import json import random import re import string import time import ply.lex as lex import ply.yacc as yacc import enum import uuid import os import logging import sys import select from multiprocessing import Process from multiprocessing import Pipe import subprocess import requests import requests.adapters from web3 import Web3 from dotenv import load_dotenv logg = logging.getLogger() logg.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) tokens = ( "ID", "NOID", "HEX", "LABEL", "VALUE", "END", ) t_ID = r"[a-zA-Z0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)+" t_NOID = r"\-" t_LABEL = r"[a-zA-Z_]+" t_VALUE = r"\d+" t_END = r"\n" t_HEX = r"0x([a-fA-F0-9])+" # def t_VALUE(t): # r'\d+' # t.value = int(t.value) # def t_HEX(t): # r'0x([a-fA-F0-9])+' # print(t) # try: # t.value = bytes.fromhex(t.value) # except: # return False # return t.value # t.value = t.value # pass t_ignore = " \t" def t_error(t): print("problem: ", t.value[0]) t.lexer.skip(1) lexer = lex.lex() load_dotenv() # Chain Params chainId = os.getenv("CHAIN_ID","44787") rpc = os.getenv("RPC","") gas_cap = os.getenv("GAS_FEE_CAP","35000000000") master_private_key = os.getenv("MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY") token_index = os.getenv("TOKEN_INDEX","0xD774bc082003eaF8DF74eEcD43AD44F03D488418") gas_topup = os.getenv("GAS_TOPUP","0.01ether") bearer_token = os.getenv("BEARER_TOKEN") w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(rpc)) # # data = ''' # FOOBAR uf-2etg 0xa3bdefa momo 123 # # BARBAR # BAZ # # BASFB foo-bar-baz #''' # # lexer.input(data) # # while True: # tok = lexer.token() # if not tok: # break # print(tok) class VoucherTransfer: def __init__( self, to_address=None, from_address=None, amount=None, token_address=None,decimals = None ): self.to_address = to_address self.from_address = from_address self.decimals = decimals self.amount = amount self.token_address = token_address class VoucherDetail: def __init__( self, name =None, symbol =None, decimals =None,owner = None,address = None ): = name self.owner = owner self.address = address self.symbol = symbol self.decimals = decimals class CmdId(enum.IntEnum): KEY_CREATE = 0x1 VOUCHER_CREATE = 0x10 VOUCHER_MINT = 0x11 VOUCHER_TRANSFER = 0x12 WAIT = 0x20 NEED = 0x21 PEEK = 0x80 class Agent: def __str__(self): return ( self.__class__.__name__ + ":" ) # {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.v) class AddressAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, v): self.v = bytes.fromhex(v[2:]) def __str__(self): return Agent.__str__(self) + self.v.hex() class NameAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, v): self.v = v def __str__(self): return Agent.__str__(self) + self.v class Cmd: def __init__(self, cmd): self.c = CmdId[cmd] self.i = None self.a = None self.f = None self.t = None self.v = 0 self.k = None self.d = 0 self.p = 0 self.s = None self.n = None def __str__(self): return "[{:02d}]{} i={} v={} a={} f={} t={} k={} d={} p={} s={} n={}".format( self.c,, self.i, self.v, self.a, self.f, self.t, self.k, self.d, self.p, self.s, self.n, ) def to_store(v): return str(v) def to_agent(v): r = None try: r = AddressAgent(v) except ValueError: r = NameAgent(v) return r def p_cmd(p): """cmd : key_create | voucher_mint | voucher_transfer | voucher_create | pair """ p[0] = p[1] def p_key_create(p): """key_create : change_label LABEL LABEL | change_label LABEL LABEL HEX """ o = p[1] o.f = NameAgent(p[2]) o.t = to_store(p[3]) if len(p) > 4: o.k = p[4] p[0] = o def p_voucher_mint(p): """voucher_mint : change_label hv | change_label nv """ o = p[1] if o.c.value & 0x10 == 0: raise ValueError("not a voucher command") o.v = int(p[2][1]) o.a = to_agent(p[2][0]) p[0] = o def p_voucher_create(p): """voucher_create : change_label LABEL LABEL VALUE | change_label LABEL LABEL VALUE VALUE VALUE """ o = p[1] if o.c.value & 0x10 == 0: raise ValueError("not a voucher command") o.s = p[2] o.n = p[3] o.v = int(p[4]) if len(p) > 5: o.d = p[5] o.p = p[6] p[0] = o def p_voucher_mint_recipient(p): """voucher_mint : change_label hv HEX | change_label nv HEX | change_label hv LABEL | change_label nv LABEL """ o = p[1] if o.c.value & 0x10 == 0: raise ValueError("not a voucher command") o.v = int(p[2][1]) o.a = to_agent(p[2][0]) o.t = to_agent(p[3]) p[0] = o def p_voucher_transfer(p): """voucher_transfer : change_label hv HEX HEX | change_label nv HEX HEX | change_label hv LABEL HEX | change_label nv LABEL HEX | change_label hv LABEL LABEL | change_label nv LABEL LABEL | change_label hv HEX LABEL | change_label nv HEX LABEL """ o = p[1] if o.c.value & 0x10 == 0: raise ValueError("not a voucher command") o.v = int(p[2][1]) o.a = to_agent(p[2][0]) o.t = to_agent(p[3]) o.f = to_agent(p[4]) p[0] = o def p_nv(p): "nv : LABEL VALUE" p[0] = ( p[1], p[2], ) def p_hv(p): "hv : HEX VALUE" p[0] = ( p[1], p[2], ) def p_change_label(p): """change_label : pair | pairnoid """ p[0] = p[1] def p_pair(p): "pair : LABEL ID" o = Cmd(p[1]) o.i = p[2] p[0] = o def p_pairnoid(p): "pairnoid : LABEL NOID" o = Cmd(p[1]) o.i = str(uuid.uuid4()) p[0] = o class Router: def __init__(self): self.__routes = {} self.__r = {} def register(self, cmd_id, fn): self.__routes[cmd_id] = fn def sync(self, uid): o = self.__r[uid] if o[1] == None: return None r = o[1][0].recv() o = ( o[0], None, ) o[0].join() return r def __wrap(self, uid, fn, cmd): r = fn(cmd) self.__r[uid][1][1].send(r) def exec(self, cmd): logg.debug("router exec {}".format(cmd)) if cmd.c & 0xA0 > 0: return self.sync(cmd.i) fn = self.__routes[cmd.c] pi = Pipe(False) po = Process( target=self.__wrap, args=( cmd.i, fn, cmd, ), ) self.__r[cmd.i] = ( po, pi, ) po.start() po.join() def finish(self): print("syncing") for k, v in self.__r.items(): print("syncing key " + k) r = self.sync(k) logg.debug("synced " + k + ": " + r) print("synced " + k + ": " + r) def __del__(self): self.finish() def noop_handler(cmd): return str(cmd) def printMessage(message): box_width = len(message) + 4 print("+" + "-" * (box_width - 2) + "+") print("| " + message + " |") print("+" + "-" * (box_width - 2) + "+") def find_custodial_address(key_name): directory = "custodialstore" filename = f"{key_name}.json" file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename) # Check if the file exists with the keyname if os.path.isfile(file_path): with open(file_path, "r") as f: custodial_account = json.load(f) return custodial_account["address"] else: return None def remove_ansi_escape_codes(text): return re.sub(r"\u001b\[.*?m", "", text) def generate_private_key(): """Generate a new private key.""" web3 = Web3() account = web3.eth.account.create() return account.address, w3.to_hex(account.key) def store_key_in_keystore(keystore_dir, private_key, key_name, address): # Create the directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(keystore_dir): os.makedirs(keystore_dir) keystore = { "key_name": key_name, "private_key": private_key, "address": address, } store_path = os.path.join(keystore_dir, f"{key_name}.json") # Save to JSON file (simulated keystore) with open(store_path, "w") as f: json.dump(keystore, f) return store_path def load_gas(address,nonce): command = ( f"cast send {address} " f"--value {gas_topup} " f"--nonce {nonce} " f"--private-key {master_private_key} " f"--rpc-url {rpc} " f" --json " ) result =, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True) if result.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( result.returncode, command, output=result.stdout, stderr=result.stderr ) message = f"Added {gas_topup} to {address}" printMessage(message) def create_custodialaccount(): # create custodial account endpoint url = "http://localhost:5003/api/v2/account/create" headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {bearer_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json", } try: response =, headers=headers) # Check if the request was successful (status code 200) if response.status_code == 200: account = response.json() public_key = account["result"]["publicKey"] return public_key else: return None except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print("Error:", e) return None def do_custodial_token_transfer(transfer): #token transfer custodial endpoint url = "http://localhost:5003/api/v2/token/transfer" headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {bearer_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json", } data = { "from": transfer.from_address, "to": transfer.to_address, "amount": str(transfer.amount), "tokenAddress": transfer.token_address, } json_data = json.dumps(data) try: response =, headers=headers, data=json_data) # Check if the request was successful (status code 200) if response.status_code == 200: transfer = response.json() return transfer["result"]["trackingId"] else: return None except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print("Error:", e) return None def store_voucher(voucher_detail): vouchers = [] voucher = { "voucher_address": voucher_detail.address, "owner": voucher_detail.owner, "symbol": voucher_detail.symbol, "decimals": voucher_detail.decimals } vouchers.append(voucher) try: with open("vouchers.json", "r") as f: existing_vouchers = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: existing_vouchers = [] for entry in existing_vouchers: vouchers.append(entry) with open("vouchers.json", "w") as f: json.dump(vouchers, f) def key_create_handler(cmd): key_name = str(cmd.f).split(":")[1] store_name = cmd.t keystore_dir = "user_store" master_address = w3.eth.account.from_key(master_private_key) nonce = w3.eth.get_transaction_count(master_address.address,'pending') if cmd.k is None: address, private_key = generate_private_key() else: if cmd.k.startswith("0x"): private_key = cmd.k[2:] else: private_key = cmd.k address = w3.eth.account.from_key(private_key).address if store_name == "custodialstore": address = create_custodialaccount() if address is None: raise ValueError("account address cannot be None") private_key = None keystore_dir = "custodialstore" load_gas(address,nonce) store_key_in_keystore(keystore_dir, private_key, key_name, address) return address def voucher_create_handler(cmd): symbol = cmd.s if cmd.n is None or cmd.s is None or cmd.v is None: raise ValueError("cmd.n, cmd.s, and cmd.v must not be None") voucher_detail = VoucherDetail() = cmd.n voucher_detail.decimals = cmd.v random_ascii = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=3)).upper() try: with open("vouchers.json", "r") as f: existing_vouchers = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: existing_vouchers = [] voucher_symbols = list(map(lambda symbol: symbol["symbol"], existing_vouchers)) if symbol in voucher_symbols: symbol = symbol + random_ascii voucher_detail.symbol = symbol if master_private_key.startswith("0x"): private_key = master_private_key[2:] else: private_key = master_private_key voucher_detail.owner = private_key # Command to create a voucher publish_token = ( f"ge-publish --private-key {voucher_detail.owner} --json " f"--rpc {rpc} --gas-fee-cap {gas_cap} --chainid {chainId} " f'p erc20 --name "{}" --symbol "{voucher_detail.symbol}"' ) result =, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True) if result.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( result.returncode, publish_token, output=result.stdout, stderr=result.stderr ) output_lines = result.stderr.strip().split("\n") deployment_result = output_lines[1] try: data = json.loads(deployment_result) contract_address = data.get("contract_address", None) voucher_detail.address = contract_address except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print("Error parsing JSON:", e) store_voucher(voucher_detail) # sleep for 5 second to allow chain to sync time.sleep(5) master_address = w3.eth.account.from_key(master_private_key) nonce = w3.eth.get_transaction_count(master_address.address,'pending') # Command to add the token to the token index add_token_to_index = ( f"cast send --private-key {master_private_key} " f"--nonce {nonce} " f"--rpc-url {rpc} " f"{token_index} " f'"add(address)" {contract_address} ' f" --json " ) result2 = add_token_to_index, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True ) if result2.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( result2.returncode, add_token_to_index, output=result2.stdout, stderr=result2.stderr, ) message = f"Voucher {} created with address {contract_address} and symbol {symbol} and added to token index: {token_index}" printMessage(message) return contract_address def voucher_transfer_handler(cmd): voucher_transfer = VoucherTransfer() # Amount to transfer value = cmd.v # Amount to transfer is_custodial_address = False voucher_transfer.amount = value # Token symbol to transfer if str(cmd.a).startswith("NameAgent"): voucher_name = str(cmd.a).split(":")[1] with open("vouchers.json", "r") as file: data = json.load(file) voucher_symbols = list(map(lambda symbol: symbol["symbol"], data)) voucher_address = list(map(lambda address: address["voucher_address"], data)) voucher_decimal = list(map(lambda decimal: decimal["decimals"], data)) if voucher_name in voucher_symbols: index = voucher_symbols.index(voucher_name) voucher_transfer.token_address = voucher_address[index] voucher_transfer.decimals = voucher_decimal[index] elif str(cmd.a).startswith("AddressAgent"): voucher_transfer.token_address = "0x" + str(cmd.a).split(":")[1] else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid command: {cmd.t}. Expected 'NameAgent' or 'AddressAgent'." ) if str(cmd.t).startswith("NameAgent"): key_name = str(cmd.t).split(":")[1] custodial_address = find_custodial_address(key_name) if custodial_address is not None: to = custodial_address voucher_transfer.to_address = to else: store_path = os.path.join("user_store", f"{key_name}.json") with open(store_path, "r") as file: data = json.load(file) acct = w3.eth.account.from_key(data["private_key"]) to = acct.address voucher_transfer.to_address = to elif str(cmd.t).startswith("AddressAgent"): to = "0x" + str(cmd.t).split(":")[1] voucher_transfer.to_address = to else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid command: {cmd.t}. Expected 'NameAgent' or 'AddressAgent'." ) if str(cmd.f).startswith("NameAgent"): key_name = str(cmd.f).split(":")[1] custodial_address = find_custodial_address(key_name) if custodial_address is not None: is_custodial_address = True voucher_transfer.from_address = custodial_address else: store_path = os.path.join("user_store", f"{key_name}.json") with open(store_path, "r") as file: data = json.load(file) from_private_key = data["private_key"] elif str(cmd.f).startswith("AddressAgent"): from_private_key = "0x" + str(cmd.f).split(":")[1] else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid command: {cmd.t}. Expected 'NameAgent' or 'AddressAgent'." ) amount_transfered = value / pow(10, voucher_transfer.decimals) if is_custodial_address: tracking_id = do_custodial_token_transfer(voucher_transfer) if tracking_id is not None: message = f"Transfered {amount_transfered} {voucher_name} to {to} " printMessage(message) return tracking_id else: command = ( f"cast send --private-key {from_private_key} " f"--rpc-url {rpc} " f"{voucher_transfer.token_address} " f'"transfer(address,uint256)" {to} {value}' f" --json " ) result =, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True) if result.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( result.returncode, command, output=result.stdout, stderr=result.stderr ) if result.stderr: raise ValueError(f"Command failed with error: {result.stderr}") data = json.loads(result.stdout) message = f"Transfered {amount_transfered} {voucher_name} to {to} " printMessage(message) return data["transactionHash"] def voucher_mint_handler(cmd): value = cmd.v master_address = w3.eth.account.from_key(master_private_key) nonce = w3.eth.get_transaction_count(master_address.address,'pending') if str(cmd.t).startswith("NameAgent"): key_name = str(cmd.t).split(":")[1] custodial_address = find_custodial_address(key_name) if custodial_address is not None: to = custodial_address else: store_path = os.path.join("user_store", f"{key_name}.json") with open(store_path, "r") as file: data = json.load(file) acct = w3.eth.account.from_key(data["private_key"]) to = acct.address elif str(cmd.t).startswith("AddressAgent"): to = "0x" + str(cmd.t).split(":")[1] else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid command: {cmd.t}. Expected 'NameAgent' or 'AddressAgent'." ) if str(cmd.a).startswith("NameAgent"): voucher_symbol = str(cmd.a).split(":")[1] with open("vouchers.json", "r") as file: data = json.load(file) voucher_symbols = list(map(lambda symbol: symbol["symbol"], data)) voucher_address = list(map(lambda address: address["voucher_address"], data)) voucher_owners = list(map(lambda address: address["owner"], data)) if voucher_symbol in voucher_symbols: index = voucher_symbols.index(voucher_symbol) s = voucher_address[index] privatekey = voucher_owners[index] else: raise ValueError(f"Voucher with symbol {voucher_symbol} was not found") elif str(cmd.a).startswith("AddressAgent"): s = "0x" + str(cmd.a).split(":")[1] else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid command: {cmd.t}. Expected 'NameAgent' or 'AddressAgent'." ) command = ( f"cast send --private-key {privatekey} " f"--rpc-url {rpc} " f"--nonce {nonce} " f" {s} " f'"mintTo(address,uint256)" {to} {value}' f" --json " ) result =, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True) if result.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( result.returncode, command, output=result.stdout, stderr=result.stderr ) if result.stderr: raise ValueError(f"Command failed with error: {result.stderr}") data = json.loads(result.stdout) mint_amount = value / 10**6 message = f"Minted {mint_amount} {voucher_symbol} to :{to}" printMessage(message) return data["transactionHash"] parser = yacc.yacc() running = True class FileGet: def __init__(self, o, fp): self.__running = True self.__o = o self.__f = open(fp, "r") def run(self): while self.__running: v = ifc.get() if v == None: break v = v.strip("\n") if len(v) == 0: break r = parser.parse(v) self.__o.exec(r) def get(self): return self.__f.readline() class WaitGet: def __init__(self, o, *r): self.__running = True self.__o = o self.__f = r # TODO: router copy results in missing keys to sync when closing down def __process(self, f): while self.__running: r =[f], [], []) v = r[0][0].recv() if v == None: break v = v.strip("\n") if len(v) == 0: break r = parser.parse(v) self.__o.exec(r) def run(self): ( fo, fi, ) = Pipe() p = Process(target=self.__process, args=(fo,)) p.start() while self.__running: v = input("> ") if v == "": fi.send(None) break fi.send(v) p.join() logg.debug("waitget run end") if __name__ == "__main__": ifc = None o = Router() o.register(CmdId.KEY_CREATE, key_create_handler) o.register(CmdId.VOUCHER_CREATE, voucher_create_handler) o.register(CmdId.VOUCHER_MINT, voucher_mint_handler) o.register(CmdId.VOUCHER_TRANSFER, voucher_transfer_handler) if len(sys.argv) > 1: ifc = FileGet(o, sys.argv[1]) else: ifc = WaitGet(o, sys.stdin) o.finish()