx['nonce']))
# tx_signed = init_w3.eth.sign_transaction(tx)
# tx_hash = init_w3.keccak(hexstr=tx_signed['raw'])
# queue_create(tx['nonce'], tx['from'], tx_hash.hex(), tx_signed['raw'], str(default_chain_spec))
# cache_gas_refill_data(tx_hash.hex(), tx)
# tx_hashes.append(tx_hash.hex())
# txs = get_account_tx(init_w3.eth.accounts[0])
# logg.debug('tx {} tx {}'.format(list(txs.keys()), tx_hashes))
# assert list(txs.keys()) == tx_hashes
# txs = get_account_tx(init_w3.eth.accounts[0], as_recipient=False)
# assert list(txs.keys()) == tx_hashes[:3]
# txs = get_account_tx(init_w3.eth.accounts[0], as_sender=False)
# assert list(txs.keys()) == tx_hashes[3:]